Childhood things now extinct!


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I only knew of electric typewriters that did this


The later models of electric typewriters has the one-step delete button... That is, when you press the button, the typewriter automatically moves back one space and punches the last key pressed onto white ribbon then moves back one space again ready for you to type some more.


The manual typewriters (and the early versions of electric ones) - you have to do manually... that is... you press the backspace button, and if you're using the black and white ribbon (the black is on the bottom half of the ribbon and the white is on the top half of the ribbon - this is the same as the black/red ribbon - black on bottom half, red on top half), you press the color-shift button (which raises up the head to strike the top half of the ribbon), and press the letter that you wanted to delete thereby overlaying the black letter mistake with white letter, effectively erasing it (yes yes, it doesn't work on non-white paper)... if you don't have the black and white ribbon, you just stick a... I think it was called Tippex sheet or something like that... behind the ribbon and when you press the key, the head strikes the black ribbon onto the back of the Tippex sheet while the Tippex sheet transfers white ink onto the paper.


I worked a summer as my dad's secretary when I was about 10... I learned short-hand, took dictation for my dad, and typed up his memos... even did mimeographs, while sitting right next to his "real" secretary.  I had my own manual typewriter while my dad's secretary had the new-fangled electric one.  Part of my job was to take old black/white ribbon, cut out the white part and tape it onto a sheet of paper to make my own Tippex sheet - because the white ink is usually still good when the black ribbon is used up.

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The later models of electric typewriters has the one-step delete button... That is, when you press the button, the typewriter automatically moves back one space and punches the last key pressed onto white ribbon then moves back one space again ready for you to type some more.


The manual typewriters (and the early versions of electric ones) - you have to do manually... that is... you press the backspace button, and if you're using the black and white ribbon (the black is on the bottom half of the ribbon and the white is on the top half of the ribbon - this is the same as the black/red ribbon - black on bottom half, red on top half), you press the color-shift button (which raises up the head to strike the top half of the ribbon), and press the letter that you wanted to delete thereby overlaying the black letter mistake with white letter, effectively erasing it (yes yes, it doesn't work on non-white paper)... if you don't have the black and white ribbon, you just stick a... I think it was called Tippex sheet or something like that... behind the ribbon and when you press the key, the head strikes the black ribbon onto the back of the Tippex sheet while the Tippex sheet transfers white ink onto the paper.


I worked a summer as my dad's secretary when I was about 10... I learned short-hand, took dictation for my dad, and typed up his memos... even did mimeographs, while sitting right next to his "real" secretary.  I had my own manual typewriter while my dad's secretary had the new-fangled electric one.  Part of my job was to take old black/white ribbon, cut out the white part and tape it onto a sheet of paper to make my own Tippex sheet - because the white ink is usually still good when the black ribbon is used up.


I learned to type on a manual back in the early 70's. We didn't have any kind of a white ribbon. We used strips of correction tape so that we could correct.  Eventually we used the chalky strips of whatever it was to do corrections.

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Grandma's typewriter inspired two of my older brothers to play a game called "typewriter" with me. One would dictate a letter while the other would sit on me and simulate the head (his fist) imprinting on the paper (me). I seem to remember typos were corrected with two or three taps to cover the mistake.

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I think you missed my point.  If you have a message that something like..."I'm not available right now.  Just want you to know I'm not sick, dead or injured.  Leave a message.


That particular message doesn't help if you really are sick, dead or injured.  Mainly the dead part.


And you missed my point, no message will help you if you're dead. You see, the purpose of the message is not to help you if you're dead. If the entirety of your point really is, "Voice mail messages don't help dead people." I can only think, "Duh."

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And you missed my point, no message will help you if you're dead. You see, the purpose of the message is not to help you if you're dead. If the entirety of your point really is, "Voice mail messages don't help dead people." I can only think, "Duh."

You are basically saying what I"m saying.  It does no good to have a message stating such things if you are dead.  Does no one any good.

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And you missed my point, no message will help you if you're dead. You see, the purpose of the message is not to help you if you're dead. If the entirety of your point really is, "Voice mail messages don't help dead people." I can only think, "Duh."



You are basically saying what I"m saying.  It does no good to have a message stating such things if you are dead.  Does no one any good.


I think you guys forgot that this was supposed to be funny... not logically beaten to death with the dead horse to go with it.  Sheesh.

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I think you guys forgot that this was supposed to be funny... not logically beaten to death with the dead horse to go with it.  Sheesh.

Yeh I thought it was a dead issue already too.

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You turn your phone off. Though to be fair, the expectation that you'll be reachable is there. Which can result in people freaking out if they know you have a cell phone and they expect to be able to reach you but can't. I suppose you could temporarily change your voice mail message to something like, "I'm not dead, sick, or injured, I've just turned off my phone. Leave a message and I'll get back to you when I turn it back on."


I actually don't have a cell phone because I like to be inaccessible, the problem is getting everyone else to deactivate theirs.

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Dead are the days of me having all of my friends and families numbers memorized by heart. Now I have over a dozen email addresses, several social media outlets, two cell phones (smartphones) and a whole lot of paperwork. Dead are the days of a simple life. Sometimes I wish I could just relive that old peace for a day again, I never did look forward to growing up when I was a kid like most of my friends but like many I did take it for granted sadly.

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Transistor radios

Don't all radio use transistors these days... wouldn't it be tube (all electronics except guitar amplifiers here) that are the thing of the past?

One thing I can remember is back in the day, computers told you it was now safe to shut them off, and you had to turn the monitor off separately.

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Not necessarily extinct, but when I was a child most women wore dresses all the time. Every older photo I see, my mother, aunts, and grandmother were all in dresses.


Schools did not allow girls to wear pants until I was in Junior High. And, then it had to be a pant suit. Within a year or two that rule was changed to dress pants and nice top. By the time I was a Senior in High School we were allowed to wear denim pants.

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Don't all radio use transistors these days... wouldn't it be tube (all electronics except guitar amplifiers here) that are the thing of the past?

One thing I can remember is back in the day, computers told you it was now safe to shut them off, and you had to turn the monitor off separately.

Have you eVer seen a pic of one ?
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I don't know if this one has been mentioned yet but, the Drive-In movie theatre. I attended my first drive-in movie when I was 18 (Grease) but my husband would go as a child (in pajamas) with his family. And when we got married we went to a lot of drive-in movies. They are pretty much extinct here. I would love to have them back.



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How about as a kid being scared of hippie teenagers...

When I was a kid (early 70s) a bunch of us would ride our bikes to the Legislature Grounds and the grass was packed with hippies, they were everywhere; they were like ornaments on display. I'm not sure what I could compare that with today.



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I don't know if this one has been mentioned yet but, the Drive-In movie theatre. I attended my first drive-in movie when I was 18 (Grease) but my husband would go as a child (in pajamas) with his family. And when we got married we went to a lot of drive-in movies. They are pretty much extinct here. I would love to have them back.



We are fortunate to have a Drive In Movie not far from our home. Still in operation and with updated equipment
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure when it became mandatory, but I'm an 80's baby, and I recall the no-seatbelt and no-carseat vividly. That said, my family lived overseas outside of the US, so safety regulations might have been different there. But I could have sworn we didn't use them much when we came over to the States, too... 

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Vehicles without AC


They still exist.  My car in Ohio didn't have AC... and talking about AC... the hotel right on the beach in San Diego didn't have AC either...

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