Green Tea HP


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Yes, yes it is. However, in very small amounts, such as what is in chocolate, caffeine is okay.

1 8 oz. cup of plain coffee has 153 mg of caffeine. (range: 102-200) 19.125 mg/oz.

1 8 oz. cup of tea has 53 mg of caffeine. (range: 40-120) 6.625 mg/oz.

12 oz. can of Pepsi has 38 mg. (FDA maximum allowed for 12 oz. of soda is 71 mg.) 3.167 mg/oz.

1 1.55 oz. Hershey's Chocolate Bar has 9 mg. 5.8 mg/oz

1 tablet of Extra Strength Exedrin Migraine has 65 mg, with a dosage of 2 tablets giving you 130 mg, almost as much as a cup of coffee, and a lot more than a cup of tea.

If it were just about caffeine, which can be used as a medicine, then why can we have these other things? Chocolate is about as concentrated in it as tea, and you can get low-caffeine coffee and tea.

If it's acceptable to use caffeine for medicinal purposes, then why isn't it okay to have a cup of tea, which is more natural than a pill, and has other beneficial effects?

Because it's not because of the caffeine.

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Well, you make it hot so it'll dissolve, but then you wait for it to be warm before you drink it so by the time you drink it, it's not actually hot anymore. Doesnt' everyone do this?

EDIT: Also, at the time, alcoholic drinks were called "fire water" by the Native Americans.

I'm not trying to be antagonistic, (especially since this is only my 2nd post) but you can let coffee and tea cool long enough until it's warm as well. Does this make it okay to drink?

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What is all the hipe about drinking tea? we all eat chocolate, or drink sodas, right?

I believe it is about doing what we are asked.

When we do that, we receive the promises in the WOW.

If the prophet in conference says not to eat chocolate, or ice cream any more...well then SWEET more blessings.

...and more trying to find a substitute to make money off of us. LOL ;)

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I've been researching the "tea" issue because no one has been able to give me straight information about this subject; some people says this, some say that.

Well, let me share with you what I found out about it and see if this sheds some light.

To me, and I believe to many of you, the word TEA or Chá (Portuguese) means anything that we poured hot water on it and waited a few minutes to drink. Well, here is what I found out.

Wikipedia defines tea as:

Tea is an infusion made by steeping processed leaves, buds, or twigs of the tea bush, Camellia sinensis, in hot water for several minutes. The processing can include oxidation, heating, drying, and the addition of other herbs, flowers, spices, and fruits. The four basic types of true tea are black tea, oolong tea, green tea, and white tea.

The term "herbal tea" usually refers to infusions or tisane of fruit or herbs that contain no Camellia sinensis.[1] C. sinensis.

From that, I learned that Tea or Chá means the drink that uses leaves, buds, or twigs of this specific tree or bush.

I wasn't convinced, so I continued and found this site that explains the varieties of teas and what they mean:

Teas, Greeen, Black, Oolong, Red, Herbal Tea

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas, otherwise known as tisanes, are not teas in the sense that the blends do not contain Camellia sinensis. However, because they require the same techniques for brewing, many people still think of them as teas. Tisanes may consist of any variation of herbs, spices, fruits, or bark. In addition, tisanes are caffeine free.

Then, I searched some more and found this:

Which Herbal Teas are Okay to Drink? - Word of Wisdom and Herbal Teas

Q. Which Herbal Teas are Okay to Drink?

A. The official LDS Church doctrine states that drinking tea is against the Word of Wisdom. Under the Gospel Topic of Word of Wisdom at it states:

"The best course is to completely avoid the substances that the Lord prohibits in the Word of Wisdom."

But to clarifty, herbal tea is not against the word of wisdom, although we have been cautioned: "Some people enjoy herbal teas, but even these should not replace more nutritious drinks in the diet" (Lora Beth Larson, "The Do's in the Word of Wisdom," Ensign, Apr 1977, 46.)

The following types of tea made from the tea plant are NOT herbal teas:



White, and


According to the Tea page at Wikipedia it states that herbal tea "usually refers to infusions of fruit or of herbs (such as rosehip, chamomile, or jiaogulan) that contain no C.

Then, I followed the link to the Ensign issue: - Ensign Article - The Do’s in the Word of Wisdom

"What are herbs? A definition current in Joseph Smith’s day was “plants of which the leaves or stem and leaves, are used for food or medicine, or in some way for their scent or flavor.” 1 In one sense, at least, herbs are simply edible plants. The same dictionary cites an 1833 usage of “fruits” as “vegetable products in general which are fit to be used by men and animals.” We usually group fruits and vegetables together because their nutritive value is similar."

Even though the Lord created herbs, He counseled us to use it with caution:

D&C 89:11 "... All these to be used with prudence..."

He said in v. 7 & 9: "Strong ... hot drinks are not for the belly..."'

Modern day revelation defined those as alcohol, coffee, and tea.

I don't believe the Lord or the church will give us a list of things to intake or not; this is our job, we must use our agency to seek wisdom, knowledge, and understanding and not find loopholes to justify what we want to do.

There are several drinks that contain new, questionable and/or harmful substances that are not mentioned in the WOW (Word of Wisdom). Drugs are not mentioned there... are we to use it? Obviously not.

I also found helpful this address given by Elder Packer on the May Ensign of 1996;

The Word of Wisdom: The Principle and the Promises - Ensign Article - The Word of Wisdom: The Principle and the Promises

"The Word of Wisdom was “given for a principle with promise” (D&C 89:3). That word principle in the revelation is a very important one. A principle is an enduring truth, a law, a rule you can adopt to guide you in making decisions. Generally principles are not spelled out in detail. That leaves you free to find your way with an enduring truth, a principle, as your anchor.

Members write in asking if this thing or that is against the Word of Wisdom. It’s well known that tea, coffee, liquor, and tobacco are against it. It has not been spelled out in more detail. Rather, we teach the principle together with the promised blessings. There are many habit-forming, addictive things that one can drink or chew or inhale or inject which injure both body and spirit which are not mentioned in the revelation.

Everything harmful is not specifically listed; arsenic, for instance—certainly bad, but not habit-forming!

He who must be commanded in all things, the Lord said, “is a slothful and not a wise servant” (D&C 58:26).

In some cultures, native drinks are claimed to be harmless because they are not specifically mentioned in the revelation. Yet they draw members, particularly men, away from their families to parties which certainly offend the principle. Promises made in the revelation will be denied to the careless or the reckless.

Obedience to counsel will keep you on the safe side of life."

The Lord left these promise to those who obey the Word of Wisdom:

“...All saints,” the revelation promises, “who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments,” are promised that they “shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones” and “shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint” (D&C 89:18, 20)


“shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures” (D&C 89:19)

Elder Packer said of this: "This is the personal revelation through which you can detect invisible crocodiles or hidden mines or other dangers.''


“I … give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them” (D&C 89:21).

We must be proactive in seeking answers to live the best we can the laws of God, and if we will seek, ask, knock,... He will let us know for the Lord said the Lord said, “The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, , and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26)

I hope this is helpful somehow.


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riesthood Bulletin of February 1972 (volume 8, number 1):

Cola Drinks and the Word of Wisdom

"The Word of Wisdom, section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants,

[D&C 89] remains as to terms and specifications as found in that section. There has been no official interpretation of that Word of Wisdom except that which was given by the Brethren in the very early days of the Church when it was declared that 'hot drinks' meant tea and coffee.

"With reference to cola drinks, the Church has never officially taken a position on this matter, but the leaders of the Church have advised, and we do now specifically advise, against the use of any drink containing harmful habit-forming drugs under circumstances that would result in acquiring the habit. Any beverage that contains ingredients harmful to the body should be avoided."

Church Headquarters Public Affairs:

"The Church's health code called the Word of Wisdom, is contained in a revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith. The revelation prohibits the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages ('strong drink') and 'hot drinks' … The only official interpretation of the term 'hot drinks' as used in the revelation is the statement made by early Church leaders that the term means tea and coffee.

"On questions not specifically addressed by Church teachings, members are expected to exercise wisdom in applying the principles of good health. Soft-drinks containing caffeine fall into the 'exercise wisdom' category. They are not specifically restricted, but many Church members voluntarily avoid them."

I know that after JS recieved the Word of Wisdom he specifically said that "hot drinks" means coffee and tea. I can't find that specific quote right now tho, and I have 5 minutes before I have to go back to my base and won't be able to log on for 4 weeks......

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am pretty sure that it isn't the caffeine in the green tea that is harmful. It is the Tannic Acid. In Green Tea HP there is no tannic acid. I have been looking at it also. I have esophagus problems and green tea is known to help with that.

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I am pretty sure that it isn't the caffeine in the green tea that is harmful. It is the Tannic Acid. In Green Tea HP there is no tannic acid. I have been looking at it also. I have esophagus problems and green tea is known to help with that.

There is a big push in the world right now to go green. :D

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  • 1 year later...

I know this thread was discussed about a year ago, but I thought I might add some input as others might come upon later as I did.

I was just recently searching about green tea because a family member is drinking some to help loose weight and insists that because it is not hot and decaffeinated that it is alright. Well, after searching the web for additional insight I came across this which I highly recommend:

Is green tea against the Word of Wisdom? | Ask Gramps

The website very clearly explains (using a quote from Brigham Young among others) that just because a drink is hot does not mean we shouldn't drink it. Both black tea and green tea come from the same plant. And I'm sure that we'll discover later on that there are even more chemicals in it (as others have already mentioned) that are more harmful than are good in green tea. My personal opinion is that this a part of the WoW becasue it has a lot more than caffeine in it which causes harm to our bodies. Just as early members didn't exactly know how tobacco was harmful when the WoW was first given - it's something we've discovered years later - and therefore requires us to have faith in the Lord for those things that do not make sense or seems to contradict popular beliefs.

And also I wanted to mention that there is a difference between herbal teas and black or green tea. In D&C 89:10 it mentions that herbals teas were ordained by God for the consumption and use of man.

Oh, another great resource to read about the WoW is the student manual of the Doctrine and Covenants, very insightful.

Hope this might help someone.

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It is obvious that the name "tea" is used too broadly and more or less in a generic form. Now, tea extract contain stimulants, not necessary caffeine, among many other substances perhaps not yet identified as harmful. By the same token, in places like Colombia, Bolivia and Peru "coca tea" is used by many to treat just about any/all physical ailments. It s not uncommon to have a little bush in the back yard in the rural areas or suburban regions. I seriously doubt we could, sincerely, be so legalistic (it is not specifically detailed in the WoW) as to ignore the obvious narcotic effect of the infusion, even when it is neither tea or coffee.

However, other "infusions" as we call it in the islands, do not contain any kind or variety of tea. Camomile, mint, lemon flowers, among others. They are used to treat a variety of stomach conditions or just taken cold on ice in the summer.

We should study the principle, read the words of the prophets and apostles on the matter gain personal revelation on the issue to govern our lives accordingly. Otherwise we run the risk of having to develop and rabbinical canon just like the Mishnah and the Talmud with painful details about what we can eat and drink and how much.

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Can you imagine? "Thus saith the Lord, thou shall not stain thine hands with the fruit of the sneakers, or the fruit of the twix or any fruit of any cocoa fruit or the candy thereof from hence forth..."

News brief: Widespread panic and upheaval in the church, a breakaway faction in Idaho declares they will continue to eat chocolate no matter what...hehehehe, too much fun.

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When I was a missionary we taught that the Word of Wisdom meant to avoid


-Harmful Drugs




I have known of members who drink herbal teas like peppermint tea, etc. What teas are we to avoid and what teas are ok? Black tea is the one I know of to avoid. I find it interesting and ironic that there is something called "Mormon Tea" which is of the ephedra genus.

Green Tea HP is a new health product with many benefits, but is this categorized in the teas that falls under the Word of Wisdom?

Herbal teas and regular tea are not the same plant. Though, I would be concern the toxicity after boiling any plant durative liquid. People really don't discuss the cause-n-affect of chemical changes to different plants when boiled.

I cannot remember who it was, but supply Widtsoe name here, there is about 200 found toxic chemical found in both tea and coffee after boiling. Have anyone noticed the discoloration of any ceramic cup after several usage of both liquids? Imagine what it would look like inside. Then we can relate to anotherJthe upper and lower intestinal tracts? Medical ailment of both hot and cold drinks. Boiling hot drinks causes damages to the intestinal tract in cooling the incoming liquid to meet the normal tract operating temperature. Consuming ice cold drinks where the intestinal tract will need to heat up the incoming liquids to meet operational temperatures.

Reasoning behind this is to make a statement here. Any liquid, whether Hot Chocolate to Mormon tea, when boiling, without the aid of chemist analysis, we need to be careful on how we used this for consumption.

Now what is sad, as experience last Sunday’s lesson on WoW, we still keep bringing up the issue with caffeinated soda and not to be used. Even when I hear a Stake President state this. Then comes the correction factor….with throwing a piece of coal into the furnace [meeting], do you not eat chocolate ice cream, cake, bars? What about white sugar? :) It is a saddening day when the Saints, even leaders, still keep displaying ignorance factor without seeking a further study and seeking an answer on simple questions of life.

Edited by Hemidakota
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