Ward Christmas Party


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Last night I met with an assigned group to help plan the Ward Christmas Party. The Relief Society President had previously met with her activities committee and come up with what I consider an extravagant plan. It is to be a breakfast for dinner with pancakes, bacon, breakfast casseroles, parfait, hot chocolate, orange juice, and cookies. They want to string snowflakes back and forth across the gym on fishing line along with snow flakes on the walls, they plan to have a video of ward events from the year playing in the background, a picture booth, and decorations on the stage and at each table. The program on the other hand seems rather simple in comparison. The primary kids sing a song or two, the ward sings a few hymns, and the bishop gives a message.  We plan to solicit the wards help with the pancakes, casseroles, bacon, cookies, as well as asking a number of people to take down and setup.

I suggested ways to simplify it, but my voice was mostly drowned out and I started feeling like the contrarian. What do you think? Is this too complex, or am I just killing good ideas? What is the right balance for a Ward Christmas Party? 

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8 minutes ago, james12 said:

What do you think? Is this too complex, or am I just killing good ideas? What is the right balance for a Ward Christmas Party? 

Two comments on that:

1) Some wards can get away with that.  Others can't.  As long as you have the people, the will, the resources, etc. to get it done, go for it.  If you're lacking, it will probably flop.  I don't know enough about your ward to make the determination of whether it will work or not.

2) Time and time again I've seen secular Christmas programs at church.  I didn't see anything in that "to do list" that you provided that was in any way Christ Centered.  I find that disappointing.  I've had many church sponsored Christmas events that were highly Christ centered (like "an evening in Bethlehem").  We've had a musical Christmas program which was wonderful.  Others were mixtures of secular and religious.  I suppose that was ok.  But I don't really appreciate Christmas programs without Christ in it.

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1 hour ago, Carborendum said:

Christ centered (like "an evening in Bethlehem")

Our Ward, along with two others are about to convert our gym into Bethlehem for this same event (I think). "Authentic" is the word that keeps being tossed around. Canopies as market booths, lights off with stars on the ceiling, paying taxes, eating pita/cheese dinner, dressed in robes and visiting the focal point of the night, the Christ Child in the manger. This is already and will continue to be work, work and more work.-_-

Will it be worth it? Should we do it? Is it too much?
I'm right in line with Carb on this one: Is the event Christ centered? Is the event designed to strengthen testimonies of the Savior? Does the event serve as a missionary/reactivation tool for less-active or non-members? Was the atmosphere conducive to invite the Spirit?

In my opinion, if those items were not accomplished then what was the point of the activity? It needs to have purpose, rather than holding an activity for activity's sake.;)

HB 2 2.2 - “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized by God to assist in His work to bring to pass the salvation and exaltation of His children
If we need just "fun, food & a good time", there are other outlets for that. Hopefully a Church event is "different" from the rest. My 2 cents.

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3 hours ago, james12 said:

I suggested ways to simplify it, but my voice was mostly drowned out and I started feeling like the contrarian. What do you think? Is this too complex, or am I just killing good ideas? What is the right balance for a Ward Christmas Party? 

Who's in charge?  You voiced your opinion and now let them make the call.  If (hypothetically) it's you in charge, and the RS is the sub-captain in charge of food/decorations, then let her do that and just keep an eye on it.

The "right" balance for any ward really depends on the ward and timing.  There is no universal.  For an example, my parent's ward always does a very elaborate chili-cook off Halloween party, with a DJ, parade, games, trophies (like actually real trophies), decorated trunks, etc.  On the flip side, my ward Halloween party was simply canceled this year because we were all exhausted after the temple dedication activities.  Both options were right, because it's what each ward needed.

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3 hours ago, james12 said:

Last night I met with an assigned group to help plan the Ward Christmas Party. The Relief Society President had previously met with her activities committee and come up with what I consider an extravagant plan. It is to be a breakfast for dinner with pancakes, bacon, breakfast casseroles, parfait, hot chocolate, orange juice, and cookies. They want to string snowflakes back and forth across the gym on fishing line along with snow flakes on the walls, they plan to have a video of ward events from the year playing in the background, a picture booth, and decorations on the stage and at each table. The program on the other hand seems rather simple in comparison. The primary kids sing a song or two, the ward sings a few hymns, and the bishop gives a message.  We plan to solicit the wards help with the pancakes, casseroles, bacon, cookies, as well as asking a number of people to take down and setup.

I suggested ways to simplify it, but my voice was mostly drowned out and I started feeling like the contrarian. What do you think? Is this too complex, or am I just killing good ideas? What is the right balance for a Ward Christmas Party? 

It's an awesome idea.  It's actually a really cool idea. 

That's coming from me - the used-to-be-Activities-Chairperson - that believes in BIG BIG PRODUCTIONS for ward activities - you know, like having an Easter Brunch complete with bouncy houses and hat contest to go with the egg hunt (you should see the hats we all wore, it's like Kentucky Derby x 10)... 4th of July bike parade led by a full-patriotic colored horse and carriage (the bike decorations could satisfy the most avid of pinterest fans)... having a Valentine's Dance with live band that can put proms to shame... a Halloween Party with a scary hay ride on this creepy tractor to go with the trunk-or-treat, the carnival, and the reptile exhibit (yeah, we got kids embracing 12-foot burmese pythons)... and a Christmas activity that is a Christmas Musical with live band that is good enough for off-Broadway...

This is the thing... Ward Activities are the stuff of Missionary opportunities.  This is where you can bring your entire non-Mormon friends over.  Coming from the Catholic Church, it's really quite a shock to attend Sacrament Meeting... the Catholic Mass is very regal and solemn with a symphony or a folk choir or even a cantata mass such that Sacrament Meeting is soooo boring compared.  But, that's how it is supposed to be, you can't change that.  So, we get them interested through the Ward Activities.  It can't be another boring blah stuff... so, the way I did it, I made it so that anybody right off the street would, not only come in, but also want to come back!  It needs to be fun when the activity calls for fun (as it is a way for us to teach others about who we are), it needs to be solemn and spiritual when the activity calls for solemn and spiritual (as it is a way for us to teach about Christ)... And yeah, I did it with only a $300/year budget.

Well, anyway, that's just my take on it.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

James, FWIW, I think that is way over the top too.  But as long as I don't have to be in charge, I would try to be supportive.  Some people love that sort of thing and they are good at it.  If they want it and have the time and talents to bring it together, more power to them.

If I'm in charge, it will be simple and Christ-centered.  

@pam yeah, in my ward, we don't have a Ward Activities Chairman/committee anymore.  The different organizations take turn planning the activities as James described.  Doesn't your ward to that now?  

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36 minutes ago, LiterateParakeet said:

@pam yeah, in my ward, we don't have a Ward Activities Chairman/committee anymore.  The different organizations take turn planning the activities as James described.  Doesn't your ward to that now?  


That's how it is in my ward as well.  I don't think we've had a Ward Activities Chairman/committee in years.

My ward used to have a traditional Christmas party every year, but, for some reason, stopped having them and, instead, switched to having a ward Christmas breakfast.  This year, we're having a ward Christmas linger-longer.  I'm not sure why we stopped having the traditional ward Christmas party.

Are more wards doing away with the traditional ward Christmas party?

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1 hour ago, LiterateParakeet said:

James, FWIW, I think that is way over the top too.  But as long as I don't have to be in charge, I would try to be supportive.  Some people love that sort of thing and they are good at it.  If they want it and have the time and talents to bring it together, more power to them.

If I'm in charge, it will be simple and Christ-centered.  

@pam yeah, in my ward, we don't have a Ward Activities Chairman/committee anymore.  The different organizations take turn planning the activities as James described.  Doesn't your ward to that now?  

They probably do.  I don't pay much attention.  In the past I was involved in so many things in the ward that it was overwhelming at times.  Now I just sit back and wait for someone to ask me to do something.  haha  Since they know I have absolutely zilch time to do much, that's probably why I don't get asked.

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2 hours ago, LiterateParakeet said:

If they want it and have the time and talents to bring it together, more power to them.

The problem comes when they wear out / overwhelm the rest of the committee*, not realizing that for the others, the workload is too much, all for a bunch of fluff that a significant percentage of us won't even notice, let alone appreciate (and no, that's not a failing on our part to recognize their hard work, it's a difference in what we think is / is not important).

*I know for fact there have been sisters who have gone home after an activity and sobbed at how hard they had to work, and how stressed and unhappy in made them, and how relieved they were that it was finally over.  That is very, very, very** wrong, no matter how pretty your strung snowflakes are.  And if someone can't have a joyful Christmas activity without stringing snowflakes across the gym, my opinion is there's something wrong with said someone.

**If I could write two "very"s and overline them like with do for numbers which repeat to infinity, I would.

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On 11/25/2016 at 10:17 AM, zil said:

The problem comes when they wear out / overwhelm the rest of the committee*, not realizing that for the others, the workload is too much, all for a bunch of fluff that a significant percentage of us won't even notice, let alone appreciate (and no, that's not a failing on our part to recognize their hard work, it's a difference in what we think is / is not important).

*I know for fact there have been sisters who have gone home after an activity and sobbed at how hard they had to work, and how stressed and unhappy in made them, and how relieved they were that it was finally over.  That is very, very, very** wrong, no matter how pretty your strung snowflakes are.  And if someone can't have a joyful Christmas activity without stringing snowflakes across the gym, my opinion is there's something wrong with said someone.

**If I could write two "very"s and overline them like with do for numbers which repeat to infinity, I would.

That's why I think it was a tragedy to have lost the Activities Committee.  I LOVED that calling.  The Committee was made up of Me.  That's it.  They tried calling other people into the committee and they either decline or don't show up so for the many years (I think was there 4 years) that I held the calling it was just Me, Myself, and... just me.  But, it was my calling so I didn't do anything else.  It was awesome because I held only 6 activities a year.  So, I work like a busy beaver 6 days out of a year.  The rest I spend plotting in my head and gathering happy recruits.  Every help I got was voluntary - I had a sign-up sheet for everything that outlines everything I need them to do... Who wants to bring a pony?  Sign up... who wants to play the Cello?  Sign up.  Who wants to bring a can of green beans?  Sign up.  Who wants to string lights?  Sign up.... even the musical was the exact same way - Who wants to be the Hawaiian girl?  Here's what's involved and the songs you need to learn.  Sign up...

I mean, it's no different than what I do at my job!  Project Management.... breaking down the activity into little itty bitty tasks and putting a name next to that tasks with a risk-pool in case they fail in the task... and voila, the Activity Day comes and it all gets pulled together at the last minute with me running around like a chicken without a head making it all happen.  Next Sunday, a new sign up sheet gets posted for the next activity.  I LOVED it!

The thing is... if you can pull it off such that you have a lot of happy people in the activities, the more you'll get people to sign up for the next one...  So, I have these activities:  Valentine's, Easter, July 4th, Back to School, Halloween, Christmas.  So, I have the sign up sheet for Valentine's Day up on the board in December, the sign up sheet for Easter up in February, etc.  So, any open spots that are left 2 weeks before the activity, I get to figure out myself...

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2 hours ago, anatess2 said:

He declined.  I think he was worried the kids would mess up his pretty mane... :D

Pretty mane?  Pretty AWESOME mane I think you mean!

And as far as reality goes, we have brought chickens and turkeys to our last two ward trunk-or-treats.  You just can't beat a spooky car where you have to reach past the scary frowning vulture looking thing to get some candy.

(Well, one car beat it, I guess.  One guy brought a subwoofer and put candy in it, and would crank it up to 8 to bounce the candy into kids' bags.  That's cooler than a turkey.)

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16 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

Pretty mane?  Pretty AWESOME mane I think you mean!

And as far as reality goes, we have brought chickens and turkeys to our last two ward trunk-or-treats.  You just can't beat a spooky car where you have to reach past the scary frowning vulture looking thing to get some candy.

(Well, one car beat it, I guess.  One guy brought a subwoofer and put candy in it, and would crank it up to 8 to bounce the candy into kids' bags.  That's cooler than a turkey.)

We had 6 snakes... you go through one of them to get to the candy.  :D   The cool thing is one kid got bit - she decided she'd rather grab the snake than the candy - and she went all over the parking lot showing everybody how cool it is that she got bit.... and her mom (single parent) was just as impressed by it.

I love my ward.  Hah hah.

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7 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

@anatess2 Your ward is very lucky to have such a talented and hard working organizer!

Not anymore... they got rid of the Activities Committee.  Waaaaaaaa!  Now, each Auxiliary is in charge of one or two activities a year and with all the stuff they already do, piling on an activity proves to be just a wee bit too much.  So, we usually just get the Halloween party as the biggie and the rest is a hit or miss...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are a couple of pictures from the "event". Faces hidden to protect the innocent;). The one picture is obviously before the masses arrived.
Not one mention of Santa, reindeer, elves...it went really well. Most everyone dressed up in bible looking clothes. Great time, but a lot of work.

Little town of Bethlehem


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