Chinese girl dies


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Chinese toddler dies a week after being hit by cars, ignored by passersby -

I'm not sure how many of you saw the video going around facebook of the 2 year old run down and people just walking by as she laid in the street bleeding. Just hard to understand the apathy in this situation.

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Chinese toddler dies a week after being hit by cars, ignored by passersby -

I'm not sure how many of you saw the video going around facebook of the 2 year old run down and people just walking by as she laid in the street bleeding. Just hard to understand the apathy in this situation.

Seems like there was a court ruling, that rightly or wrongly, is being pointed to as part of the reason for the apathy. Seems there is a fear of liability based on the aforementioned court ruling. Here is an article that discusses it: ‘Nanjing Judge’ Blamed for Apathy in Toddler’s Hit and Run - ABC News While I like to think one would say, "Darn the torpedoes, full speed ahead." It's easy to understand how fear of liability would tend to cool the desire to help.

Edited by Dravin
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I couldnt even read the story let alone watch the video. She is in a happy place now but its sad she did not find the love and care she deserved here on this earth. It is beyond my understanding why she did not.

I watched this video with total disbelief! I had emotions raging through me that brought me to my knees in prayer and asking forgiveness for my feelings. Through prayer and a clearer understanding I now feel that China is a country that has suffered atrocities that we can't even imagine....through a ruthless dictator, millions of people have been slaughtered and threatened to the point that they would feel desensitized to all around them.

I pray that one day they will be free of communist rulers and will have the opportunity to hear the truthfulness of the Gospel by wonderful missionaries and find a loving Heavenly Father and His beloved Son who will bring them to the light and onto the right path.

When it showed footage of the toddler's mother in tears of agony I felt her pain and sorrow and I believe this little girl was loved by her family....she is now in a better place, safe in the loving arms of her Savior!

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Well, if you think that is shocking maybe you feel the way I do when the story broke of the Chinese Apple iPhone workers committing suicide thirteen times.

What in the heck does this have to do with the subject of this thread? And how do you commit suicide 13 times? Seems like once is enough. :lol:

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In psychology, it's called the Bystander Effect.

Bystander Effect - What is the Bystander Effect

I can't accept that this is what happened in this case. For starters, people were passing the toddler individually - they generally weren't in groups or in view of others as they passed. Most people appeared to see her, but ignored her anyway, not even stopping for an initial check.

Secondly, she was a 2 year old girl. While I can think of less serious reasons for an old man lying in the gutter, I can't think of anything less than serious for a toddler lying in the gutter on her back.

I suspect Dravin has a more accurate reason, it's a lot like this in India, where road traffic accidents are far more common than what we see in the western world.

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It has a lot to do with it - CHINA. More precise - Communist China.

No it has to do with you bringing this subject up again and finding a venue that you feel it fits into. We were talking about an innocent 2 year old. Not adults in a factory.

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Um guys, this isn't a problem that is confined to China. There have been a lot of cases here in the US where people who needed medical help, or were hit by cars, have been ignored. I can't find it, but I remember a video of a gal in CA who had a seizure at the pump at a gas station, and people were actually stepping over her body to use the gas pump and not helping her. There was another case:

warning: video shows actual hit at 00:21 seconds in... after that you see his body laying in the street while people walk by. Hit-and-run accident; victim ignored - YouTube "This shocking video released by the Hartford Police Department shows how a man is struck by a car. Witnesses took no efforts to save this man until a police car, en-route to another emergency, came across the guy. No-one bothered to call 911."

Here's another interesting video, it also mentions the above case, but mentions several others as well... it is about a man who tried to stop a mugging, was stabbed himself and lay bleeding and dying on the side walk for over an hour while people walked by, one took pictures but ignored him.

In this old case

Kitty Genovese was killed while 38 neighbors watched out their windows, her attacker left twice then came back to rape and then stab her again. She died.

American society isn't any more vigilant in this than the Chinese.

I found another video (much too graphic) about a policeman in India who was hacked and lay bleeding in the middle of a state highway, while probably a hundred people, including the health minister for the country and his convoy, milled around and watched. He begs for help as he lays bleeding to death, reaching out to people who are less than 3 feet away from him. It is truly horrible.

This is all just a reminder for us to be better citizens and make sure that we respond when help is needed. I was on an ambulance service for 5 years, and I think that has made me more sensitive to emergency situations. I was working in an office type environment when I heard a loud crash and a cry. I jumped up from my desk and ran as fast as i could to help whoever needed help (a lady had a loaded file cabnet on a trolley and dropped it, she was okay). But the thing that amazed me was that in an office full of people no one else even moved. They all looked, but no one moved to help! My co-worker commented afterward, "Wow. I've never seen you move so fast!". In my opinion, EVERYONE should have jumped up and ran to help. I don't understand why people don't. I guess people are hesitant to get into situations where they don't know what to do.

This is a SAFE, interesting video on the bystander effect...

Edited by sister_in_faith
found another video!
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Um.. Yeh. Disregard for life happens all over the world but my reaction would be the same. Doesn't matter if it's a 16 year old girl abducted & missing in my neck of the woods, or a 2 year old left to die in China. It's heartbreaking that someone wasn't there for these kids. Not even ONE when they needed it most.

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This is a tragedy, what happened to this girl.

I've decided, Hoosier, that you're correct. Obviously, I don't know anything about China or the plight of the workers there. If this is something like the old 'work for credit' thing that Mining companies in the US did, then this should be stopped.

Since I obviously don't know that that's the case, I can't do anything about it. You should go to China and help organize unions. You're obviously passionate about this and not simply seeking attention. Go do something about it. Make a difference.

It has a lot to do with it - CHINA. More precise - Communist China.

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I agree. It doesn't happen just in China. It's not just a China issue.

Well, I don't know enough about China to intelligently comment on it. Why can't people working at Apple simply quit? Why do they have to commit suicide?

I don't know if they're being held at gunpoint, or if their children are being held hostage, or what the case is. Since Hoosier has done so much more research on this than I have and he's saying that people who should ostensibly be able to quit their jobs are committing suicide to escape Apple's iron fist, and that this is comparable to a little girl being hit by a car and being left to die, I have to encourage him to follow his conscience.

If he honestly believes these workers have no alternative but to commit suicide, then I encourage him to follow what he knows to be true and change things. He should go to China and bring hope to the lower class there. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming this isn't simply an attempt to get attention.

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I have to appologize because my earlier posts were in reaction to the feelings that this could have been due to it happening in China. I wanted everyone to have their sensitivity level increase because it happens here too!

I want to comment on the original story. I breaks my heart, and seeing that little girl's hands come up to shield her from the oncoming vehicle literally made tears come to my eyes.

I am more upset with the bleeeep bleep bleeeepppp bleeping bleep driver <edited by poster so the moderators didn't have to do it... you are welcome!> ;) who didn't see her in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, and then after hitting her, DIDN'T STOP. THAT pisses me off. In any case, it is a tragedy, and my heart goes out to the family! UGH!

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