Can a person who is single have their calling and election made sure?


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I ask because I heard you have to be married but then I've been taught by an apostle in a one on one interview with Jeffrey R Holland that all time is one with the Lord and what is said about eternity now should resonate forever as long as you are worthy. I also ask because I'm pretty sure single prophets like Paul and Moroni and Jesus have had the 2nd comferter. So I'm not asking if it will happen im just asking if it's possible with the Lord. 

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I am not aware of any doctrine or teaching saying one must be married to receive the Second Comforter/have one's calling and election made sure.  

Obviously, exaltation itself is contingent on entering the covenant of celestial marriage; so someone  who had received the Second Comforter would have to anticipate entering into matrimony at some point prior to the resurrection.

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14 minutes ago, Zarahemla said:

I ask because I heard you have to be married but then I've been taught by an apostle in a one on one interview with Jeffrey R Holland that all time is one with the Lord and what is said about eternity now should resonate forever as long as you are worthy. I also ask because I'm pretty sure single prophets like Paul and Moroni and Jesus have had the 2nd comferter. So I'm not asking if it will happen im just asking if it's possible with the Lord. 

Just as a quick answer- I would say no. Salvation in the temple is intertwined with covenants that are tied in to marriage. The veil requires that a wife is brought through by her husband as the pattern for things to come.

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1 minute ago, Rob Osborn said:

Just as a quick answer- I would say no. Salvation in the temple is intertwined with covenants that are tied in to marriage. The veil requires that a wife is brought through by her husband as the pattern for things to come.

That's a good point; but I'm leery about setting up particular priesthood ordinances as a "prerequisite" to receiving the Second Comforter.  Joseph Smith was neither married, endowed, nor even baptized when he first saw Jesus Christ. 

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10 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

I also ask because I'm pretty sure single prophets like Paul and Moroni and Jesus have had the 2nd comforter.

I'm aware of the verse indicating that Paul was single during his ministry, but how do we know any of those people were never married? Actually, haven't we had at least one thread where we debated about whether or not Jesus was married?

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On April 24, 2017 at 0:08 PM, Zarahemla said:

I ask because I heard you have to be married but then I've been taught by an apostle in a one on one interview with Jeffrey R Holland that all time is one with the Lord and what is said about eternity now should resonate forever as long as you are worthy. I also ask because I'm pretty sure single prophets like Paul and Moroni and Jesus have had the 2nd comferter. So I'm not asking if it will happen im just asking if it's possible with the Lord. 

I dont think thats a requirement.

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On ‎4‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 0:08 PM, Zarahemla said:

I ask because I heard you have to be married but then I've been taught by an apostle in a one on one interview with Jeffrey R Holland that all time is one with the Lord and what is said about eternity now should resonate forever as long as you are worthy. I also ask because I'm pretty sure single prophets like Paul and Moroni and Jesus have had the 2nd comferter. So I'm not asking if it will happen im just asking if it's possible with the Lord. 


All things of G-d are established through “order”.  There is no reason (spiritual or otherwise) to seek the second comforter or ones calling and election to be made sure before (or without) seeking the new and everlasting covenant of marriage.


The Traveler

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5 hours ago, wenglund said:

If temple marriage isn't required prior to having one's calling and election made sure, it is guaranteed to happen by having the calling and election made sure. 

Thanks, -Wade Englund-

That is an elegantly simple way of putting it--part of the unconditional promise in having one's calling and election made sure, is the promise of receiving a faithful and exalted spouse; whether or not one currently enjoys that blessing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a tricky question and relies upon one's definitions in order to really consider what answers could be considered.

First, having the second comforter is NOT the same as having a calling and election made sure from my understanding.  Secondly, every ordinance will need to be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise.

If one considers that the calling and election is to ensure that one is going to receive EXALTATION, this is impossible without a spouse.  You cannot receive exaltation without your spouse.

If one considers the calling and election as to ensuring that you will go to the Celestial Kingdom, but not necessarily Exaltation (though it could be up to Exaltation if one has a worthy spouse), that could be a different matter.

From Personal experience, I believe the latter condition to be possible.  I believe it has occurred to many people.  I am of the personal opinion that for this to occur, one must already have been blessed with the second comforter, but that IS ONLY an OPINION.

In regards to the former, or first situation, where one is guaranteed Exaltation (unless they commit the sin against the Holy Ghost...etc), that's a much tougher one to discuss.  There are those among us who have received this blessing, but I believe that all of them are married and sealed prior to this promise.  There is some reading in the Doctrine and Covenants that deal with this to a degree, though there is much more in regards to this than a simple read through of those sections may indicate...In my opinion, once again, of course.

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On April 24, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Guest said:

I ask because I heard you have to be married but then I've been taught by an apostle in a one on one interview with Jeffrey R Holland that all time is one with the Lord and what is said about eternity now should resonate forever as long as you are worthy. I also ask because I'm pretty sure single prophets like Paul and Moroni and Jesus have had the 2nd comferter. So I'm not asking if it will happen im just asking if it's possible with the Lord. 

Paul was single due to divorce. I am not sure about Moroni having never been married? Do you have a reference? Having said that, "being righteous" or "being perfected in Christ" is not only reserved for the married. 

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14 minutes ago, Bill (Papa) Lee said:

Paul was single due to divorce. I am not sure about Moroni having never been married? Do you have a reference? Having said that, "being righteous" or "being perfected in Christ" is not only reserved for the married. 

Poor, poor Moroni... Talk about having a horrible life...

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5 hours ago, Bill (Papa) Lee said:

Paul was single due to divorce. I am not sure about Moroni having never been married? Do you have a reference? Having said that, "being righteous" or "being perfected in Christ" is not only reserved for the married. 

Paul was divorced????


I've read that those who felt he was married at some point (due to requirements of his position he had formerly among the Jews) felt that if anything made him single, it was his wife most likely dying.

Other religions have had the belief at times that he was never married.

I haven't heard of this idea of him being divorced before.  Source?

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23 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

Paul was divorced????


I've read that those who felt he was married at some point (due to requirements of his position he had formerly among the Jews) felt that if anything made him single, it was his wife most likely dying.

Other religions have had the belief at times that he was never married.

I haven't heard of this idea of him being divorced before.  Source?

I have heard my suggest it was divorce, because of the teachings in 1 or 2 Corintians 7, admonishing early Saints not to marry again. Because if a widow, or if only addressing widows and widowers, then it would seem odd counsel. However the divorced were admonished not to remarry, not commanded, but admonished. I could be wrong, but I have read this in many different places. I don't have time tonight, but there my be something in Bible dictionary. 

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The context is normally that Paul was either single or widowered.  Considering his calling and testimony (as well as Roman culture and Julian law at the time) it is HIGHLY unlikely that Paul was ever divorced either prior to his conversion (in which case he would have lost all authority and never had the power he needed to persecute the Christians as he did), or after (which runs into all sorts of problems in regards to Judaic adherence, Christian adherence, and Roman law).  It also brings up a horde of issues that would weaken Pauls position and ability to teach as he did in his regards to certain subjects he would not be considered having the authority nor reputation to be able to speak upon such things due to the way divorce was seen and viewed in those days.

There are entire books written on Old Roman Law (basically death penalty for adultery) and Julian Law (death could be administered by the Father, but he would have the pay the lesser penalty of doing such, the wife would forfeit a large amount of the dowry and go into exile) as well as the customs, but this is probably not the place to write about it at such length.

In Jewish customs, divorce was something that is seen to automatically disallow someone to be a high religious leader (apostle in general for our Christian minds).  If a religious leader had been divorced, it would be seen a delegitimizing their authority, especially one among the upstart Christians who had far less tolerance towards divorce than the Jews or the Romans.  Paul would probably need to address THAT issue before anything else he said would be accepted.

Divorce among Christians was not acceptable for ANY reason, however, for the weakness of some, it was ALLOWABLE if the spouse had committed adultery (note that this is due to weakness and allowable...).  In general, just as it was more likely that Paul was married (as we know for the Jewish hierarchy, to have the power and authority he did among Jews, he would have needed to have been married) but not a definite (it does not state this anywhere in the New Testament about Paul's specific marital status), it is also most probable that if he had been married, he would NOT have been divorced.  Hence, he was either single or a widower.

However, as it is your interpretation of those scripture, it is what it is.  in my opinion, I think the general consensus (in light of the historical aspects) do not agree with that interpretation.

There may be some modern religions that are trying to justify the HIGH divorce rates today that are trying to shove that type of interpretation into the Bible, but in general, I'm not of the opinion of many of the new school ideas in that regards (as there are many other aspects that they also try to rewrite in biblical interpretation to justify sins of all sorts).  (not that you are of that type of school, but perhaps you heard a broadcast from one of them, or read something of theirs in some location which gave rise to the idea?).

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As an addendum, I have something from a NON-LDS site, but it explains the actual wording and verse translation well enough that it can present the point of view commonly held by many scholars in regards to Paul's marital status.

Was the Apostle Paul Married?


. The word for “unmarried” appears to be the masculine word for someone who has lost a spouse.

In 1 Corinthians 7:8, agamos is parallel with “widows,” which strongly suggests that Paul is addressing both the men and the women who have suffered the loss of a spouse. This is in keeping with the rest of this section in which Paul addresses explicitly both husbands and wives concerning conjugal relations (7:1-7) and desertion/divorce (7:10-16). In 1 Corinthians 7:8, therefore, Paul is saying to widows and widowers that it is good for them to stay unmarried just as he does. If they do not have self-control, however, he tells them it would be better for them to marry.

7. As a good Pharisee, it is highly unlikely that Paul would have been single his entire life.

Elsewhere, Paul says that he was a Pharisee, a “Hebrew of Hebrews” (Philippians 3:5), and “extremely zealous for my ancestral traditions” (Galatians 1:14; cf. Acts 22:3). Marriage was the norm for Pharisees, and it was required for rabbis (Paul was likely considered a rabbi). Paul could hardly have set himself forth as an exemplar of Pharisaical piety had he not been married (Fee, 288, n. 7; see also Harvey McArthur on “Celibacy in Judaism at the Time of Christian Beginnings”).

The cumulative case, therefore, strongly suggests that Paul was a widower. He was once married. But in calling him to Christ, God gave Paul the gift of celibacy (“a genuine gift of freedom from sexual need,” Fee, 287). Paul desires for everyone with this gift to use it as he has for the sake of the kingdom.

It's not LDS, but in general, I agree with the author's assessment.  There is more that the author wrote on the subject, this is merely the conclusion of the author's statements.

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On 4/24/2017 at 0:08 PM, Guest said:

I ask because I heard you have to be married but then I've been taught by an apostle in a one on one interview with Jeffrey R Holland that all time is one with the Lord and what is said about eternity now should resonate forever as long as you are worthy. I also ask because I'm pretty sure single prophets like Paul and Moroni and Jesus have had the 2nd comferter. So I'm not asking if it will happen im just asking if it's possible with the Lord. 

The second comforter is something extended to individuals who have followed the gospel.  They entered at the gate and walked the straight and narrow path, then they receive the promise.  "Ye shall have eternal life".  I like 2nd Nephi 31 as a good summary of this process.  My understanding is that marriage is not required, it isn't mentioned in 2nd Nephi 31.  That it can be done and had by individuals.  It is an ultimate requirement for exaltation, but it isn't specified as to when it must happen.  

For most people, eternal marriage should be sought and followed in this life if possible.  It is the pattern of eternity, and you do not learn it here then you must learn it elsewhere.

I believe that every person comes here with a set of challenges that they must conquer or accomplish to attain this.  This list may include a working marriage for some people.  For others it may be as simple as, accept Christ, overcome drug addition, forgive your father.  The Spirit leads you through this once you have accepted Christ and entered the gate.

There is an ordinance done occasionally in the church called the second anointing.  This is a couple ordinance.  In older days the Stake President could interview you and put forth your name for this ordinance.  Today those recommend books are held above the stake level.  Some people conflate this with the second comforter as it's purpose is to promise eternal life.

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On 2017-4-24 at 0:08 PM, Guest said:

I ask because I heard you have to be married but then I've been taught by an apostle in a one on one interview with Jeffrey R Holland that all time is one with the Lord and what is said about eternity now should resonate forever as long as you are worthy. I also ask because I'm pretty sure single prophets like Paul and Moroni and Jesus have had the 2nd comferter. So I'm not asking if it will happen im just asking if it's possible with the Lord. 

It depends.  If you do not make an honest effort to get married,  then you are breaking God's law.  In this instance,  no you cannot receive your calling and election. Otherwise,  yes.

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On 4/24/2017 at 11:08 AM, Guest said:

I ask because I heard you have to be married but then I've been taught by an apostle in a one on one interview with Jeffrey R Holland that all time is one with the Lord and what is said about eternity now should resonate forever as long as you are worthy. I also ask because I'm pretty sure single prophets like Paul and Moroni and Jesus have had the 2nd comferter. So I'm not asking if it will happen im just asking if it's possible with the Lord. 

Likely all of the above prophets were married.  They likely did have their calling and election made sure.  You can too.

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