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I appreciate the sacred nature of the temple garment.  I appreciate the instruction we are given concerning them.  Because they are sacred, I would not want just anyone seeing them.  Is it ok to remove them when you are a patient in the hospital and needing to wear the hospital gown?  Then just put them back on when you are discharged, whether it be a few hours or a few days later?

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At times, yes.  If it's bad enough that you can't dress yourself, a patient doesn't have much say in the matter anyway.  Surgeries and tubes and wounds and stuff may need to be readily accessed, and garments could hamper that.   If the instructions from the doctors are "nothing but the hospital gown", there are usually legitimate reasons for that.  

If the hospital stay allows for underwear though, I'd vote you keep them on.  Our tushies are sacred too, and you just don't want anyone seeing that either. :)

I've had a handful of physicals and doctor's visits and whatnot over the years that caused me to sit there while medical personnel saw my garments.  It was never a bad thing.  Two or three times the doc said "oh - are you Mormon?".


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Right after my mission, when I still lived in California, I routinely exchanged garments for regular under clothing before going to hospital/doctor visits.  Now that I live in Utah (and am generally older and more mellow), I have a hard time considering it to be as big of a deal.  The doctors out here have all seen plenty of garments--if they don't wear them themselves.

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For the two hospital stays that my husband had the first he kept his knickers on. He was in for 3 weeks. BUT he could get up to use the bathroom. He had wires attached to his chest and back and two IV's in his arms. Not wearing the top was way easier for the hospital staff to have access to their wires and tubes.

The second stay he was in for 9 days, was hooked up to even more wires, tubes that entered under his armpit for the dispersal of MEGA antibiotics and he was catheterized. Thus no undergarments were allowed.

During my two stints in the hospital, I was told that I could wear knickers or not - my choice. They didn't want me wearing any tops other than the hospital top. I was hooked up to an IV, and lots of wires. My first stay was for 9 days, the second for 3. I had two nurses who were members of my Branch, and two who were members of the ward in the town where the hospital is. How did I know the members of the ward were LDS? When they reached over my shoulder to readjust my wires and to inject my insulin, their smock tops rode up and I saw the lacy hem of the garment top.

When it came time for me to have my shower - my Branch Sisters the nurses wheeled me into the Bath/Shower room and bathed me.

So - for endowed members who are in the hospital - it is entirely up to the Dr's if you should be wearing ANY undergarments or not. They don't give a whit if you are LDS and wearing temple garments or not.

Oh, during the last three days of my first visit - my hips hurt me so bad and I really, really didn't want to keep increasing my IV pain meds. By putting a wedge under my right thigh and crooking my left leg to the far left, that helped to ease the pain - - - - but even with the heat off in the room I was overly warm with even a sheet on. So, hubby went and bought me a pair of 100% lightweight cotton PJ's and I wore the bottoms. They couldn't make the tops adjust to allow the wires, IV and still be modest. BUT the lightweight cotton capri bottoms only provided modesty and I didn't overheat. Also, when I had to do my 4X a day walk around the floor exercise, they kept my hinney covered better than the gown ties.

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7 hours ago, jewels8 said:

I appreciate the sacred nature of the temple garment.  I appreciate the instruction we are given concerning them.  Because they are sacred, I would not want just anyone seeing them.  Is it ok to remove them when you are a patient in the hospital and needing to wear the hospital gown?  Then just put them back on when you are discharged, whether it be a few hours or a few days later?

The idea is to keep them sacred, most doctors/nurses have a high level of professionalism where they won't take them lightly or make fun of them.

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