alleged statement by LDS church re: blood moon


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I, personally, have been kind of excited for the lunar eclipse tomorrow (27 sep 2015) evening. I recently obtained a new 6 inch Dobsonian and have been somewhat excited to see what a lunar eclipse looks like up close and personal (at least as up close and personal as a small to medium size telescope will allow).


I was a little surprised, with some of the apocalyptic rumors associated with this event, that there is a report in the Christian Science Monitor (from an AP journalist) that the LDS church has officially issued a statement that members should not "fall" for the apocalyptic speculations of other members.


I suppose 1) is this accurate journalism? and

2) Are the apocalyptic rumors and speculations floating around out there really that convincing?


Or any other thoughts?

Edited by MrShorty
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I, personally, have been kind of excited for the lunar eclipse tomorrow (27 sep 2015) evening. I recently obtained a new 6 inch Dobsonian and have been somewhat excited to see what a lunar eclipse looks like up close and personal (at least as up close and personal as a small to medium size telescope will allow).


I was a little surprised, with some of the apocalyptic rumors associated with this event, that there is a report in the Christian Science Monitor (from an AP journalist) that the LDS church has officially issued a statement that members should not "fall" for the apocalyptic speculations of other members.


I suppose 1) is this accurate journalism? and

2) Are the apocalyptic rumors and speculations floating around out there really that convincing?


Or any other thoughts?


I've read it some of the articles which only named Julie Rowe (author of A Greater Tomorrow) and purported comments on her site which I didn't investigate. The mean gist about Mormons is that they are prepped for disaster. The articles later name protestant religious leaders as those who wrote books prompting the blood moon = the apocalypse concept.


"Surely the Lord will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret to his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7 

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I have checked for this alleged statement by the Mormon church. It is just that: alleged. So in answer to your two questions:

1.) accurate journalism? NO

2.) rumor and speculations convincing? NO


Rumors have never been nor should they ever be convincing. 

Lunar eclipses have been occurring since the creation of Earth with her moon. Same as with solar eclipses.

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(September 26, 2015) In response to several news media inquiries, the Church recently issued the following statement:  

The Church encourages our members to be spiritually and physically prepared for life's ups and downs. For many decades, Church leaders have counseled members that, where possible, they should gradually build a supply of food, water and financial resources to ensure they are self-reliant during disasters and the normal hardships that are part of life, including illness, injury or unemployment.

This teaching to be self-reliant has been accompanied by the counsel of Church leaders to avoid being caught up in extreme efforts to anticipate catastrophic events. 

The writings and speculations of individual Church members, some of which have gained currency recently, should be considered as personal accounts or positions that do not reflect Church doctrine.

(my emphasis)

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(September 26, 2015) In response to several news media inquiries, the Church recently issued the following statement:  

The Church encourages our members to be spiritually and physically prepared for life's ups and downs. For many decades, Church leaders have counseled members that, where possible, they should gradually build a supply of food, water and financial resources to ensure they are self-reliant during disasters and the normal hardships that are part of life, including illness, injury or unemployment.

This teaching to be self-reliant has been accompanied by the counsel of Church leaders to avoid being caught up in extreme efforts to anticipate catastrophic events. 

The writings and speculations of individual Church members, some of which have gained currency recently, should be considered as personal accounts or positions that do not reflect Church doctrine.

(my emphasis)


THAT is not about the lunar eclipse or blood moon!!~!

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... I was a little surprised, with some of the apocalyptic rumors associated with this event, that there is a report in the Christian Science Monitor (from an AP journalist) that the LDS church has officially issued a statement that members should not "fall" for the apocalyptic speculations of other members. ...


Or any other thoughts?

Over the years, and especially on the web there are almost always inflated and/or apocalyptic rumors associated with celestial events.This is most often the case related to planetary and lunar alignments. I'm pondering why Ms Rowe felt prompted in "her journey" as she puts it to talk about this lunar eclipse and to do so in apocalyptic terms. The cynic in me feels to simply attribute it to want of attention, and blog viewers. Is there more, do you think?

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I guess what surprised me was that the church chose or felt it necessary to make a statement at all. I guess if enough media outlets ask for a statement, eventually the Church will provide that statement, which is what it sounds like happened. In the end, that's probably all there is to it. Some in the media wanted some kind of response to Ms. Rowe and/or others allegations and apocalyptic predictions. Enough requests for comment came in that the Church (or whoever is representing the Church on this matter) decided to issue a simple statement.

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Yeah, so I copied the statement into the comment section of the Associated Press news story.  

My comment was then deleted by AP (officially it is still "pending" for the past 9 hours).


I tried again, and left out the link to see if that was the problem.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I don't know if this is helpful, but if people are thinking the end is coming because of this blood moon--they are missing the boat.  The moon turning to blood as prophesied by Joel happened years ago, per Pres. Hinckley.  It is one of the signs of the Second Coming, but clearly not the only one.  

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Guess what turned up in my FB feed?  An article linking to the Church's official statement, so here it is if you haven't seen it:


And here is the quote from Pres. Hinckley from 2001 that says the prophesy of Joel about the moon turning to blood had been fulfilled.  These preppers need to pay more attention to the Prophets and less to random members, I think.


"The vision of Joel has been fulfilled wherein he declared:

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

“And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

“And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.

“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call” (Joel 2:28–32).

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My personal interpretation of Joel's prophecy is the moon turning to blood has nothing to do with the actual moon but is rather symbolic of radical Islam (the moon) going to war with everyone else in a way the world has never before seen. The timing of Hinckley's statement, October 2001, is particularly interesting...

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