"Ghost Hunters" type shows and the gospel

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Warning - Heavy smiley use because it's the only way I can easily communicate my feelings on this strange subject...

I can't stand watching these types of shows, how fun is it watching a team of nerds spending their night walking around in the dark looking for something that probably isn't there? Never have I seen a show that I thought "huh, maybe that place IS haunted"...well, until yesterday.

My family and I were visiting my Mom and brothers yesterday and they were watching some hard core extreme ghost hunting show on the chiller channel or syfy or something. We watched 2 episodes - each started with the typical interviews of the owners of the home saying "I see x at y times of the day" and they show pictures of what looks like lens flare off of some spec of dust or something :rolleyes:

So then they do their start of the "investigation" and set up cameras, pretty much wasting 10 minutes of our lives finding nothing. They finally bring in a "psychic" in some sort blindfold and walk her around the house. Again I'm all :rolleyes: as she's saying "I'm getting flashes of a pentagram in this room, and in this room I see specifically an upside down pentagram with a goat in it". Now at this point I'm about to leave the room because I'm bored out of my mind and my eyes are hurting from rolling so much...well they take her into the basement and she starts talking about "seeing" rituals and there's something in this area that is linked to dark spirits and there is more :rolleyes: going on...then they switch to the owner guy and ask him "did you ever do any sort of paganism or satan worship" and he says "yes, I use to be heavily into satan worship and I made a deal with the devil" :eek: :eek: :eek: "the deal was that he would give me 20 years of whatever I wanted and in turn I would give him 20 people converted to stanism" The interviewer asked him what he wanted and if he got it, his response was something along the lines of "you know money, women, protection" and yes, he got it.

So I'm now all :bangcomputer: because this fool actually made a deal with the devil and now he's trying to get out of it and of course there is going to be trouble...anyway, the whole thing reminded me of Cain becoming Master Mahan just sans killing his brother.

Long story short, they did some more waste of time "investigation" and one of the investigators said something like "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to show yourself" :rolleyes: Which I promptly responded to the TV (I don't usually talk to the TV) "No, Jesus Christ would tell him to leave!" The second episode was very similar with the owners also practicing the "dark arts" and now they are in trouble.

They went into more detail about the satan worship which, I'm sad to say I know a little bit of the details as I may have dabbled in some wicca at some point in my youth, as well as having a friend who is very heavily into stuff like that. They detailed a lot of stuff and it was mostly correct (from my little knowledge).

So, as for the Gospel side of this thing. Evil stuff is out there, we're told to not talk about it and to pretty much "ignore it". I believe that if you turn your home into a temple as we are suppose to do then it will keep these evil spirits away. However, if you make your home a haven for evil spirits then it won't exactly be easy to get rid of them.

I hope this post doesn't violate the "don't talk about it" rules...

EDIT - I didn't see that there was a similar thread in the General Discussions sub-forum - I guess the mods can feel free to merge this post into that one if it should be

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Keep in mind folks: entertainment is the most effective form of mass propaganda - which is an alternate term for “Brainwashing”. Joseph Goebbels (consider a leading expert in propaganda and brainwashing) stated in essence, “anything that a person will laugh at - they will eventually embrace”. For this reason the “Prophets” have recommended often that we learn to enjoy “wholesome”, chaste, virtuous and uplifting entertainment.

The Traveler

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I find these shows mildy entertaining "brain candy." I listen to a lot of podcasts at work of what I call "kook radio." They fall into the paranormal brain candy category. I do believe that there is something to many of these sorts of encounters. I believe the source of these encounters is satan and his minions, and their agenda in these displays can vary from deception to distraction to invitation to darker things. There was a time when I wanted to participate in these "hunts". I wanted to know how much of it was real and how much faked by the investigators. I never did go out, mostly because I did not think a priesthood holder should be choosing to deliberately go out and interact (potentially) with the powers of darkness.

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Guest FixingTheWrongs

What the heck is up with 3 ghost threads in 2 days?

Thinking the same thing. :D

The stores will be putting out Halloween candy in a few weeks so it is about time to get in the Halloween spirit.

A comment on the original topic. I wonder just how much of these shows are staged. That guy said he did those things, but how do you know he(and the psyhcic) wasn't paid a few thousand dollars to use his creepy basement, that up until this point was only used for storage, and say a few things to make the show entertaining.

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I actually meant to say something about that, but I forgot as I was typing and watching a movie at the same time.

I do know they got some things right, again I don't want to go into detail as I try not to think about it. I also know that the only people I know who have problems with spirits and haunting and whatnot all dabble in some sort of wicca/witchcraft.

I have personally witnessed instances of supernatural things occurring at their homes such as items levitating or things flying around the kitchen (whatever it was hated the kitchen). I actually lived in the haunted local for a month while I was transitioning to a new city where I saw the majority of the weird stuff.

I mostly was intrigued by this because of the dealmaking that the guy did - just like Cain became Master Mahan. I know people are still making deals with the devil, who knows what they are selling or getting, but no good can come of it.

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I replied on the other 'Ghost Show' thread but I would like to put something different on this one. One of my most uncomfortable experiences with going to one of my friends churches (not lds) was at a youth night when the leader started talking about the supernatural and how to avoid devils and demons, I felt emotionally empty and scared inside after.

Although some might find this intriguing, members do not need to waste anytime thinking or focusing on this if they are living gospel standards. To go on and on about this kind of stuff drives aways the spirit and has the opposite effect!

The gospel teaches us what we as members need to know. I think members are always looking for something more 'juicy' and complicated. I think the key is to focus on gospel basics, and try to uplift each other then try to scare each other and conger up feelings of fear.

Yes there is supernatural stuff out there, is it our place to entertain it? Nope, not at all.

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I dunno his status, but Grant from Ghost Hunters is LDS.

Ghost hunters may have some potential.. they had some interesting footage every once in a great while, but no way to tell if it was staged or not so i consider the show more or less dramatic entertainment rather than documentary.

And they rely way too much on evp.

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I find shows like this to be appalling, and it's beyond appalling to learn that Wilson is (allegedly) LDS.

To mock something as sacred as spirits and by extension the spirit world is insulting, and shows such as this cannot be dismissed as entertainment. It goes without saying that these shows are fake. Although I am in no position to say with certainty what Heavenly Father would or would not allow, it's my personal belief he would not allow the unveiling of spirits and the spirit world for cheap commercial entertainment value.

Gospel Principles Chapter 41: The Postmortal Spirit World

We are taught that the spirit world is not far from us. Ezra Taft Benson said as much: "Sometimes the veil between this life and the life beyond becomes very thin. Our loved ones who have passed on are not far from us." Brigham Young instructed that the spirit world is here on earth. Thus, it is possible to explain the presence of "ghosts" in the sense that these nonsense shows try to sell as reality, but again, I find it implausible that Heavenly Father would allow these sacred things to be unveiled by trash TV. Thus, they are fiction.

The theories of these "ghost hunters" and "paranormal societies" are beyond silly. They would have you believe in EVP and they would have you believe they can record sounds from so-called "ghosts" taking part in events of the past (a local paranormal society in New Jersey posted such an alleged sound file, purported to be from the Civil War, I believe, on their website). My point is this: they make their living providing an entertainment product. Cheap, unrighteous entertainment, but entertainment nonetheless. I do not believe that it is possible for anything they "reveal" to be true.

With all that said, we all have our moral agency as to which shows to watch. If you can watch a show like this, even when imagining a General Authority sitting next to you, then rock on.

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