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  1. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from Windseeker in Accredited Christian law school grads barred from practice   
    This is on the same level as "You can't practice law because you prefer bananas to strawberries".
  2. Like
    Backroads reacted to jerome1232 in Accredited Christian law school grads barred from practice   
    Clearly you couldn't serve banana farmers like you would strawberry farmers.
    But seriously, I agree with you, this is extremism on way over the deep end. Coincidentally, I have realized I don't use emoticons nearly enough.
  3. Like
    Backroads reacted to Tricia87 in Need Advice for Talking to My Bishop   
    Sounds like for such a small indiscretion, you've already handled the repentance. Time to stop beating yourself up and move on
  4. Like
    Backroads reacted to Roseslipper in Need Advice for Talking to My Bishop   
    in my opinion I do not think it will put off either of your emissions
    if it does it probably will not be for a long time
    it is better to discuss this with your bishop this way it will clear your mind
    believe me the bishop has heard everything before so don't be embarrassed. our bishops are there to help us. when you get your mission call please let us know where you're going and have a wonderful mission.
  5. Like
    Backroads reacted to prisonchaplain in Accredited Christian law school grads barred from practice   
    If so, why ban lawyers from practicing because of their religious convictions?  Why force a CEO to resign because of his political donations from 6 years ago?  Why bankrupt a former employer because they do not wish to bake a cake for a gay wedding?  Why fine football players $10,000 and send them to re-education camp (i.e. sensitivity training) because they state publically that the new gay football player ought not be quite so in-our-faces with his public displays of affection on national TV?
    "Live and let live" should not have to be quite so vindictive?
  6. Like
    Backroads reacted to Dravin in Accredited Christian law school grads barred from practice   
    I think it's about a sea change in public (if not the general public's actual thoughts than those opinions voiced in public) opinion concerning traditional religious mores. I think religion is in the process of going from being seen as the bastion of morality to the bastion of unwanted perspectives and opinions. In other terms, it's less vengeance and more a shift towards seeing conservative religion as akin to the KKK. This is not to discount cases where there are individuals, and even organizations, engaging in revenge against conservative religion, but I think classification of happenings such as highlighted in the OP as vengeance is to dismiss a trend. I honestly think those behind barring the practice of law by those graduates are doing it because they see it as akin to a bunch of lawyers getting together to keep their marriages racially pure*.
    *The validity of such a comparison is of course up to debate, my point is not that the comparison is valid but that I think the individuals are making it.
  7. Like
    Backroads reacted to The Folk Prophet in Accredited Christian law school grads barred from practice   
    What's the difference between one who believes in no organized religion ruling over one who believes in organized religion vs. the other way around? Wherein is it fair or right for the one's influence to count and the others to not?
  8. Like
    Backroads reacted to Windseeker in Carpet cleaner advice   
    I used to clean carpets back in the day. What do you mean by spray on carpet cleaner?
    Is this something you want to do yourself? I would recommend a steam cleaner over the chemical ones. Chemical ones leave lots of junk, better to cook the dirt out of the carpet and suck it away. Then if you really love your carpet have them treat it with a scotch guard type treatment. 
  9. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from classylady in How's this for a birthday party?   
    My grandmother has decided that for her 85th birthday she wants to be sealed to her husband and children.  This is a woman who converted to marry my LDS grandfather (who never went through the temple and was rather inactive his whole life), did church stuff for decades for "social reasons" and only got serious about her faith a few years ago. 
    My poor dad, being the only living male in the family, has to apparently stand in for two other people besides himself.
    Anywho, I'm quite excited about this upcoming sealing.
  10. Like
    Backroads reacted to Quin in Check Your Privilege -- THE QUIZ   
    I think I mentioned before that in my area most families can't afford for both parents to work because the cost of childcare is too high.
    A side effect of this (and other things, like mediocre schools) is that our area has a HUGE homeschooling community.
    There are half a dozen school districts in the city, and homeschoolers outnumber all but the biggest 2.
    Over 25,000 registered homeschool kids in my county.
    So if ya wanna get into Princeton... No need to go all Breaking Bad
    'Cause Ivy leagues are recruiting HARD from the HS community.
    'Cause HS'ers have the time to do all the snazzy well rounded stuff (to the point that a lot of parents are complaining that homeschool,kids have unfair advantage in academic competitions... From spelling bees to internships), and since most states are dual enrollment* (38 last I looked)
    Most HS'd college "freshmen" already have 2 years of community college under their belts at 17.
    So the Ivies are getting YOUNG, advanced, highly motivated kids they can either use their CC credits as a highschool transcript, or just funnel them through 2 years, diploma, and off to grad school (depends on the school whether they want more grads or less out in the world. Different schools, different policies).
    * Dual Enrollment has different names in different states -RunningStart, BrightFutures, etc.- but it boils down to a Federal option that allows highschool students to take community college courses for free (tuition waved, still need to buy or rent textbooks & materials) until they graduate from highschool or age 18/19. Away-school kids do these courses on top of their other coursework, although some kids get 1-2 periods a day off / use them as elective credits. Most come school kids doing dual enrollment attend full time.
    I'm sure, sooner or later, more parents are going to catch on that they can pull their kid from highschool & send them to college for free instead, but until then... It's a meth-free alternative that can help getcha into a competitive program.
  11. Like
    Backroads reacted to mordorbund in Childhood things now extinct!   
    It must have taken FOREVER to send a text.
  12. Like
    Backroads reacted to prisonchaplain in Check Your Privilege -- THE QUIZ   
    So, who should check their privilege?  The disadvantaged student who got a full-ride scholarship, despite signficantly lower grades and test scores, or the one with a A+ GPA, who golfs at 5 below par, is an all-state short stop on his school's baseball team, plays first chair violin for the community ochestra, started his own company, started a non-profit for inner city grade school kids, and who has authored four Newberry Award books, but who barely got in because he checked "the box?"
  13. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from talisyn in Check Your Privilege -- THE QUIZ   
    110.  Sickeningly priviledged.
    I just picked the answers that made me laugh the most.
  14. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from applepansy in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    Still not supporting a lot of your daughter's actions.
    Also not agreeing with a lot of your bishop's comments.
    Get the stake president involved pronto.
  15. Like
    Backroads reacted to Wingnut in Childhood things now extinct!   
    I take my daughters to the library regularly!
  16. Like
    Backroads reacted to Lakumi in Childhood things now extinct!   
    Do kids even know how to climb a tree before? Anyone who didn't know was ostrasized for being lazy or fat.
    Sure it was kind of mean, but these kids did nothing but sit around all day playing video games (the ones who could afford them) they could never keep up with us and our games.
    Sometimes we just thought hey lets go pick rasberries, or, lets go to the big hill and make a fort in the forest.
    There was no adults, there was no "oh call us at so and so time" it was "be home by dark"
    Mom cut the cable in the summer and we were outside.
  17. Like
    Backroads reacted to Dravin in Childhood things now extinct!   
    Some of the comments in this thread make me think of this song: Automatic - Miranda Lambert
  18. Like
    Backroads reacted to Irishcolleen in Childhood things now extinct!   
    Spending all day outside exploring without adult supervision.  We were sent out to play and we came home for lunch and dinner.  We had fun.  We never thought of danger.  I feel so bad for kids now.  It's all structured activities or video games.  Spontaneous play and exploration seem to be a thing of the past.
  19. Like
    Backroads reacted to estradling75 in Broke The Law of Chasity   
    Since you are asking from a position of fear... lets talk about what will not happen.
    You will not be kicked out of the church.
    You will not be laughed at.
    You will not be publicly humiliated.
    You will not be told you are a horrible person.
    While we can not tell you details of what will happen, in general your bishop will listen and learn about what you are struggling with. Then he will recommend certain actions and changes for you to make to help you overcome your issues.  Then he will follow up to offer encouragement and support as needed.
  20. Like
    Backroads reacted to estradling75 in Broke The Law of Chasity   
    As much as you like and love the missionaries your bishop is the one with the keys and authority to deal with the issues members have.
    Around these parts the question of "should I talk to my bishop about..." is answered with. "That is a good question to ask your bishop."
    Do understand that unless your bishop is brand-new your problem will not be the first of its kind the bishop has handled.  He can help you and will help you, if you will let him.
  21. Like
    Backroads reacted to Quin in "Believe" vs "Know"   
    4 loosely related thoughts:
    The older I get, the less I know.
    Someday, said M2B will be sitting listening to another boyo, feeling the same way your were listening to him.
    Can't change the world, and always going to offend someone.
    Sounds like his heart is in the right place. His head will catch up.
  22. Like
    Backroads reacted to MarginOfError in "Believe" vs "Know"   
    I usually say that I 'believe' things.  That's a personal and deliberate choice.  There's a two-part explanation for my choice.
    First, I tend to think of 'know' as a word that suggests demonstrable, objective knowledge.  The example I usually employ is that most people don't know that x * 0= 0.  They think they know it, but they really only believe it.  People often object and say that they know it, but when asked to prove it, they are at a total loss and reply "It just is."  That isn't knowledge.  That's a very strong faith put into practice.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  Most people simply don't need to know that x*0 = 0.  The belief is sufficient.
    The second reason I avoid using 'know' is that I disliked the way so many youth in my area were coached to bear testimony.  We were told to always use the phrase "I know" and never to use "I believe" because "I believe" implied doubt.  I have spoken to others in my generation who were raised in other parts of the country and were taught the same thing.  I object to the idea that "belief" is a sign of weakness, and so I am careful to state that I "believe" things are true because I want people to hear it more often.  I want to eliminate that connotation that a mere belief is bad.
    But I think this young man when a bit too far in saying that we shouldn't say we know things that we can't prove.  As Dravin pointed out, "know" has connotations beyond objectively verifiable truth.  It makes a lot more sense to try and understand people's intent than to criticize their choice of words.
  23. Like
    Backroads reacted to Just_A_Guy in Check Your Privilege -- THE QUIZ   
    For a very un-diplomatic take on the situation:
    What you call privilege is just me being better than you.
  24. Like
    Backroads reacted to andypg in Check Your Privilege -- THE QUIZ   
    Just thought I'd share this:

  25. Like
    Backroads reacted to Irishcolleen in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    I hope the situation IS fake.  If it isn't there is a family and a ward with major issues.  Unfortunately there are people who like to play off of perceived "peculiarities" of the LDS and try to cause trouble.  It is terrible because it gets in the way of honest communication and learning. I have grown from animosity to love towards Mormons in my months here.  Not that I'd ever convert- I just have a greater understanding and appreciation for them as individuals and I can't wait for my hubby to find a job in Utah.