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Posts posted by Fether

  1. 1 hour ago, CV75 said:

    The resistance to the prophet's counsel on masks and vaccination reminds me of a couple of items from Church history: the neglect of Joseph Smith's counsel to gather to Missouri in an orderly, assigned fashion (many saints rushed to get there); the readiness of the members of the School of the Prophets to accept the Word of Wisdom; the resistance to the new doctrine of the three kingdoms of glory. These are not evil people, and they are not condemned / disciplined for their beliefs, but it shows how much damage and lack of progress can be caused "in good faith."

    The difference is that there wasn’t a question about PR back then. Today, it seems to me that PR is a big deal to the church. That is where people are having the hang up.

  2. @mrmarklin another thing to consider is what happens if the first presidency starts releasing more letters that we disagree with politically? What if laws start being passed to start teaching more racial history in schools and the presidency sends out a letter urging everyone to embrace these histories so we can weed out the prejudice that permeates our society? Do we write that off as being just another PR statement?

  3. 11 hours ago, mrmarklin said:

    I view the recent advice from the GAs as PR

    I do agree with you… but this also seems like the perfect way write off any counsel from the Prophet that one disagrees with. Perhaps even a way in which the adversary will deceive the elect.

    Not saying this exact example is a deception from the adversary, but just keep in mind that when others abandon the church or reject actual spiritual counsel, they tend to feel the same way we are feeling about this counsel to get vaccinated

  4. 20 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

    Many are. A friend of mine messages me a few months ago. This is a “conservative suburban mom” who has been “rethinking things” ever since the antivax/anti mask right took charge. I showed @Just_A_Guy the message. 

    It’s so frustrating. Conservative media is attacking only the far far left views. Liberal media is attacking on the far far right views. Both are painting the picture of “it’s us or this dystopian view of the enemy”. The true left and true right are closer than most paint 

  5. 10 hours ago, mrmarklin said:

    As a US citizen I do not obey mandates from wannabe dictators. YMMV.  Frankly, I’m ashamed that the average American appears to be a sheeple  

    I view the recent advice from the GAs as PR. 

    I’ve found the opposite to be true. There seems to be a strange conservative following that these mask mandates and potential vaccine mandate is a way for some leader to take over America, forcibly sterilize the population, or stick chips in all of us so we can be controlled.

    I am becoming more and more dissatisfied with the conservative group think and sheep mentality. I remember hearing about CA plan to “legalize pedophilia”. I studied up on it, read article from lawyers explaining why the law was being made and the limitations of the bill was being made. It all made perfect sense and wasn’t at all what the headlines were making of it. I then watched a Tucker Carlson clip on it and he made the biggest straw man of an arguement I have ever seen. Since then, I have been more critical of what I hear. I have seen conservative media do the exact same thing with CRT and Vaccines. I’m not saying I agree entirely with the left, but the picture conservative media paints is not the reality.

    As for the vaccine, I have found almost all the fear mongering against it to be found lacking. I have, through study, decided to join the Sheeple, as you call them.


  6. 2 minutes ago, clwnuke said:

    Then we are of similar mind. As President of the Church I would probably have done the same things they have done, but I have not reached that same spiritual conclusion at this time. I do plan to be vaccinated, but I have to wait for the two vaccines I trust to become available. Thanks for a great discussion!

    My questions were just that. Just trying to understand why people do what they do.

  7. 11 minutes ago, clwnuke said:

    If President Nelson had counseled with Wendy and she had determined that she would not be taking the vaccine, would it have made any difference to President Nelson? Would he have delayed his vaccination in solidarity with her and delayed the First Presidency statement? And, are you certain that there wasn't a delay in issuing the statement for that very reason?

    I personally believe the statement was entirely PR. But I also believe I’m not in a place to make that judgment. I find that such reading between the lines is one of the little ways Satan will pry at my testimony, as mentioned in my patriarchal blessing.

    So to answer your question, I don’t think it would have had any affect in the statement. And yes, I imagine some delay was had in releasing the statement as they craft exactly what they wanted to say for legal purposes

  8. 33 minutes ago, clwnuke said:

    Absolutely, but with qualifiers that are often neglected. "Individuals are responsible to make their own decisions about vaccination. In making that determination, we recommend that, where possible, they counsel with a competent medical professional about their personal circumstances and needs." That was clear in their January 19, 2021 release. Nothing of substance changed in their recent admonition other than the mention of masks.  Church News articles emphasized that President Nelson described how he had counseled with his wife and personal physician prior to making his individual decision to be vaccinated. He expected us to follow the same process, which many church members had already done months before the First Presidency message.

    This seems to be a a very unique and particular situation in which people with ore existing conditions would be excluded. Not situations where someone simply doesn’t want to.

    Did you talk to your physician yet? Did he recommend you not take it?

    Is a practicing physician telling you not to get the vaccine the only situation where this counsel can be justifiably ignored?

  9. 4 minutes ago, clwnuke said:

    My mindset has not changed. I do not believe the First Presidency intended to make a medical statement when they called the current vaccines safe and effective. Rather I believe they were using language that reflected the thoughts of the current 'mainstream' health leaders in a PR statement addressing the issue.

    Do you believe the first presidency wants everyone to wear masks and get vaccinated?

  10. 1 minute ago, mikbone said:

    How are we going to feel when 80 year old Ms. Smith dies from COVID that she likely got in church.  And although we wear masks and have been vaccinated it is possible that we were the vector that transmitted the virus to her?

    This is all well and good, but that could have happened before too. In the past, when I was sick, I ALWAYS went to school and church. I never stayed home due to sickness. I’m sure I got plenty of people sick, and by some distant connection, I’m sure something awful happened to someone.

    Personal experience: my previous ward was one of those old folks home. No one hated the masks more than the old people in my old ward.

  11. https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/first-presidency-message-covid-19-august-2021

    “To limit exposure to these viruses, we urge the use of face masks in public meetings whenever social distancing is not possible. To provide personal protection from such severe infections, we urge individuals to be vaccinated. Available vaccines have proven to be both safe and effective.

    We can win this war if everyone will follow the wise and thoughtful recommendations of medical experts and government leaders. Please know of our sincere love and great concern for all of God’s children.

    The First Presidency

    Russell M. Nelson
    Dallin H. Oaks
    Henry B. Eyring”

    I am in Utah and in a massive small town conservative bubble. I had a conversation about this with my Latter-day Saint co-workers. In the past they have always spoken about being faithful about everything the prophet says and how it’s confusing when people don’t follow even basic counsels from the Prophet.

    In this conversation, the consensus was that (1) if it isn’t a temple reccomend question, it isn’t important and (2) it was a PR move only so therefore we don’t need to follow. I was not Convinced this was so… though admittedly I still didn’t want to follow the counsel. we ended up having a spirited conversation about it.

    I figured I would pass this discussion to the board.

    How will you react to the prophets counsel? Wil you start wearing masks even where it isn’t mandated? Will you be getting the vaccine?

    If you are not going to do either, what is your reasoning 

  12. 5 hours ago, clbent04 said:

    The husband that beats his wife. Scumbag, right?  But what about the abusive husband that was physically and sexually abused himself as a child who never got therapy or help from anyone which compounded into the mental issues he deals with today?  Maybe still a scumbag in our eyes, but how does God see him?

    The drug addict or alcoholic who can't keep a job while trying to bum money off anyone he comes across.  I may have labeled this one as a drain on society.  But what if he's just trying to escape reality because being present is too painful to deal with?

    Where I'm at right now is I'd like to change my gut reaction to the sensational headline news out there that lures us in by saying things like, "CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS PERSON DID THIS?!"  Or I'd like to maybe befriend someone I previously would never have wanted to associate with because of my judgmental attitude towards them. 

    I'd like to do a better job at keeping in mind that even within this microcosm called Third Hour that we're a part of, maybe someone expresses an idea very differently to how my life experience would allow me to understand, but that doesn't mean their opinion is any less valid than mine, and maybe getting to know them a little more will help open up my understanding and relate to them as we are all worthless absent of God. 

    This is Charity. And charity is not normally what we describe it to be. Charity is not thinking Nicky of other or doing nice things for people, charity is the pure love of Christ, which means that charity is amazing experience, not an attribute. And when we feel that true love of Christ, it changes our lives and MAKES us want to share that with others. The kind thoughts, words, and deeds need to be byproducts of the charity, not the charity itself.

    One tool that helps me experience that love naturally is to stop assuming I know what is going on and to simply ask questions to the person. Most people hate their weaknesses and if we can understand that, they then  can feel that love and understanding that we feel from God

  13. 5 minutes ago, clbent04 said:

    Oh really? Cause I have a copy of the newspaper from the local Jerusalem news network that covered the story that night that Nephi killed Laban, and the headline was "Laban, Notable Citizen of Jerusalem, Murdered"

    Would you say David murdered goliath? Or Teancum Murdered Amalickiah? Or Coriantumr murdered Shiz? Or God murdered the Pharaoh’s son?

  14. 5 hours ago, Traveler said:

    I have a big problem with all the superheroes in that they are just as violent as the supervillain's  except superheroes are only violent towards evil individuals that deserve it.  Often their violence is justified for revenge and anger towards evil done to them or their friends.  If you do not see why I have have a problem by now - I doubt you have a firm grasp of the Good News (Gospel) of Christ that charged his disciples to do good to those are our enemy and despitefully use us.

    I do not think there is much use for the superheroes of the world that are all built in the likeness of Baal who was a superhero and demigod of the ancient world that was a constant threat to the children of Israel. 


    The Traveler

    Ok boomer