Did I make a Big mistake?

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I was reading my scriptures in Alma 30 and it talks about Korihor and how he says Christ isn't real and that sort of sayings and I read a verse that talks about how Korihor thinks that Alma is punishing the people for the sins of their fathers. And for some reason I thought, "Korihor has a point" and I don't know why I had that thought because I realized why what Korihor is thinking is invalid. But then for some odd reason I thought "did you deny the Holy Ghost because you kind of agreed with korihor" kind of in that line. And then I kinda freaked out and felt guilty like I committed the unforgivable sin. So I looked up the unforgivable sin and It says "it is denying the Holy Ghost" and I thought that in my head like okay you have to say "you deny the Holy Ghost" and I was kinda just freaking out and feeling guilty and all these thoughts were coming in my head like satan was trying to get me to say "I deny the Holy Ghost" and I think I thought it. And Im scared now. I just don't know what I did. I read the scriptures every day and I know they're true. And I'm serving a mission in a couple months and satan is trying to get me to have bad thoughts and stuff. What is the unpardable sin and how does someone commit it? Please help me understand.

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Please consider the following quote from Joseph Smith:


All sins shall be forgiven, except the sin against the Holy Ghost; for Jesus will save all except the sons of perdition. What must a man do to commit the unpardonable sin? He must receive the Holy Ghost, have the heavens opened unto him, and know God, and then sin against him. After a man has sinned against the Holy Ghost, there is no repentance for him. He has got to say that the sun does not shine while he sees it; he has got to deny Jesus Christ when the heavens have been opened unto him, and to deny the plan of salvation with his eyes open to the truth of it.[4]

My guess... is that you did not deny the Holy Ghost.

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If Korihor didn't "kinda have a point" (ie, be able to twist things enough to resemble the truth but still point others away from the truth), he wouldn't have been influential. He had a talent for catching people in their words, or making things sound the way he wanted them to sound, and having people believe him. If he just sounded like a crazy loon that everyone laughed at, he wouldn't have been such a threat to the work.

I believe we have many Korihors out there today. There are even a good number within the church, if you ask me. It's not a sin to question whether what you're hearing might be true. It IS a sin to receive the truth via the Holy Spirit, and then deny that you ever knew it.

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I think you are safe. Maybe guilty of over thinking and dramatizing things a bit?

It's not wrong to think there might be a point to someone's argument. On a mission you will probably be faced with a lot of that. The key is to be able to separate fact from fiction. Remember satan will mix truth with deception, that's how he's so effective. So yes, deceptive arguments sometimes have a point.

I would suggest reading those scriptures again, break it down and separate the truth from lies, ponder for yourself how you would approach a conversation like this. How is it approached by Alma? How can you handle such arguments on your mission so that you don't shut down the other person?

You can agree with some of what was said while expounding upon what you don't. When we find something we can agree with someone on then it tends to keep minds open.

Don't be afraid of pondering what you read, embrace the lessons the scriptures are meant to teach you. You are preparing for a mission, learn from the great missionaries in the Book of Mormon.

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No. AS I understand it, the unpardonable sin is much more and worse than anything you've just done or thought. I believe that it's on the level of say, a prophet having received revelation from God and then denying it, or Joseph Smith having seen Jesus and the Father and then denying it.

I remember one time while on my mission I had a little period of faith crisis and I said out loud to my companion that sometimes I don't think I'm getting inspiration from the Holy Ghost at all but that it's just random thoughts in my head. Then I worried myself almost sick that I had committed the unpardonable sin. I was relieved to find out eventually that it was nothing more than just a little dip in my faith. And I reasoned that the Lord still knew I loved Him and believed in Him. He wouldn't kick me out permanently for this period of weakness I went through. Especially since I didn't drag anyone else down with me. I wasn't out there suddenly trying to convince people I had taught that it wasn't true after all.

Don't worry. Just keep praying and reading your scriptures and bearing your testimony. You'll be fine.

Edited by carlimac
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I was reading my scriptures in Alma 30 and it talks about Korihor and how he says Christ isn't real and that sort of sayings and I read a verse that talks about how Korihor thinks that Alma is punishing the people for the sins of their fathers. And for some reason I thought, "Korihor has a point" and I don't know why I had that thought because I realized why what Korihor is thinking is invalid. But then for some odd reason I thought "did you deny the Holy Ghost because you kind of agreed with korihor" kind of in that line. And then I kinda freaked out and felt guilty like I committed the unforgivable sin. So I looked up the unforgivable sin and It says "it is denying the Holy Ghost" and I thought that in my head like okay you have to say "you deny the Holy Ghost" and I was kinda just freaking out and feeling guilty and all these thoughts were coming in my head like satan was trying to get me to say "I deny the Holy Ghost" and I think I thought it. And Im scared now. I just don't know what I did. I read the scriptures every day and I know they're true. And I'm serving a mission in a couple months and satan is trying to get me to have bad thoughts and stuff. What is the unpardable sin and how does someone commit it? Please help me understand.

Don't worry. You didn't deny the Holy Ghost like you think you did. One has to be baptized with fire and the Holy Ghost and have the tongue of angels before actually denying it. I think though there are some who'd disagree with me here. You'll be fine. ;)

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One other note to add to the chorus.

Sin lies is action, not in thought; in volition, not temptation.

You are not sinning in wanting a cup of coffee, but in drinking it.

We are counseled to school and to discipline our thoughts, and to harness them to aims and outcomes which are good. That's a life-long learning curve, and the mind (like any untamed horse) will occasionally surprise its rider.

You will not be punished for the random thought- but only on those which you dwell. In other words, you have to choose the thought before it will become a problem.

The stray thought "My! She has a nice backside!" will not get you smacked (unless your wife is a telepath).

Lingering on said backside (and undressing it with your eyes), however, will.

From what I've read, you had a moment of doubt and error.

Even Christ had those, otherwise the words, "My God! Why have you forsaken me?", would never have been recorded.

Had you nurtured that thought, allowed it to grow and ripen into genuine doubt and eventual apostacy, you would be in trouble.

You did not.

Let it go, and stop letting the Adversary beat you down with self-doubts and recriminations.

You are doing more to harm your testimony with this worry and self-accusation than with your original "error".

Or as one of my favorite poets put it:

Once in a saintly passion,

I cried with desperate grief,

"Oh Lord! My heart is black with guile!

Of sinners, I am chief!"

Then came my guardian angel,

And whispered from behind:

"Vanity, my little man!

You're nothing of the kind!"

Edited by selek
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Dude - you get to have thoughts occur to you. It's ok to take a breath here and not fret. It's what you do with your thoughts that matters.

One advantage you might have on your mission, is to see things from the other guy's perspective. If you can understand why people resist the gospel, you can address their concerns.

You will run into many people who think like korihor. These people are your brothers and sisters - Sons and Daughters of God - inheritors of a divine birthright. The more you can love them, the more you can understand them, the more you can help them.

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If, at some level and at least for some fraction of a second, you didn't think, "You know, Korihor has a point," that would mean you weren't paying attention. Satan always mixes a lot of truth in with his lies to make them more palatable. You know, dog poop brownies.

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Although words are very powerful, if committing an unpardonable sin was as easy as saying "I deny you Holy Ghost" that would mean that simply by saying "I accept you Jesus" would save you, which some believe.

Then we would all have hassle free insurance claims when we sang "American Family Insurance" :sing:

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I have the exact thoughts before, even further. I have thoughts come into my mind "there is no God", "its all false", "god is a liar"... These are thoughts from Satan. He is tempting you. They are false. Satan can speak to your mind. So if you think something put the thought away if you recognize it to be evil.

Joseph Smith had satan tell him "there is no God", "thou fool"... I think that is the wording.

When reading those scriptures, they are there to help us DISCERN evil from TRUTH. You have to analyze them even if you find yourself agree at first until you learn why its false. Satan is a Mater Teacher, Master of Lies. He knows how to incorporate GREAT TRUTH mixed with the philosophies of man. So it may ring as true but its not. First you hear it, that sounds right, than you look at each word carefull and realize, whoa, that is NOT TRUE.

We read the scriptures to help us recognize truth and avoid deception. Its line upon line, precept upon precept. Youll be ok ;) Pray to recognize truth and not be deceived. Than continue to study hard.

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