The Gay Appreciation Thread


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My understanding about the usage of the word Gay is that you can use it to refer generically to both Gay and Lesbians and by extension to Bisexuals and Transgenders. This is how I'm using the word Gay.

There has been a lot of threads lately on about gays. I've been involved in several of them. And I'm thinking, gays must be feeling beat up here and may forget that they are LOVED. Dearly.

So, this thread is here so that we can all express clearly and succintly our love for gays.

So, if you have any positive experiences with gay people in your life, or if there's anything you are doing that is benefitting the gay community, please share it here.

This thread is not the thread to discuss gay marriage or gay sexual relationships.


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Not sure if this is what you're looking for:

In jr. high and high school, I was oh so in love with Guy (not real name). So was, like, every other girl, especially when he was still a study body officer before he joined my circle of friends that ditched assemblies. He was so nice and sweet and good-looking.

I wasn't too surprised when he came out of the closet in college.

One of the nicest and kindest people I know.

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One of my best friends in elementary school. I love him to pieces! We were not as close in High School because I went to a Girl's High for the first year while he went to the Co-ED School. I transferred to the Co-ED School in my 2nd year but by then he had his circle and I had my circle. Even in first grade, we already knew he was gay. He walks/talks/behaves like a girl. He was great at calming me when I'm mad (I get in trouble in school when I get mad. Like Incredible Hulk!).

My most memorable moment was when we were in 3rd year and we had this choral competition. I volunteered to conduct our class for the competition and got us a guy to teach us the songs and everything. I was doing such a poor job of it that our class advisor went to the guidance counsellor and asked him to talk to me to get me to shape up! Well, the DAY of the competition arrives and I was still doing a poor job so the choir was a mess and finally, I buckled and begged my friend to save me. He told me he'll conduct the choir, no problem. We didn't have any time for rehearsals anymore but my friend assured me we're going to be okay. I told our class advisor I got sick so I didn't show up for the competition. My friend conducted the choir and he did such a super duper amazing job at it - giving signals to each part of the choir to get louder or softer to balance everything out, or to bring up the pitch if a section was off with a signal to the pianist (things I didn't know to do)... He did so good that our choir... which was a mess in ALL our rehearsals... surprising took home the FIRST PLACE TROPHY!!! He saved my butt, big time!

He now lives in London as a girl working in the medical field. I don't know if he did the sex-change operation but he has boobs. He looks happy and pretty!

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Will we also have a Folks-Who-Have-Sex-With-Their-Dogs Appreciation Thread? A Wife-Beater's Appreciation Thread? A People-Who-Use-Filthy-Language-All-The-Time Thread?

[in case that was just too subtle] What is the point for having an "Appreciation Thread" based on which particular perversion someone enjoys?

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My mom was suddenly thrown into the workforce after twenty years of being a homemaker when my father became disabled. She only had a high school education, so she started as low as a person could start in the company she got a job with. She wasn't sure she could support the family.

Her boss was gay, but in the closet. His boyfriend threw a party for him and invited his coworkers. This amounted to a "surprise coming out party". All of the coworkers except my mom treated him poorly, made fun of him behind his back, gossiped about him, etc... Mom continued to treat him with respect and as a friend.

Moms boss was promoted frequently. Whenever he was promoted he gave my mom a promotion, too. When the positions required more training he made sure the company paid to train my mom. She is now a business analyst and the only one without a masters degree in her department. She loves her work, is very good at it and she is looking forward to a good retirement. This would not have been possible if her boss hadn't taken such good care of Mom.

Mutual respect brings blessings, even when you don't agree with a persons lifestyle. Mom cared for Steve in a small way- just by treating him like he was a human and he repaid her by giving her a future. We will always be so grateful to him.

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Will we also have a Folks-Who-Have-Sex-With-Their-Dogs Appreciation Thread? A Wife-Beater's Appreciation Thread? A People-Who-Use-Filthy-Language-All-The-Time Thread?

[in case that was just too subtle] What is the point for having an "Appreciation Thread" based on which particular perversion someone enjoys?

I think Anatess just wants to show that it is ok to care for all people even if you don't like their lifestyle. Sin is hard to overcome. We all have sins we struggle with. Even so God loves us enough that He gave His Son to atone for our sins. Love wins more people to Christ than scorn.

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I think Anatess just wants to show that it is ok to care for all people even if you don't like their lifestyle. Sin is hard to overcome. We all have sins we struggle with. Even so God loves us enough that He gave His Son to atone for our sins. Love wins more people to Christ than scorn.

I agree with you, but that is beside the point. The fact is that this is an "Appreciation Thread" for people based not on the wonderful things they do or their Godly traits, but on the fact that they enjoy a specific sexual perversion. That makes no sense.

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Will we also have a Folks-Who-Have-Sex-With-Their-Dogs Appreciation Thread? A Wife-Beater's Appreciation Thread? A People-Who-Use-Filthy-Language-All-The-Time Thread?

[in case that was just too subtle] What is the point for having an "Appreciation Thread" based on which particular perversion someone enjoys?

To be fair, a Folks-Who-WANT-TO-Have-Sex-With-Their-Dogs Appreciation Thread? A I-CAN'T-HELP-IT-IT'S-JUST-WHO-I-AM-Wife-Beater's Appreciation Thread? A People-Who-DESIRE-TO-Use-Filthy-Language-All-The-Time thread.

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Will we also have a Folks-Who-Have-Sex-With-Their-Dogs Appreciation Thread? A Wife-Beater's Appreciation Thread? A People-Who-Use-Filthy-Language-All-The-Time Thread?

[in case that was just too subtle] What is the point for having an "Appreciation Thread" based on which particular perversion someone enjoys?

Two statements:

1. Yeah, I see your point here and kinda agree.

2. My husband is a ranch boy and Army man. He does have quite the mouth. Not all the time, but he has a salty vocabulary. I don't appreciate his language, but I do appreciate him.

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Will we also have a Folks-Who-Have-Sex-With-Their-Dogs Appreciation Thread? A Wife-Beater's Appreciation Thread? A People-Who-Use-Filthy-Language-All-The-Time Thread?

[in case that was just too subtle] What is the point for having an "Appreciation Thread" based on which particular perversion someone enjoys?

I think Anatess just wants to show that it is ok to care for all people even if you don't like their lifestyle. Sin is hard to overcome. We all have sins we struggle with. Even so God loves us enough that He gave His Son to atone for our sins. Love wins more people to Christ than scorn.
I agree with you, but that is beside the point. The fact is that this is an "Appreciation Thread" for people based not on the wonderful things they do or their Godly traits, but on the fact that they enjoy a specific sexual perversion. That makes no sense.

Although a good thing to do, Irishcolleen's answer is not really the purpose of this thread.

The purpose of this thread is stated in the 2nd paragraph of the OP:

There has been a lot of threads lately on about gays. I've been involved in several of them. And I'm thinking, gays must be feeling beat up here and may forget that they are LOVED. Dearly.

So, if I notice that there are a lot of threads on that puts a lot of heat on Folks-Who-Have-Sex-With-Their-Dogs, I may start a Folks-Who-Have-Sex-With-Their-Dogs Appreciation Thread to remind them that they are dearly loved on Or maybe I won't because I don't know a single person who have sex with their dogs and wouldn't have a story to tell.

Is that clearer now?

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2. My husband is a ranch boy and Army man. He does have quite the mouth. Not all the time, but he has a salty vocabulary. I don't appreciate his language, but I do appreciate him.

I appreciate some people who are gay too. Doesn't mean I appreciate gays.

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I suspect this thread unfortunately will end up having the opposite effect of what anatess intended.

I hope not. Because then that would be really sad and would vindicate the feeling of antagonism that gays feel from the community when we can't even just share great stories about gay people that has touched our lives.

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I don't understand the nuance. Can you expound on this?

I take it as this:

Situation A: I really appreciate all the good things that Joe does. He's always willing to help when needed. (mentioning of Joe being gay is optional)

Situation B: I really appreciate him because he's gay.

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I don't understand the nuance. Can you expound on this?

Sure. The phrasing of "Gay appreciation" has a distinct implication of approval for the fact that they are gay. As I stated earlier, I very much do NOT appreciate that anyone is gay. It is a blight on the world. I sorrow for those who are afflicted with the struggle and temptation. I am very much against any form of response to it that can be interpreted as celebration or acceptance (of the homosexuality, obviously we accept them as people and children of God).

The entire approach of the thread is well intended, and I applaud you for that. But it is mistaken -- as mistaken as Mormons marching in the gay pride parade.

Homosexual feelings may not be a sin in and of themselves, but that doesn't mean it is okay in any regard to have them. It is not okay. Just as it is not okay to struggle with feelings of anger, or sexual attraction to a dog (per the previous, semi-flippant, joke about appreciation for that), or the struggles of addiction, or the struggles of a kleptomaniac. These things need to be seriously regarded as enemies of happiness. I do not appreciate things that are certain to bring sorrow upon my brothers and sisters if not overcome.

Perhaps it's just the phrasing of the title and the implication that "benefiting the gay community" is somehow praiseworthy in and of itself.

We should love our brothers and sisters IN SPITE of their imperfections and struggles. Not celebrate their imperfections and struggles to any degree whatsoever.

If I were to converse with a gay friend, I would say something like, "I appreciate you as a person." I would not say, "I appreciate you as a gay person."

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. . . or if there's anything you are doing that is benefitting the gay community, please share it here.

I get your point, Anatess. But I think it's worth noting that teaching the gospel, and inviting people to repent of their sins and be healed through the Atonement of Christ, is a benefit to those who receive that invitation--even, and especially, for members of "the gay community".

To what degree can we build bridges without validating?

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Okay, enough of that.

Back to topic:

Another gay person from my high school. He has always been chubby. Even in high school. He became a financial whiz and went to work in Wall Street making big bucks. He is 5'7" or thereabouts and was upwards of 260 lbs. He ended up in the hospital with some cardiac something-or-other. He decided to turn his life around. He went back to the Philippines and joined a gym.

He is now one of the Physical Trainers in the gym as well as the editor of a Fitness Magazine. He now trains Philippine contestants to International Beauty Pageants like the Miss Universe!

Everyday, he gives out tips on nutrition and exercise to his high school classmates. Everyday. And every year for our annual reunion, he organizes our class presentation for Alumni Homecoming. And we rock the house every year!

Love him to pieces!!!

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I suspect this thread unfortunately will end up having the opposite effect of what anatess intended.

Maybe. Calling homosexuality a sin makes many who struggle with it or know those who struggle with it feel picked on.

The position of all mormons on this should be clear. We love them. We empathize with the struggle. We do not condone the actions (sins).

Empathy for those struggling with this, yes. Appreciation for it, no.

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What is the point for having an "Appreciation Thread" based on which particular perversion someone enjoys?
Because half of the civilized world have bought into the lie that mormons hate gay people. Here's your chance to prove them wrong, by telling a personal anecdote.

It's a good PR move. Sort of the same thinking behind, and this website for that matter.

Has anyone else noticed how every thread on this website has somewhere between 50-2000% more views than posts? Yeah, we pretty much never convince the people with which we're discussing, but there are endless hoards of anonymous people coming here to find out what mormons really have to say about things.

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I take it as this:

Situation A: I really appreciate all the good things that Joe does. He's always willing to help when needed. (mentioning of Joe being gay is optional)

Situation B: I really appreciate him because he's gay.

Okay, then I'm on both A and B.

I still believe that my friend in elementary school wouldn't be the intuitive guy that can work through my feelings if he wasn't gay.

Same thing with my other friend who trains beauty queens. All the beauty queens go to him and not the other trainers because he is more emotionally connected to them without it have any sexual nuance at all. That sexual stuff is something that is usually present in a female/male partnership working on physical/mental/emotional rigours of a beauty pageant (or things like Dancing with the Stars). Yes, yes, I'm generalizing. Sorry.

But then I apply the term "gay" to somebody attracted to the same sex... even if they are following God's commandments and have not done anything about it.

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