Concerned About Dna Evidence

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Can I just say, "I love you!!!!! :D " Sometimes your posts make me laugh! I was kind of in a dulldrum today...which for me is not frequent at all...just normally isn't in me, but alas, I needed to smile. I loved your responses. Same with the others, everyone had a great reply!

Have a great day!


Why yes, you can! :D I love you too!

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I read the article.

I do not feel I am opposing the gospel nor do I feel I am weak in the gospel.

My concern is the authenticity of the Book of Mormon only. The church exists because we all believed it to be authentic, thus divinely directed and the primary reason I have been a member of my church for 68 years.

I wished to understand how others are dealing with this situation. I find it difficult to discuss this face to face with local members as it would probably ruin friendships. I also feel blind faith is wrong.

I will not be back to reply further.

Can you say "Troll". I know its shocking that someone would come on this board for that purpose and we try to give the benefit of the doubt, but it was my first thought when I read the OP and his last line above bears it out.
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I was as shocked as most of the members of the Mormon church when no Israelite DNA was found in the indigious people tested throughout the Americas.

Much like the churches who believe in a flat earth or that the earth is only a few thousand years old, this seems to be an obvious scientific blow to the belief that the Book of Mormon was inspired scriptures, translated by a prophet, seer and revelator under the influence of the Spirit.

If the Book of Mormon was written by Joseph instead, the Mormon church doesn't have the authorized priesthood restored to the earth as I was taught. It's purpose for existance is threatened.

scientific proof? Can it really be only a matter of faith?ld like to understand how the Mormon Church can recover from this

try this! makes things a whole lot better! ^_^

I wou

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I was as shocked as most of the members of the Mormon church when no Israelite DNA was found in the indigious people tested throughout the Americas.

Much like the churches who believe in a flat earth or that the earth is only a few thousand years old, this seems to be an obvious scientific blow to the belief that the Book of Mormon was inspired scriptures, translated by a prophet, seer and revelator under the influence of the Spirit.

If the Book of Mormon was written by Joseph instead, the Mormon church doesn't have the authorized priesthood restored to the earth as I was taught. It's purpose for existance is threatened.

I would like to understand how the Mormon Church can recover from this scientific proof? Can it really be only a matter of faith?

I find it very interesting that members of other faiths would consider something as true that disproves the Bible. The no Isralite DNA connection means there was no Adam - Yet I have yet to see any such question put forward. I find this quite funny - now the Christian world must rely on Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon in order to have any hope to recover. So I ask this poster - How can the religions outside the Mormon Chruch think to survive when their members believe this kind of proof?

The Traveler

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I don't want to come across as the EVIL MORMON (saying this with my pinky in the corner of my mouth) but, is this just me, or do you guys see this as an ANTI-Mormon posting on this site. The guy has 3 post here, been a member for 68 years (of the LDS faith), and has an issue with DNA? Man, this guy after this long in the church was either sheltered and not ever exposed to ANTI, or has endured tons of ANTI (which after this long I would imagine his spiritual skin is tough as leather), or he's not actually a member. This DNA non-sence holds no water and for this to kick him off the wagon....hmmmm.

I do hope its actually ANTI. I would hate to know that after 68 years one would lose his testimony over such a thing. If its true, I hope you come back.

Sorry if I was rude....just speaking my mind.


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We really don't have enough information to judge the guy. Plus, it's not really our place to judge him or his intentions. He's either genuine or he's not. Either is possible.

If there's something I've learned in all my years, it's that responding to an issue with a personal attck or unrighteous judgement against the person bringing the issue, is a surefire way to NOT help anyone. The genuine seeker will figure there's no good answer to his question. The wolf in sheep's clothing will just be more firmly entrenched in his beliefs that we're a bunch of mindless jerks that can't think, and can only attack the messenger.


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I understand your concern, but I really dont think that is a necessity. There are lots of problems for DNA analysis.

The main problem is, we have no clue what Lehi's DNA looks like. We have no clue whether the change that took place in the Lamanites had any genetic changes.

We don't even have a good DNA strand of Ephraim and Manassah to determine whether the tribe of Joseph is present.

Not to mention the Book of Mormon ends with the genocide of the Nephites. I am willing to bet it would likely have a strong determination on genetics to wipe out the entire people we are talking about.

We have no clue what the Jaredites DNA looks like. We have no clue what people were present with the Nephites and Lamanites. We have no clue what people came after Moroni hid the plates.

The fact is we dont have a single strand of DNA for anyone the Book of Mormon talks about to test them against modern DNA from the indigenous communities in America. We probably never will.

The critics of the Church would like to pretend that DNA has conclusively proven that the Book of Mormon is false. All DNA has proven is our critics don't really care to represent facts when dealing with the Church. They will simply do anything they can to attack the Church.

If you want to know whether the Book of Mormon is true, don't look to DNA. Look to God. He has made his promises more than clear. And He keeps His promises.

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The funny thing for me is I constantly hear scientific evidence about drinking alcohol or coffee is good, bad, good, bad, good, bad. It tends to go back and forth over the years.

Another reason why such a study doesn't bother me because i have heard good, bad ,good, bad on the subject.

Life goes on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The funny thing for me is I constantly hear scientific evidence about drinking alcohol or coffee is good, bad, good, bad, good, bad. It tends to go back and forth over the years.

Another reason why such a study doesn't bother me because i have heard good, bad ,good, bad on the subject.

Life goes on!

I know, seriously. The "scientists" of our world are often wrong, and misled by their own hopes of achieving some kind of fame with their studies. We rarely know how extensive these studies are, or what was taken into account during them. At one point, some scientists claimed that lots of radiation was good for you... and we all know how that turned out. I don't have a source, but it was something I saw in a magazine about a jug of water that radiates it for you...and radiation strips that you would leave on your wrists overnight. Anyway, the phrase "DNA evidence" carries with it some kind of preset sense of truth that could really mean nothing once you know all your facts.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just saw a documentary of amother who almost lost her right to her kids as they were found out NOT to have ANY of her DNA! :eek:

If you get pregnant and then give birth... the kids are not yours!??:eek:

So I just wonder HOW reliable the sience of today actually is! I bet we are going to laugh at many of our beliefs after a few decades!:hmmm:

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OK I have a different take -I am a Latter Day Saint because its where the Lord wants me to be, its where I can become the very best I can be on an eternal perspective.

I assume the Book of Mormon and the Bible are mostly historically accurate but it really doesn't matter it contains the words that the Lord wants me to read and base my life on. Even if the whole thing turned out to be fiction its fiction God thinks to be valuable in my life and a roadmap to help me reach my full potential.

So until a scientist can tell me how to reach my full potential eternally, God's view and Words are more important.

I love the study of DNA - and I find it the most beautiful structure on the planet, but because the same spirit that tell me the Book of Mormon is the Word of God speaks to me when I look at it. The same God that designed my DNA asked me to read my scriptures

-ok can I take my blindfold off now?


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  • 1 month later...

When discussing this it's important to remember that the ONLY modern DNA known to come from the Israelites is that of the Jews, who are the remains of the tribe of Judah (and probably Benjamin). There were eleven other tribes which have been scattered over the earth, and nobody knows who they are today. So to say that the Native Americans don't have any ISRAELITE DNA is not accurate at all; all we can say is that they don't share DNA with modern Jews. But then again, nor do any other people on the earth have Jewish DNA, except those who are descended from the tribe of Judah; and we KNOW that there are many more Israelites out there than the Jews! For all we know, the Turks could be the descendants of one tribe, the Chinese the descendants of another, the Germans the descendants of another... all the tribes would have developed distinct lines of DNA that would currently be impossible to relate to one another in any meaningful way. Just look at the various tribes that can be found in one area of Africa and the obvious differences and distinctions between them. They are all related somewhere far back in the mists of time, but now each tribe has its own physical characteristics, cultural traditions, standards of beauty, etc. It was similar among the Germanic and Celtic tribes of ancient Europe. The dynamics of the 12 tribes of Israel would be no different.

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My first reactions when I heard this DNA story were:

1) What about the Jaredites who go way back to the Tower of Babel?

2) Lehi and his family lived in Jerusalem but do we actually know what their DNA was? Was their DNA the same as others in Jerusalem? Are there any modern Israelis who have DNA the same as anyone who lived in Jerusalem in 600BC?

To me it was such a non-story because of so much information and evidence that we do not have.

I live in a town in the North West of England but my ancestors don't come from here so would my decendants DNA compare to the DNA of the decendants of my next door neighbours? Well no, it wouldn't because my next door neighbour originally came here from the middle east! See what I mean?

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