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The end of a long day at the end of a long week, and I sign on to the forums at The trending topics are: Abortion, Education problems, and Donald Trump. Oh, and logic questions. My brain is too tired. 


What did anyone do for fun or enrichment this weekend? We had our youth fundraiser dinner and auction (hence the overwhelmed brain and senses, and general exhaustion) which, while tiring, is always kind of fun. It's good to see the youth work hard, good to see the ward and community pull together and support them. It felt like a big family dinner.  

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24 minutes ago, Vort said:

Started building my barrel (rotating) composter! And we celebrated our baby boy's tenth birthday.

What's the advantage of a composter? My dad (who gardens like a fiend) just has a "trash" plate in the kitchen where he places his coffee grounds, veggie peelings, uneaten food, etc. He empties the plate each night into the garden. Just tosses the contents into the garden. When he plows the garden that food gets plowed into the ground.

I see this and wonder why a composter is needed. 

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11 minutes ago, beefche said:

What's the advantage of a composter? My dad (who gardens like a fiend) just has a "trash" plate in the kitchen where he places his coffee grounds, veggie peelings, uneaten food, etc. He empties the plate each night into the garden. Just tosses the contents into the garden. When he plows the garden that food gets plowed into the ground.


A composter transforms wastes into soil in a weeks. Letting it sit and plowing it under takes months or years.

A matter of preference, I suppose.


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49 minutes ago, beefche said:

What's the advantage of a composter? My dad (who gardens like a fiend) just has a "trash" plate in the kitchen where he places his coffee grounds, veggie peelings, uneaten food, etc. He empties the plate each night into the garden. Just tosses the contents into the garden. When he plows the garden that food gets plowed into the ground.

I see this and wonder why a composter is needed. 

Not just speed, but to keep the animals and varmints out of it! I have been coveting a rotating composter for 6 years now. What I can buy at Walmart or Fred Meyer costs $117.00 and is 8.7 cu. ft. Totally out of my price range.


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51 minutes ago, beefche said:

What's the advantage of a composter?

What LeSellers and Iggy said. A compost pile makes compost in a matter of months, even weeks in ideal conditions. Plowing stuff directly into the soil will take a year, sometimes several years, to break the stuff down. It also means no mess and no odor, if you do it right. The composting barrel is just an innovation that makes it easy to aerate your compost pile. Instead of going out and shoveling it once or twice a week, you just spin the barrel.

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Guest LiterateParakeet
8 hours ago, Vort said:

Started building my barrel (rotating) composter! And we celebrated our baby boy's tenth birthday.

Small world, we are celebrating my baby boy's tenth birthday this weekend too!  

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I'm learning watercolor.  It is so fun to play with the paint.  It makes me feel like a child again, in good ways.  But the adult part of me is a perfectionist and being a beginner is frustrating.  I want my pictures perfect right now!  Then I breathe and remind myself this is for FUN...and childhood is back!  Art is awesome.  

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Wow, appears it was a birthday weekend. We did one of my sons 12th b-day. Screaming kids & Minecraft sleepover, so not terribly quiet. Mulched the flower beds and bought fruit trees with the family yesterday. Oh boy!, our own fruit...well um, 10 years from now I mean<_< Lastly, broke our 30-day no sugar/dairy/grain diet on birthday cake/potato salad. It was delicious, but the guilt wasn't worth it.

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10 hours ago, beefche said:

What's the advantage of a composter? My dad (who gardens like a fiend) just has a "trash" plate in the kitchen where he places his coffee grounds, veggie peelings, uneaten food, etc. He empties the plate each night into the garden. Just tosses the contents into the garden. When he plows the garden that food gets plowed into the ground.

I see this and wonder why a composter is needed. 

We have a rotating composer we have ignored for over a year in favor of a three-bin system. The latter worked better for us.

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We went out for breakfast then asked our daughter if she wanted to go to the aquarium or go on a hike. She picked hike. We have a goal to hike a particular peak every week this summer and thought we would putter about the base. Turned out we hasn't considered the past week of rain. So we cleaned off the mud and went to Smith & Edwards. Then at home yours truly had a potty training meltdown so we went out for ice cream and to the library so yours truly could check our potty training books. Then we had a nap and made a tasty zucchini and spinach cream pasta dinner.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

@Backroads . . . I work with troubled youth in residential care.  Sometimes we get kids who struggle with encopresis which Mayo Clinic defines as:


Encopresis, also called stool holding or soiling, occurs when your child resists having bowel movements, causing impacted stool to collect in the colon and rectum. When your child's colon is full of impacted stool, liquid stool can leak around the impacted stool and out of the anus, staining your child's underwear.

The kids are work with are 13-17!  At this age, as you can imagine, they are very embarrassed about this problem, and do unimaginable things to try and hide it.  We had one who threw it out the window. Another time there was a foul smell coming from a boys room.  Staff (luckily it wasn't me) upon investigating discovered a cardboard box in the closet full of clothing stained with fecal matter (apparently it had been used in a toilet paper fashion).  

So just put things in perspective, LOL.  The kids I know have this disorder because of severe trauma, so take heart, your daughter is young, and she will grow out of this. :) 


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I spent about an hour this morning pushing water away from the house to the drainage areas.  It's still raining.  Somehow they decided to build a low spot on the uphill side of the house so it puddles about four inches before it goes around the house.

While doing so, I saw my indoor cat walking around the water.  I can't describe the gymnastics that the cat did to avoid getting wet -- an impossibility.

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11 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I spent about an hour this morning pushing water away from the house to the drainage areas.  It's still raining.  Somehow they decided to build a low spot on the uphill side of the house so it puddles about four inches before it goes around the house.

Our last house had really terrible grading and drainage. What a headache. 

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DH and I babysat our 13-month and 3-year-old grandsons from Wednesday to Saturday. I love being a grandma! The baby is easier to watch than the older child. The 3-year-old is on the Autism spectrum, and can be really hard to manage. He will throw objects and hit and scratch when thwarted. But, he is still a joy to be around, especially since my daughter moved out to Alabama from Utah so her husband can attend helicopter flight school. Son-in-law is in the military and he just completed his S.E.R.E. training. We got to watch the kids while daughter and SIL took a much needed break for a few days.

We've been in Alabama now for two weeks. I'm ready to go home, and in fact were scheduled to fly home today, but our flights have been cancelled due to weather. Ugh.

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I ate a brain taco on Friday. We have this little Mexican place that serves really good tacos. And not the American stuff you normally get. Just the non-crispy shell, meat, cilantro, onions and lime wedge on side. You get a variety of meat choices--steak, chicken, fish, head (brains), lips, cheek, tongue, al pastor, etc. Anyway, the brains were very, very fatty. And not the fat you get on a steak, but something more creamy. The flavor was good, but the creamy fat wasn't something I liked.

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9 hours ago, beefche said:

I ate a brain taco on Friday. We have this little Mexican place that serves really good tacos. And not the American stuff you normally get. Just the non-crispy shell, meat, cilantro, onions and lime wedge on side. You get a variety of meat choices--steak, chicken, fish, head (brains), lips, cheek, tongue, al pastor, etc. Anyway, the brains were very, very fatty. And not the fat you get on a steak, but something more creamy. The flavor was good, but the creamy fat wasn't something I liked.

??? even for a Scottish person who grew up with a recipe for haggis (10" by 20") hung up in the kitchen, with directions to include eye balls, this makes me queasy!

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