Question about a new policy


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I haven't been on for a LONG time and need the long time active members to answer this!!

I have a dear friend who recently got married and her husband is a new member. They are under the impression that even though she doesn't work outside the home she is still supposed to fill out a tithing slip that says ZERO. HAs anyone heard of this????

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I've never heard that. But that might be the way her Bishop is doing things? The person they need to ask is their Bishop.

You don't need a slip of paper to declare whether or not you're a full tithe payer. Usually is a verbal communication with the Bishop at Tithing Settlement at the end of the year.

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Welcome back Georgia2 -

Never heard of that either. What is the husbands money is hers, they are now an Entity.

What I have done is I made Return address stickers on a sheet with Brother & Sister Member; Mailing Address; City,State Zip. I use three per tithing slip/envelope. One on the envelope, one on the white copy and one on the yellow copy.

I can not write small enough to get our names & address in the space provided.

Even when I worked and my money was added to his money, it is OUR money and OUR tithing.

Why waste the tithing slip & envelope and the ink to write on it for a Zero??? Makes no sense what so ever.

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Thanks guys~ ! I agree with all the answers. Problem is this info IS from their branch pres. Other very questionable things have been told to them and it bothers me GREATLY because of the newness of the convert and how vulnerable they are. I can't put other comments they have been told due to confidentiality.

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If they're having problems with their branch president's policies, they can always confirm with the stake president. Maybe they should make an appointment to chat through things with him.

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The branch president may need some training from the stake president. It wouldn't hurt for this couple to talk to the stake president about the issues. They can clear things up with him and that allows the stake president to do some needed training.

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It sounds also like a good opportunity to teach new converts what it means to be supportive and what sustaining means. Hint: it doesn't mean we sustain someone only when we agree with that person(s) or think they are doing a good job.

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Filling out a tithing slip and putting "zero" is ridiculous nonsense. But if that's what the branch president wants, I don't see the harm in it.

100% agree. I used to be an assistant finance clerk and had to open the envelopes, reconcile the slips, and enter all the data into the Church's computer system. I never saw anyone submit a blank slip, would have been bewildered if anyone had tried it, and can't fathom why the branch president would want it.

But maybe the branch is doing some funky accounting thing. I'd play along as long as this guy's the Branch President and just bring a zeroed-out tithing slip to tithing settlement each year, and quit doing it when he gets released.

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Filling out a tithing slip and putting "zero" is ridiculous nonsense. But if that's what the branch president wants, I don't see the harm in it.

Actually, I do see harm in it. A branch president making ridiculous requests and expecting you to comply could be a case of exercising unrightous dominion. Hopefully the guy just doesn't understand and needs to be gently corrected, but church leaders shouldn't go around making up rules and making nonsensical requests that have no purpose.

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Actually, I do see harm in it. A branch president making ridiculous requests and expecting you to comply could be a case of exercising unrightous dominion. Hopefully the guy just doesn't understand and needs to be gently corrected, but church leaders shouldn't go around making up rules and making nonsensical requests that have no purpose.

Bishops and branch presidents have a very tough job. If they want to try a few things to make their lives easier, I have no problem with that. I covenanted to sustain them in their callings, and if they think it will make their lives easier to submit a tithing slip that says "$0", I have no problem with that. And I don't think anyone else should have a problem with such a simple and innocent request, either.

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I would bring it up as a question to the stake president next time you see him, or possibly to a member of the high council if they are visiting there is nothing wrong with asking questions. It could go like, "Hey I had a question about paying my tithing, in my ward/branch I've been told by my Bishop/branch president that I need turn in slip with 0 marked on it even if I didn't make any money, I've never heard of that in other places I lived so I'm sort of confused about it, do I need to be turning in basically blank donation slips?" It doesn't mean you don't support your Branch president, it just means you trying to clear up something that seems confusing or contradictory to you.

While the Bishop or branch president presides over their unit and there may be some reason for some policy they have you aren't aware of; they are just men and make mistakes. Some don't have a lot of leadership experience or don't have a full understanding of certain adminstrative aspects of the church when they are called. On the flip side, sometimes they may have a lot of experience in the church but have some usual way of doing things because that is the way they learned how 40 years ago even if that isn't how it is done these days.

I have served as both a ward clerk and a ward financial clerk and can assure you that I don't know of any reason to hand in donation slips with 0 marked on it. Especially if you are married, your donations are basically considered as a couple. I would assume it is some sort of misunderstanding by your Branch President and ask your stake leaders about it to make sure.

Anecdotally, on my mission I did serve in a fairly isolated branch that was moved from one stake to another just before I got there. There were some things that were a little different, not necessairily wrong, but definitely different about that branch. Among the full-time missionaries it was definitely known for providing some interesting stories. Most of the priesthood leaders: the branch president, couselors, elders quroum president etc had live in that town for decades while most everyone else only lived there for a couple of years at most before moving somewhere else. So the branch had the same 4 or 5 people in the leadership positions for a few decades (from what I know 2 or 3 men alternated turns being branch president every 5 or 6 years for 20 or 30 years) and it seemed like they got in the habit of sort doing some things their own sort of way and I don't think they had many visits from the stake leadership in the previous stake. But their new stake was a little closer to them and it seemed like by the time I left that area there was stake leader visiting that branch nearly every week providing some needed training. The branch leadership wasn't released or scolded publicly, the stake was just trying to make sure they were on the same page as the rest of the church.

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I think that even though it comes out to very little money, that a tithing slip is paid for by tithing and if a whole ward or branch is doing this, that is a waste of money. That's what I think.....

That would be my only concern with such a request (the actual act of filling out the form doesn't bother me), it is using up resources. If it really concerned me I'd take the Branch President aside (or a counselor assuming he has some) and voice my concern and then let it drop.

Edited by Dravin
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I appreciate all your responses!

THe thing that I also see that no one else has brought up is the the emphasis the church has on raising the children and how important it is. On the other hand the worldly attitude is that a woman not working is wasting their talents and basically not contributing if she doesn't earn a paycheck.. It seems very insulting and degrading to ask a woman to fill out a tithing slip every week that says ZERO. THey were told HE had to have his OWN check with his OWN name on it with HIS OWN tithing in it. He's not too good on financial things and they just married so it has been on her account because she hasn't changed it over yet. It really upset her and I can SEE WHY because I felt the same way! She's stuck between what she feels to be right and what her husband has asked "not to stir anything up" I just think it's WRONG !! My husband has served in BIshoprics and as financial clerk and he agrees. BUT the new member is the one is at risk!!!

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Actually, I do see harm in it. A branch president making ridiculous requests and expecting you to comply could be a case of exercising unrightous dominion. Hopefully the guy just doesn't understand and needs to be gently corrected, but church leaders shouldn't go around making up rules and making nonsensical requests that have no purpose.

I don't know about "unrighteous dominion". "Misguided dominion" maybe....

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It seems very insulting and degrading to ask a woman to fill out a tithing slip every week that says ZERO.

Every week? You sure about that?

If so, that seems like overkill and I sympathize with the situation a bit more.

THey were told HE had to have his OWN check with his OWN name on it with HIS OWN tithing in it.

This, I don't have a problem with. The Church's computer system tracks donations by the individual, not the household. Each spouse will get their own statement at the end of each year, and I think those figures are based on whose name was on which donation slip. If you itemize deductions and you get audited, that statement will have to go to the IRS; so it's in the payer's interest to have the tithing slip reflect the name of the person who actually earned the income. I can also understand a bishopric's taking a hard-line on this issue for internal accounting reasons; though my own ward bishopric never has (I'm in a single-income household and my wife and I get pretty sloppy about our tithing slips. Not a tax issue for us to date, since we don't itemize).

Is there any chance this whole thing is a miscommunication?

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We put both our names on each tithing slip. We both work full time. I have no problem with the fact that at the end of the year it all comes back with his name on it. We file taxes jointly so who cares? I know we are both full tith payers, so it's not a big deal to me who's name is on it. I know that when it is turned into the bishop, both our names are on it. I just don't want to write two checks and wastes two tithing slips. It makes no difference to my life if it comes back at tithing settlement with his name on it. None at all.

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The Church's computer system tracks donations by the individual, not the household. Each spouse will get their own statement at the end of each year, and I think those figures are based on whose name was on which donation slip.

Huh. If I recall correctly, Sister Vort and I always get a single statement with both our names.

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