Brian Williams....Too big to fail?


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I'm really getting sick of the whole too big to fail thing. Has our society completely abandoned valuing honesty, integrity, honor,responsibility, and other characteristics? Do we just assume everyone is a conniving deceiving liar putting their own social and financial progress before everything. It makes you wonder if it's possible to succeed in this life and be a person of high character.


I really hope he gets thrown out on his ear.  

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Guest MormonGator

Since the network news shows are losing viewers so quickly (not trying to be cruel, but demographics show that network news viewers are much older than the population in general and they are literally dying off.) I'm not sure it matters. I'm a news junkie and never watch the "big three" networks. They've lost credibility years ago.

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The fault for these sorts of people getting away with it falls squarely on every man, woman and child who pays more attention to sensationalized news and infotainment rather than actual news.


That's it.


The 'Report unbiased, complete news' crowd failed miserably last century. They were replaced by what people watched: Infotainment.


Glenn Beck, Crossfire... They're just the same as Stephen Colbert and John Stewart with the exception that Colbert and Stewart are more honest about what they're doing.

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The fault for these sorts of people getting away with it falls squarely on every man, woman and child who pays more attention to sensationalized news and infotainment rather than actual news.


That's it.


The 'Report unbiased, complete news' crowd failed miserably last century. They were replaced by what people watched: Infotainment.


Glenn Beck, Crossfire... They're just the same as Stephen Colbert and John Stewart with the exception that Colbert and Stewart are more honest about what they're doing.


And despite them being more honest (it's comedy folks...wink wink) people feel it's a more trusted source of news, which is pretty sad.


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The fault for these sorts of people getting away with it falls squarely on every man, woman and child who pays more attention to sensationalized news and infotainment rather than actual news.


That's it.


The 'Report unbiased, complete news' crowd failed miserably last century. They were replaced by what people watched: Infotainment.


Glenn Beck, Crossfire... They're just the same as Stephen Colbert and John Stewart with the exception that Colbert and Stewart are more honest about what they're doing.


I agree, though I would suggest a different causality than what I think you might be implying here.


It isn't that people don't want unbiased, complete news.  It's just that they finally came to understand that the existing institutions were in fact highly biased and incomplete--their own protestations notwithstanding--and learned to mistrust anyone who claimed to be "unbiased".


American news consumers then shrugged and figured that since we've got the band, the cake, and the guests, we may as well have the party--hence the demand for FoxNews, MSNBC, and all the rest.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Brian Williams' shameless lying is yet another blemish on Fox News' already tarnished reputation.

What's that, you say? Brian Williams is NBC's anchor?


Well, then. Never mind.


Fox News is clearly making a far bigger deal of this than it deserves. Just Fox News twisting things to its advantage again. Move along, folks. No story here.

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Fox News is clearly making a far bigger deal of this than it deserves. Just Fox News twisting things to its advantage again. Move along, folks. No story here.


Yes, you are right - Fox News is making a big deal of it for their own aggrandizement.  But, I have to disagree that there is "No story here"... this is like a doctor going against his Hippocratic oath.  It's a big deal and is a story.

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Guest MormonGator

I do enjoy a few Fox news personalities-(John Stossel, Judge Andrew Napolitano) but they aren't straight reporters and don't claim to be. 


And it is a big deal. If you or I did something like this, it comes very close to "stolen valor". Easily among the most repulsive things a person can do. 

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I think it would be refreshing to see a left leaning organization, whether it be the current administration or a news organization to show some responsibility and remove people who show a lack of character or extremely poor judgement.  But the fact they don't, demonstrates their opinion of the people they claim to serve/represent.

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Yes, you are right - Fox News is making a big deal of it for their own aggrandizement.  But, I have to disagree that there is "No story here"... this is like a doctor going against his Hippocratic oath.  It's a big deal and is a story.


I think you missed his sarcasm there.  It sounded like he was saying that the rest of the media would be saying it's a big deal if it were a fox news anchor, but since it's a "respected" NBC anchor, that it's nothing and just Fox News trying to discredit the other stations.

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