Mission call question


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There are 3 kids from my old ward called to missions this year. One got his call in April and he left in August. The other two got their calls in late May and they are reporting the first week of October.

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There really is no "claimed" preset time frame from call to report date.

There are times when a longer time period are given though I think 4 months is generally the average.

I know of one that just over 5 months. I recall at the time how thankful his parents were when they learned where he was going as it gave them the time to wait for the regular seasonal changes in the stores as that made some of the "suggested" or "reccomended" items more readily available.

A senior couple I know entered the MTC just 3 weeks after getting their call while another one has 6 months.

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i've pretty much looked at every mission call reading posted on youtube in the last 6 months. there is no "4 month wait time".. from what ive seen its anywhere from 2-6 months.. they will try and put you in as close to your availability date as possible.

also my papers are being sent in 2 weeks.. cant wait :)

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I have heard that the date to report to the MTC is almost always four months after the papers are received in SLC. Any truth to this?

If my sons paperwork is in SLC by the end of October....will he not report until March though he wants to leave in January? He will be 19 on December 20th..

3-5 months so ya that sounds about right.
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I think you are expected based on how fast they think you can get ready to go and of course how fast they need new missionaries in the area you're going.

I can only imagine it's a bit of logistical challenge juggling the outgoing and incoming missionaries. Even with the Lord giving revelation on where there is the issue of when as you want to keep the numbers (ideally) even and not put stress on the Mission President of having to close and open (or combine and divide) areas on a transfer to transfer basis.

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