So is it wrong to not like lounging about in garments?


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In a conversation this morning, someone brought up how they love garments for just lounging about the house in when no one is around.  I mentioned I didn't, and somehow that was interpreted as "Backroads hates her garments".


The fact is, I can't stand it.  I have to have clothes on. If I'm being "comfy" I'm in pajamas.


Instead, I'm accused of being ashamed of my garments.


is it really honoring one's garments by being comfortable in wearing just garments? 

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Don't wear them but... Is it wrong to wear garments under clothes and still hate them? At least you're wearing them.


I suppose it depends on what aspect of them you hate. 


If you hate your covenants, wearing your garments is probably meaningless.


If you respect what the garments symbolize and understand their importance and mindfully honor your covenant to wear them, but, wow, would really prefer to wear something else, I don't think such a thought is nearly as bad as the aforementioned.


I love what my garments mean.  I do not love my garments and think "These are the greatest underwear ever!" (though I think they're awesome in many fashion regards).  I like them and I'm glad I covenanted to wear them, but I don't love them in and of their fabric. 

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Backroads, that's kind of my point.


I would guess most that go through the trouble of being endowed and wearing garments, appreciate the meaning and symbolism that garments represent, even if they hate the fabric or fashion statement they make (to yourself).

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They're not exactly designed to be attractive. Comfort is a matter of opinion, of course. Liking them in those regards isn't very meaningful. That's not why they are worn. I guess if one loves them as underwear then it's a bonus.


Loving something is not a simple black and white. Do I love reading scriptures? Yes...and no. In some ways it's a labor and a burden. But it draws me closer to the Lord, so I love it, but I don't. The same can be true of church attendance, home and visiting teaching, going to the temple, service, etc., etc... We do the Lord's will in spite of our mortal imperfections and any natural issues we may have with that which we ought to be doing. Over time, we grow spiritually, and we grow up and realize what's truly important in life. I expect that there comes a point where any difficult thing, if we persist in faith long enough, grows to be very precious to us and any negatives fade away to nothingness.

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Well, I can't begin to name the number of panty line problems they've solved.


For me, when I'm in just them, I feel... dumpy.  I don't think it has anything to do with the look of them.  But I feel like I'm lazy, too lazy to get dressed.  i feel that much better if I'm dressed, even if it's in sweat pants.

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Well, I can't begin to name the number of panty line problems they've solved.


For me, when I'm in just them, I feel... dumpy.  I don't think it has anything to do with the look of them.  But I feel like I'm lazy, too lazy to get dressed.  i feel that much better if I'm dressed, even if it's in sweat pants.


My wife never hangs out that way. She always wears jammies or the like. I think it's a guy/girl thing partially.

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In a conversation this morning, someone brought up how they love garments for just lounging about the house in when no one is around.  I mentioned I didn't, and somehow that was interpreted as "Backroads hates her garments".


The fact is, I can't stand it.  I have to have clothes on. If I'm being "comfy" I'm in pajamas.


Instead, I'm accused of being ashamed of my garments.


is it really honoring one's garments by being comfortable in wearing just garments? 


Husbands don't care, wives wear pj's, and congrats on hitting 6000 posts.

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I am not endowed yet. But when I am, I suspect I will find garments uncommfortable because I have sensory issues that mean I find many fabrics/clothes touching my skin uncomfortable and annoying but I will wear them to remind me of the convants I made. Personally I don't think I would hang out just wearing them because kinda in my mind they are in a way being naked I am not explaining properly but I know what I mean. I wouldn't judge anyone who did hang about in them though, unless it was some one other than my partner and I had  gone to visit them, that could be akward

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"Meerkat Army" has a good point:

It's like being naked... Our bodies are sacred and our garments are as ancient and eternally meaningful as our bodies. As we become more aware of God in our everyday life, our needs to be comfortable at all times and in all ways lessens and we begin to know what it is like to carry our cross. I woud prefer to be naked all day if I am alone. That is the most comfortable for me. But lounging in garments seems like going to the local chapel to sit and watch TV. When I know that others see them, I know they see something very special in a common context. Me, alone, when I was a bachelor, with no air conditioning, it seemed better to just be in them than to be naked. I can't recieve The Holy Spirit in it's fullness of help and protection when purposely taking them off for a long period of time.

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In a conversation this morning, someone brought up how they love garments for just lounging about the house in when no one is around.  I mentioned I didn't, and somehow that was interpreted as "Backroads hates her garments".


The fact is, I can't stand it.  I have to have clothes on. If I'm being "comfy" I'm in pajamas.


Instead, I'm accused of being ashamed of my garments.


is it really honoring one's garments by being comfortable in wearing just garments? 


This whole topic amuses me because of how backwards it seems. When I went through the temple for the first time the temple president talked to me about propriety with the garments and how it is important to respect them and keep them sacred by keeping them covered... even when no one is watching. Of course this is not to be taken to the extreme that one could not put the garments on without another layer of clothing to cover or anything like that, I really feel that it comes down to your personal relationship with the Lord and covenants made. In any event my temple president did say that I should not lounge around in garments, but to cover up.


I guess the short version is that in my opinion it is disrespecting the garment to hang out without covering them up.

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I'm with you, Backroads. It's a privilege to have them and I love what they symbolize. I think they're comfortable and don't mind having them under my clothes. But I feel dumpy when I don't have anything over them.

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I appreciate the sacred nature of the garments, but, I don't like to lounge around in just my garments either. My husband doesn't mind running around the house in his. I don't know if it's because I'm more modest than him or what it is. Maybe, it's because the fabric my garments are made out of, there isn't much left to the imagination, but with my husband's cotton fabric, when he has his on, it seems to be more modest. (If my husband had his way, we would both be lounging around naked). That's just where his mind goes.

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I appreciate the sacred nature of the garments, but, I don't like to lounge around in just my garments either. My husband doesn't mind running around the house in his. I don't know if it's because I'm more modest than him or what it is. Maybe, it's because the fabric my garments are made out of, there isn't much left to the imagination, but with my husband's cotton fabric, when he has his on, it seems to be more modest. (If my husband had his way, we would both be lounging around naked). That's just where his mind goes.


Just an observation, and a very general one at that, but guys seem to be more okay with loose apparel that gals would consider "dumpy" or "frumpy," but to a guy it covers him up and that seems to fill the purpose of clothing. Now I am not saying that men are inherently slobs or cannot be fashionable, nor am I saying that there are not women out there that are just as happy to wear ill-fitted over-sized clothing. I'm just noting an observed trend I've perceived. As an example in the gym I often see guys coming in with large T-shirts and sweat pants to grunt it out while the ladies all seem to opt for tight fitting tanks and yoga pants. Both can hit the showers and head back out into the world looking well-dressed, but lots of guys seem more concerned with function and possibly cost than fashion... far more so than the ladies.


Anyway I thought this might (but might not) help explain some husbands being more okay with running around the house in their garments. They are less concerned with feeling like they need to look a certain way (especially at home) that seems more deeply ingrained in the female psyche.

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In a conversation this morning, someone brought up how they love garments for just lounging about the house in when no one is around.  I mentioned I didn't, and somehow that was interpreted as "Backroads hates her garments".


The fact is, I can't stand it.  I have to have clothes on. If I'm being "comfy" I'm in pajamas.


Instead, I'm accused of being ashamed of my garments.


is it really honoring one's garments by being comfortable in wearing just garments? 

I'm confused...why is anyone making any valuative statement about someone's feelings toward the Garment based on how they like to lounge around?  To me, those seem like entirely distinct concepts.

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Husband has on many an occasion spent the day in nothing but his garments playing video games.


So have I.


My home office is over the garage and must be 10-15 degrees hotter than the rest of the house. If I have to leave the room to do something like make dinner, I'll thrown on a house dress.

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This is actually one of the things that worries me about going to get my endowments. Because of my eczema, which is currently under control but can change any minute, I can become claustrophobic in my clothes (actually the only time I am claustrophobic). So undershirts or tighter fitting clothes are a no go. I love lose fitting clothes (preferable short sleeve). And if I'm home (I live alone) sometimes I won't wear a shirt...definitely not for bed so I probably won't wear them to go to bed.


So I am worried that I will have a lot of trouble adjusting to my garments.

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I'm with SpiritDragon.  Hasn't the Church specifically advised against lounging around in garments?


I've not heard that before.  I don't remember anything like that in my instructions in the temple on the garment (but that was a long time ago).  Can anyone point to a talk or quote about this?

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In a conversation this morning, someone brought up how they love garments for just lounging about the house in when no one is around.  I mentioned I didn't, and somehow that was interpreted as "Backroads hates her garments".


The fact is, I can't stand it.  I have to have clothes on. If I'm being "comfy" I'm in pajamas.


Instead, I'm accused of being ashamed of my garments.


is it really honoring one's garments by being comfortable in wearing just garments? 

I guess that would depend on where your feelings finally lead you.

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I would tend to agree that garments should remain covered, regardless, if you're comfortable walking around in just them or not. It seems that due to their sacred nature, you wouldn't want to treat them as any other garment, especially loungers that are typically considered our least important clothing.


I do remember seeing both my parents in garments as a young child. As I grew up, I saw my mum in hers quite a lot when she was in her bedroom or bathroom. Both my parents are quite conservative, but being comfortable in just our undies/or garments for them, was pretty common in our household.

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  • 4 months later...

I have a sensitivity to heat problem.

Sometimes it is just too hot, esp. in the winter with the wood stove going.

I will live in my home in just my garments (you can only take off so much).

I find it comfortable and they breath very well so I do not have to take off more.

But putting something over them would just heat me up to the point where I want to climb the walls or run outside. (which I have done a time or two.)


I Love my garments and I think they are the best underware made.

I would not trade them for anyting I have worn before my endowments. :-)

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I'd probably not recommend lounging in garments. It would seem in better taste to not treat them as casual.

But no judgments on those who don't, it's probably not too big a deal, I think at least.

Might want to consider how your children perceive your garments if they are lounge clothes rather than sacred. (If you have children.)

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