Bloggers Sound Off


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I started writing Uncommon Dissent earlier this year, but it's wildly unpopular in these parts. But I've gotten enough response and reaction through friends and friends of friends that I'm about to start using a Facebook page and a twitter account.

I'll also buy a domain name in the near future, but I'm trying to decide if I want to make my blog a subpage of my family's domain name (that I hope to buy soon) or if I want to make a separate domain name for the blog.

Which blog software are you using, slamjet? I want to transfer to Wordpress, mostly because I can publish directly from my statistical software when I develop graphs and charts, as I may be doing more of in the future.

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MOE: I'm using Wordpress, the theme is Weaver II and I'm hosting my site with Hostgator. Outside of that, I'm using nothing else.

The reason I hosted outside of and is that I wanted to have tons more (and unbelievable amount for the free level) control over my site than the standard blogs would give me. Besides, I've used hostgator for other sites and I'm used to the way it's set up. I also like Weaver II because their free theme gives twice as much control as other free themes and it had the look I wanted; clean, no fuss but still slick and professional.

Don't know if this helps or answers your question, but there it is.

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This is brilliant. I wish I knew the guy (or maybe it really is a woman) that wrote this.

I'll pass along your kind words. The author has gone into hiding, after one of their posts caused a moderator of one of the kinder LDS boards out there to state that she hated the author and all his/her ilk "with a white hot passion". And another post caused someone to seriously consider reporting the author to the authorities.

As the tone of the blog suggests, the author has enough crap going on already, without having to deal with a bunch of indignant indignation from people who's only involvement in things came from reading about them.

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I'll pass along your kind words. The author has gone into hiding, after one of their posts caused a moderator of one of the kinder LDS boards out there to state that she hated the author and all his/her ilk "with a white hot passion". And another post caused someone to seriously consider reporting the author to the authorities.

As the tone of the blog suggests, the author has enough crap going on already, without having to deal with a bunch of indignant indignation from people who's only involvement in things came from reading about them.

I am very sorry, but not surprised, to hear that people are blithering idiots. I bet s/he got heat for the picture of the little girls holding guns. Idiots.

I assume the blogger is a man because the bitterly nihilistic humor is typically male. But I have on occasion seen women write like that.

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If this is the one your talking about, Feminist Mormon Housewives | angry activists with babies to feed definitely not my cup of tea.

I do enjoy the blog of DIY, Cooking, Crafts or cleaning tips, etc. Home Organization | Made From Pinterest Three Sisters who are LDS make something from Pinterest and share the results with their readers.

I am currently brain storming (this could take a while :P ) on a blog myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest LiterateParakeet

Gotta share...I just switched to Wordpress...and I am LOVING it. The funny thing is I had tried it once before, but it seemed too "complicated", LOL.

I was really nervous about transfering everything (old posts and comments) from my previous location, but everything went smoothly! Phew! It was actually a cinch, but I didn't know that until it was done.

A post here on, Changing the Narrative about the Holocaust, inspired a new post for my blog. I just wrote it...but you'll have to wait because I "scheduled" it for next week. I know you are dying with anticipation ;)

Anyway, my blog, Leslie's Illusions, is in my sig line.

My favorite blogs to read are:

Storytellerdoc -- He is an ER doctor, with a wonderful heart. He doesn't blog very regularly anymore, but it is seriously worth going back through his archives. I told him he if he put it all in a book I would buy it!

Josh Weed -- how do I explain Josh? His is a humor blog, that sometime surprises you with deeply vulnerable and insightful posts. He is best known for being gay, Mormon and happily married to a woman.

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