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Everything posted by KristofferUmfrey

  1. Bahahahahaaaaa... "Barack the Magic...." Oh yeah that song isn't "politically correct".
  2. So it's like I said earlier their real concern was losing money from snobby Christian bigots. ( I'm not saying *all* Christians are like that. I know someone will try to infer that I am saying that.)
  3. I'm interested in knowing what theological aberrations Glenn mentioned in the book. Glenn is smart enough to keep his book from offending the senses of "good Christians folk". I think their excuse is BS. They were afraid of losing money from snobby Christians bigots, plain and simple.
  4. Since the topic was not only locked but removed completely I have no way to show you the quote.
  5. In an earlier thread someone mentioned that the law of plural marriage is presided over by the "President of the High Priesthood". Melchizedek was the President over the High Priesthood when Abraham when living. Why was Melchizedek not mentioned at all in the story of Sarah giving her handmaiden Hagar to her husband? I know the likely answer is "Well, the scriptures don't tell us everything." But if there is someone out there who has a perspective on this please offer it up.
  6. Winston Blackmore is a good man, but I guess Canada didn't want to be outdone by Texas.
  7. File a Restraining Order immediately and go to your Stake President for a boundary exception to another Ward and have him make it clear to the current Bishop he is not to keep this woman in the loop. If the Stake President refuses appeal to you Area Authority Seventy and all the way up the chain to the First Presidency if you have to. In the mean time, I would advise that you or your husband "assist" in your sons class.
  8. I love Pastor Mark! He's my favorite protestant minister on the internet! At least you only left... I still believe in the Book of Mormon, left, and have started a spiritual community... and they are still pretty nice to me here. So you should be fine.
  9. Are you sure the Lord won't use the Lottery to bless some peoples lives?... Conn. man's last lotto ticket wins $10M for widow - Yahoo! News
  10. Bienvenidos! En que parte de Argentina vivis Mercedes?
  11. You just opened up a can of worms. I'm guessing you really aren't LDS, or are inactive, or a fundamentalist. Edit: After reading your other post, I'm guessing Fundamentalist Mormon. Which group do you belong to?
  12. You want to get really confused, read what Adinadi says about the Father and the Son being one.
  13. YouTube - Ninja cat comes closer while not moving!
  14. Hmmm... gosh I don't what to say to this post... "Gee fellar, don't go doing anything crazy."? Perhaps you should examine the beliefs of the people here before going on a anti-Christian tirade. A book of scripture I use called the Book of Mormon says the Natives of this land (the United States) will someday go through the Gentiles (unrepentant white man) and destroy them from off the land, because they (the Natives) are of a Tribe of Israel called Manasseh and this land is rightfully theirs with their repentant white brethren (Ephraim). So if you want to be mad at replacement theology protestant Christianity, more power to you, I'm on your side. But don't lump me in with them before actually knowing what I believe. Deal?
  15. To me it sounds like every other "contemporary" Mormon song. The LDS music genre seems to lack orginality, in all honesty. Piano, violins, and brass with the same basic beat and movements.
  16. What do you really think of the 2009 Mutual Theme Song? Support Materials
  17. Instead of promising jobs, maybe McCain should have ran on getting a win for the Lions in Michigan.
  18. Yet, James E. Talmage is the source of much of modern LDS interpretation of their beliefs.
  19. What? Do you think I'm gonna send you to a porn link? The title says "An Interesting Take on the Millennium"
  20. Yes, I believe this is the "Christian Beliefs" Forum. I figured why not get ourselves familiar with some of the non-conventional beliefs, because you never know who you will run into and talk religion. Plus, it gives us all a chance to study and find the scriptural basis for our faith thus we are prepared if the conversation ever comes up.
  21. Again, not saying I agree, just an interesting perspective.