The World Will End In 2012


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Well, only about there being only a few things different. There will be a lot of things different- I know that- but I do think that life will still go on for those who are prepared- we should have our year's supply, 72 hour emergency kits, and so forth... my point is just that we shouldn't think that because it will all be destroyed and taken away from us anyway, that we shouldn't plan and save up and live as if life will continue on for us.

I guess I had a weird way of making my point.

Ummm, maybe you need to read this vision from president of the church, John Taylor.

(please be advised that this is detailed and may be uncomfortable to read):

This is a vision John Taylor saw of events that are still to come. From the journal of Wilford Woodruff (Dec 16, 1877).

This is a vision John Taylor saw of events that are still to come. From the journal of Wilford Woodruff (Dec 16, 1877).

I went to bed as usual at about 7:30PM. I had been read­ing a revela­tion in the French lan­guage. My mind was calm, more so than usual if possible, so I composed myself for sleep, but could not. I felt a strange feeling come over me and apparently be­came partially uncon­scious. Still I was not asleep, nor ex­actly awake, with dreary feeling. The first thing that I recognized was that I was in the tabernacle of Ogden, Utah. I was sit­ting in the back part of the build­ing for fear they would call on me to preach, which however they did, for after sing­ing the second time they called me to the stand.

I arose to speak and said that I did­n't know that I had anything es­pecially to say, ex­cept to bear my tes­timony of the Latter-day work, when all at once it seemed as if I was lifted out of myself and I said, "Yes, I have something to say and that is this: Some of my brethren have been ask­ing, "What is be­coming of us? What is the wind blowing?" I will answer you right here what is coming very shortly."

I was then in a dream, im­mediately in the city of Salt Lake, and wandering around in the streets and in all parts of the city, and on the doors of the houses I found badges of mourn­ing and I could not find a house but was in mourning. I passed my own house and found the same sign there, and I asked the ques­tion, "Is that me that is dead?" Someone gave me the an­swer, "No, you will get through it all."

It seemed strange to me that I saw no person in the streets in all my wan­dering around the coun­try. I seemed to be in their houses with the sick, but saw no funeral proces­sion, nor anything of the kind, but the city looking still and as though the people were praying. And it seemed that they had controlled the dis­ease, but what the dis­ease was I did not learn; it was not made known to me. I then looked over the country, north, east, south, and west, and the same mourning was in every land and in every place.

The next thing I knew I was just this side of Omaha. It seemed though I was above the earth, and look­ing down upon it. As I passed along upon my way east I saw the road full of people, mostly women, with just what they could carry in bundles on their backs, trav­eling to the moun­tains on foot. I won­dered how they would get through with such a small pack on their backs. It was re­markable to us[?] that there were so few men among them. It didn't seem to me as though the cars were run­ning, the rails looked rusty and the roads aban­doned; and I have no con­ception of how I traveled as I looked down upon the peo­ple.

I continued east by the way of Omaha and Council Bluffs, which were full of disease. There were women every­where. The state of Illinois and Mis­souri were in a tumult, men killing one an­other, women joining the fight­ing, fam­ily against family in the most horrid manner.

I imagined next that I was in Wash­ington and I found desola­tion there. The White House was empty and the Halls of Congress the same, and everything in ru­ins. The people seemed to have left the city and left it to take care of itself.

I was in Baltimore. In the square where the Monument of 1812 stands in front of the Char­les Hotel. I saw dead piled up so as to fill the street square. I saw mothers cutting the throats of their own children for their blood. I saw them ###### it from their throats to quench their own thirst and then lie down and die. The water of Che­sapeake Bay was stagnant, and the stench arising from it on ac­count of their throw­ing their bod­ies into it so terrible, that the very smell carried death with it. I saw no man ex­cept they were dead or dying in the streets and very few women. Those I saw were crazy and in an ugly condi­tion. Everywhere I went I beheld the same sights all over the city; it was terrible be­yond description to look upon.

I thought this must be the end; but no, I was seemingly in an instant in the city of Philadel­phia. There eve­rything was still. No living soul was there to greet me. It seemed the whole city was with­out any inhabi­tants. In the south of Chestnut Street and in fact everywhere I went, the putrefaction of the dead caused such a stench that it was impos­sible for any living thing to breathe, nor did I see any living thing in the city.

Next I found myself in Broadway, in the city of New York, and there it seemed the people had done the best they could to overcome the disease, but in wandering down Broad­way I saw the bodies of beautiful women lying, some dead and oth­ers in a dy­ing condition, on the sidewalks. I saw men come out of cellars and ravish the per­sons of some that were yet alive and then kill them and rob their bodies of all the valu­ables they had upon them. Then before they could get back to the cellar they would roll over a time or two and die in ag­ony. In some of the back streets I saw them kill some of their own offspring and eat their raw flesh, and in a few minutes die them­selves. Every­where I went I saw the same scene of horror and de­struction and death and rap­ine.

No car­riages, buggies, or cars were running; but death and de­struc­tion were every­where. Then I saw fire start and just at that moment a mighty East wind sprang up and car­ried the flames over the city and it burned until there was not a sin­gle building left standing there, even down to the waters edge. Wharves and shipping all seemed to burn and follow in common destruction where the "great city" was a short time ago. The stench from the bodies that were burn­ing was so great that it was carried a long dis­tance cross the Hudson Bay and carried death and destruction wherever it pene­trated. I cannot paint in words the horror that seemed to compass me about; it was beyond description of man.

I sup­posed this was the end; but it was not. I was given to understand the same horror was being en­acted all over the coun­try, east, west, north, and south. Few were left alive, still there were some.

Immediately after I seemed to be standing on the left bank of the Mis­souri River, opposite e the City of In­de­pendence, but there was no city. I saw the whole state of Missouri and Illi­nois and all of Iowa, a complete desert with no living being there. A short dis­tance from the river how­ever, I saw twelve men dressed in temple robes, stand­ing in a square or nearly so (and I under­stood it repre­sented the Twelve Gates of the New Jerusa­lem.) Their hands were uplifted in consecration of the ground and lay­ing the corner stone of the tem­ple. I saw myraids of an­gels hovering over them, and saw also an immense pil­lar of clouds over them and heard the angels singing the most heav­enly music. The words were "Now is estab­lished the King­dom of God and his Christ, which shall never more be thrown down."

I saw people com­ing from the river and from the desert places a long way off to help build the temple and it seemed that hosts of an­gels all helped to get material to build with and I saw some of them who wore temple clothes come and build the tem­ple and the city, and all the time I saw the great pillar of clouds hovering over the place.

Instantly, however, I found my­self again in the taber­nacle at Ogden. And yet, I could still see the building go on and I got quite animated in call­ing on the people in the tabernacle to listen to the beautiful music, for the an­gels were singing the same music I had heard be­fore. "Now is estab­lished the King­dom of God and his Christ, which shall never more be thrown down."

At this I seemed to stagger back from the pulpit and Brother Francis D. Richards and some others caught my arm and prevented me from falling. Then I fin­ished so abruptly. Still even then I had not fainted, but was simply ex­hausted.

They I rolled over in bed and awoke just as the city clock was strik­ing twelve.

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Ummm, maybe you need to read this vision from president of the church, John Taylor.

(please be advised that this is detailed and may be uncomfortable to read):

This is a vision John Taylor saw of events that are still to come. From the journal of Wilford Woodruff (Dec 16, 1877).

This is a vision John Taylor saw of events that are still to come. From the journal of Wilford Woodruff (Dec 16, 1877).

I went to bed as usual at about 7:30PM. I had been read­ing a revela­tion in the French lan­guage. My mind was calm, more so than usual if possible, so I composed myself for sleep, but could not. I felt a strange feeling come over me and apparently be­came partially uncon­scious. Still I was not asleep, nor ex­actly awake, with dreary feeling. The first thing that I recognized was that I was in the tabernacle of Ogden, Utah. I was sit­ting in the back part of the build­ing for fear they would call on me to preach, which however they did, for after sing­ing the second time they called me to the stand.

I arose to speak and said that I did­n't know that I had anything es­pecially to say, ex­cept to bear my tes­timony of the Latter-day work, when all at once it seemed as if I was lifted out of myself and I said, "Yes, I have something to say and that is this: Some of my brethren have been ask­ing, "What is be­coming of us? What is the wind blowing?" I will answer you right here what is coming very shortly."

I was then in a dream, im­mediately in the city of Salt Lake, and wandering around in the streets and in all parts of the city, and on the doors of the houses I found badges of mourn­ing and I could not find a house but was in mourning. I passed my own house and found the same sign there, and I asked the ques­tion, "Is that me that is dead?" Someone gave me the an­swer, "No, you will get through it all."

It seemed strange to me that I saw no person in the streets in all my wan­dering around the coun­try. I seemed to be in their houses with the sick, but saw no funeral proces­sion, nor anything of the kind, but the city looking still and as though the people were praying. And it seemed that they had controlled the dis­ease, but what the dis­ease was I did not learn; it was not made known to me. I then looked over the country, north, east, south, and west, and the same mourning was in every land and in every place.

The next thing I knew I was just this side of Omaha. It seemed though I was above the earth, and look­ing down upon it. As I passed along upon my way east I saw the road full of people, mostly women, with just what they could carry in bundles on their backs, trav­eling to the moun­tains on foot. I won­dered how they would get through with such a small pack on their backs. It was re­markable to us[?] that there were so few men among them. It didn't seem to me as though the cars were run­ning, the rails looked rusty and the roads aban­doned; and I have no con­ception of how I traveled as I looked down upon the peo­ple.

I continued east by the way of Omaha and Council Bluffs, which were full of disease. There were women every­where. The state of Illinois and Mis­souri were in a tumult, men killing one an­other, women joining the fight­ing, fam­ily against family in the most horrid manner.

I imagined next that I was in Wash­ington and I found desola­tion there. The White House was empty and the Halls of Congress the same, and everything in ru­ins. The people seemed to have left the city and left it to take care of itself.

I was in Baltimore. In the square where the Monument of 1812 stands in front of the Char­les Hotel. I saw dead piled up so as to fill the street square. I saw mothers cutting the throats of their own children for their blood. I saw them ###### it from their throats to quench their own thirst and then lie down and die. The water of Che­sapeake Bay was stagnant, and the stench arising from it on ac­count of their throw­ing their bod­ies into it so terrible, that the very smell carried death with it. I saw no man ex­cept they were dead or dying in the streets and very few women. Those I saw were crazy and in an ugly condi­tion. Everywhere I went I beheld the same sights all over the city; it was terrible be­yond description to look upon.

I thought this must be the end; but no, I was seemingly in an instant in the city of Philadel­phia. There eve­rything was still. No living soul was there to greet me. It seemed the whole city was with­out any inhabi­tants. In the south of Chestnut Street and in fact everywhere I went, the putrefaction of the dead caused such a stench that it was impos­sible for any living thing to breathe, nor did I see any living thing in the city.

Next I found myself in Broadway, in the city of New York, and there it seemed the people had done the best they could to overcome the disease, but in wandering down Broad­way I saw the bodies of beautiful women lying, some dead and oth­ers in a dy­ing condition, on the sidewalks. I saw men come out of cellars and ravish the per­sons of some that were yet alive and then kill them and rob their bodies of all the valu­ables they had upon them. Then before they could get back to the cellar they would roll over a time or two and die in ag­ony. In some of the back streets I saw them kill some of their own offspring and eat their raw flesh, and in a few minutes die them­selves. Every­where I went I saw the same scene of horror and de­struction and death and rap­ine.

No car­riages, buggies, or cars were running; but death and de­struc­tion were every­where. Then I saw fire start and just at that moment a mighty East wind sprang up and car­ried the flames over the city and it burned until there was not a sin­gle building left standing there, even down to the waters edge. Wharves and shipping all seemed to burn and follow in common destruction where the "great city" was a short time ago. The stench from the bodies that were burn­ing was so great that it was carried a long dis­tance cross the Hudson Bay and carried death and destruction wherever it pene­trated. I cannot paint in words the horror that seemed to compass me about; it was beyond description of man.

I sup­posed this was the end; but it was not. I was given to understand the same horror was being en­acted all over the coun­try, east, west, north, and south. Few were left alive, still there were some.

Immediately after I seemed to be standing on the left bank of the Mis­souri River, opposite e the City of In­de­pendence, but there was no city. I saw the whole state of Missouri and Illi­nois and all of Iowa, a complete desert with no living being there. A short dis­tance from the river how­ever, I saw twelve men dressed in temple robes, stand­ing in a square or nearly so (and I under­stood it repre­sented the Twelve Gates of the New Jerusa­lem.) Their hands were uplifted in consecration of the ground and lay­ing the corner stone of the tem­ple. I saw myraids of an­gels hovering over them, and saw also an immense pil­lar of clouds over them and heard the angels singing the most heav­enly music. The words were "Now is estab­lished the King­dom of God and his Christ, which shall never more be thrown down."

I saw people com­ing from the river and from the desert places a long way off to help build the temple and it seemed that hosts of an­gels all helped to get material to build with and I saw some of them who wore temple clothes come and build the tem­ple and the city, and all the time I saw the great pillar of clouds hovering over the place.

Instantly, however, I found my­self again in the taber­nacle at Ogden. And yet, I could still see the building go on and I got quite animated in call­ing on the people in the tabernacle to listen to the beautiful music, for the an­gels were singing the same music I had heard be­fore. "Now is estab­lished the King­dom of God and his Christ, which shall never more be thrown down."

At this I seemed to stagger back from the pulpit and Brother Francis D. Richards and some others caught my arm and prevented me from falling. Then I fin­ished so abruptly. Still even then I had not fainted, but was simply ex­hausted.

They I rolled over in bed and awoke just as the city clock was strik­ing twelve.

Thank you for taking the time to post this ision/prophecy. Ihave read a few times and am in full agreement that this all will be fulfilled. His vision is pretty minor to what we will witness and experience. But as Nephi teaches, oppostion in all things the kingdom will be rolling forward as well. Have you heard of the 'Black Flu'? I know you have heard of the avian pandemic that is pending. Did you know that the Church ( has a link to the US government's Pandemic site? Kind of interesting I think. The head of the Church's medical/health post has said, "It is not an issue of if, but when." This could be somewhat compliant with President Taylor's vision. When my wife and chaired the recent Stake Preparedness Fair, the theme was if you are prepared you shall not panic. If you have ever seen widespread panic it it worse than you can imagine. When I alluded to the fact that not much will change I was referring to the way nature takes its course. It not like the four horsemen of the Apocolypse will come riding out of the north with lazer beam head gear. It will be pandemics, earthquakes, tsunamis (see Elder Eyering's address on Raising the Bar -cool reference to 'this is nothing as terrible as it is to what is on the horizon.' Anyway, being prepared is more than have a basement full of wheat, rice, beans, and milk. The terrible day of the Lord is not called that for nothing. Thank you for reminiding us of the gathering clouds. BTW - here in CO we just had a gunment walk into the missionary training center for the Faith Bible Center and kill two and woould two other or more." We were requested to pray for our brothers and sisters the Baptists today at Stake Conf. Amzaing days we llive in. It is true we will owe S&G an aplogy.

All the best!


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There is a story circulating about Pres Monson that was presiding at a gathering of stake presidents. He opened the meeting to questions and one brother asked if Pres. Monson had any idea how close the end was.

Pres. Monson responded that he did not know how close it was - no idea at all. He stated that the 1st presidency did not know nor did any of the Apostles. He then suggested that the question be taken to any High Priest Group meeting in any ward on any given Sunday. He suggested that he was quite sure one of the HP would know. :)

The Traveler

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There is a story circulating about Pres Monson that was presiding at a gathering of stake presidents. He opened the meeting to questions and one brother asked if Pres. Monson had any idea how close the end was.

Pres. Monson responded that he did not know how close it was - no idea at all. He stated that the 1st presidency did not know nor did any of the Apostles. He then suggested that the question be taken to any High Priest Group meeting in any ward on any given Sunday. He suggested that he was quite sure one of the HP would know. :)

The Traveler

Hi Traveler,

I believe him 100% and I don't get a good feeling about those who want to reinterpret what he really meant of you know what I am referring to. However, if you look at the signs, and some of the other statements, we should be able to see the fig leaves and see that summer is nigh. If for logical reason only, I don't know how long HF can stand to have his children born without little chance to have the Gospel. What is it, there are maybe 100 times more births in the world than baptisms. The abuse (spousal and child), porn, how long can it last. Did you see my post where it was said, "it will all work out in the end, and if it hasn't worked out, it isn't the end. The most mosquoted scripture is Joshua 24:15 (I think it is) Choose you this say whom you will serve, whether the Gods of the Amorites in whom land you dwll, or the God of your fathers on the other side of the flood, as for me and my house, we will serve the lord. I think that middle part is very significant since there are many Gods in the world today also. I apologize if I quoted it wrong I just guessed from memory. If we are preapred and act as if it is far away, but are ready any day, we will all be okay.

You have a terrific spirit of compasion, empathy, and charity about you. You don't get riled, defensive, or vindictive.

All the best,


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Hi Traveler,

I believe him 100% and I don't get a good feeling about those who want to reinterpret what he really meant of you know what I am referring to. However, if you look at the signs, and some of the other statements, we should be able to see the fig leaves and see that summer is nigh. If for logical reason only, I don't know how long HF can stand to have his children born without little chance to have the Gospel. What is it, there are maybe 100 times more births in the world than baptisms. The abuse (spousal and child), porn, how long can it last. Did you see my post where it was said, "it will all work out in the end, and if it hasn't worked out, it isn't the end. The most mosquoted scripture is Joshua 24:15 (I think it is) Choose you this say whom you will serve, whether the Gods of the Amorites in whom land you dwll, or the God of your fathers on the other side of the flood, as for me and my house, we will serve the lord. I think that middle part is very significant since there are many Gods in the world today also. I apologize if I quoted it wrong I just guessed from memory. If we are preapred and act as if it is far away, but are ready any day, we will all be okay.

You have a terrific spirit of compasion, empathy, and charity about you. You don't get riled, defensive, or vindictive.

All the best,


Thank you for your kind and thoughtful response. I would like you to know that I am not a young person - not any more. I was once young when I served in the army during Vietnam - getting riled then got some of my friends killed. So I have been around. One thing I remember from my youth is sitting at stake conference in the Provo tabernacle when a speaker said something about the second coming. He said that he was sure it was near – perhaps not in his lifetime but he was sure that some the young people there would see it in their life time. I heard the same talk at a recent stake conference, but something was different. This time I was the same age as the old guy that was sure the youth would see the second coming during their lifetime.

I am sure Jesus will return on schedule. I doubt he will be late. However it is my understanding that the wickedness in the world is not part of his schedule. I believe it is the preparedness of the saints. Specifically the Latter-Day Saints that prepare by covenant as established by G-d chosen prophet. Though many look in scripture for the signs of great destruction and wickedness it is my belief that such study is misleading. Rather we should look to the events that surround the righteous Saints and the power of good that will shine from their homes like fire in darkness. And unlike many Saints, I do not believe this is the glow from their HDTV’s broadcasting the game on Super Bowl Sunday.

The Traveler

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Thank you for your kind and thoughtful response. I would like you to know that I am not a young person - not any more. I was once young when I served in the army during Vietnam - getting riled then got some of my friends killed. So I have been around. One thing I remember from my youth is sitting at stake conference in the Provo tabernacle when a speaker said something about the second coming. He said that he was sure it was near – perhaps not in his lifetime but he was sure that some the young people there would see it in their life time. I heard the same talk at a recent stake conference, but something was different. This time I was the same age as the old guy that was sure the youth would see the second coming during their lifetime.

I am sure Jesus will return on schedule. I doubt he will be late. However it is my understanding that the wickedness in the world is not part of his schedule. I believe it is the preparedness of the saints. Specifically the Latter-Day Saints that prepare by covenant as established by G-d chosen prophet. Though many look in scripture for the signs of great destruction and wickedness it is my belief that such study is misleading. Rather we should look to the events that surround the righteous Saints and the power of good that will shine from their homes like fire in darkness. And unlike many Saints, I do not believe this is the glow from their HDTV’s broadcasting the game on Super Bowl Sunday.

The Traveler

LOL - I also am not young, just young in spirit/heart. I researched many churches when I was 11 until I found the true and full Gospel. I am sure you will agree that nothing we can do either as righteious Saints or unrighteous wll hasten or delay His Coming. The date is set and He knows when that is. I also agree that being preoccupied is counter productive If we strive to prepare then it just does not matter and all the conjecture is pure speculative waste. At the same time Matthew 24, D&C 45, as so forth give us signs that are to help so we are not left comfortless. Also, there is not doubt in my mind that angels are coming to visit the earth and will encourage us. I will ponder on your thoughts. So many are seeking with itching ears and listen for tinkling cymbals where they can have their curiousities even more aroused. I am sure you are aware that Joel's prohecy where it talks about young men shall dream dreams, old men shall see visions, the moon turning to blood, and pillars of smoke, etc, etc was declared point blank as already being fulfilled by Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley in the Saturday morning session of the 2001 General Conference. Hence, I think we can at least mark the progress of signs. In my humble opinion we are given these so we are not left to our own interpretations. Remember what happened to the early Jews who literally walked through the Roman's camps before the seige of Jerusalam where all the inhabitants left behind (not following the prohets I might add) were killed (men, women, children), where the crop lands were plowed with salt. and all the structures were burned or torn down, anyway, these ealry Saints went to Pella and dwelt there in relative peace. If were are linked to the Prophets, and not premature in our anxiety we will likewise be protecdted to a large degree. It has been promised even by Pres. Hinckley. Anyway, thank you for your thoughts, impressions, and insights, and yes even inspirations.

Your friend to all,

Abraham of the Chaldeas

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Well thought out post. However, you missed an newly discovered volcano at the south pole (the primary reason for global warming?) It is a young volcano and the world's 2 largest - next to Yellowstone. It could errupt with a major erruption any time - for sure it will sometime in the next 500 years. When it errupts it will melt enough ice to rase the oceans from 12 to 20 feet which would displace 80% of the world's population.

Also according to timetables given in the Book of Revelation there will be a 10 and 1/2 year period prior to the second comming that will be divided into 3 parts of 3 and 1/2 years. If one is to believe the Bible they would know that the 10 and 1/2 year period has not started and thus the world cannot end by 2012.

The Traveler

Just out of morbid curiousity, Traveler, you do realize that ice has a far greater volume than a comparable volume of water, don't you?

If anything, the water from all this horrible melting will occupy less space than the ice presently there.

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I am sure you are aware that Joel's prohecy where it talks about young men shall dream dreams, old men shall see visions, the moon turning to blood, and pillars of smoke, etc, etc was declared point blank as already being fulfilled by Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley in the Saturday morning session of the 2001 General Conference.

CFR, Abe. Somehow I think the quote in context might just possibly be important.
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Just out of morbid curiousity, Traveler, you do realize that ice has a far greater volume than a comparable volume of water, don't you?

If anything, the water from all this horrible melting will occupy less space than the ice presently there.

Thank you for reading my post and making an effort to help me understand. However, the ice (3 miles thick) at the South Pole is on land and if it melts will not remain on the land but run into the ocean. You would have been correct if we were talking about the ice at the North Pole.

The Traveler

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Thank you for reading my post and making an effort to help me understand. However, the ice (3 miles thick) at the South Pole is on land and if it melts will not remain on the land but run into the ocean. You would have been correct if we were talking about the ice at the North Pole.

The Traveler

but how will the ice travel upwards from the south if it is the bottom of the earth? :mellow:
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  • 1 year later...

Maybe the way we view things will change in 2012 but I don't think the world will end in 2012.

Saying the world will end is so fatalistic sounding. Anyone who has the faith of the gospel knows that the coming of the return of the Lord will be great and terrible. If the Lord's children live rightously we will see the wonders and powers of the Lord. It will be a time of hardship but it will also be glorious. The world as we know it will end but in it's place the world will be transformed to it's paradisiacal glory. That's something we should be looking forward to and not something that we should be so distraught over that we are cringing and flinching in terror.

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Did the Mayan's predict their own demise? If they can predict the end of the world in 2012 they should be able to predict their own end.

haha exactly!!! How can they predict the end of the world and not their own demise? Or maybe they predicted the year 2012 would be THEIR demise, and not that of the whole world. If that was the case, they were obviously wrong.

Truthfully, I think the Mayan calender ends at 2012 because they were too lazy to continue it from there. Or they died out before they could.

Microsoft made all the calenders on its computers built in the 1980's and 1990's end on Sept. 7, 2000. That wasn't because anyone thought a meteor was going to crush our planet and end the world. It was just because Microsoft knew they'd have knew computers out by then. Maybe the Mayans thought something similar... or they just didn't care and were too lazy.

I think the second coming is no less 200 years away. Maybe even more.

Edited by Teancum18
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I don't think it will end at that time, but I could be wrong. Still, that should be an interesting year with all sorts of people running around talking about the end coming.

No way! The end is coming in the year 2000. We know it's coming then, because (And this is the logical part) - There are a lot of 0s in that number.

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Truthfully, I think the Mayan calender ends at 2012 because they were too lazy to continue it from there. Or they died out before they could.

Microsoft made all the calenders on its computers built in the 1980's and 1990's end on Sept. 7, 2000. That wasn't because anyone thought a meteor was going to crush our planet and end the world. It was just because Microsoft knew they'd have knew computers out by then. Maybe the Mayans thought something similar... or they just didn't care and were too lazy.

I have always thought the same thing. My calender ends in 2010 and it was made with the advancement of printing.Can't imagine having to carve it out of stone

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You all have probably heard by now that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. Some have said that this means the end of the world will happen in 2012. What do you think? I personally don't trust it because:

Mat 24:36 KJV But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Mar 13:32 KJV But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

Don't count on it....^_^ that calender was not invented by the Mayans but was brought to the new world by the Jaredites. From the direct mingling of the Mulekites, Nephites, the Jaredites passed this calender on. What was inherited, along with the many cities, was not the Mayans at all.

Joseph fielding Smith once stated: "The Nephites on this continent also had a clear understanding of the universe. Without question the great Mexican, or Mayan, calendar stone, is the development of the teachings of inspired leaders among the Nephites. The decline of knowledge both spiritual and temporal, including the false notions regarding the earth and the universe, came about through rebellion and rejection of the commandments of the Lord. "

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The Mayans/Lamanites were blessed by having vast knowledge of the heavens. They were a civilization that were way ahead of their time. They were able to predict the Moons orbit and were only off by 34 seconds. They also predicted all Celestial movements, Lunar and Solar eclipses from 3114 BC until 2012 BC.

Why is it that they say the world ends in 2012? Well for (supposedly) 30 Million years the Earth has traveled above the Galactic plane of our Galaxy. So during this time nothing was disturbed in the Earth. It has kept its polarities, its spin and its cycle has always been the same ....always. That is why the Mayans were so accurate in their predictions. Everything kept its course.

In the year 2012 we will experience something that no one in our time or in our dispensation will ever experience again, The Earth will cross the Galactic plane.

What does this mean and what will happen? Well many scientists say that the Earths polarities will be shifted, in other words the Magnetic North will not be where it is currently located. This shift will cause the earth to become unstable, the waters boundaries will change, Big Tsunamis, Earthquakes, hurracanes and many volcano eruptions will ensue. (These Hurracanes and tsunamis that are happening now, are just setting a precedence of what is to come)

It is said that polar shifts have happened at least twice in recorded history. There are ancient Egyptian and Chinese writings that talk of the sun setting in the east, and rising in the west.

The other possible effect that this may have on the Earth is with its wobble (Lookup Chandlers wobble) This polarity change may create a pause in the earths wobble(Spin) and if that happens (Well lets say it just adds on to the already mentioned natural disasters) Although this latter theory is more speculation, there is a great possibility that it can happen.

So in conclusion, this is the reason why the Mayans said that the world would end in 2012. They were not able to see beyond this year because of what was going to happen.

As LDS, we all know that we've been told to keep at least a years worth of non perishable canned goods and supplies for our family. We've been told to be prepared, to be able to have the necessary things in case we were to loose electricity, gas or water.

And most of all we've all been told to be prepared spiritually because of catastrophies of these magnitudes were to happen, Only the spiritually strong would be able to survive something like this.

I consider myself to have a strong testimony and faith and I know something like this will occur soon because we are in the last days. I know that if not myself, for sure my children will see the coming of the savior and they will not reach the age of 30 when this will happen (please don't ask my children's age) I'm in my late 30s. I have hope that I will live to see His second coming.

Anyways, I'm attaching some visuals and please feel free to ask any questions.

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