question about babies


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It's a personal decision for parents.

Circumcision helps with hygiene, especially, in old times. In our current day, most of us know what is considered good hygiene and are taught how to clean ourselves sufficiently, therefore circumcision isn't a must like it's been believed to be in the past. Some cultures still do it though.

Personally, my husband and I are of the opinion that it is unnecessary. The only time we would say it might be beneficial is if the child born is incapable of properly cleaning themselves, like perhaps a disability that hampers that greatly, and they rely on someone else to clean them. Otherwise, we will NOT be cutting our boys.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

As a mother of five, my opinion about this changed over time. At first, I planned to do it mostly because of tradition, that's just what you do. Then I started hearing different opinions and ideas, and waffled back and forth for awhile before coming to a firm decision (with my husband) for our family. I won't embarrass my son's by revealing exactly how that decision was split, LOL. While I was trying to make a decision I considered all the arguments from both sides, including the 'want them to look like their dad' argument. All I can say about that one, is the boys don't seem to care. When the subject came up, I just explained to them very simply, "We used to have this opinion, and we changed our mind." It's really never been a big deal.

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This is an extremely hot-button issue in parenting land.

Cut v Uncut fights get brutal.

I just went with the option that leaves other options open: Uncut.

Means if there's medical necessity later, we can.

Means if he decides he wants to be circ'd later, he can decide to hisself.

I have absolutely no opinion whatsoever on what anyone else chooses.

If you wanna talk female circumcision, then I've got a strong opinion.


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Guest LiterateParakeet
This is an extremely hot-button issue in parenting land.

Cut v Uncut fights get brutal.

Ah yes. It's been about a decade since I got involved in those discussions, I almost forgot. Some parenting boards ban the topic entirely because it gets so hot. Memories...LOL!

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It's a huge deal in my husband's family. Fights and silent treatments (which I prefer. Heh.) have gone down based on what did or did not happen to baby boys.

In my family? We just figure we're all making the best choices we can, and the status of our nephews' private parts is absolutely no one else's business but the boy and his parents.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Yikes Eowyn, so sorry that happened! I was fortunate, my family (and hubby's) didn't ask or care. I don't know the "status" of my nephews, nor do I care.

I don't blame you, I would prefer the silent treatment too!

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Eh, I'm mostly used to them after all these years, and I'm done having babies so I'm sure they're finding other things in me to disapprove of. :)

I just hope I'll do better for my kids and their spouses and that they will for each other.

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It is a personal decision of the parents. & while yes, there is concern if the child will/may not be able to care for or clean themselves properly, let's put a different & very realistic twist to that concept:

Having a EMS background & my wife being an NP.RN in a rural area (an area where many children born 60, 70, 80+ years ago were born at home, sometimes without a doctor present, & many were not circumcised & still live in the area today) ....

My wife frequently works with the elderly, many of her elderly patients that are not circumcised develop related hygiene issues as they age. They become unable to properly themselves & short of having an caretaker or nursing aid assist them ....

Personally I would not want to be the caretaker or the CNA needing to assist an elderly man with that type of hygiene.

& I am certain that some of the men do NOT like having to have someone else help them in that manner.

So, looking down the road 80 years, your boys &/or their caretakers might actually appreciate having been circumcised.

Edited by Sharky
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I did a lot of reading of some of the academic articles during a big long heated discussion here a few years ago. What I got out of all the reading was this:

It doesn't matter.

Every single benefit that either side can consistently point to is so quantitatively small that we would call it clinically insignificant (even if it achieves statistical significance).

There are also a number of benefits that both sides claim, usually related to sexual enjoyment. The studies go back and forth and can't seem to reach a consensus. Usually, this means that the concept being measured is near identical in both groups.

So in the end, there's no objective reason to do it, and there's no objective reason to avoid it. (except, apparently, old age).

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I'm ambivalent on the issue. Just_A_Girl is very much in favor, due to a member of her extended family having NOT had it done as a child, then needing it later for some medical reason, and a complicated and painful recovery. I realize that's not statistically significant, but it's enough for Just_A_Girl and I don't think it's worth fighting over.

What the heck. If it becomes re-instituted, like animal sacrifice, as part of the "restitution of all things" before/during the Millennium, maybe our boys will thank us.

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Leave your son's genitals alone. If he wants to amputate part of his penis when he reaches adulthood, he can do it then. Don't make such a decision for him.

Wow. What an over-reaction. Usually, I only see this from hysterical females. The same ones who don't,t hesitate to pierce their female infant's ears.

Having converted from Judaism, I have attended enough britot to know that the baby usually sleeps through the whole thing.

The last time I saw such an over-reaction to the idea of circumcision was on another message board. And, again, the same women who were against it, had no qualms about piercing their daughter's ears. Like there was a valid reason for that.

Then there are the women who find the sight of an uncircumsized

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Wow. What an over-reaction. Usually, I only see this from hysterical females. The same ones who don't,t hesitate to pierce their female infant's ears.

Having converted from Judaism, I have attended enough britot to know that the baby usually sleeps through the whole thing.

The last time I saw such an over-reaction to the idea of circumcision was on another message board. And, again, the same women who were against it, had no qualms about piercing their daughter's ears. Like there was a valid reason for that.

Then there are the women who find the sight of an uncircumsized

I used to assist with these in the hospital and the doctor's office I worked in. The baby would either sleep through it or just suck a little harder on his binky. I have to admit it was harder to know my own boys were getting it don't than to assist with someone else's baby. (I burst into tears when my own babies got their shots, but I had given hundreds of immunizations to other's babies- no prob.) Both boys recovered just fine and I'm really grateful we did it. Uck with the old man thing. Had to do that on my first patient in nursing school . VERY unpleasant experience.

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Wow. What an over-reaction. Usually, I only see this from hysterical females. The same ones who don't,t hesitate to pierce their female infant's ears.

Having converted from Judaism, I have attended enough britot to know that the baby usually sleeps through the whole thing.

The last time I saw such an over-reaction to the idea of circumcision was on another message board. And, again, the same women who were against it, had no qualms about piercing their daughter's ears. Like there was a valid reason for that.

Then there are the women who find the sight of an uncircumsized

I hangout at the Mothering forums. There was an ear-piercing discussion that lead to circumcision comparisons.

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Wow. What an over-reaction.

How is this an overreaction? Did I say anything false?

Usually, I only see this from hysterical females. The same ones who don't,t hesitate to pierce their female infant's ears.

Then you will be happy to know that I am neither female nor prone to allow piercings on my infant babies, male or female.

Having converted from Judaism, I have attended enough britot to know that the baby usually sleeps through the whole thing.

I don't know about "usually". I don't believe you based on your testimony alone. I do know my own experience with my oldest son, who screamed louder at three days old than I ever heard him scream at any other time during his first year. It was awful.

Leave your infant son's genitals alone. Don't cut off part of his penis. Let him do it later if he wants. If he decides he wants to cut off his foreskin, it's a week of recovery. If he decides he wants his foreskin but you already cut it off, he can't regrow it.

How is this an overreaction? Seems more like common sense to me.

The last time I saw such an over-reaction to the idea of circumcision was on another message board. And, again, the same women who were against it, had no qualms about piercing their daughter's ears. Like there was a valid reason for that.

Still waiting to hear how it's an overreaction.

Then there are the women who find the sight of an uncircumsized

Yes, and there are men who find the sight of a woman with large nipples as ugly. So women should have their nipples surgically modified so that their future husbands will be more likely to find them attractive.

It's a stupid argument, Leah. You are much too smart to advance it.

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I have 2 boys. They got done the day they were born. No big deal. Didn't even cry. But then I had 9 pounders. Other babies can't get it done because of some reason or other. If you can't get it done at birth before they leave the hospital, I wouldn't get it done - especially when they get to be 8 years old! Ouch!

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Well I am female and opposed to both circumcision and infant ear piercing. Again, it's a personal decision and while I don't think either practice makes you a bad parent, I feel it's inconsiderate.

So as choosing a name for your child. But then, we do it all the time. Imagine growing up named Audio Science.

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