Do you remember your first..


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My first car accident and my first brand new car.

Head-on collision. 3 weeks after I bought the car. Totalled my brand-spanking new car that I haven't even made the first payment on. Totally my fault. So, instead of getting the car totalled, I got the car repaired because I was $4K upside-down on it... 7 months later, totalled the exact same car... AGAIN. My fault.

Never bought a brand new car in my life ever again.

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First ticket age 18 -- 'Unreasonable acceleration' I had a fast car and was out with friends and wanted to show off. This car could 'burn rubber' in all 3 gears -- didn't see the cop that was a couple cars behind me at the stoplight. I blew the engine in the car about a month later and got a car with a smaller engine next.

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First ticket: I was working as a tech for Orkin one summer in southern California and was following another tech from our office in Lancaster to a job site in Victorville. He passed a semi on a country road and I was stuck behind the semi in a no passing zone. When I finally got around the semi the other tech was nowhere to be found, so I started going a little fast trying to catch up. Pulled over for doing 88 in a 55.

First kiss: Just_A_Girl, when we'd been dating for about 3 months. I was aiming for the lips, missed (she moved), and caught her chin.

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First time I saw Fellowship of the Ring when it hit the theaters:

It was my birthday movie. I sat in the crowded (I barely found one available seat) theater transfixed to the screen. Once the movie was over and the credits were rolling, I sat there. The crowd of people were walking all around me to leave the theater and I sat there staring at the screen, my mouth open and just in awe of the best film I had ever seen. I hadn't read the books at the time and didn't know anything about the story. But, boy, was I hooked...

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First time I saw Fellowship of the Ring when it hit the theaters:

It was my birthday movie. I sat in the crowded (I barely found one available seat) theater transfixed to the screen. Once the movie was over and the credits were rolling, I sat there. The crowd of people were walking all around me to leave the theater and I sat there staring at the screen, my mouth open and just in awe of the best film I had ever seen. I hadn't read the books at the time and didn't know anything about the story. But, boy, was I hooked...

You sure it wasn't just that you got dazed after seeing the blonde elf? :D

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First time I saw Fellowship of the Ring when it hit the theaters:

It was my birthday movie. I sat in the crowded (I barely found one available seat) theater transfixed to the screen. Once the movie was over and the credits were rolling, I sat there. The crowd of people were walking all around me to leave the theater and I sat there staring at the screen, my mouth open and just in awe of the best film I had ever seen. I hadn't read the books at the time and didn't know anything about the story. But, boy, was I hooked...

I wonder if future Mr. Beefche - I mean Dravin - was also there.. ;)

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First traffic ticket: I was in the 7th grade riding my bicycle on the wrong side of the street. Yes, I got a ticket for that, and I was about 12 years old.

First job: When I was 13, I worked for my father in a cafeteria he still operates today. I was in the dishroom. There were two of us doing the work. Finally, the other guy left, and so I left his stuff for him to do. My father came back and asked me "What are you doing?" I said "I'm waiting for him to do his part." He fired me on the spot.

However, I was hired back on the next day. Better to be fired at 13 than later on in life!

Lesson learned: Always look and appear busy when working for someone else.

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First kiss: Sitting in front of my house in the car after just seeing the movie God Father. My date and I read the book prior to seeing the movie- his insistence and I am so glad that we did. I understood the movie better that way.

I had a crush on him (my date) for months after wards. My parents really liked him too. I was LDS, he was not. He and his family were from India- father was a hairdresser (did my hair for graduation!)

His mother and my mother would talk on the phone for about an hour twice a week. Never met each other, but traded cooking recipes and stories about us.

He met another girl who had more time for dating. I was going to High School until 11:30 am, then worked from 1 PM to 8:30 pm, five days a week. I worked Saturday from 6 AM to 3 PM ~ then church on Sunday, and household chores + school work on Sunday night. No time.

I paid my older sister to do my personal shopping for me (work shirts, jeans, socks, personal hygiene items) as I didn't have time to do it, and I hated what Mom picked out for me.

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My first kiss --

Second grade. Bottom of the slide. Didn't understand why she licked me inside my mouth... (wasn't until I was older I heard of french kissing and then realized what she did and why).

My first kiss and only kiss from her. My next kiss didn't happen until 7th grade. I wasn't rebellious. I was naive.

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My first kiss --

Second grade. Bottom of the slide. Didn't understand why she licked me inside my mouth... (wasn't until I was older I heard of french kissing and then realized what she did and why).

My first kiss and only kiss from her. My next kiss didn't happen until 7th grade. I wasn't rebellious. I was naive.

Ha! And EW at the same time..

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1st kiss: Senior prom with my high school boyfriend who wound up hitting on me at the reunion in front of his wife. But it was romantic at the time.

1st ticket: Crashed my parents' van turning into the Classic waterslides when I was 16. Completely totalled the van. Was traumatized of driving for a solid year.

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First ticket was when I was 20 in Fillmore, Utah. Went to Utah from San Diego to spend a few days in Provo visiting friends going to BYU.

I had a new little sportscar. There were cars with Utah plates going faster than me on the freeway but I'm the only that got pulled over. Probably the sportscar and the California plates. I had to follow the UHP officer back to Fillmore to see the jugdge right then and there. His office was over the department store on the main street. Ticket cost me $25. But keep in mind that was in 1976. That was a lot of money to me then.

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My very first car.

Chrysler Laser (looks like a Dodge Daytona) that talked. Paid $2,000 for it. That's the only reason I bought it - it talked. Even if it was a piece of junk that I had to trade 2 years later because the engine blew up. I can't believe I bought that instead of the $1,200 Honda Civic that would have lasted me years and years and years.

But yeah, I loved that my car tells me - "Please fasten your seatbelts" in a cute guy voice...

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I remember every first kiss. I don't remember most of their names, though. (Amusingly, I only remember one girl's name because she was still wearing her name tag from work and I can see it in the memory as she leaned forward for the kiss.) Some of them, I don't remember anything else about at all, but I can clearly remember what they were wearing, how they smelled and how they kissed that first time.

With a couple of special ones, I can remember every kiss.

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