Who is the most gullible person you know?


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We convinced a coworker that another coworker has peg legs. She asked how it is that he has hair on his legs. We told her that he uses seeds (like the chia pets) to grow manly hair on his legs. He does have leg issues from birth and it does look from the outside of pants like he might have peg legs. :)

We also convinced her that this same coworker is the Mexican Jared for Subway. He's from Mexico and used to be quite heavy and lost a lot of weight. She said, "Oh yes, I think I remember you from Mexico." She is from Mexico as well.

She would believe any story that we told her.

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A kid from where my husband and I worked and met was very gullible. He was very sweet but...... My husband, evil person!, put some super glue on the kids fingers and stuck them together. (back when super glue was new). He tried and tried for hours to get them apart then came back to ask how to get it off. Ken, the rat, told him to use hot water so of course he did. Finally Ken put some solvent on it and separated the fingers.

When I was a kid my cousins used to come visit and stay over night. My bedroom had tiny holes to the outside so that when the wind blew it sounded... very eerie. We had the one totally convinced it was a ghost. I am not sure but that she still thinks it was.

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We convinced a coworker that another coworker has peg legs. She asked how it is that he has hair on his legs. We told her that he uses seeds (like the chia pets) to grow manly hair on his legs. .

Thanks Pam! This information is a perfect answer for my question in another section on what to do with Chia seeds! I'm so glad you informed me of this! :D

At Scout Camp during YW camp, we would sometimes put extensions cords in bushes and outlet covers on trees. ...every now and then, someone would attempt to use an electronic hair tool. We also got sick of the constant line at the solitary female bathroom (it became far more disgusting than any kybo because we couldn't get in to clean it), so in the middle of the night we taped an "out of order" sign to the door. A leader finally asked our boss when the bathroom would be up and running. We observed our boss go into the bathroom... then leave, the sign still remaining. We hadn't even locked the bathroom and it was clearly running fine.

But the best one...

My husband tells of a story where at a geology student dig, they placed a note for a rather gullible fellow student to find... that claimed to herself writing to her from the future by sending the note into the ancient past for the present her to find.

And apparently she believed it for a couple of days.

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You used the word KYBO!!! That just brings a tear to my eye. Your hubby is so lucky ^_^


Go up to a person and say: "Did you know that they took the word 'Gullible' out of the dictionary?" When the say "really, I didn't know that" just look at them and wait for it to sink in. Just funny as heck.

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Thanks Pam! This information is a perfect answer for my question in another section on what to do with Chia seeds! I'm so glad you informed me of this! :D

That's actually what made me think of starting this thread.

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You used the word KYBO!!! That just brings a tear to my eye. Your hubby is so lucky ^_^


Go up to a person and say: "Did you know that they took the word 'Gullible' out of the dictionary?" When the say "really, I didn't know that" just look at them and wait for it to sink in. Just funny as heck.

just did that to my husband. lol. i am still laughing!

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just did that to my husband. lol. i am still laughing!

Man I just tried it on both my sons. It didn't work. One just said "whatever" and the other said "Like I would be gullible enough to believe that."

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I bet it would work on my daughter though. She really is a blonde. No offense to all the blondes out there. :)

I had a leader when I was in young women's who very well could have been the source of blonde jokes. :P She was extremely gullible and BLONDE. Her husband told her the blonde joke where the blonde is staring at the can of orange juice because it said "concentrate"... and she didn't get it.... and stared at her own can of orange juice for a while...

If I'd had the same cruel humor I have now when I was younger, I probably would have pulled a lot of pranks on her due to her extreme gullability.

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

Go up to a person and say: "Did you know that they took the word 'Gullible' out of the dictionary?" When the say "really, I didn't know that" just look at them and wait for it to sink in. Just funny as heck.

I remember seeing this about a week ago on a random site and wondering why they would do that. I just now figured it out. :rolleyes:

In my defense, it wasn't put in the context of a joke, but a statement about a word being taken out of the dictionary that just happened to be "gullible"...

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My roommates boyfriend. He's here all the time and at this point hes practically my brother. My roommate doesn't treat him like I think she should and when he's over will try to cozy up and spend time with me. It's a bit annoying because its like he's ignoring her. -.- Anyways.

We went to devotional with him and we were waiting for like 15 mins and convinced him my german roommate was getting married to a guy in germany and he was flying out here to propose ect. And, I pulled out a peice of paper and started planning the wedding shower. And, I started saying how he should give her a blender and i'll give her a toaster ect. xD.

So gullible.

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My professor (who is LDS btw) caught our class not once but twice with an elaborate story. The first one was about how he stepped on a crocodile, the second about a lady trying to let him pick up her tab at Target.

He spun both tails wonderfully in a believable way and ended with some variant of, "and then I pulled her leg, just like I'm pulling yours."

Our whole class won't believe a story he tells now.

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Yeah, I hope you people are all happy with all the stuff you've pulled on us gullible people. I have entered my fifth decade of enduring y'alls guffaws and being the target. I have this bizzare deformity of character, where I tend to trust the good people in my life. It's caused me nothing but grief.

As I look back over the years, probably the biggest reason I ever bothered trying to be smart, was so I could see these zingers coming my way and avoid the embarassment.

Good thing I'm having lunch with my wife soon, cuz now I need a hug. :snow:

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Huh, I didn't know we could talk about people who voted for change in the last election. As far as I know political discussion is still forbidden.

It's that silent period after they answer, where they finally comprehend what they just thought and said ... that makes it so satisfying.

Three years later and john doe is still in the silent period. :D

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Yeah, I hope you people are all happy with all the stuff you've pulled on us gullible people. I have entered my fifth decade of enduring y'alls guffaws and being the target. I have this bizzare deformity of character, where I tend to trust the good people in my life. It's caused me nothing but grief.

As I look back over the years, probably the biggest reason I ever bothered trying to be smart, was so I could see these zingers coming my way and avoid the embarassment.

Good thing I'm having lunch with my wife soon, cuz now I need a hug. :snow:

Aw, LM that sucks. :(

I think, though, that there is a major difference between a good-hearted "gullible joke" and a cruel prank or teasing. See, I think it is only a good gullible joke if the person you are pulling it on- at some point- catches on and has a good laugh with you about it. If it is hurtful and makes them feel like less of a person, it is teasing. And if they simply never understand what is going on and so cannot join in on the joke (you are laughing AT them instead of WITH them) it is a very cruel prank.

For instance, I will never, NEVER, pull a gullible joke on my younger brother. Why? Because he is autistic and simply does not understand the jokes. When I was little, I used to do the "what's that?" prank where you point to something on their shirt that isn't there and then flick them when they look down... He never comprehended what the joke was supposed to be and would ask me to do it to him over and over again because he thought the flicking was funny. When I realized how over-the-head the joke was for him, I felt horrible and have never again done anything to take advantage of his "gullibility".

However, I WILL pull jokes like this on a couple of my friends that take a little time to process things sometimes and are a bit "gullible". They know it is all in good fun and will pull pranks on me in return. It's like a mini-contest of sorts, trying to outmaneuver one another with our jokes. If a joke ever really hurt someones feelings we would apologize profusely and refrain from such jokes again.

In my eyes, it's only funny if EVERYONE is laughing. Jokes that simply make fun of others aren't really funny at all.

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You know how your ex is an ex for a reason? Well, one of the major reasons why my ex-husband is my ex was that he's the most gullible person I know. He's basically the reason we get those Nigerian scam e-mails on occasion. If he didn't show me that e-mail from a Nigerian wanting his information to "wire" money for "safekeeping" I wouldn't have been able to talk him out of basically giving his money away to a scam. I also later found out that he had gotten involved with just about every MLM scheme out there, since he wanted to be rich, but didn't want to actually work hard at anything. My credit rating has finally been fixed because of my ex-husband destroying it.

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