Stupidest Thanksgiving prank ever, but I laughed at the daughters' reactions.


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Wow, she was genuinely upset.  I wonder if she realizes that the turkey was once alive.  


I still laugh at my friend's daughter who when told that chickens are killed to be eaten was very upset. This was on the way to dinner where she planned on getting chicken nuggets.  Her face was hilarious when we asked her where she thought CHICKEN nuggets came from....

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Marney is my MIL. Or my MIL is Marney.


This year, I was told to bring "Mashed potatoes. Plain." Last year, "Two pies, homemade." I think that was also the year of, "Don't bring that green bean casserole. No one else likes it." A couple of years ago, I was told to make a traditional family dessert and "Use pecans, not walnuts." 


Oh, the holidays are fun. 


(p.s. . ..  I took store-bought pies because I don't do pie crust. I used walnuts because pecans were expensive, and she's not the boss of me. And I'm kind of a brat like that. I'm tempted to do garlic and chive mashed potatoes, or cheesy mashed potatoes, but I won't because I want plain, too.)

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I'll never forget the year I asked my mom what I can make for Thanksgiving.  Every year my sister-in-law and mother made all the food.  I had bought my house and had my own kitchen and wanted to actually contribute to the meal.


Mom kept telling me that I didn't need to bring anything. I kept on insisting on making SOMETHING. Finally, she said, "Ok, your dad and I really like cole slaw."  Great! I can make cole slaw.  But, they REALLY liked Long John Silver's cole slaw. So, I went to LJS and asked if they had pint sized cole slaw. Nope, just the little individual ones. I ordered a whole dozen. When the worker looked at me funny, I explained that my mom didn't want me to make it but to buy LJS.  We both had a good laugh about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, she was genuinely upset.  I wonder if she realizes that the turkey was once alive.  


I still laugh at my friend's daughter who when told that chickens are killed to be eaten was very upset. This was on the way to dinner where she planned on getting chicken nuggets.  Her face was hilarious when we asked her where she thought CHICKEN nuggets came from....


I'm the Scoutmaster for our troop, and a boy in our troop is a vegetarian. His parents are not vegetarian, nor his siblings. Just him. His mom told me that he discovered where meat came from when he was six, and has absolutely refused to eat it since that time. She has had to become something of a vegetarian cook to keep him healthy. I say, bully for him! (Though it does add a layer of complexity to campouts sometimes.)

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My son was about 6 as well when we went to Red Lobster and he saw the lobsters swimming in the big tank.  My son was upset that they put a band around their pinchers and went on to complain to his dad.  His dad then said they need their pinchers closed so they can take out the lobster we want and not get bit.  He then asked my son to go pick the lobster for daddy's dinner.  And my son cried and said that's so mean and cruel and that he'll never let his dad eat lobster again.  His dad then said, well, we kill animals so we can eat them, are you going to be a vegetarian then?  And he said, YES!  I'm a vegetarian!  And so then the waiter came to get his order and he said I want a burger.  My husband then said, burgers come from cows.  They kill the cow, grind up the meat, cook it and put it on your burger.  My son then said... okay, I want chicken strips!  My husband then told him, chicken strips come from chicken, they kill the chicken, peel off the meat, cook it and put it on a plate.  My son then said, okay, I'll have the burger instead.


He was a vegetarian for all of 10 minutes.

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Thanksgiving tradition - reading the Marney Letter and watching the Marney Video.


Marney Letter


Marney Video


Apparently, per the YouTube comments (we all know how reliable they are!) . . . that's not really Marney.


Even so, 2:13 is classic and reminds me of Nietzsche:  And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

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