We just signed up for snobby organic grocery delivery


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I don't recall if this came up here or at some other forum (I think it was here) of the pros and cons of joining Winder Farms delivery and there was some debate about organic and clean and whatever else food.

Yeah, well, we signed up today. At the Farmers' Marker where I am drenched in hipster sweat. And they even offset our sign-up cost with a basket of fresh, weird produce. 

Honestly, I don't know if it's healthier or if they're actually organic, but it sounded convenient and may prevent us from running out of Foot Path's milk  at midnight on Saturday night.

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I have a small "homestead" where I grow/raise a good portion of my food.  It really depends on how they grow/raise their products.  There are different types and levels of "organic".  I don't certify ANY of my food as organic, however, I free range or pasture, don't use chemicals, antibiotics, artificial fertilizer, synthetic feed, etc.  I'm probably more organic than many things labeled "organic".  

I don't know anything about Winder Farms specifically, but I would certainly ask where they source their products then research those.  CSA's are big up this way.  Do you have those?  You're typically getting a great product through most that I've seen.

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Guest MormonGator

@Backroads, we are Facebook friends. Do you really need to be told how I feel about organic food? Really? REALLY? (playing!) 

"Organic" is code for "I pay more so I can feel better about myself and look down on people who can't afford it." 


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3 hours ago, Grunt said:

I have a small "homestead" where I grow/raise a good portion of my food.  It really depends on how they grow/raise their products.  There are different types and levels of "organic".  I don't certify ANY of my food as organic, however, I free range or pasture, don't use chemicals, antibiotics, artificial fertilizer, synthetic feed, etc.  I'm probably more organic than many things labeled "organic".  

I don't know anything about Winder Farms specifically, but I would certainly ask where they source their products then research those.  CSA's are big up this way.  Do you have those?  You're typically getting a great product through most that I've seen.

According to Husband's aunt, the stuff is fairly local.

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I've stated this before, but I'm severely allergic to fruit and vegetables that haven't been drenched in pesticides, food that is GMO free, isn't made if atleast 50% gluten, meat that is growth hormone free, chickens that aren't kept in cages or milk that hasn't been pastorized or homogenized. 

Really the more man manipulates it, the less painful my reaction.

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23 minutes ago, Backroads said:

I finally are a Twinkie for the first time this past spring. 

I was surprised to find them tasty.

When I was in Moscow (at the embassy there), my fellow employee and I had to walk across the compound to the far gate.  On the way, we stopped at the commissary.  They had just received a shipment (you'd be surprised how popular Spaghetti-Os can be when they're scarce).  We bought a box of Twinkies (they probably ran out before the day was over).  We each took one and one of us said something like, "We could take the rest back and share them with our coworkers."  We stared at each other for a second or two, shook our heads in unison, and had all 10 Twinkies eaten before we made it back to the office. ;) It's possible that was the last time I ate Twinkies.

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On 7/29/2017 at 9:15 PM, Backroads said:

I've always felt if I wanted organic, I'd grow it myself.

But it'll save trips to the store and keep us in the staples.

Dunno about Winder Farms but the ones we have here are stupid.  They give you a basket of veggies and you have no choice on what goes into it.  So, the basket comes and I'm wondering, okay, now what do I do with this?  I spent tons of money just for half of them to get fed to the chickens.  So, I quit doing it.

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  • 6 months later...

Can I just say that whole wheat, organic, GMO free spaghetti is completely and totally disgusting?  Ok.  I'll say it. 

Whole wheat, organic, GMO free spaghetti is completely and totally disgusting.

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Guest MormonGator

When my brother got his first good job out of college he said to me, "MG, I can finally afford organic. But to keep being able to afford organic, I'm not going to buy organic." 

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Just now, Carborendum said:

Can I just say that whole wheat, organic, GMO free spaghetti is completely and totally disgusting?  Ok.  I'll say it. 

Whole wheat, organic, GMO free spaghetti is completely and totally disgusting.

That seems like something that should be obvious to any and all intelligent entities in the universe.

Meanwhile, one Sunday (in Moscow again), my friends wanted waffles, but I didn't have white flour.  I did, however, have whole wheat (red turkey) and a wheat grinder.  So I ground some wheat and used that instead.  They were pretty good.  More filling than the normal kind.  Our 6'4" skinny-as-a-rail Russian friend ate 4 (not individual squares, but 4 of 4 squares, the full size of the waffle maker1)!  Pretty sure he had a hollow leg.

1While in Russia, the waffle maker was renamed "wafflenitsa" (nitsa being an ending added to certain "worker" words to make them feminine - like a female crane operator would be a crane-operator-nitsa).  To this day, that's still what I call it.  Apparently everyone expects me to be weird because no one even asks me what that means. :unsure:

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We used to love non-GMO whole wheat spaghetti - we'd buy like a 6 month supply at Costco and do it a few times a month.  Yummy!

Again, "non-GMO" is a meaningless and often misleading term, used by billion-dollar corporate entities like Whole Foods to prey on the ignorance of their customers.  If it appeals to you, it says something about you - but "I'm a health-conscious shopper who is doing good in the world through my moral purchasing decisions" isn't it.  

Now, if you don't mind, I'm off to the mailbox - I'm expecting my Paid Schill Check from Monsanto.  Remember folks: 


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We started using a service where we order and pay for our groceries online, then we drive to the store and they put it in our car.  We don't buy anything labeled 'organic', but this is a huge time saver for us as well.  I think I'm too frugal to be willing to pay for actual home delivery, at least with our current income.

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2 hours ago, zil said:

Sorry. Meanwhile, the Ragu Organic Traditional spaghetti sauce (which is really hard to find up here) would help alleviate the disgustingness. :)

No apologies. I disagree with her tastes, obviously.  It's just that she's bought into the whole movement.  And I'm... letting her.  She's the one that buys the groceries.  So, she's got to make those decisions. That, of course, inflates our grocery bill.

Meanwhile, that makes me want to eat out more rather than take leftovers to work.  So, our monthly food bill total goes up as well.

I'd better get some new clients to pay for all this.

And the Ragu wouldn't help the yuck factor of the noodles.

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4 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

And the Ragu wouldn't help the yuck factor of the noodles.

Pile enough of it on with some parmesan cheese and it might be enough to mask the noodle flavor...  Maybe throw in some meat / meatballs?  :lol:

Would you like the recipe for whole wheat waffles? :D

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1 minute ago, zil said:

Pile enough of it on with some parmesan cheese and it might be enough to mask the noodle flavor...  Maybe throw in some meat / meatballs?  :lol:

Would you like the recipe for whole wheat waffles? :D

Actually, we've already got some whole wheat waffles (from scratch).  They're not so bad.  But for some reason, the spaghetti just doesn't go down well.  It's a lot about the texture.  The normal flavor of the sauce doesn't penetrate.  It's slimy.  You'd think that something with gluten in it would be more slimy.  Nope, it's just smooth. 

Maybe it's grain size.  Why can't they make whole wheat noodles out of extra fine grains?  Too expensive?  AGAIN!!!

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