Doctor Who


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For a long time I've been voicing the opinion (till everyone's sick of hearing me) that a female Doctor Who makes as much sense as a male Wonder Woman. Now that he/she's arrived I'm a little more sanguine: Jodie Whittaker is certainly the sort of woman a transsexual Doctor Who might choose to be. (There's definitely something of Tom Baker about her!)

But there's something else that's bothering me. Who (excuse the pun) died on 22 November 1963? J.F. Kennedy you'll tell me, shot (as any fule kno) by aliens on the Grassy Knoll. Yes - but who else? Well Aldous Huxley - author of Brave New World died that same day. As did C.S. Lewis who invented the wardrobe.

And the very next day, on 23 November 1963, the very first episode of Doctor Who was broadcast. William Hartnell playing Doctor Who and Carole Ann Ford his granddaughter Susan. All three famous men missed being Whovians by 1 day!

This useless information is brought to you free of charge (and without guarantee) courtesy of the "The Best Doctor Who was Jon Pertwee (and Mary Tamm was way better (and sexier) Romana than Lala Ward) Society". 

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13 hours ago, zil said:

I could have happily lived the rest of my life without seeing any of those.

I showed that last one to my wife, who is now accusing me of "destroying her idol" - like I'm to blame!!!

I'm taking our 13-year-old daughter to Comic Con this coming weekend, and I've been given a severe warning NOT to dress up as Wonder Woman - or else she will "NOT want to be seen with you!" Kids, hey?? She (my daughter) even said I looked like "an idiot" last weekend when I wore a grass skirt to my wife's Hawaiian 50th birthday party. (Like that wasn't the point!) And she flatly refused to wear the grass skirt I'd bought for her!

Believe it or not, this is the same daughter who - a few years ago - was happy to join in with my 1980s-Weetabix-commercial-reenactments down the supermarket cereal aisle! ("If you know what's good for you, you do!!") Kids lose all sense of fun when they hit their teens!


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I'm a Tom Baker gal myself. Though I confess Peter Capaldi is hands down my favorite modern Doctor.


I wasn't totally upset with the idea of a female doctor. I can't decide if it's a desperate call for equality or they just felt like it was something they hadn't done yet for a Doctor so why not. But if it works, it works.

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