Predictions for 2016?


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Anyone care to make predictions?  Anyone have spiritual inclinations as to what this year will bring?


1. In politics - I predict that there will continue a split in the Republican party and that a Democrat will be elected.


2. Economic.  Some ups and downs but basically the continuance of a stagnant economy.


3. Terror - More terror (especially towards authority).  And this will not be just Islamic terror - I predict that racial divides will become more prominent and violent.


4. The border:  No improvement - illegal crossing will continue with both people, drugs and other products -- like black market oil.  Drug cartels will become more visible and obviously involved in this year's elections.


5. Entertainment - will become more violent and anti family.  The top programming will not reflect traditional family values but will focus on other relationships.


6. LDS - Apostasy will increase - mostly around the collapse of families.


7. Missions will start to close and more areas will become dependent on local missionaries.


8. Social services will start to become as important as food and economic subsidies.


9. Good faith relationships with inter-faiths efforts will become controversial and the religious community will start to divide with stronger sections withing the divides.


I wish you all the best for this new year but I believe that for many of us - life will become more challenging.  

Edited by Traveler
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Maybe not in 2016, but not too far into the future, the Church will stop performing marriages in the Temples (in USmerica, it's already this way in most of the world) because of political and legal demands that anyone who performs marriages must perform same-sex "marriages".

Divorces will increase among Saints as more and more sisters discover they need to be "free" of the "shackles" of husbands and children: they need to "find themselves" and be in the workforce on the same footing as men.


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1. In politics - I predict that there will continue a split in the Republican party and that a Democrat will be elected.


Sadly I expect you're right. Hillary. :(


2. Economic.  Some ups and downs but basically the continuance of a stagnant economy.


I'm okay with this for the most part. Things could be much worse. There but for fortune things may get much worse.


3. Terror - More terror (especially towards authority).  And this will not be just Islamic terror - I predict that racial divides will become more prominent and violent.


Don't forget about when Obama comes to try and take the guns away. Civil war!


4. The border:  No improvement - illegal crossing will continue with both people, drugs and other products -- like black market oil.  Drug cartels will become more visible and obviously involved in this year's elections.




5. Entertainment - will become more violent and anti family.  The top programming will not reflect traditional family values but will focus on other relationships.


I expect they'll start slipping in some hard porn moments into cable shows like Game of Thrones too. Just quick, from a distance moments at first. But it'll happen (if it hasn't already. I don't watch such shows so unless there were a news article on it or the like....)


6. LDS - Apostasy will increase - mostly around the collapse of families.


The faithful will become stronger too. A greater divide.


7. Missions will start to close and more areas will become dependent on local missionaries.


Other missions will open up. We may see some momentous things in this regard.


8. Social services will start to become as important as food and economic subsidies.




9. Good faith relationships with inter-faiths efforts will become controversial and the religious community will start to divide with stronger sections withing the divides.



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There'll be a backlash against the libertine sexuality of recent years, Moral Majority will make a surge, and Catholic/Protestant and LDS will hold hands as we cooperate to reclaim America for Judeo-Christian morality.



... oh, wait.  The OP was for 2016, not the early 1980s.



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I predict that someone will make an economic comparison with the Saints and claim that the gap between faithful and faithless is widening. Others will respond in at least two ways: That this is just a reflection of the self-righteousness of the benighted "iron rodders", and that the self-righteous need to get off their high horse and be more accepting of the beauties, intricacies, and quirks of human nature. But the blather will change nothing.


Some who have "resigned" from Mormonism and who consider themselves "enlightened" and above that sort of thing will have an awakening, humble themselves, and return to the fold, happy (or at least willing) to be mocked as "sheeple" by those whose approval they gained when they previously distanced themselves from the Church.


Not everyone who wants a pony will get one.

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1.  The U.S. stock market will crash worse than it did in 1929.


2.  The economy will tank and unemployment will go beyond 30%.


3.  The dollar will be replaced as the world reserve currency by the yuan.


4.  The militant homosexual community will attack any non-profit organization that does not accept and support homosexual marriage, and will attempt to get their 501(3)c status revoked.  The Church will lead the fight against this, but will lose.  Tithing will then become non-deductible.


5.  The IRS will require all 501(3)c organizations to supply a list of all donors and will then target them for persecution.


6.  One or more conservative Supreme Court justice(s) will die under questionable circumstances.


7.  There will be a series of "right wing" terrorist attacks against government facilities.


8.  Islamic terrorism will explode inside the U.S..


9.  Trump will win the Republican nomination and a credible attempt will be made on his life.

Edited by JojoBag
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Guest MormonGator

1.  The U.S. stock market will crash worse than it did in 1929.


2.  The economy will tank and unemployment will go beyond 30%.


3.  The dollar will be replaced as the world reserve currency by the yuan.


4.  The militant homosexual community will attack any non-profit organization that does not accept and support homosexual marriage, and will attempt to get their 501c status revoked.  The Church lead the fight against this, but will lose.  Tithing will then become non-deductible.


5.  The IRS will require all 501c organizations to supply a list of all donors and will then target them for persecution.


6.  One or more conservative Supreme Court justice(s) will die under questionable circumstances.


7.  There will be a series of "right wing" terrorist attacks against government facilities.


8.  Islamic terrorism will explode inside the U.S..


9.  Trump will win the Republican nomination and a credible attempt will be made on his life.

 My friend, you are being WAY too positive. You need to take off the rose colored glasses.  :D 

(kidding, kidding) 

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Guest MormonGator

I was waiting for someone to say that.

 See that's why we don't get along Jojo. I'm always telling you to be more realistic and less like Pollyanna. Your optimism is so naive. 


And we get along great everyone! Still just playing! 

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 See that's why we don't get along Jojo. I'm always telling you to be more realistic and less like Pollyanna. Your optimism is so naive. 


If you think I'm negative, you should read what Joseph Smith and other early GA's wrote about what will happen to the U.S.  John Taylor's vision is really happy happy, joy joy reading.  That one will really give you warm fuzzies.  One apostle said, "I have seen the end of this nation and it is terrible to behold."

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Guest MormonGator

If you think I'm negative, you should read what Joseph Smith and other early GA's wrote about what will happen to the U.S.  John Taylor's vision is really happy happy, joy joy reading.  That one will really give you warm fuzzies.  One apostle said, "I have seen the end of this nation and it is terrible to behold."

 Lol. I have respect for you even though our world outlooks are different. That's what makes the world go around. We're still brothers in faith. 


And they (our world views) aren't really that different. I choose to be happy and optimistic. It requires effort. I think pessimism and sadness are easy in todays world. 


In fact, becoming LDS has changed me from angst ridden, pessimistic, mopey and sad to quite happy and optimistic. I used to be quite goth and "Oh, life is so miserable, Everything is bad. We are all doomed". Not so anymore. It's amazing.

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 Lol. I have respect for you even though our world outlooks are different. That's what makes the world go around. We're still brothers in faith. 


And they (our world views) aren't really that different. I choose to be happy and optimistic. It requires effort. I think pessimism and sadness are easy in todays world. 


In fact, becoming LDS has changed me from angst ridden, pessimistic, mopey and sad to quite happy and optimistic. I used to be quite goth and "Oh, life is so miserable, Everything is bad. We are all doomed". Not so anymore. It's amazing.


I can see why you'd think I'm so pessimistic, but actually I'm happier than I've ever been in my life.  I have great optimism about the future, but I see what is coming.  I see prophecy being fulfilled right before my eyes.  According to Joseph Smith, the Seventh Seal was opened at the beginning of this millennium.  Then there is the passage of scripture that talks about there being silence in the heavens for the space of half an hour immediately after the opening of that seal.  According to a few GA's I've read, that silence is on God's time and it would last for 22.8 years.  That time is fast approaching.  Once the silence is ended the angels of destruction are loosed.  Leading up to that time will be other calamities, wars, etc.


There are also the statements from many other GA's that the judgments of God against this nation and especially against the deceived members of the Church would be fulfilled rapidly.  There are the statements and prophecies that predict the U.S. will be invaded by a foreign power prior to the Second Coming and that it will be a hotly contested war.  The Constitution must hang by a thread and that means that many of the things I've "predicted" (not my predictions) must happen in one form or another.  Naturally I don't know when or if all will happen, but I'm confident some of them will.

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