Can you make a digital copy of your Patriarchal Blessing?

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I did exactly that many years ago. I made sure that in my re-typing, I included not just the text of the blessing but also the name of the Patriarch who gave it, then date it was given, and the reference number, in the top right corner. These days, you can just order a copy of your blessing online through the church website.

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Years ago I typed a copy of mine, so I would have a second copy.  It was my second copy that I would pull out and read.  That way my original stayed in good shape.  And, this past year I scanned the original and now have it stored in my computer.  The digital copy, I'm thinking of sending it to me in an email, so I can have access to read it even on my iphone.

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I was wondering if I could type my patriarchal blessing and keep a digital copy. I don't know what the rules are on this. Is there anything else I should know about copies or anything?


Well, having it tattooed upside down on your belly so you can read it in the shower might be seen as a bit weird.


Other than that, it's between you and the Lord.

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You can also acquire the blessings of deceased family and maintain such things as your personal family records (scriptures).  It is my personal belief that everyone should have copies of the standard works of scriptures as well as their own personal scriptural records.  Personal scriptural records, in my mind, include things like patriarchal blessing, father’s blessings and notes and thoughts from various blessings from ordinations and such things.  I also keep in my personal scripture collection, written personal testimonies – written for personal records and also written personal prayers.  From time to time I will also saved exchanges even on this forum.  It may surprise some but I have attempted to write a book of scripture for my collection – so far this effort has not turned out very well and I have especially scrapped my attempts at prophesy or what I thought would happen over the next ten years or so.  Perhaps I should save such things to demonstrate how truly flawed I am – but I am afraid my wife would find it and use it to make a point that is already embarrassing enough.

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