The Hobbit trailer


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I don't often weep with joy:

The Hobbit Trailer

I remember back in the '80's, reading Tolkein and hoping that I'd someday see the day when they got good enough at making movies to do justice to his books.

Jackson's attempt at the trilogy was great. I would joke that we timed the birth of our kids to make it possible for us to go see the movies without newborns. Let's keep our fingers crossed for four in a row.


(Look at that - goosebumps from the trailer!)

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I credit "The Hobbit" with helping me get better grades. In 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade, I was getting horrible grades/scores on everything. My reading teacher suggested I read "The Hobbit" in 6th grade. I could not put it down. It was the first time I found the magic of reading. It was so cool to see images in my head as I read. It was like a movie in my head. All my grades went up to straight A's because you can see everything in reading (spelling, grammar, sequences, etc). Now it will be a movie from Jackson!!! So excited!!

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I remember how excited I was when they first announced the LotR movies. Would've preferred to see The Hobbit done first, to provide the setup for LotR, but I can see why they did LotR first, as it would appeal to a larger audience (IMO). The Silmarillion is a potential gold mine for making multiple movies!

Your remark about timing the birth of your kids just right reminded me of a podcast I listened to this morning about "Should it be hard to be a geek?" (from PopStuff, at How Stuff Works). One of the ladies doing the podcast reminisced about when the first Star Wars movie came out. It came out on her birthday, and she said that for about seven months, she was convinced her parents had had the movie made just for her! (Because it was expensive to make, she figured they had to allow it to be shown in theaters to defray the costs!) :lol:

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Though (and now for the grumbles) I hope they've kept it true to the book. Much as I love the visual aspects of Peter Jackson's LoTR movies, I was constantly irritated by the unnecessary alterations to the story. I'm not talking about leaving Bombadil out - that was inevitable - I mean Aragorn seeming to die and then coming back. Why was Minas Tirith surrounded by rough prairie instead of farmland - What did the people of the city eat for goodness sake? The meeting with Treebeard was totally different from how it was in the book, and why wasn't Sam present in the Mirror of Galadriel scene? (His reaction to Galadriel's visions is one of the most poignant moments in the story, and it was totally wasted.) Then there was the touching dialogue between Frodo and Sam when they were climbing the mountains into Mordor - about how their adventures would be viewed as a tale. Instead we saw a ridiculous scene in which Gollum frames Sam for stealing rations - and Frodo believes him! I could go on complaining for hours....

They'd have done far better to have used the script of Brian Sibley's radio play from the 1980's which, though it did have a few changes from the book, was much more sensitive to the spirit of the original.

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  • 11 months later...

Anybody gone to see "The Hobbit" movie yet? If so, what are your thoughts on it?

Saw it.

I'll open a new thread... so that you can keep on discussing Hobbit things without risking coming upon spoilers.

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