Mormons and Halloween


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Staying home and keeping all the lights in the house off (and basking in the warmth of my laptop screen and glowing keyboard), because I'm too lazy to get up at random, unpredictable intervals and give candy to little beggars who don't need it == OK.

Not OK == anything which harms the life, liberty, or property of another. And failing to use the Oxford comma.

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6 minutes ago, pam said:

These days it's dressing up as a clown.  It can get you arrested now.

You know, we don't pester @mirkwood about his ghoulish yard, so you'd think he could respect other people's costume choices...

(I know you're probably referring to some incident I know nothing about, but I thought it would be more fun to pester mirkwood...)

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8 minutes ago, zil said:

You know, we don't pester @mirkwood about his ghoulish yard, so you'd think he could respect other people's costume choices...

(I know you're probably referring to some incident I know nothing about, but I thought it would be more fun to pester mirkwood...)

It's been in the news.

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1 hour ago, zil said:

Staying home and keeping all the lights in the house off (and basking in the warmth of my laptop screen and glowing keyboard), because I'm too lazy to get up at random, unpredictable intervals and give candy to little beggars who don't need it == OK.


I'm so going to knock on your door this year...




You know, we don't pester @mirkwood about his ghoulish yard, so you'd think he could respect other people's costume choices...

Some of the decorations are up...

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I love that a local ward does Trunk or Treat, a great variation on traditional trick or treating.   I still love getting trick or treaters, but now I live on a cul-de-sac which is off a main road, and for the past 4 years, I have gotten zero trick or treaters. In my 20s I loved going to big clubs or street parties. I even won second place in a costume contest once.   But those days are long gone.  Decorations have now gone more harvest/fall than spooky/scary. 

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I think she means what's acceptable / not acceptable for Mormons specifically.  (Presumably to post some of the answers back to the facebook page.)

I gave up on Halloween a long time ago, so I have no idea beyond common decency and what the handbook says about no masks at parties at church, and no portrayal of deity, and (not sure it's still there, but it used to be) not dressing up as a member of the opposite sex.  I think it would probably be disrespectful to dress up as a specific prophet or apostle as well.  Personally, I see no problem with dressing up as a missionary - so long as you make it clear in some way that it's a costume.

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13 hours ago, pam said:

What is okay and what's not? 

Well, what's not OK is all of the skimpy revealing crap every store sells.  Yeah, of course preteen girls should want to be pirate slut or princess hooker or naughty housemaid for Halloween.  

What is OK:  A guy in my ward dressed his kid up as one of the characters in A Clockwork Orange.   Had to respect the genius of such a thing.  The kid hadn't watched the movie, the only people who would have issue with it, are those who saw the movie.  It took me 8 years to finally build up the courage to tell him I was on to him.  He told me I was the only one who said anything. 

I dressed up as a pimp one year.  Interesting comments at the Ward trunk-or-treat.  Plenty of clueless guessing about what I was supposed to be.  The kindly old wife-of-a-former-Bishop looked sternly at me and said "oh nice pimp outfit".  The scandal!  :lol:

Two years ago I went as a brony.  Dressed up as a sweaty overweight guy with hipster glasses and a fedora.  Had a giant Pinkie Pie plushie on a pole just out of reach in front of me, ran after it like a carrot.  Got a little hostility from mommies of little girls who recognized Pinkie - they thought I was a threat to their daughters somehow.  Other mommies of little girls were totally fine with it.  The lady cosplaying as Fluttershy looked scared of me.  Lots of nervous laughter from parents who would usher their kids in the other direction.  Half a dozen bursts of enthusiastic respect from random people.  

Best conversation ever:  
Dood at concession stand: Is that one of those pony things from that little girl's show?
Me: What, you don't recognize Pinkie Pie?  What's the matter with you?
Dood: (Looking embarrassed) Oh, sorry, I don't get a chance to watch it much.  But I watch Strawberry Shortcake with my girlfriend's kid...
Me: (Looking horrified) You watch Strawberry Shortcake?  Weirdo!  Get away from me man!

Edited by NeuroTypical
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