Do church leaders come to this forum?


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Question for all:


How might you, if at all, change the way, words, and intents of your posts here if you knew that one of the twelve was reading it?


A bit of a sober thought, eh?

Let me ask you.  How would you?

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Question for all:


How might you, if at all, change the way, words, and intents of your posts here if you knew that one of the twelve was reading it?


A bit of a sober thought, eh?


"Absurd. No rational person could believe such tripe. As Elder So-and-so will surely agree, any faithful Saint could tell you that blah blah blah."


Yeah, you're right. It would make a HUGE difference.

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Question for all:


How might you, if at all, change the way, words, and intents of your posts here if you knew that one of the twelve was reading it?


A bit of a sober thought, eh?


I wouldn't change my posts.

But it might well be educational.

Depending on what they post.


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"Absurd. No rational person could believe such tripe. As Elder So-and-so will surely agree, any faithful Saint could tell you that blah blah blah."


Wait. Is this what you do now...or how you'd post if you knew they were reading? 



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I found it very surprising that part of President Monson's in the Priesthood session talk was on a subject that I had recorded in my journal a few months prior.


The subject was on being cautious about the voices we listen to.  I will add more later as I do not have access to my journal presently.


Edit:  Here are some of the words President Monson said.  They were very similar to some things spoken by James Faust in 1993:


The [Holy] Spirit's voice is ever present, but it is calm. Said Isaiah, "And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever" (Isaiah 32:17). The adversary tries to smother this voice with a multitude of loud, persistent, persuasive, and appealing voices:

Murmuring voices that conjure up perceived injustices.


Whining voices that abhor challenge and work.


Seductive voices offering sensual enticements.


Soothing voices that lull us into carnal security.


Intellectual voices that profess sophistication and superiority.


Proud voices that rely on the arm of flesh.


Flattering voices that puff us up with pride.


Cynical voices that destroy hope.


Entertaining voices that promote pleasure seeking.


Commercial voices that tempt us to "spend money for that which is of no worth" and/or "labor for that which cannot satisfy" (see 2 Nephi 9:51).


... In your generation you will be barraged by multitudes of voices telling you how to live, how to gratify your passions, how to have it all.

Edited by Still_Small_Voice
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Guest LiterateParakeet

I wouldn't change my posts.

But it might well be educational.

Depending on what they post.


I'm with you DC. I always imagine the Lord at my side and try to please Him. Not saying I'm perfect, just saying I already know I have an audience. I pray about too...both repenting and praying for discernment.

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When I was running the Society for the Prevention of Anti-Mormonism web site (hence the SPAMLDS moniker) from 2008-2011, I used to use the Statcounter service to track the site's performance.  Among the information it provides is the IP addresses of your visitors and their Internet domain.  You can see where your traffic is coming from.  I used to be surprised to see from time to time, visitors from Church headquarters in the logs.  I figured they were employees surfing on their lunch break or maybe someone from HQ checking to see if I was leading people astray.  I never got any communications from them.  I always tried to stay right in the "center of the road" doctrinally, so I really didn't worry much.  


Another tool I used was Google alerts.  You just enter in a keyword and Google will send you lists of blogs, news, and other sources that feature the keywords.  I had alerts for LDS, Mormon, and of course, the site's name.  It worked like a vacuum cleaner, efficiently bringing in almost everything going about the Church in English each day.  What was interesting is how it showed trends.  One anti-Mormon site would come up with a topic and the rest would pick it up and spread it for a few days.  Then the topic would change.  


I started to see that there were calendar trends.  Every spring, before conference, there would be something about genealogy, doing baptism for the dead for Holocaust survivors, etc.  The new 9/11 for anti-Mormons is the Mountain Meadows Massacre.  They use 9/11 every year to remind people that it was the date of that tragic event in our history.  In October, there would be things about polygamist groups and attempts to connect them to the Church.  There were always articles about "Smithmas" at Christmas time.


Anyways, I digress.  I'm sure the Church uses some very sophisticated tools to research opinions about the Church.  There is also the commission it was given by the Lord in Section 123 to gather up all the libelous accounts that are published against the Church and archive them.  I'm sure there is a "Defending the Faith" committee that supervises that effort.

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Question for all:


How might you, if at all, change the way, words, and intents of your posts here if you knew that one of the twelve was reading it?


A bit of a sober thought, eh?


I imagine the Lord is very much interested in what is said here.  I look at this site as a missionary tool to both members and nonmembers alike.  I know I'm not perfect, but, I do try to temper my postings and say what the Lord would have me say.  I often pray about what I say here on the site, and as I type, I often ask, "is this what You would want me to say?  Please help guide me."

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Question for all:


How might you, if at all, change the way, words, and intents of your posts here if you knew that one of the twelve was reading it?


A bit of a sober thought, eh?

Well I'd certainly pay a lot more attention to their answers than I do to some of the answers I see here. 

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Well I'd certainly pay a lot more attention to their answers than I do to some of the answers I see here. 


Ah, but that's the thing...they would likely be anonymous like most people here.   You wouldn't know it was them unless the Spirit told you.  :)

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