Attending a Gay Wedding


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The legalization/criminality of prostitution is another subject all together. We clearly don't see eye to eye on this one. That's ok.


Granted, from a legal standpoint; but I'm still interested in the moral/ecclesiastical perspective.


Your aged, widowed grandfather wants you to join him at a family dinner in honor of the call girl he's been seeing regularly.  He maintains that she has made him supremely happy and that it's very important to him that the extended family share in his happiness. 


Do you go?  If so, can you at least understand and sympathize with the positions of those of your cousins who elect to avoid the event?

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Nice move Bytor, instead of using the moment to teach your young boys about appropriate displays of public affection, and visa vi appropriate relations between a man and a woman. You probably taught them to hate gay people also.


I certainly don't think that gay marriage is OK, and homosexual behavior is certainly not natural to me....I can love the sinner and not the sin.


You think being gay is a mental illness?

Assuming that I hate gay people is a wrong assumption and my two sons do not have any hatred toward homosexuals or anyone else for that matter and neither do I. 


I think that homosexuality is certainly a sickness of the mind and of the are free to disagree, many do, That said, I was referring specifically to people like Bruce Jenner who is apparently attempting to become a woman. Call me crazy, but that sounds like mental illness to me. 

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I very much agree with bytor2112 on this. By the world's standards I am a textbook homophobe (and a textbook male chauvinist as well). This doesn't bother me much. I care what I am by the Lord's standards of love, not the world's.


I also believe that in many ways we could seriously use a 50 year or more step backwards. The idea that anything newer is better is garbage. There are things, of course, that were worse 50 years ago. There other things that are, without question, significantly worse now. The world's concept of morality and sex is one of those things.


Our standards of truth and right should never change, not matter how "progressive" the world becomes.


Most everything about this new-found, worldly, so-called understanding of homosexuality is a lie.

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At this late point in the thread I have found an issue that I might respond to....Is it mental illness, are you born that way, etc... But I have a feeling that all roads down that path lead to  :lockedtopic:





P.S. I really want to post on this, but think it might not be appropriate, understood correctly, and straw manned etc....

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At this late point in the thread I have found an issue that I might respond to....Is it mental illness, are you born that way, etc... But I have a feeling that all roads down that path lead to  :lockedtopic:





P.S. I really want to post on this, but think it might not be appropriate, understood correctly, and straw manned etc....


Both is a possibility.


LDS teaching:  Gender is an Eternal traith.


In Mortality homosexuality may result due to any of the following conditions:

1.)  The eternal gender matches the physical gender parts and the brain's gender identity but environmental conditions presented homosexual temptation.  The mortal challenge is overcoming the temptation.


2.)  The eternal gender matches the physical gender parts but the brain (certain psychological/emotional receptors) has a disconnect with the physical attributes in the same manner that the autistic psychological/emotional receptors have a disconnect with physical stimulation.  The mortal challenge is overcoming the phsychological challenge in the same way an autistic person overcomes the challenges of autism.


3.)  The eternal gender does not match the physical gender.  There's no way to tell if this is the case.  But this is how I understood Soul Searcher's answer to his prayers when he sought God's help for his situation.  The mortal challenge is overcoming the physical affliction in the same manner the girl born with 2 heads - or more appropriately, the two girls born with one body from shoulders down) - have to overcome their physical challenge... they both have to somehow figure out how to maintain two separate eternal marriages with only one body... which, in normal circumstances would be committing the sin of adultery.  In the same manner, a homosexual with this challenge will have to figure out how to have an eternal marriage with a mortal gender not matching the eternal gender.  The Prophets have given us guidance on this - to remain celibate in mortality and leave the question of eternal marriage for the eternities.  As we don't have conjoined twins sharing one body in our Church as far as I know, I don't think the Prophets have given us guidance on how to deal with the conjoined twin example.


Anyway... all these things are possibilities.

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the girl born with 2 heads - or more appropriately, the two girls born with one body from shoulders down) - have to overcome their physical challenge... they both have to somehow figure out how to maintain two separate eternal marriages with only one body... which, in normal circumstances would be committing the sin of adultery.

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Granted, from a legal standpoint; but I'm still interested in the moral/ecclesiastical perspective.

Your aged, widowed grandfather wants you to join him at a family dinner in honor of the call girl he's been seeing regularly. He maintains that she has made him supremely happy and that it's very important to him that the extended family share in his happiness.

Do you go? If so, can you at least understand and sympathize with the positions of those of your cousins who elect to avoid the event?

That would depend on whether I'm mentioned in the will......:-)

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I'm a CPA. Do I do tax returns for a married gay couple, helping them benefit from their abomination?

If the answer is yes, why wouldn't I have gone to the wedding had I been invited?

Does anyone but me see where this leads?


The end of the world.

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I'm a CPA. Do I do tax returns for a married gay couple, helping them benefit from their abomination?

If the answer is yes, why wouldn't I have gone to the wedding had I been invited?

Does anyone but me see where this leads?


Where does it lead?  If, on the one hand, it leads to allowing arbitrary, capricious, and hurtful "discrimination" no matter how flimsy the grounds; then doesn't the path--traveled in the other direction--lead to a society where one is obligated to consent to any activity in which one is requested to participate, regardless of one's own moral scruples?  If you must do the tax return for a married gay couple, must you also do the tax return for a polygamist, or a pimp, or an Al Qaeda money launderer?

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Where does it lead? If, on the one hand, it leads to allowing arbitrary, capricious, and hurtful "discrimination" no matter how flimsy the grounds; then doesn't the path--traveled in the other direction--lead to a society where one is obligated to consent to any activity in which one is requested to participate, regardless of one's own moral scruples? If you must do the tax return for a married gay couple, must you also do the tax return for a polygamist, or a pimp, or an Al Qaeda money launderer?

Even the people you mentioned have a right to declare the appropriate income to their government, and pay taxes.....One can choose for whom one works, of course.

There's a saying in the tax business: 95% of the people will admit to cheating on their taxes. The other 5% are lying. Since everyone's guilty--what to do?

But again, I will venture that if I were invited to a wedding by a gay friend or client, I would likely go. As I would for any friends or clients. And how much more a friend is the OPs brother?

Us mormons have a real problem in one sense, in that anything less than a temple marriage is damnation (D&C 132:4), right? So why would we go to any wedding that doesn't lead to exaltation? Just legalized shacking up, in essence. That's the logical conclusion to the argument against going.

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Even the people you mentioned have a right to declare the appropriate income to their government, and pay taxes.....One can choose for whom one works, of course.
There's a saying in the tax business: 95% of the people will admit to cheating on their taxes. The other 5% are lying. Since everyone's guilty--what to do?

Pay honest taxes. Your saying is false: I have never knowingly cheated on my taxes. I am far from the only one.


But again, I will venture that if I were invited to a wedding by a gay friend or client, I would likely go. As I would for any friends or clients. And how much more a friend is the OPs brother?

So therefore you condemn others for coming to a different conclusion -- then proclaim how judgmental they are?


Us mormons have a real problem in one sense, in that anything less than a temple marriage is damnation (D&C 132:4), right? So why would we go to any wedding that doesn't lead to exaltation? Just legalized shacking up, in essence. That's the logical conclusion to the argument against going.

Hebrews 13:4 "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled." You are mistaken if you think there is any possible moral equivalency in LDS belief between non-eternal heterosexual marriage and homosex of any sort. I am aghast that any believing Saint would even believe, much less voice, such a thing.

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My wife and I regularly attend the South Florida Pride Wind Ensemble to support my wife’s co-worker. He himself is not homosexual. We have enjoyed each performance. We do find times when we are not clapping along with the crowd, when things get overly political. 


I have made some interesting observations over the past few years. One is, often times during a number there will be a performance. Whenever it’s dancers there will always be a male and a female dancing together. I have never seen two men, or two women. It’s nice, and I think in a way demonstrates that on a basic level it’s acknowledged that the highest, most profound love lies between two members of the opposite sex. In other word, the love that they seem to honor the most is between a man and women. I’ve seen this demonstrated also in the video’s they show sometimes, using footage from classic movies.


My other observation is that there are no women allowed in the Men’s Gay Choir. Guess there are still some barriers out there, thank heavens.


I do think there are times that our presence would be inappropriate.  But how many times in my own life did people show their love and support of me, while I knew they didn’t necessarily approve of my choices.  My good friend and Stake Patriarch attended a post-hardcore concert to support his son who is in the band. He can’t stand the music but loves his son.


I think I would attend my sons Gay wedding, or even a close friends, because I think if you’re really close then they already know your stance on the issue, not attending or attending doesn’t change that.

There are certainly some things I wouldn’t attend, watch a friend or relative at a strip-club, or see my son initiated into the KKK or something. That’s just me. 

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Us mormons have a real problem in one sense, in that anything less than a temple marriage is damnation (D&C 132:4), right? So why would we go to any wedding that doesn't lead to exaltation? Just legalized shacking up, in essence. That's the logical conclusion to the argument against going.


Except that a civil marriage between a man and a woman does not, by its very existence, forestall the possibility of a temple wedding down the road.


A straight, non-temple wedding between mature, committed individuals is a step in the right direction--just not as far as we'd like them to go.  By contrast, a gay wedding is a giant leap in the wrong direction.

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I'd pray about it.

If I felt the Spirit was telling me to go; I'd go.

If I felt the Spirit was telling me not to go; I wouldn't go.

If I felt the Spirit was telling me that He didn't care and the decision was up to me; I wouldn't go.


But I would never condemn someone who chose otherwise. I don't see a violation of Church law or doctrine on either side of the coin.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I'm hoping the brother sent out the invites to all the family.  I would have a difficult time deciding to go or not.  I probably would do a short showing at the reception.  Although the church will fight for the LGBT community to have the right to choose their principles and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we have the Family Proclamation to live by ourselves.  I'm just not sure if showing support for Gay marriage is a good idea because the church angered the gay community when it encouraged the members to go out against prop 8 in CA.    Of course, that was probably more about protecting the freedom to practice our faith as we see fit.  I know I would make sure to let the brother know that I accept his decision and love him.  It's a bit of a tight rope to maneuver.  Love is the guide, which is the Christ's love coming to us through the Spirit.  Go with Prayer in your heart.

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