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  1. Like
    Anddenex got a reaction from Traveler in Fate of Judas Iscariot   
    These quotes come from pertaining to Judas Iscariot, and I find Joseph Fielding Smith's quote very interesting. Elder Holland's quote appears to back up what @Traveler said, "As near as I can determine the fate of Judas Iscariot lies with Judas and the L-rd."
  2. Sad
    Anddenex reacted to pam in We lost another past forum member. :(   
    For those of you that have been around awhile you might remember Captain_Curmudgeon.  Interesting fellow.  Nudist and loved to talk football.  I found out today that he passed away a year ago.     He was one of our players when we used to do a football pool.  
  3. Haha
    Anddenex reacted to mordorbund in Married a nonmember   
    His other wife is cool with his new religion. Why can't you be more like her?
  4. Like
    Anddenex got a reaction from Jane_Doe in Dating advice   
    Here are some thoughts:
    1) Thank you for your humility and faith in recognizing the Spirit of the Lord that converted you to the gospel of Jesus Christ. May you continue to seek this gift of faith and hope.
    2) Seek all avenues that you have available to become acquainted with people of the opposite sex that hold and keep to the standards of the Church (many have been provided in this thread)
    3) Continue to be patient and humble allowing the Lord to direct your path
    I hesitate some to provide this thought; however, it is a truth of someone else's life I was able to become acquainted with. She was single. She desired not to be alone, married. She prayed with faith. Who did the Lord send? No joke! He sent a non-member mailman. A man of good standard and good heart who later joined the Church and they were able to be sealed. I hesitate because he was a non-member, which doesn't always work out, and I don't want you to start thinking it will be a non-member. I would hope that you pay attention to #3 -- no matter the outcome.
  5. Haha
    Anddenex reacted to Traveler in Too friendly   
    For anyone considering ways to learn to be friendly – I suggest practicing with your in laws.  This would be a two birds with one stone kind of thing.
    The Traveler
  6. Like
    Anddenex reacted to JohnsonJones in Dating advice   
    Nothing I say will guarantee you to find love or a spouse.  I actually have stories of men and women who are righteous but have remained unmarried.  Most of the Men, though, I cannot say are completely innocent in the matter, having had an opportunity at one point or the other that they could get married, but chose for one reason or the other not too.  If one is not handicapped, I think at some point or another, as long as they seek someone to date, eventually will end up with the opportunity to be married if they so desire it IF they are not disabled in some fashion.  However, I have seen it over and over again where they decide for some odd reason, that they cannot get married to some LDS girl or such thing for whatever reasons. 
    On the otherhand, there are those that are disabled or handicapped which I have seen never have the opportunity to be married in the church or to a member of the church.  It also seems that worthy LDS women outnumber worthy LDS males, and that this ratio grows larger the older one gets.  This may work in the favor of LDS men, but it can be VERY disheartening to LDS women.
    I have a nephew who is now 50 years old and never married.  He gets uncomfortable discussing what has happened in the past, but as far as I know, is a worthy LDS member.  It can be difficult for him to see others who have children and families that are around him.  He is also on the East Coast.  He has been able to date LDS members, even in the area where he is.
    It may seem crazy, but the East coast has quite a number of LDS members comparatively to some places in Europe.  In Northern Europe they actually have a multi-nation get together once a year of around 800 single adults from many nations up there just in hopes that they will be able to meet another LDS young adult.  It can be fun, but I think that people are at times desperate (if people talk about BYU and BYUi having that marriage attitude, well....this event in Europe exceeds those in my eyes).
    The blessing of the East Coast is that normally there is a stake Single Adults group.  This may mean that you have to travel two or three hours to get to an activity every so often, but if you go, you will meet other young adults.  This is far better then the travel across national borders and further for a once a year event that occurs in Europe.  Of course, it may be that you meet no one at your Single Adults group for the Stake.  They occasionally also have Regional Single Adult activities, which are probably more like the European event above.  In this you may have hundreds of Single Adults.
    What I am suggesting is the same as what some have said above.  Go to Single Adult activities.  There is NO guarantee that you will find someone, but it is a higher chance that you will find a worthy LDS member if you go, than if you do not.
    I would advise patience.  That can be a VERY HARD thing to do, especially the older one gets.  Patience in the Lord is a great thing to have.  It also can be a horrendously hard trial.  I am glad I did not have to suffer such a trial myself, but that is little solace to those who are undergoing it currently.
    I am not so certain traveling to Utah is the best idea in order to find a spouse.  I have heard of stories where it works out, I have also heard of stories where it absolutely does not work out.  An individual moves to Utah for that sole reason and in many cases is no closer to finding a worthy LDS spouse than they were before.  I suppose it depends on the individual.
    I have not participated in this online thing of dating.  It was not something that existed when I was young, and my children didn't utilize it either.  At the time when most of them were dating I highly advised them NOT to find dates online as it seemed less safe.  Times have changed though, and many here have far more experience than I do in this new fangled type of dating.  It may be that the LDS singles dating site is a good option, especially for those who do not have many LDS members in their vicinity.
    In that light, signing up for one of those dating sites made specifically for LDS singles may be a good idea.
    I would highly advise that you keep your standards regardless.  Not all LDS individuals are there for good reason in some cases (or so I expect at least) and so caution is always advised.
    I would advise to trying to date individuals inside the church.  It is a worthy goal to aim for a temple marriage. 
    There are those that marry outside the church though.  It works out sometimes, at other times it does not.  I would ensure that anyone I date would respect the standards I set, whether they are LDS or a non-member.  It may actually be at times that a non-member will respect your moral boundaries and the law of chastity MORE than a member would.  Once again, no matter what, stick with your morals and do not go beyond those boundaries no matter what.
    My personal thoughts are to aim for a temple marriage if possible.  That is only going to occur IF you keep your own morals and the law of chastity.
    I know what I said above probably is of no solace to you.  As I said, nothing I say can guarantee that you will find a spouse or not.  I can urge patience, but many would ask, at what point does patience run out?  In the Lords time is all I can say.  We DO believe in a hereafter where the Lord has all the answers that we may lack on this earth.  If it is our lot that we must wait until that time to find the answers to some of the largest unanswered prayers we have in this life...then may we have the strength to do so.
  7. Like
    Anddenex reacted to Fether in Dating advice   
    It sounds, from your description, that you live in the east, south, or Midwest. Honestly, dating is becomes more and more difficult the further you get from the western United States. An option you could consider is moving to Arizona, Wyoming, Oregon, Utah, Idaho or any other western state, but particularly those ones. 
    If that isn’t possible, try looking for a singles ward around a temple where you live.
    Also, LDS singles is great, online dating is a GREAT way to go
  8. Like
    Anddenex reacted to Traveler in Charity and The Back Door   
    I used to love what I called desert survival camping.  I would take with me a little as possible and go alone into the desert.  I once walked into the desert of southern Utah with my cloths, a knife, about 20 feet of rope and a small wool blanket for 40 days.   I believe this helps a person focused on “things” that really matter.  The reason I bring this up is because often we think things are valuable when in reality, they will not keep you alive when you are alone in the desert.   I agree with your notion that nothing cannot exist – but things can be worthless (without value). 
    But there is something else – things can be worse than worthless.  Some “things” can be a burden.  In my understanding – this is worse that worthless.  I believe the idea is that unless there is charity there is no progress – nothing of value can be accomplished.  It means that if you do not take charity with you into the desert that you will not survive.  When I was on my 40-day survival – I was expecting a spiritual experience.  I thought my experience was ruined because I ran across a lost individual in serious condition.  It nearly cost me my life to get this person to help.  It took me many years to realize that helping that person was the spiritual experience that I was seeking.
    If someone is seeking salvation – their seeking is worthless if their motivation is to be saved.  Like when I was in the wilderness – my experience would not have been of any value if I had abandoned the dying individual.  I do not know if I could have even lived my life have I not risked my own life for someone else.  I only wish that I could have been of more help to more in their hour of greatest need.
    The Traveler
  9. Like
    Anddenex reacted to laronius in BOM vs New Testament Scripture Study   
    If you are studying any book of scripture other than the Book of Mormon just make sure you use the footnotes which will often refer you back to the Book of Mormon for clarification. Now you are also studying the Book of Mormon. Problem solved.
  10. Like
    Anddenex reacted to Traveler in BOM vs New Testament Scripture Study   
    I love to read.  For example, in my youth I read an encyclopedia and an unabridged dictionary (more than once).  I did this to compete (unsuccessfully) with a brother that has a photographic memory.   I should also explain that reading is difficult for me because I am dyslexic.  This information is being provided so those of you that it is not obvious – I organized thoughts differently than most even though I have a most difficult time understanding that others do not see what I see or vice versa.
    Not only do I read the standard works but my studies include a great deal of what the world calls scholarly commentary.  Do not be alarmed, I understand well the folly of mingling scriptures with the philosophies of men.  Besides my personal studies – I love sharing things I learn with others.  The passing of my father was a great loss to my studies.  My exceptionally brilliant brother remains perhaps my greatest study ally along with my beloved wife that greatly dislikes scholarly study and lives astonishing righteously almost entirely on emotion and spiritual awareness.  One study I find fascinating is the process recorded in history through which the Bible was determined, preserved and published. 
    One ancient scripture deliberately left out of the Bible (Old Testament) is the Book of Enoch.  This is interesting to me because this ancient scripture is the most quoted of all ancient scripture by Christ and those that left us the legacy of the New Testament.  Historically it was argued that the Book of Enoch was written after the New Testament and was just a copy of things recorded in the New Testament.  For about 2,000 years the Book of Enoch has been discarded by Bible scholars as an unworthy forgery to be included - even though the Book of Enoch is mentioned directly and then quoted as scripture in the Book of Jude.  The notion that the Book of Enoch was a unnecessary copy of New Testament teachings was proven completely false and a deception with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scriptures and the discovery of a Enoch text that predates Jesus by over 300 years.
    It is part of my opinion that I cannot prove conclusively – but I believed the Book of Enoch was deliberately slandered and excluded from the Bible because early traditional Christians wanted to change historical understanding and create the impressions that the teachings of Jesus were new, unique and never before heard.  The reality is that nothing Jesus taught was unique and new.  
    Some say that they love learning from Jesus directly from what he spoke.  I do not want to diminish that desire but we Latter-day Saints should understand that divine testament, including laws, ordinances and covenants have never changed and are the same today as they were when Adam was taught the gospel and plan of salvation (laws ordinances and covenants) as a mortal.  The word of G-d is the same weather it comes directly from G-d or through his servants that speak with the power and Gift of the Holy Ghost.
    It is my personal witness that there is no study of scripture or the things of Christ that cannot be made more complete or “perfect” without the Book of Mormon.  There is no spiritual guidance, hope or witness of Christ that can deliberately exclude the Book of Mormon and have divine blessing and reassurance of the truth.   One can read and love the teachings of the New Testament (or any good book) – but without the Book of Mormon that love of teachings will be incomplete and diminished.
    The Traveler
  11. Like
    Anddenex reacted to JohnsonJones in BOM vs New Testament Scripture Study   
    This is my thoughts on the topic, but NOT doctrine, or even really a strong opinion, just some thoughts I have upon reading it.
    The Book of Mormon is a central item to every individuals testimony who believes that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints is the correct church with the true gospel on this earth.  This is because, if the Book of Mormon is true, than Joseph Smith was a prophet.  If Joseph Smith was a prophet chosen by the Lord, than what he did was ordained by the Lord.  This means that the priesthood truly was given to him and the church established is the Lord's church and the gospel is the true gospel.
    If we lose our testimony of the Book of Mormon, it is a catalyst that will start our lack of faith in the gospel taught in the Church as well.
    We gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon by the Holy Ghost.  As we read the Book of Mormon, hopefully we are sensitive enough to recognize the Holy Ghost testifying of it's truthfulness to us every time we read it.  If not, continued perseverance in reading it hopefully will bring that Spiritual guidance upon us.  This has the effect of continuously letting the Holy Ghost testify to us that the Book of Mormon is true, hence renewing our testimony every time we read it.
    This is why reading the Book of Mormon is so important.  We renew our faith and reinvigorate our testimonies when we read the Book of Mormon.  It constantly allows us to have that renewal of that feeling and testifying by the Holy Ghost to us of it's truthfulness on a daily basis.
    This does not mean that the other scriptures are not important.  They are vital to our spiritual growth.  The New Testament in particular gives us the life and teachings of the Lord.  In this, we can further strengthen our testimony of the Lord.
    However, the difference of why we read the Book of Mormon and the New Testament is one that is foundational to our faith.  The words of the Lord are also found in the Book of Mormon.  While the New Testament gives us a testimony of the Lord, it is utilized by many other churches and at times some of their teachings as well as that of the world, tries to tear us down and destroy our faith in the gospel.  This is why the Book of Mormon is another testimony.  It is the mouth of two or three witnesses.  The Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost testifying of it to us can give us that peace of mind that the teaching found in the New Testament are the teachings that we find in the gospel proclaimed in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints.
    If you have a rock solid testimony of the Book of Mormon, by default you will desire to read and learn the New Testament and other scriptures.  You will never fall from the gospel.
    However, if you do not have a testimony of the Book of Mormon, all  manner of other voices can crowd in to disparage the faith we practice, and place their own ideas of what the Bible means in the foundations of men instead of Heaven.  Thus, by having that Testimony of the Book of Mormon and constantly renewing it, we can stand firm against the temptations that would lead us out of the church and into the world.
    I think THIS is why the Book of Mormon is so important to us that we should read and study it every day.  If you can do nothing else, I would say to read the Book of Mormon.  Ideally you set apart enough time to read the Book of Mormon for that renewing of your faith, as well as other scriptures.  If done in this manner, as you read the New Testament you will also feel the Spirit and have a testimony born of the Spirit about the truthfulness that we have a Lord and Savior and the teachings he gives us in the New Testament.
    Just my thoughts on the OT.
  12. Like
    Anddenex reacted to NeuroTypical in Moral question   
    Fether, that's kind of you.  
  13. Like
    Anddenex reacted to Fether in Moral question   
    After furtherbdiscussion, I learned that the money would be coming out of the clients bank account and not the company’s.
    It is a $4000-$7000 paint job (depending on where I go), which would ruin him financially. I have decided just to get a touch up and buffering on the scratches which is only a $250 fix. The scratches will still be visible to some extent but I figured the car I plan on driving till it dies is less important than the client’s financial stance.
  14. Thanks
    Anddenex got a reaction from Traveler in BOM vs New Testament Scripture Study   
    The Church's initiative is to bring all members unto Christ, that through Christ we become like the Father and receive all the Father hath. The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. Let's make a minor, but important distinction. The Lord has given revelation that a man will draw closer to him by reading the Book of Mormon than any other book of scripture. The Church is the vehicle by which this revelation was/is distributed to all the sons and daughters of God. We also have modern day prophets who have declared that we shouldn't let a day go by without reading from the Book of Mormon.
    The question, real question, is then, "Do I exercise sufficient faith in this declaration from the Lord that I will draw closer to him through study of the Book of Mormon? Yes or no. If not, then we should be praying for the same heart and mind.
    In saying this, the scriptures tells us that we should live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. For some, their patriarchal blessing may give counsel to read a particular book of scripture often. How this individual decides to honor both counsels is between them and the Lord.
    We also accept that the Lord can personally be directing an individually to study other books of scripture more. I remember after reading the Book of Mormon a number of times the spirit impressing upon my mind and heart to read the New Testament. As @Jane_Doe already mentioned, the Church doesn't neglect other scriptures as each scripture is given 1 year of study in the Church, which should be in our personal study. How a person follows the impressions given by the Lord to his heart and mind, is between them and the Lord.
    As to this question then, "Or am I taking an old initiative of prioritizing our BOM study too seriously?" That is between you and the Lord.
    This however can not be denied. We will draw closer to God by reading the Book of Mormon than any other book of scripture. These are the Lord's words. Do we trust he knows what he is talking about? Or do we think ourselves more wise than his counsel and declaration?
    If one thing I know to be true, we cause ourselves more anxiety in the gospel than we should. The gospel is truly simple, but imperfect humans try to complicate simple truths (I include myself in that statement).
  15. Like
    Anddenex got a reaction from NeedleinA in Can’t handle the violence in the BOM   
    What is wrong with a good beheading @Sunday21 in a story?!
    EDIT: The ugly truth of any history where human's forsake truth and love Satan more than God, and among the ugly truth's there are still beauties in this world that are worth praise and adoration. No one wants to relive the awful massacres of Stalin and Hitler (or any other tyrant), and yet during this times those worthy of praise rose to the necessary, yet awful, situation of war.
  16. Like
    Anddenex got a reaction from JohnsonJones in BOM vs New Testament Scripture Study   
    The Church's initiative is to bring all members unto Christ, that through Christ we become like the Father and receive all the Father hath. The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. Let's make a minor, but important distinction. The Lord has given revelation that a man will draw closer to him by reading the Book of Mormon than any other book of scripture. The Church is the vehicle by which this revelation was/is distributed to all the sons and daughters of God. We also have modern day prophets who have declared that we shouldn't let a day go by without reading from the Book of Mormon.
    The question, real question, is then, "Do I exercise sufficient faith in this declaration from the Lord that I will draw closer to him through study of the Book of Mormon? Yes or no. If not, then we should be praying for the same heart and mind.
    In saying this, the scriptures tells us that we should live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. For some, their patriarchal blessing may give counsel to read a particular book of scripture often. How this individual decides to honor both counsels is between them and the Lord.
    We also accept that the Lord can personally be directing an individually to study other books of scripture more. I remember after reading the Book of Mormon a number of times the spirit impressing upon my mind and heart to read the New Testament. As @Jane_Doe already mentioned, the Church doesn't neglect other scriptures as each scripture is given 1 year of study in the Church, which should be in our personal study. How a person follows the impressions given by the Lord to his heart and mind, is between them and the Lord.
    As to this question then, "Or am I taking an old initiative of prioritizing our BOM study too seriously?" That is between you and the Lord.
    This however can not be denied. We will draw closer to God by reading the Book of Mormon than any other book of scripture. These are the Lord's words. Do we trust he knows what he is talking about? Or do we think ourselves more wise than his counsel and declaration?
    If one thing I know to be true, we cause ourselves more anxiety in the gospel than we should. The gospel is truly simple, but imperfect humans try to complicate simple truths (I include myself in that statement).
  17. Like
    Anddenex got a reaction from wenglund in BOM vs New Testament Scripture Study   
    The Church's initiative is to bring all members unto Christ, that through Christ we become like the Father and receive all the Father hath. The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. Let's make a minor, but important distinction. The Lord has given revelation that a man will draw closer to him by reading the Book of Mormon than any other book of scripture. The Church is the vehicle by which this revelation was/is distributed to all the sons and daughters of God. We also have modern day prophets who have declared that we shouldn't let a day go by without reading from the Book of Mormon.
    The question, real question, is then, "Do I exercise sufficient faith in this declaration from the Lord that I will draw closer to him through study of the Book of Mormon? Yes or no. If not, then we should be praying for the same heart and mind.
    In saying this, the scriptures tells us that we should live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. For some, their patriarchal blessing may give counsel to read a particular book of scripture often. How this individual decides to honor both counsels is between them and the Lord.
    We also accept that the Lord can personally be directing an individually to study other books of scripture more. I remember after reading the Book of Mormon a number of times the spirit impressing upon my mind and heart to read the New Testament. As @Jane_Doe already mentioned, the Church doesn't neglect other scriptures as each scripture is given 1 year of study in the Church, which should be in our personal study. How a person follows the impressions given by the Lord to his heart and mind, is between them and the Lord.
    As to this question then, "Or am I taking an old initiative of prioritizing our BOM study too seriously?" That is between you and the Lord.
    This however can not be denied. We will draw closer to God by reading the Book of Mormon than any other book of scripture. These are the Lord's words. Do we trust he knows what he is talking about? Or do we think ourselves more wise than his counsel and declaration?
    If one thing I know to be true, we cause ourselves more anxiety in the gospel than we should. The gospel is truly simple, but imperfect humans try to complicate simple truths (I include myself in that statement).
  18. Thanks
    Anddenex got a reaction from seashmore in Moral question   
    Well @Fether, it looks like you have received the following answers:
    1) Yes it is wrong
    2) Unsure if wrong, but definitely not wise
    3) Not wrong, and also not wise
    If an individual is giving you money for a specific purpose, like this scenario, I would say it is wrong and unwise. This is part of the reason why the Church doesn't give cash. What is your bill, and they right a direct check for the bill, because people inappropriately use funds.
    Now if the company gives money, and you use the money for the reason given and there are funds left over. I would say, the left over money can be used for whatever you want. I would add second confirmation to @NeuroTypical who specified it doesn't hurt to ask. Then the question becomes obsolete so to speak.
  19. Like
    Anddenex got a reaction from wenglund in Can’t handle the violence in the BOM   
    What is wrong with a good beheading @Sunday21 in a story?!
    EDIT: The ugly truth of any history where human's forsake truth and love Satan more than God, and among the ugly truth's there are still beauties in this world that are worth praise and adoration. No one wants to relive the awful massacres of Stalin and Hitler (or any other tyrant), and yet during this times those worthy of praise rose to the necessary, yet awful, situation of war.
  20. Like
    Anddenex got a reaction from Sunday21 in Can’t handle the violence in the BOM   
    What is wrong with a good beheading @Sunday21 in a story?!
    EDIT: The ugly truth of any history where human's forsake truth and love Satan more than God, and among the ugly truth's there are still beauties in this world that are worth praise and adoration. No one wants to relive the awful massacres of Stalin and Hitler (or any other tyrant), and yet during this times those worthy of praise rose to the necessary, yet awful, situation of war.
  21. Like
    Anddenex reacted to Traveler in More Than One Reason   
    I am convinced that it is not so much that they cannot find the way of eternal life - just that when they do - they will not want it because it requires virtue.
    The Traveler
  22. Like
    Anddenex reacted to zil in Can’t handle the violence in the BOM   
    Nowhere in the book of Job does Job curse God.  He laments his birth in chapter 3 (I'd bet a significant percentage of humankind has lamented their birth at one point or another).  In chapter 6 he laments his current condition and prays God will give him relief.  In chapter 10, he again laments.  But throughout, he acknowledges God, and in 13 testifies powerfully "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him".  In 19 he testifies of our Redeemer (well enough that we made a hymn out of it).  In 23, he expresses confidence that the Lord will deliver him if he endures well.  In 38, God deems Job worthy enough to engage him in conversation.  And in the end, the righteous man has had his eyes opened sufficient that even he finds reason to repent (turn to God) even more than he already had, and is rewarded with great blessings.
    The book of Job isn't proof that Satan can overcome man, it is the exact opposite.  It is an example of how to endure well, to overcome laments about how awful our trials are, to overcome the lies of Satan that it would have been better never to have been born, to ignore and refute the false accusations of "friends", to repent of those things we never before knew needed repenting of, and to trust completely in God, though he slay us.  It is proof that we can endure, through the Lord, and will be blessed in the end for our faithfulness.
    Job is an excellent example of both reality (we all complain a bit when things get hard) and of humility and triumph over affliction.
  23. Like
    Anddenex reacted to wenglund in Can’t handle the violence in the BOM   
    I have my own answer to that question, but I think you would benefit from searching it out on your own within the writings of Mormon, though with a less jaundice eye. If you seek for understanding rather than justification for your angst, you will find it. There is something very profound in what Mormon did--particularly given his previous gallant actions, that has beneficial implications for one and all of us struggling with being betrayed and violated, etc., or seeing it happen to others. I will give you a hint, it is something recovering alcoholics are trained to do.
    Than ks, -Wade Englund-
  24. Like
    Anddenex reacted to wenglund in Can’t handle the violence in the BOM   
    I think that revulsion is the intended response to those sections of the BoM. I have long wondered why the war scenes and other gruesome parts are included in any  book of scriptures, let alone "the most correct" book of scripture. The answer that came to me  has two parts: 
    First, it is so that we can learn from the mistakes of others (particularly the more serious ones) and not make them ourselves. The BoM and other scriptures provide a way for us to vicarious (kind of like dreaming) sin and vicariously receive the consequence of those sins, so that we learn what happens were we to sin, and are hopefully thus discouraged from committing sin. That is why I will definitely be reading the war and gruesome parts of the BoM and OT, etc., because I want to be so revolted that I won't ever make the same mistakes, myself, that lead to war and gruesome 
    Second, it is so that we can learn from correct actions of others. By this I mean that often very bad things happen to good people. War and gruesome events sometimes aren't a product of sin (at least on the part of those initially attacked), and it is good to learn vicariously how to respond when innocent people are wronged, so that we are prepared if or when the same happens to us, or if it doesn't happen to us (except to a much lesser degree), we can yet succor those good people unfortunate enough to be brutally victimized. Again, that is why I will definitely be reading the war and gruesome parts of the scriptures.
    But, that may just be me.
    Thanks, -Wade Englund-
  25. Like
    Anddenex got a reaction from Jane_Doe in BOM vs New Testament Scripture Study   
    The Church's initiative is to bring all members unto Christ, that through Christ we become like the Father and receive all the Father hath. The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. Let's make a minor, but important distinction. The Lord has given revelation that a man will draw closer to him by reading the Book of Mormon than any other book of scripture. The Church is the vehicle by which this revelation was/is distributed to all the sons and daughters of God. We also have modern day prophets who have declared that we shouldn't let a day go by without reading from the Book of Mormon.
    The question, real question, is then, "Do I exercise sufficient faith in this declaration from the Lord that I will draw closer to him through study of the Book of Mormon? Yes or no. If not, then we should be praying for the same heart and mind.
    In saying this, the scriptures tells us that we should live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. For some, their patriarchal blessing may give counsel to read a particular book of scripture often. How this individual decides to honor both counsels is between them and the Lord.
    We also accept that the Lord can personally be directing an individually to study other books of scripture more. I remember after reading the Book of Mormon a number of times the spirit impressing upon my mind and heart to read the New Testament. As @Jane_Doe already mentioned, the Church doesn't neglect other scriptures as each scripture is given 1 year of study in the Church, which should be in our personal study. How a person follows the impressions given by the Lord to his heart and mind, is between them and the Lord.
    As to this question then, "Or am I taking an old initiative of prioritizing our BOM study too seriously?" That is between you and the Lord.
    This however can not be denied. We will draw closer to God by reading the Book of Mormon than any other book of scripture. These are the Lord's words. Do we trust he knows what he is talking about? Or do we think ourselves more wise than his counsel and declaration?
    If one thing I know to be true, we cause ourselves more anxiety in the gospel than we should. The gospel is truly simple, but imperfect humans try to complicate simple truths (I include myself in that statement).