Special Snowflakes...


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I dunno - I think these people, and these stories, have always been with us.  Just never in news stories so readily accessible.  Everyone starts out dumb, believes and says dumb things out of ignorance.  We often internalize new information (sometimes by quietly learning, sometimes by public shaming), and pretty much nobody is as dumb as they were 10 years ago.  I know I've believed a few doozies in my youth.  

There are various places where the sheltered and ignorant get some sense directed at them.  Missions, college, and prison are quite often someone's first real experiences with real life. There are a ton of "my companion believed weird stuff" stories.  Being humble and opening yourself up to other viewpoints is a heck of a lot less embarrassing than being a loud publicly shamed idiot, but both are ways to learn.  

Just for the love of pete, make sure loud morons have the opportunity to be publicly shamed if they won't take the quieter route.

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I think you hit the nail on the head in that last sentence... People who ought to be ashamed of their behavior are being taught not only that their behavior is valid, but they're actually being encouraged to act that way.  The problem with special snowflakes these days isn't that they exist of that they're vocal, it's that we're coddling them when we should be teaching them to know better.

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MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry has walked off of her own television show to protest the fact that she's been preempted several times now for election-related coverage. 

Gee, one would think that "getting preempted" would be a known occupational hazard of working for a 24/7 news network.

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On 2/18/2016 at 4:27 AM, Bad Karma said:

I'm willing to forgo the discount for hotter and fresher French fries and maybe extra onions on my burger. :) Ok, I lied, I want the discount too, I'm cheap. 


I'm terrible on how I often I seek out military and teacher discounts.

Discounts rock.

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When I was a kid, and I'm talking about the 1950s, my father always asked for a discount on anything he bought.  Why?  He was a telephone company employee.  ?  But more times that not, he got one.  It taught me that anybody can get a discount.

Today I'm a member of at least 10 or 20 or more organizations with discount arrangements somewhere.  Just show the card.  AMA, ABA, CalBar, AAA, and on and on.  Or just ask.  The clerk or manager can frequently give a discount.


And if you can get a discount in person, shop online.

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On 25 February 2016 at 11:58 PM, Vort said:

Happy news. It's about time.

I'm not sure I totally agree. She acted like an idiot, but she's pretty much admitted that she was wrong - or at least that she went too far. She hasn't done any lasting damage (except to the cause she was supporting) and the journalist she was calling up "muscle" against took no notice of her or her minions. Revoke her unpaid appointment in the journalism department - OK maybe - but don't sack her from the university altogether. This is just going to make an ill-deserved martyr out of her.

Edited by Jamie123
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Guest LiterateParakeet
17 hours ago, Ironhold said:

Granted I haven't followed this story very closely...it is all over my FB page, and I read the headlines. :)

From the headlines and skimming this article, I can see her point. She holds. PhD in political science, and her show has been preempted for weeks for political coverage? And now they want her to read the news for 4 hours? 

Why not use her skills for the political coverage? If I had. PhD in political science (or anything really) I would balk at being asked to read the news too. 

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Yeah, MSNBC and news.  *snicker*  Folks interested in news, journalism, insightful and relevant commentary and opinion - they don't go to MSNBC.  If you want to see what some network exec believes maximizes ratings and views for a 24/7 news network - that's why you go see MSNBC.


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6 hours ago, Ironhold said:


Melissa Click says that she shouldn't have been fired over what happened, as she didn't know that the journalist had the right to be there. 

As we all know, ignorance of the law is a perfectly valid excuse.

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2 hours ago, Vort said:

As we all know, ignorance of the law is a perfectly valid excuse.

I'm still confused by the notion that anyone would assume otherwise in the first place.  (In other words, if she feels her actions are excusable because she didn't know the journalist as within his rights, I'd ask why she assumed he wasn't by default.)

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College students are going into hysterics because someone grabbed chalk and wrote pro-Trump messages all over their campus. 

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On 3/21/2016 at 8:49 AM, unixknight said:

I'd ask why she assumed he wasn't by default.

Because that's the world to which her thinking leads.  When I lived in Moscow (Russia), the thing which struck me is that they are the exact opposite from us in this key way: In the US, unless it's explicitly forbidden, it's allowed.  In Russia, unless it's explicitly allowed, it's forbidden.  Unfortunately, many people cannot see which is the correct default.

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41 minutes ago, zil said:

When I lived in Moscow (Russia), the thing which struck me is that they are the exact opposite from us in this key way: In the US, unless it's explicitly forbidden, it's allowed.  In Russia, unless it's explicitly allowed, it's forbidden.  Unfortunately, many people cannot see which is the correct default.

That ain't the way I heared it.

In USmerica, everything is allowed except that which is forbidden.

In France, everything is allowed especially that which is forbidden.

In China, everything is forbidden except that which is allowed.

In Russia, everything is forbidden especially that which is allowed.


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PEZ was forced to cancel their annual Easter Egg hunt when numerous parents rushed the fields before the scheduled start times in order to grab as many eggs as they could for their kids. 

Although most people have been sympathetic to PEZ over the issue, some individuals have blamed them for not having enough people in place to stop the rampage. 

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A black student confronted and tried to physically restrain a white student when she saw that the white student was wearing dreadlocks. When the white student broke free and told her off, the black student saw that a third party was filming the incident and went after the camera. 

The person who recorded the exchange is looking to press charges. 

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15 hours ago, Ironhold said:


A black student confronted and tried to physically restrain a white student when she saw that the white student was wearing dreadlocks.

Oh wow.  Assault someone because they have a hairstyle you don't think they should have.  And then assault the cameraman.  

Kudos to the dude she assaulted - class act.  He reported the incident, isn't planning on pressing charges, and admits he never feared for his safety.  If he wanted, he could probably get this lady kicked out of school.

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40 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

If he wanted, he could probably get this lady kicked out of school.

And how, exactly, would that happen?


a) Female
b) Black
c) a vocal activist.

Ain't agonna happen, even if the assailee were inclined to make an issue of it.


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