Big dinner served Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?


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Does it have to be either/or? :P

ETA: We do something yummy and indulgent for Christmas Eve (like loads of pizza or nachoes, or something else kind of junky), then Christmas Day we'll have a small breakfast, munch on our Christmas goodies during the day, then have ham with some fixings for dinner. We only do a big family dinner if we're visiting family (and so someone else is cooking :P ).

Edited by Jenamarie
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In my mom's house in the Philippines, the party starts on Christmas Eve and ends on New Year's Day. We have the Christmas Eve dinner, go to midnight mass then light up the sky with firecrackers...

Now that I'm in the US, I continued the Christmas Eve thing... We start in the afternoon going to houses to sing carols at the doir and drop off presents then we have ginormous dinner then we light the Christmas candle at midnight and open presents.

We then go to my in-laws for brunch the next day and then to my brother's for dinner.

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Dravin and I have a tradition of international dinner for Christmas Eve. Our first Christmas was a Greek dinner, our second was Italian. We are thinking an Irish meal this year--Shepherd's pie and colcannon.

Then Christmas Day we go to my dad's where we ALWAYS have ham, mashed potatoes, corn and green beans.

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Both!!! Errrr... All 3?

1) Christmas Eve is an extended family party 40-80 (and not LDS, nor my catholic fam which is across the country). Think thanksgiving. On steroids. With Buche de Noël, and Christmas pudding w hard sauce, trifles, and truffles and... gelt (yep. Even when Channukah is on thanksgiving, we still play draedle games. Because we're weird like that).

Then it's driving around looking at lights in PJs with the kids & hot chocolate, until they're half asleep in the car.

2) Christmas morning = brunch gone mad, that we eat all day (with waffles &'crepes made to order as we need to nosh, biscuits and gravy in the pot, bacon under the broiler, egg casserole in the fridge for zapping) until...

3) Christmas Night = Christmas Gumbo & Turducken & Shrimp Étouffée

Then we just eat leftovers until January.

Unfrozen as needed.

One of my faves is turkey cranberry monte cristo sandwiches.


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Share on other sites can you open presents Christmas Eve? Santa hasn't come yet! might not like the Vort household's approach to Santa...

But we DO do our Christmas stockings on Christmas, if that's any consolation. Any "Santa-ing" we do is around that.

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We do a big Christmas day dinner with extended family. We keep Christmas Eve for just our little family. All through December we watch as many Christmas movies as we can get our hands on. We go to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day if it is a Sunday. The teens at church always do a special drama or musical program for the Sunday evening service the week before Christmas; that is one of the highlights.

We also enjoy New Year's Eve. We have a fellowship at church with a "talent show" (or lack of talent show- just super funny), lots of junk food, and playing games until 11:30. One of the favorite games is hide and go seek with the lights out. At 11:30 we gather to pray to thank God for the past year and to pray for the new year. Then at midnight the kids go out and honk the car horns.

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