How important is scripture study?


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How important is the information we get from scripture? Let me ask this question in another way. How accurate is scripture?

Historically - those that hold to scripture over all others sources of information - have they proven to be at the vanguard of enlightenment, innovation and expansion of human knowledge? Or have they been reluctantly bringing up the rear?

Thoughts? Can you give some specific examples?

The Traveler

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I can't answer your questions. All I can do is say what Scripture has been to me in my life.

When I read and study regularly life goes better than when I don't. I've stopped counting the times I've had a questions or have been troubled about something in life and I find the answer in scripture. I truly believe that Heavenly Father talks to us through the Scriptures.

When I don't read and study regularly then I become depressed and life doesn't go as well. There seems to be more problems and I'm less and less able to cope with whatever comes up. I find myself often in a "stupor of thought" over insignificant, daily things when I don't make Scripture study a priority.

I'm trying to repent right now. I've let myself be distracted by daily life with a 4yo and I haven't read, studied and pondered the scriptures as I should. There are weeks when I haven't even picked them up except to take to them to church. The longer this goes on the worse I feel in every way. I decided this week will be my last lazy week. There is nothing more important to me that my Heavenly Father. Everyone and everything else is enhanced when I'm led by His words. So... I'm getting back to doing what I know I should have been doing all along.

On that note:

How important is the information we get from scripture?

Extremely important if we believe in God and His promises.

Let me ask this question in another way. How accurate is scripture?

I can't speak for the world, but for me they are very accurate and teach life lessons we need, especially in our time.

Any examples I can give are very personal. I'm can't share them here.

I hope someone else can answer your questions. All I can give you is my opinions.

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An odd post as the majority that will respond are encouraged to be guilty if they don't read.

Scripture is only as accurate as the author's state of mind and then we multiply that by translation, anecdotes, time, interpretation and a host of other variables. What we have, is just that, a method of communication that is inherently flawed. People may say that some of it is God's word, thereby inferring that any original thought is heresy, yet they forget that God didn't write any of the scriptures.

The discipline of scripture study is far more important than direct translations as it is a daily reminder of the values that encouraged us to read scripture in the first place. Constitutionally speaking, the scripures are important for it is a codefied basis for religious structure.

That being said, I can remember when I made a comment at a conference that shocked my friends. I pointed out that the scriptures are just books and at that point, I was considered dangerous until I followed up by stating that you do not take books with you into the next life, rather, you take relationships. I expanded further by pointing out that your relationship with your family and yourself is why we are here. The reaction I got was one of dazed expressions as if I had just exploded their brains.

My main point is that what is considered scripture is just a variable in our journey and in my soon to be disputed opinion, I believe that there is an actual world beyond its pages.

Edited by Praetorian_Brow
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How important is the information we get from scripture?

Pretty important... we know that with out the scriptures nations fell away.

How accurate is scripture?

Enough to get us back to our Heavenly Father, or enough to Save us.

The Scriptures are Knowledge of Gods Plan! That isn't to say that is all the Knowledge, but is the start of the Knowledge we need.

We take all true knowledge (can there be any other kind...) with the scriptures.

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The value I find in the scriptures goes beyond their intellectual and historical importance. When I read, the spirit of the Lord attends me....teaching me in precious and personal ways. There isn't any other activity that I know of that produces such important transcendant tutorials.

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Scripture is both historical and allegorical and definitely a vanguard of enlightenment. The first two books of the Book of Mormon written by Nephi alone are a true road map to coming unto Christ (calling and election/Second Comforter) in this life, which is the entire purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His atonement.


1 Nephi 3:7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.


2 Nephi 32:6 Behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and there will be no more doctrine given until after he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh. And when he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh, the things which he shall say unto you shall ye observe to do...

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I often think of scripture study as a form of meditation. I like the ritual, I like how it makes me feel, and I do feel I find answers to problems in it--at least inspiration. I don't know if I would place scripture as the ultimate source of knowledge--I place that with God and His prophets.

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We are all endowed with the capability to know just as much as the prophets. God is no respector of persons and desires us all to be brought back into His presence. It is our privilege to receive gifts, ministering of angels and the Second Comforter and to know the mysteries of God, learning line upon line, precept upon precept. We have but to knock. It's not an easy path, but it has been given to us to follow. It simply requires faith, action, diligence and single purpose of heart. When we see Him, we shall see Him as He is because we will be like Him. When it happens and how long it takes is totally up to us. His hand is stretched out to us all the day long.

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How important is the information we get from scripture? Let me ask this question in another way. How accurate is scripture?

The importance of scripture, the informatin it provides, depends on which looking glass a person is filtering their knowledge through.

If the looking glass is "intelligence" as defined within D&C 93: 36,

The Glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth.

Then, the knowledge obtained via scripture study, is the only source by which we understand the Glory of God, or light and truth --- light because it is discernable --- truth because it is eternal.

A man or woman will not be able to gain "intelligence" as defined in D&C 93: 36, unless, they open the pages which introduce humankind to the glory of God.

If the looking glass is "historically", as pertaining to the origin of man, I would personally say there is some relevance, however due to the phantasmagoric transition from one important person to the next there is a lot of information left out and people are left to their own devices to understand what really happened (Yet, this is why we have a prophet, to fill in the gaps within certain time periods).

For example, in a previous post an individual mentioned "The Watchers", their fallen state, etc... Yet, the information provided surely doesn't provide a detailed description of who they are, why they fell, etc... Thus trying to give an accurate history lesson on "The Watchers" will be left to interpretation by historians or theologians. Then the questions will be asked, "How accurate is their interpretation regarding the evidences they present as factual?"

Historically - those that hold to scripture over all others sources of information - have they proven to be at the vanguard of enlightenment, innovation and expansion of human knowledge? Or have they been reluctantly bringing up the rear?

Thoughts? Can you give some specific examples?

I am reminded of a quote I once read, "Religion and Science do not disagree, it is the theories of religion and the theories of science which disagree (paraphrased)."

The city of Enoch were a people who held to scripture above all other sources, and their enlightenment was beyond what we know today. Yet, I don't believe they were a nation which feared other types of knowledge.

Those who hold only onto the scriptures though while fearing other methods to gain knowlede, will always be holding up the rear. Example, the Christian sect, which likes to picket and hold up signs at a military personel's funeral. Their is no innovation their except for deciding which color to use on their next sign.

If a person's looking glass is "intelligence" then historically they will always be a people with more enlightenment, more innovation, and expansion for the human race. For example, people who hold onto the scripture will embrace all forms of learning, i.e. scientific method, especially if this method leads to truth.

A good idea would be the TV, which was engineered or patented by a LDS member. As a result of the TV, we now have computers, mobile devices, etc...

This is of course written via my "looking glass".

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If you are not reading scriptures, where is your mind going, and how important is it that your mind learns the ways of the Lord?

LDS Prophet David O. McKay declared: "Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny."

The prophet Spencer W. Kimball wrote: "A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts."

President Kimball again: "How could a person possibly become what he is not thinking? Nor is any thought, when persistently entertained, too small to have its effect. The divinity that shapes our ends is indeed ourselves."

I feel that no scientist or scholar can give you the spirit and the desire to do good that can come by reading the scriptures consistantly.

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How important is the information we get from scripture? Let me ask this question in another way. How accurate is scripture?

Historically - those that hold to scripture over all others sources of information - have they proven to be at the vanguard of enlightenment, innovation and expansion of human knowledge? Or have they been reluctantly bringing up the rear?

Thoughts? Can you give some specific examples?

The Traveler

The information obtainable from scripture is priceless since it can lead to personal answers relevant to our life on earth and ultimately to a knowledge of God and the afterlife.

Historical accuracy will always take a backseat to spiritual accuracy. Therefore, those who hold to the necessity for the historical accuracy of the scriptures are not the vanguards of enlightenment. They miss the primary lesson of all scripture, which is future spiritual fulfillment.

I am sure there are more examples of scriptural interpretations leading to failures in innovative thought and the expansion of human intelligence than there are examples of such leadings. What comes to mind is the Catholic church's claim of Galileo's heresy, the Protestant's claim in opposition to evolution leading to today's theory of intelligent design, or the fundamentalist's claim that dinosaurs lived in the time of Adam and Eve.

Religious authority has historically proven itself unenlightened and impotent in the light of scientific discovery.

The scriptures can be used to support science or history but not to prove or disprove them.

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Sometimes I think that we over emphasize scripture study and the reason we should study the scriptures. The goal and purpose of this life is not to read, study and understand scriptures. I would liken scriptures as training or practice for the main event (using the Olympics as an example) where the goal is to obtain “the gold”. Thus our goal is in essence Celestial gold. Scripture study is part of our training and practice. I say part because there are other things necessary for preparation training. Among the other things are fasting and prayer. All these things we do to prepare.

When people talk about spiritual training - those are the 3 main things I believe we need in our training regiment. But, and I emphasize the “but” none of these are the purpose and goal in life. Often I hear that we should be studying the scriptures daily. And we should but studying the scriptures are only a means and not the end. The important point is that if we fail in the main event - our training (scripture) did not serve the intended purpose.

With that said - I find in studying scripture that, at least for me, there are more questions than answers. However, I also find that I have insights to other things - that I assist me in my mortal journey but are considered - non-essential by others. For example I find that I am able to deal with topics of evolution, artificial intelligence, particle physics and Astro-Physics as well as politics and social moral issues. This may seem odd to many and irrelevant to some that are much troubled at my black and white approach to seeking things that are true.

It is my personal belief that if we think the scriptures are in essence the end in seeking truth - I believe such thinking will result in confusion and misunderstandings. I believe scriptures are but a means, for training and practice and that the end or main event is something else. Or to paraphrase - Search the scriptures for in them you may think there is truth - but the scriptures will only give directions or help one find the path or way of truth. And all truth testifies that Jesus is the Christ. Yes, and I believe that evolution, artificial intelligence, particle physics, Astro-Physics and all other “things” of truth - when we understand them that we will know they testify of Christ.

The Traveler

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Sometimes I think that we over emphasize scripture study and the reason we should study the scriptures. The goal and purpose of this life is not to read, study and understand scriptures. I would liken scriptures as training or practice for the main event (using the Olympics as an example) where the goal is to obtain “the gold”. Thus our goal is in essence Celestial gold. Scripture study is part of our training and practice. I say part because there are other things necessary for preparation training. Among the other things are fasting and prayer. All these things we do to prepare.

When people talk about spiritual training - those are the 3 main things I believe we need in our training regiment. But, and I emphasize the “but” none of these are the purpose and goal in life. Often I hear that we should be studying the scriptures daily. And we should but studying the scriptures are only a means and not the end. The important point is that if we fail in the main event - our training (scripture) did not serve the intended purpose.

With that said - I find in studying scripture that, at least for me, there are more questions than answers. However, I also find that I have insights to other things - that I assist me in my mortal journey but are considered - non-essential by others. For example I find that I am able to deal with topics of evolution, artificial intelligence, particle physics and Astro-Physics as well as politics and social moral issues. This may seem odd to many and irrelevant to some that are much troubled at my black and white approach to seeking things that are true.

It is my personal belief that if we think the scriptures are in essence the end in seeking truth - I believe such thinking will result in confusion and misunderstandings. I believe scriptures are but a means, for training and practice and that the end or main event is something else. Or to paraphrase - Search the scriptures for in them you may think there is truth - but the scriptures will only give directions or help one find the path or way of truth. And all truth testifies that Jesus is the Christ. Yes, and I believe that evolution, artificial intelligence, particle physics, Astro-Physics and all other “things” of truth - when we understand them that we will know they testify of Christ.

The Traveler

I like your perspective. As a mechanical design engineer, I try to understand not only the design but also the designer.

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I like your perspective. As a mechanical design engineer, I try to understand not only the design but also the designer.

One would think that if someone really did understand the designer (had an actual and not pretend relationship) that they would understand their design better than anyone else.

The Traveler

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The brother of Jared understood, as did Nephi, and many others who showed us how we can come to know the designer, too. It is no wonder that Joseph Smith testified that,

"I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.

We are taught how to receive the Second Comforter.

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One would think that if someone really did understand the designer (had an actual and not pretend relationship) that they would understand their design better than anyone else.

The Traveler

In as much as the designer reveals himself to someone, understanding the design would certainly be benefited. And I think we are talking about understanding the science behind the design. But I don't think it is guaranteed in this life. I don't believe our human brain is capable of understanding all things related to God and His universe in this life.

My ultimate hope is that God will share all knowledge; the promise in the LDS church is that we too can be omnipotent like Him. I think we need a glorified mind to understand all things.

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How important is the information we get from scripture? Let me ask this question in another way. How accurate is scripture?

How accurate is scripture?

As a history text, a little bit.

As a science manual - a very very little.

As a spiritual guide to living - pretty good.

Personally, I prefer studying conference talks, I get spiritually fed by those, but then I have already read the scriptures many times, however it is true you see something different every time you read them.

Edited by mnn727
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One would think that if someone really did understand the designer (had an actual and not pretend relationship) that they would understand their design better than anyone else.

The Traveler

Awww, I often get this type of vibe from reading your excerpts in posts. ;)

Oh Traveler, wherefore art thou Traveler bold in such intellects yet cunning in thy words. Ye are full of knowledge of carnal understandings, yet, dost thou seek for spiritual gains? If thou profiteth of the knowledge in thy secular learnings what doth profiteth spiritually? For when I read thy Holy scriptures and I ponder of thy words they speak as tongues of familiarity in which I seek internally. Thus, the Holy scriptures empowers me with hope for eternal joy and spreadeth thy wings of grace from thine beloved Son my Savior Jesus Christ. Such Holy words showereths me with compassion and fills my soul with peace. I pray thee with love and bid ye many blessings.

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How accurate is scripture?

As a history text, a little bit.

As a science manual - a very very little.

As a spiritual guide to living - pretty good.

I agree with your second point. But as a history text, scripture turns out to be quite reliable and absolutely invaluable. And as a spiritual guide to living, if understood properly, it is second only to direct revelation. In fact, understanding scripture correctly requires direct personal revelation.

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I agree with your second point. But as a history text, scripture turns out to be quite reliable and absolutely invaluable. And as a spiritual guide to living, if understood properly, it is second only to direct revelation. In fact, understanding scripture correctly requires direct personal revelation.

Hmmmmm - if one is enjoying direct personal revelation - what is it that the scriptures are adding - to make them necessary?

The Traveler

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Awww, I often get this type of vibe from reading your excerpts in posts. ;)

Oh Traveler, wherefore art thou Traveler bold in such intellects yet cunning in thy words. Ye are full of knowledge of carnal understandings, yet, dost thou seek for spiritual gains? If thou profiteth of the knowledge in thy secular learnings what doth profiteth spiritually? For when I read thy Holy scriptures and I ponder of thy words they speak as tongues of familiarity in which I seek internally. Thus, the Holy scriptures empowers me with hope for eternal joy and spreadeth thy wings of grace from thine beloved Son my Savior Jesus Christ. Such Holy words showereths me with compassion and fills my soul with peace. I pray thee with love and bid ye many blessings.

I find it most interesting that Jesus was in direct conflict - not with the scientist of his day but religious intellects that relied on their scripture to difine what they understood of the universe and the principles by which it was governed.

Along this line it appears to me that the ancient scientists of Egypt (from our LDS Book of Abraham) were likely taught the basis of their science and mathematics from a prophet (Abraham) and as such dominated the scientific arena for over 2,000 years.

Einstein believed that G-d is a mathematician. And I would submit that as a language mathematics (in principle) is the closest of any means of human communication to the language of G-d. Did you know that it is impossible to lie mathematically? But Satan (the father of lies) quoted scripture in tempting Christ.

The Traveler

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Hmmmmm - if one is enjoying direct personal revelation - what is it that the scriptures are adding - to make them necessary?

Let me answer that question with a question. When the risen Lord appeared to the Nephite nation, what was his first order of business after introductions? Answer: To correct and validate their scripture.

It is a false idea that scriptures are sort of an ersatz form of divine revelation, only for those who can't quite muster the faith to have God appear to them. On the contrary, Joseph Smith, the greatest prophet of the latter days, was an assiduous student of scripture right up until his death. Jesus himself, the Son of God, studied and quoted scripture voluminously. We would do well to follow their examples.

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Let me answer that question with a question. When the risen Lord appeared to the Nephite nation, what was his first order of business after introductions? Answer: To correct and validate their scripture.

It is a false idea that scriptures are sort of an ersatz form of divine revelation, only for those who can't quite muster the faith to have God appear to them. On the contrary, Joseph Smith, the greatest prophet of the latter days, was an assiduous student of scripture right up until his death. Jesus himself, the Son of God, studied and quoted scripture voluminously. We would do well to follow their examples.

Agreed! I make it a habit to read my Bible on a daily basis.

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