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Everything posted by Connie

  1. I saw this on a Facebook page called "Come Follow Me Daily." It reminded me of my own situation and this thread. Hope it helps.
  2. Considering that the constellations, themselves, are completely arbitrary. That's smart. šŸ‘
  3. Taking precession into account, you probably aren't.
  4. I know exactly how you feel. Been there, done that (though without the CF component). Itā€™s okay to feel what youā€™re feeling. It will pass. Some things that helped me was letting people in my life know that I was pregnant. They are great people, and their reactions were perfect and helped me remember the joy of it. Also, the Savior knows how you feel and can help you bear the burden. Rely on Him. And remember that these things will give you experience and be for your good.
  5. I know. And i was dead serious... as always... šŸ˜œ
  6. Oh, fine. I guess it's a bit too text heavy for a meme. šŸ˜„ But my inner girly girl wants to take it and put some sort of decorative border around it. My practical side just wants to post it on facebook.
  7. I like them so far. I don't think they're perfect. But i feel the spirit as i watch. They are a vast improvement from the living scripture cartoons i grew up with, and my kids seem to enjoy them.
  8. Wow! Brave of you to read that! I'm familiar enough with the history that I don't think I could stomach it. Reminds me of the time my husband recommended The Hot Zone. I told him to go jump in a lake.
  9. Some areas have Singles Wards for 30+. You could ask around or do a meetinghouse search on the Church website to see if there is one in your area.
  10. Skyward by Brandon Sanderson. Great YA sci-fi! I enjoyed listening to the audiobook.
  11. In addition to the ideas in the CFM manual, you can find more ideas in Church magazines. Most of my kids are YM/YW, so we mostly just read and discuss. It's been nice. My kids are great at asking questions when there is something they don't understand, and we can share thoughts and ideas.
  12. I read a biography earlier this year about Henrietta Swan Leavitt (famous in astronomy and also my distant cousin) where I encountered her obituary written by her colleague, Solon Bailey. ā€œMiss Leavitt inherited, in a somewhat chastened form, the stern virtues of her puritan ancestors. She took life seriously. Her sense of duty, justice and loyalty was strong. For light amusements she appeared to care little. She was a devoted member of her intimate family circle, unselfishly considerate in her friendships, steadfastly loyal to her principles, and deeply conscientious and sincere in her attachment to her religion and church. She had the happy faculty of appreciating all that was worthy and lovable in others, and was possessed of a nature so full of sunshine that, to her, all of life became beautiful and full of meaning.ā€ I would love to hear others say the same about me. Definitely lots here I need to work on.
  13. I chose the 4th option. That most closely reflects my understanding. As per the Guide to the Scriptures: "In Greek, Apostle means ā€œone sent forth.ā€ It was the title Jesus gave to the Twelve whom He chose and ordained to be His closest disciples and helpers during His ministry on earth. He sent them forth to represent Him and to minister for Him after His Ascension into heaven. Both anciently and in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the restored Church today, an Apostle is a special witness of Jesus Christ in all the world to testify of His divinity and of His resurrection from the dead." Link And just to add, Elder Bednar says some interesting things in this video: Elder Bednar Speaks on Apostles Role
  14. In no particular order: Jesus the Christ & The Articles of Faith by Talmage The Miracle of Forgiveness by Kimball Our Search for Happiness & When Thou Art Converted by Ballard Christ and the New Covenant by Holland A Marvelous Work and A Wonder by Richards Saints Volume 1, they are also starting to print chapters of volume 2 in the Ensign every month The Ensign Conference Spend some time in the Gospel Topics on the church website The Teachings of Presidents books Come Follow Me Teaching in the Saviorā€™s Way Study helps such as the Bible Dictionary and Guide to the Scriptures have a lot of useful information The Proper Role of Government by Benson The Infinite Atonement by Callister Anything by Neal A. Maxwell and Things As They Really Are in particular Lectures on Faith The Lordā€™s Way by Oaks Spiritual Patterns trilogy by Bednar
  15. Maybe sloganeering? "Reductionism: (also, Oversimplifying, Sloganeering): The fallacy of deceiving an audience by giving simple answers or bumper-sticker slogans in response to complex questions, especially when appealing to less educated or unsophisticated audiences. E.g., "If the glove doesnā€™t fit, you must vote to acquit." Or, "Vote for Snith. He'll bring back jobs!" In science, technology, engineering and mathematics ("STEM subjects") reductionism is intentionally practiced to make intractable problems computable, e.g., the well-known humorous suggestion, "First, let's assume the cow is a sphere!". See also, the Plain Truth Fallacy, and Dog-whistle Politics." from:
  16. Talmage only spends one paragraph on this in his book, Jesus the Christ. I lean more toward the spiritual swords idea. Maybe something along the lines of the armor of God from Ephesians 6--the sword of the Spirit.
  17. That's pretty horrific. Maybe see if your area has something like Adult Protective Services. You can report cases of self neglect.
  18. JAG looks like such a nice guy. It's hard to imagine him as a hardened lawyer.
  19. Yes. A person can still take institute classes if they are attending a family ward. That's what I did.