What is your language of love?


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Thank you Estradling. I don't want to derail the other thread so I'm starting another.

I took the quiz for wives. I found a lot of conflict in the choices. More often than not I would choose both. But my score doesn't reflect that. I tried to pick the one that applies most right now.

The 5 Love Languages | The 5 Love Languages

I scored highest with Physical Touch. Probably because I am always in pain and just his touch helps me deal with the pain, especially when its bad.

The next two highest were tied: Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation.

Anybody want to discuss Languages of Love and why or why not its helpful? I find it curious. I have not read the book.

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I took the test a few months ago, but didn't record the results. I remember that "receiving gifts" was loooooooow on the list. Of the other four, one was the lead, and the other three were exactly tied but only 2-3 points below the top result, effectively meaning that I had four love languages.

I just took it again, and the results were different.

11 Words of Affirmation

7 Acts of Service

6 Physical Touch

4 Quality Time

2 Receiving Gifts

There's definitely a favorite there. I suspect that our languages ebb and flow throughout our lives, depending on what kinds of experiences we are going through at any given time. Lately I've noticed that my husband has been taking the time to say kind things to me (more than usual), and I've really appreciated that, which is likely why Words of Affirmation scored so high for me.

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I've read a few of Dr. Chapman's books (5 Love Languages, 5 Love Languages of Children, and the one for teenagers). As a simple model of how relationships work and how to improve them, I think it is a decent approach. It is relatively simple to understand and can help with strategies for a struggling couple to figure out how to relate to each other in positive ways. FWIW, I've also read and listened to some of Dr. John L. Lund's (and LDS author and speaker) stuff where he suggests 3 love languages. At one point I recall him stating that about 1/2 of men speak the physical touch love language.

Because it is relatively simple, I'm not sure that it can effectively handle every possible scenario and complication.

When I took the assessment, I too found a lot of conflict between the choices. Because I was able to guess which love language each option was supposed to be choosing between, it seemed that most of those "conflicting" choices were either between 2 love languages that don't speak to me much, or between the two love languages that speak most strongly to me.

My highest scores were in physical touch and words of affirmation. Both of which seemed to be reasonable conclusions based on my past.

One of the dangers of an approach like this is that a person might decide to browbeat their spouse with their love language. "My love language is gifts so go buy me a new Mercedes, NOW!" is probably not a healthy application of the love language concept.

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One of the dangers of an approach like this is that a person might decide to browbeat their spouse with their love language. "My love language is gifts so go buy me a new Mercedes, NOW!" is probably not a healthy application of the love language concept.

I believe that speaks for selfishness vs selflessness right there, it should be "My spouses love language is gifts, so I'll buy this thing that's the best I can come up with on the budget we have because I know that's how my spouse feels loved."

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I score equally on acts of service, quality time, and words of affirmation. Not far behind is physical touch. That's in line with me not ever being able to guess what my love language would be. So the question is, am I extremely demanding, or easy to please?

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I score equally on acts of service, quality time, and words of affirmation. Not far behind is physical touch. That's in line with me not ever being able to guess what my love language would be. So the question is, am I extremely demanding, or easy to please?

Easy to please! :D

Or somewhere in the middle.

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Mine was Touch by a high margin..

Followed distantly by Words of Affirmation, and Acts of Service

I do think its important to know what is important to our spouse or child. The glitch in the test for me is sort of this: If we are paying attention and unselfishly serving our spouse/child it becomes evident through their action what they respond to. So why do we need a test?

Because people see what we want to see, and we filter everything through our expectations. We also by and large just assume that everyone else has exactly the same understanding, expectations, and desires as we do. So we all just think if someone cares about us then they should clearly see what we want and need.

When this doesn't happen then we are unhappy and think they don't love us, when in reality they just don't understand us. And we really don't make it clear because we assume that they will just 'get it.'

That is were I think the real value of a site like the 5 love languages comes in. Not in that they are accurate for everyone, everywhere, all the time. But in the idea that a couple can both take the assessments and then compare them. This gives a framework for the couple to honesty and clearly talk their different needs in what it hopefully a constructive and clear manner

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I do think its important to know what is important to our spouse or child. The glitch in the test for me is sort of this: If we are paying attention and unselfishly serving our spouse/child it becomes evident through their action what they respond to. So why do we need a test?

In addition to what estradling75 pointed out, another thing I got out of the book/assessments was greater self-awareness of how I work in relationships and the ability to put that awareness into words. Some of us can't always parse our innermost selves into words, and a framework like the 5 love languages can be useful for this.

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Mine was Touch by a high margin..

Followed distantly by Words of Affirmation, and Acts of Service

Because people see what we want to see, and we filter everything through our expectations. We also by and large just assume that everyone else has exactly the same understanding, expectations, and desires as we do. So we all just think if someone cares about us then they should clearly see what we want and need.

When this doesn't happen then we are unhappy and think they don't love us, when in reality they just don't understand us. And we really don't make it clear because we assume that they will just 'get it.'

That is were I think the real value of a site like the 5 love languages comes in. Not in that they are accurate for everyone, everywhere, all the time. But in the idea that a couple can both take the assessments and then compare them. This gives a framework for the couple to honesty and clearly talk their different needs in what it hopefully a constructive and clear manner

I've been making a conscious effort to not do what you describe for about 25 years now. Maybe that's why I don't understand.

As a tool I think it could be useful. For me it wasn't a surprise.

I think I'll do one for my husband and then see if he'll do it for himself and see how well I know him. :D

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I do think its important to know what is important to our spouse or child. The glitch in the test for me is sort of this: If we are paying attention and unselfishly serving our spouse/child it becomes evident through their action what they respond to. So why do we need a test?

I'll speak from experience, for me, and I understand this is common, thought that the way I express and feel loved was the same for my wife. Learning this concept opened my eyes to the realization that some of the things she did were her way of saying "i love you" and I didn't see it.

Edited by jerome1232
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My score was:

10 Words of Affirmation

6 Quality Time

6 Receiving Gifts

3 Acts of Service

5 Physical Touch

I think I answered the questions according to what I want more of. Maybe I didn't answer them correctly. On the other hand, maybe I could show this to hubby and maybe he'll pick up what I'm putting down!

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This was interesting. My score was:

5 Words of Affirmation

11 Quality Time

8 Receiving Gifts

5 Acts of Service

1 Physical Touch

I dislike that the gifts was so high; it's more a reflection of the choices available in the question than of wanting gifts all the time. But the quality time, yeah, I can see that. I hate when my son doesn't look at me when we talk or is looking at his smart phone while trying to talk to me. I mean really hate it, and I've gone off a few times, probably more intense than the situation warranted, but darn I hate those things. : )

To me physical touch is great, but again, when I read the questions, there wee other things I wanted. I think it is too easy for someone to be all kissy huggy and still treat you like garbage. A kiss or sex does not make it all better.

The service thing was hard as well. I am not used to having help and generally don't ask for it.

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I already know what mine will be: Physical touch and words of affirmation.

EDIT: 10 each for physical touch and words of affirmation, with quality time scoring a 6, gifts 3, and service 1. Don't know how much I biased the test with my own preconceptions, but I tried to answer honestly. I don't buy the 1 point for service thing, so I'm not sure how accurate I believe the test to be.

Edited by Vort
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