After Death the movie


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5 minutes ago, Traveler said:

If you think that DST is confusing here on earth – think how it would be, even in heaven and knowing the future of all things; how confusing it would be if by some stroke of luck (or time) that the second coming ended up when all the clocks are being reset to account for DST.  Then along with all the time zones and the international date line.  It would be impossible, even for G-d to prophesy the proper hour and day.


The Traveler

DST exists in the eternities only for those in outer darkness.

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On 11/4/2023 at 10:22 AM, laronius said:

Wondering if anyone has seen this movie, if it's worth seeing. I know it's not going to be all doctrinally accurate but sometimes these things are interesting but sometimes they aren't.

I have not seen the movie, but I know about both the science of such possibilities as well as the efforts in religion to attempt to prove something with faulty logic.   In essence, if you are going to use faulty evidence (and logic) then, it is of necessity, that you appeal to what your targets want very much to believe.

Needless to say, I do not believe in near published death experiences.  I believe that it is possible to receive visions and revelations into what follows after death.  But I do not believe that G-d provides such information for publication of revelation to rival scripture and divine prophetic utterances.   Having experienced an near death experience myself – I do not believe in any of the published accounts of such things that I have encountered.


The Traveler

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20 minutes ago, Vort said:

DST exists in the eternities only for those in outer darkness.

Darkness Standard Time.  Further proof it's inspired by Satan.  Initial evidence:

1. DST starts on a regular Sunday (not fast Sunday).  So instead of losing an hour on fast Sunday (when we don't need the time for breakfast), we lose it on a Sunday when we do normally eat breakfast.  We can defy Satan by holding an extra fast on the day DST starts and praying that DST will be abolished.

2. DST ends on a fast Sunday, when we don't need that extra hour and thereby have to suffer through a 25 hour fast.  (Alternately, you can see this as a blessing and end your fast after 24 hours despite the clock settings, or you can "super-size" your fast, just to spite Satan.)

3. Daylight "Saving" Time is a lie of the highest order.  Nothing is saved.  The amount of "daylight" doesn't change.  The clock is shifted.  The proper name for this is "Daylight Shifty Time".  (Though I'm now beginning to like "Darkness Standard Time".)

4. Both switches literally kill people (more heart attacks than normal on the shifty days).  Apparently the studies have accounted for other variables and it just plain happens, regardless of whether one makes an effort to get enough sleep...

5. Shifty time is kept in place so that retailers can make more money (it's said that people will shop more if it stays light "later").  ETA: Just in case it hasn't clicked for you, 4 & 5 combine into Satan's deal with Cain - murder for money.

6. Shifty time benefits those who get up later (usually white collar making more money and having more ability to use their own time flexibly) and hurts those who get up earlier (usually blue collar who make less money and have less flexibility in how they use their own time).

7. Shifty time was started by people who couldn't mind their own business.

Satanic all around, I tell ya!

Edited by zil2
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On 11/7/2023 at 1:42 PM, Traveler said:

I have not seen the movie, but I know about both the science of such possibilities as well as the efforts in religion to attempt to prove something with faulty logic.   In essence, if you are going to use faulty evidence (and logic) then, it is of necessity, that you appeal to what your targets want very much to believe.

Needless to say, I do not believe in near published death experiences.  I believe that it is possible to receive visions and revelations into what follows after death.  But I do not believe that G-d provides such information for publication of revelation to rival scripture and divine prophetic utterances.   Having experienced an near death experience myself – I do not believe in any of the published accounts of such things that I have encountered.


The Traveler

I am reminded of the book Heaven is For Real that was really popular some years back and later made into a movie. The ending of that literally made me laugh out loud. This boy has a near death experience that "proved" the existence of heaven. The problem was that what we purportedly saw completely clashed with his family's religious beliefs of what heaven is like. So they had to come of with a reason for that, it was something like a childlike interpretation of heaven or something. But really what they were saying was that what he saw was not real but it proved that heaven is for real. That gave me a good laugh.

Concerning your other point, I think there are some published accounts of so-called near-death experiences that are legitimate. Now whether God approved of the publication of these events I can't say but in general I would agree that at least in most cases they were given for personal benefit. And I do not accept as doctrine anything they reveal that has not already been revealed through official channels.

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Angels on Assignment was popular in the late 1970s. In the 2010s there was a locally published book called Heaven is So Real. A local Korean American lady, who had married an American soldier, had angelic visitations that she wrote about. My sense is that her experiences were authentic, though I agree that I would not have formed new doctrinal beliefs by reading the book. There was a book written over 120 years ago that forever caused me to be cautious about such writings. In it the person described seeing heaven. What she wrote seemed so right and so faith-affirming. Towards the end she said that God had the races living separately in heaven because He knew we would be more comfortable. That ruined it for me. I realized that what she wrote was her opinion baptized in the language of one who had angelic visitations. Can accounts of people having visions of heaven (or encounters with angels) be real? Of course. BUT, we read them to affirm scripture truths. We do not bestow on such writers/speakers a prophetic mantle. At least not without God clearly affirming such. Usually, those who write these accounts do not claim to be prophets, or even teachers. The authentic ones usually just had a great experience with God that they want to share. 

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On 11/6/2023 at 1:12 PM, Backroads said:

Oh my goodness. I actually experienced it this morning so I can totally have an opinion. I usually sleep right through it. But I was curious to whether or not I truly had experienced it so I sat watching my phone for like 15 minutes to see what happened after 1:59 am. 

Was it entertaining? Eh...

@Backroads, you can't do this to me, you've got me sitting on the edge of my seat and now I'm probably scaring @Vort


On 11/8/2023 at 3:34 AM, Vort said:

People who live on the edge like this frighten me.


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On 11/9/2023 at 1:23 AM, askandanswer said:

@Backroads, you can't do this to me, you've got me sitting on the edge of my seat and now I'm probably scaring @Vort



If they didn't make a Twilight Zone episode about this they missed a great opportunity.

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