my two cents

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  1. Like
    my two cents reacted to Just_A_Guy in What the heck is wrong with young men today?   
    FWIW, I have no concerns about "worthiness".  It just seems to me a matter of general scruffiness that seems ill-suited for a wedding, temple or not.  If you want to be bearded for the big day, plan it out, grow it out, trim it up, and wear it with pride!
    But it seems like here we have these brides spending months finding The Dress and choosing The Hairdo and hours planning and primping over their makeup to have Everything Perfect; and then you have their grooms taking five seconds to look in the mirror and thinking "meh, I've shaved hundreds of other mornings in my life, but today's my wedding day, so . . . what the heck?!" And off to the chapel they saunter.
    And those of you who think differently can just . . . well . . . get off my lawn, for starters.
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    my two cents got a reaction from LoudLizard in Tucson Temple Cultural Celebration   
    The new Tucson temple will be dedicated tomorrow and the local members invite the community and put on an event to celebrate. The Church started this tradition several years ago but this is the first time I've heard of it being broadcast.
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    my two cents got a reaction from Sunday21 in Tucson Temple Cultural Celebration   
    For those who want to watch it - it's tonight at 7:00 mst -
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    my two cents reacted to bethejoy in I don't want a divorce   
    Our divorce is final. His girlfriend's divorce is still ongoing, however, so the repercussions are continuing. They hide their relationship for now, but when they're both legally free to move forward, I'm pretty sure I know who my kids' stepmom will be. ?
    My financial situation and emotional well-being have improved by leaps and bounds now that I am not being manipulated or taken advantage of by him anymore. I have primary custody, but with such young kids, we will be interacting for years to come. He makes co-parenting difficult and spreads lies about me. 
    Life as a working, single mom of four is incredibly stressful and lonely. But I receive so many blessings for remaining faithful! I see God's hand in my daily life, buoying me up, teaching me, refining my testimony, helping me overcome my weaknesses. Though I have been utterly betrayed by the one who covenanted to love and support me, my heartache is lessened by hope in God's blessings. I have a long road ahead of me with heavy burdens to bear, but I know in Whom I have trusted.
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    my two cents reacted to Fether in Is It Okay to Admitting to a Substandard Testimony from Behind the Pulpit?   
    I don't think sharing sins is appropriate, remember it is a "Fast and testimony meeting" not a "Fast and tell-a-story meeting"
  6. Like
    my two cents got a reaction from seashmore in Things I would do if...   
    When you buy a missionary car*, they don't try to sell you anything else but wouldn't mind at all if you pulled out the Book of Mormon to read! 
    *highly recommend - below blue book, regular maintenance done, not smoked in...
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    my two cents reacted to jewels8 in Special Needs Children   
    What a wonderful tribute.  I have some special needs children, and I agree, that although there are challenges, they bring such a wonderful spirit and our a blessing in our home.  I too have a nonverbal child.  I believe these children , verbal and nonverbal, are so special and have been so vailiant and our protected from the adversary.  I believe they have  a special mission on this earth. I believe the parents & family that have a child(ren) like that to grace their home, have  a special mission to do that and will be blessed.  This life is about serving others and seeing beauty and joy in the simple things.  I believe children like this our so in tune spiritually and help us focus on what is really important.
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    my two cents reacted to BeccaKirstyn in Is It Okay to Admitting to a Substandard Testimony from Behind the Pulpit?   
    Would it not be more beneficial to state that you are trying to actively grow in your testimony of the Book of Mormon each day as you continually search for knowledge and light? I don't think it's necessary to start sharing your intimate, personal details relating to what revelation you have or have not received. But sharing that as a member of the church you're continuing to work on your testimony, specifically in the area of the Book of Mormon, is uplifting for all of those at different parts on the path of their testimony. It applies to those who may be in a similar situation to you, and to those who have a firm testimony of the Book of Mormon but need the reminder that you have to continually strengthen your testimony. 
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    my two cents reacted to Grunt in Is It Okay to Admitting to a Substandard Testimony from Behind the Pulpit?   
    Like I said, I think Church is a place you go to bolster faith, not cast doubt.  I wouldn't be interested in hearing your talk.  I'd find it odd and out of place.  If I heard that talk at my first visit, I probably wouldn't go back.
  10. Like
    my two cents got a reaction from Sunday21 in Things I would do if...   
    When you buy a missionary car*, they don't try to sell you anything else but wouldn't mind at all if you pulled out the Book of Mormon to read! 
    *highly recommend - below blue book, regular maintenance done, not smoked in...
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    my two cents reacted to Vort in Is It Okay to Admitting to a Substandard Testimony from Behind the Pulpit?   
    A testimony is a witness. What you're talking about is "bearing" a non-testimony. The purpose of bearing testimony is to state what you know and why, not what you don't know. So by definition, confessing your lack of knowledge is not a testimony. Might be appropriate in some cases; not in fast and testimony meeting. Saying that you believe a gospel principle to be true is always appropriate.
    In general, you don't discuss your sins with others unless the others are your Priesthood leader or other person offering counsel, or (rarely) if the sin is an apt illustration of some point you need to make. So the basic rule is: Don't talk about your sins. I'd say this is triply true if you are speaking over a pulpit. The congregation is there to hear testimony of the word of God, not public confession of sin.
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    my two cents reacted to seashmore in Is It Okay to Admitting to a Substandard Testimony from Behind the Pulpit?   
    Well, if there's someone who doesn't have something to work on, they get translated. No one is perfect yet; we all have things to work on. Anger, gossip, addictions, sloth...If it helps, assume that whoever is speaking has a Christlike attribute they are working to improve.
    A testimony in a secular sense is to bear witness to the truth. Ask a lawyer (or someone who played one on tv). Fast and testimony meetings are meant to be uplifting, edifying, and encouraging. Moreso than regular sacrament meetings. This is why it seems you've only heard people share what they know to be true. Most of the admissions of doubt appear in more personal settings, such as Sunday School classes, where open and relevant discussion can occur, which helps the doubter nourish their seeds of faith.
  13. Like
    my two cents got a reaction from seashmore in My Journey with the Church   
    Another thing, apostles have promised great blessings for those who work on family history (including indexing). Here's just one quote: 
    Elder Bednar testified: “A yearning for connection to our past can prepare an individual to receive the virtue of the word of God and fortify his or her faith. A heart turning to the fathers uniquely helps an individual withstand the influence of the adversary and strengthen conversion.”
  14. Like
    my two cents reacted to Anddenex in Are Confessions Kept Confidential by Bishops?   
    @clbent04 -- I will begin my thoughts with the first question, "Are Confessions Kept Confidential by Bishops?" A truthful answer they should be; however, bishops are human and sadly there are plenty of examples where a bishop has not kept confidentiality, casually or strictly. This reminds me of a funny story in my teen years. I was busy talking to other teens and the bishop pointed us out (note, I didn't hear what he was saying before his question to us), and said, 'Raise your hand if I have." Well, as an obedient teenager, I raised my hand. The previous statement was, "Have I ever not been confidential"? By which his response to my affirmative raise of hand, "Anddenex, NO I HAVE NOT." Everyone laughed because they knew I was only being obedient to "raise your hand." Doh!
    In the scenario provided, "Yes, confidentiality was kept between you and the bishop." The bishop was honoring your father's stewardship, and as steward (sealing & covenant) your actions reflect upon your father/mother. As others have mentioned, the father is supposed to be the spiritual leader in your home. In a perfect world, sons should first come to their father (as the sons of Adam would have come to him), confess and then together the father and son (an eternal bond) then go to the bishop.
    As we are not in a perfect world, there are other avenues. One is the avenue you took, confession to your bishop, by which the bishop honors stewardship inviting you to speak with your father. There are other avenues, what if your bishop is your father, and you are not ready to confess to your father/bishop? Well, this scenario has already been given a avenue as well, confess to your stake president. The stake president will work with you, and eventually you (general) will speak with your father/bishop. There are proper avenues, and their are acceptable avenues.
    We all hope, as fathers, that we have a relationship with our sons and daughters that they will come to us first, and then together we take them through the proper channels of confession. In every confession I have known of, involving youth, the youth is invited to talk with their parents. If they don't, then the bishop, possibly through council with stake president, will encourage parents to have a one-on-one with their child. In some cases, this is an opportunity for the parents to review their relationship with their own offspring, their heirs.
  15. Like
    my two cents reacted to clbent04 in Excommunication of General Authorities   
    I read today in the Deseret News that a General Authority was excommunicated.  What caught my attention wasn't that he of all people was excommunicated, but that it was the first time in "28 years since an LDS General Authority has been excommunicated" and prior to that a 46-year period!  So only 2 General Authorities have been excommunicated in 74 years?!?!  That to me is remarkable.  Not that it would be remarkable to everyone.  
    After interacting with Church leadership over the years, men who I've come to hold as examples to me in my own life, I cannot help but feel their callings are divinely inspired.  And to someone like me who has already received spiritual confirmation of Church leadership, how much more is it a testament that they are chosen by God to these positions when so few have been excommunicated?  
    If man was running the show without God's revelation at deciding who would be in Church leadership, and somehow still held accountable to the same standards, imagine how chaotic that would be.  How many excommunications would we see then?  The turnover would be tremendous.  Men can't see what God sees when it comes to the preparedness of the heart, and the appointment to these full-time positions of service needs the steadiest of hands to guide.  
    Also, to my knowledge, the Church has never experienced a financial scandal or misappropriation of funds.  That speaks volumes to me for a nearly 200 year old organization.  
  16. Like
    my two cents reacted to zil in My Journey with the Church   
    @clbent04, I don't know if this will help you, but it keeps coming to mind, so I'll repeat it here in case it will help you.  Some years ago, I recognized that there was something I wanted which was simply not right.  But how do you rid yourself of a desire?  Self-control by sheer will power will only work for behavior and only for so long when you want something else.  Since I could think of nothing else, I determined that I would include in literally every prayer I said a request that the desire be taken away.  And then I got up and did the best I knew to obey the gospel as I understood it (I did the Sunday School answers with the best intent I could muster).  It took about 2 years for me to notice any difference - by that time, I wasn't looking for any difference, I was just doing my best, following the routine I'd established.  It came as a surprise how much my heart had changed.  It wasn't me who changed my heart - I still couldn't begin to tell you how to do that.  It was Christ.
    If you haven't done that, I recommend you start right now and continue for however many years it takes.
    A lot of all the other stuff you've been saying in this thread and others is seriously Satan's lies and deceits designed exclusively to get you to give up hope.  Christ has said that as often as we repent, he will forgive.  The difference between Celestial and non-Celestial beings is that the Celestial beings kept repenting and the non-Celestial beings gave up.  Don't give up.  You don't have to obtain mastery of every weakness in this life - that would be a cruel joke as none of us will succeed at that.  I am 100% convinced you will have as long as you need to obtain mastery - or as long as you need to give up once and for all and condemn yourself to a lesser kingdom.  Which of these you choose is up to you.
    When I said to tell Satan to take a hike, I meant it literally.  If you are alone (or with those who could appropriately hear it), say it out loud and invoke Christ's name as your point of authority.  If you are among others, simply say it in your mind.  Kick him out.
    (There are lots of other things you need, but you cannot possibly do this without Christ changing your desires and without kicking Satan out.)
  17. Like
    my two cents got a reaction from clbent04 in My Journey with the Church   
    I appreciate your honesty and I'm truly sorry about your parents as well your struggles.
    Besides the church arp that a&a mentioned above, I know there are others. One site that might be helpful is this
    Avoidance is only part of the solution, you need things to fill the void. Maybe you already know that.
    Anyway, I don't see how not going to church is going to help and that's pretty easy to change so start there. 
  18. Like
    my two cents got a reaction from SilentOne in My Journey with the Church   
    Another thing, apostles have promised great blessings for those who work on family history (including indexing). Here's just one quote: 
    Elder Bednar testified: “A yearning for connection to our past can prepare an individual to receive the virtue of the word of God and fortify his or her faith. A heart turning to the fathers uniquely helps an individual withstand the influence of the adversary and strengthen conversion.”
  19. Like
    my two cents got a reaction from Sunday21 in My Journey with the Church   
    Another thing, apostles have promised great blessings for those who work on family history (including indexing). Here's just one quote: 
    Elder Bednar testified: “A yearning for connection to our past can prepare an individual to receive the virtue of the word of God and fortify his or her faith. A heart turning to the fathers uniquely helps an individual withstand the influence of the adversary and strengthen conversion.”
  20. Like
    my two cents got a reaction from Sunday21 in My Journey with the Church   
    I appreciate your honesty and I'm truly sorry about your parents as well your struggles.
    Besides the church arp that a&a mentioned above, I know there are others. One site that might be helpful is this
    Avoidance is only part of the solution, you need things to fill the void. Maybe you already know that.
    Anyway, I don't see how not going to church is going to help and that's pretty easy to change so start there. 
  21. Like
    my two cents got a reaction from zil in My Journey with the Church   
    Another thing, apostles have promised great blessings for those who work on family history (including indexing). Here's just one quote: 
    Elder Bednar testified: “A yearning for connection to our past can prepare an individual to receive the virtue of the word of God and fortify his or her faith. A heart turning to the fathers uniquely helps an individual withstand the influence of the adversary and strengthen conversion.”
  22. Like
    my two cents got a reaction from Midwest LDS in My Journey with the Church   
    Another thing, apostles have promised great blessings for those who work on family history (including indexing). Here's just one quote: 
    Elder Bednar testified: “A yearning for connection to our past can prepare an individual to receive the virtue of the word of God and fortify his or her faith. A heart turning to the fathers uniquely helps an individual withstand the influence of the adversary and strengthen conversion.”
  23. Like
    my two cents reacted to askandanswer in My Journey with the Church   
    On my phone, in my gospel library app under the family tab, there is something called the Addiction Recovery Porgram: A Guide to Addiction Recovery and Healing. I look forward to hearing your views tomorrow on how helpful you think it will be and how you will use it in your ongoing efforts at recovery
  24. Like
    my two cents reacted to clbent04 in My Journey with the Church   
    I grew up in the church and have been a member my whole life.  Active and inactive.  Mostly active.  That is until 2 years ago when I stopped going to church altogether.  I'll rewind from there and give you the full story.
    I grew up in Texas in a Mormon household with 3 siblings, and we had a great upbringing.  My Mom was definitely more into the church than my Dad.  My Dad mainly converted to make my Mom happy before they got married.  Nonetheless, he took us to church regularly and served in various callings in the church.  He saw the church as a good structure for us kids and supported our involvement even though he would never say the LDS church is the one and only true church or anything to that nature.
    I believed in the church growing up even though I never considered myself a very spiritual person.  And I didn’t really pay much attention to the various lessons and talks all those years.  I found church to be very boring as a kid/teenager.  They were the longest three hours of the week.  But I believed nonetheless because of the occasional positive feelings I would receive.  I participated in the youth programs, went to seminary, went home teaching with my Dad for a period of time, prayed to God on my own initiative and read the scriptures occasionally.  Although I didn’t prepare myself sufficiently growing up to receive a solid confirmation of the truthfulness of the gospel, I always felt a strong connection to my Savior and His atonement for us, and I always strived to maintain that positive relationship.
    I always had it in my mind growing up that I would serve a mission and not just because I knew it would make my Mom happy.  I wanted to.  Even though I wasn’t the most dedicated member, I felt it was the right thing to do.  And I thought of how much more I would learn about the gospel and develop my own testimony. So I put in my papers and was called to serve in a stateside Spanish-speaking mission.
    I was excited as a fresh missionary. I felt grateful to be serving.  I also enjoyed learning a new language. And then, early on in my mission, maybe 2-3 months, I started wondering how converted I was to the gospel. What spiritual confirmations did I have leading up to that point?  I did have positive feelings of the church before, but I realized I had never taken it upon myself to follow the very advice we teach as missionaries: If you have questions, ask God, and the Holy Spirit will bear witness to you of truth through positive feelings. 
    So I prayed asking if Joseph Smith was a true prophet.  I prayed for quite some time.  I would ask the Lord to please let me know if Joseph was a true prophet, then pause and repeat.  I did this over and over again until I said “Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.”  I stopped and thought to myself, did I just make a statement rather than a question?  That seemed to me to be an answer in itself.  I thought I had a good feeling from the prayer, but nothing amazing.  I questioned if it was an answer or if I had just said it myself without receiving revelation since I had been praying for so long asking the same question.  But it was good enough to keep me going as a missionary for a period of time. 
    At the 5-6 month mark, I really began questioning what I was doing serving a mission.  I had to be honest with myself at that point that I really didn’t know if the church was true.  The only time in my life I had undoubtedly experienced the Holy Spirit was when I prayed to God for forgiveness of my sins and felt the merciful forgiveness made possible through Jesus Christ the Redeemer.  After evaluating what I knew to be true, and what I didn’t, I made the decision to meet with my mission president. 
    At the 9-10 month mark, I told the mission president I was ready to go home.  How could I continue preaching the gospel when I hadn’t fully accepted it myself?  I was miserable with the feeling of being a hypocrite.  I didn’t want to be at conflict with myself anymore.  I told the mission president all of this, and how I initially thought I would find my testimony after I came out to serve a mission, albeit I know that’s not the way you’re supposed to do it.  I told him of my attempts to find the truth, and that I had decided I needed to call it quits.  After almost a year of no improvement in terms of receiving a confirmation of the church, I thought that was a fair enough time to give it a shot.  He asked if I would give it another 3 months to see if anything changed, and I agreed.  Nothing did change and a little after I hit my 1-year mark I returned home to Texas.
    Once I got home I started wondering which church was the true church of God.  I attended services of other faiths, studied other religions, and even took a world’s religion class in college.  I decided I was a non-denominational Christian at that point, and continued looking for answers over the next 2 years.
    Funny enough, it was only after I had served my 1-year mission and after the vain attempts I had made at finding the truth that I discovered the Mormon Church was the answer all along!  What wasn’t funny was how it happened.  At age 23, both my parents died in a tragic way that left me and my siblings in complete shock.  My youngest sibling was 14 at the time.  Shortly after receiving the news, I received several blessings of comfort from Church leaders.  On four separate occasions over the course of four days I met with different Church leaders and received the same experience each time.  The Church leader would lay his hands upon my head and spoke through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.  Almost instantly I felt the power of Holy Ghost fall upon me as if I was on fire.  I felt the warmth of the love of God within me.  It was as if I was completely enveloped by this warm, radiating presence.  It never left me, not once, for four days straight.  I was able to physically and spiritually feel the warm radiance of the Spirit of God.
    So it was through the power of the Priesthood that my spiritual understanding was opened up and I was converted as a believer of the gospel.  As for why I hadn’t received a testimony of the church previous to this experience, the truth is, I could have received an answer, but I had not prepared sufficiently, and my heart wasn’t broken enough for the Lord to reach me.  But that experience alone established deep convictions within me of the church.  And I have had many spiritual experiences since then reaffirming the same knowledge.  
    I went back to church on a regular basis, attended the temple fairly regularly, testified of the power of the Priesthood often, did my home teaching, held various callings including serving as 2nd counselor in the Elder’s Quorum presidency, and really enjoyed all of it.  I even dated a non-member who ended up becoming a convert, and we are currently happily married with a 9-month old baby.
    So to throw a wrench in the story, the reason why I stopped going to church two years ago is because I haven’t been able to break my addiction to pornography (sorry to kill the upbeat tempo).  Not that quitting is hard.  It’s like Mark Twain said about smoking, “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.”  I think I might have even read a version of that quote on this site somewhere the other day.
    I was first exposed to pornography when I was 11 years old.  20 years later and I still haven’t been able to get away from it.  I was always open and honest with church leaders about the issue, followed through with all their advice (that is, of course, everything but the forsaking the sin part), but I could never find the resolve to stay away for very long.  Besides when I had served my 1-year mission, the longest time I was able to stay away from it was for a 4-month stretch.
    There is nothing more I would like to accomplish in this world than to break this habit once and for all.  I just don’t know how to do it.  I’ve met with numerous bishops, went to a church psychologist on my own initiative, and made I don’t know how many promises to myself and the Lord to put it all behind me.  Some people say pride is the greatest tool of the Devil.  I would say that is definitely not true in my case.  Despair has been far more effective.
    It was two years ago that I made some conclusions that really got me down.  I’m 29 years old at the time realizing I haven’t been able to kick a habit that’s been affecting me since adolescence, and I think, if I haven’t been able to break this habit by now, I’m never going to change.  I came to the despairing conclusion I don’t have enough resolve. 
    On top of that, the Church tells us how monumentally important it is to obey the Law of Chasity. Think of how uniquely often the Law of Chasity is commanded of us to obey.  I believe the Lord puts so much emphasis on the Law of Chasity because the sacredness of the power of procreation goes well beyond this life.  Do you truly think God would entrust someone with the powers of divine and eternal procreation who does not does not end up mastering the Law of Chasity in this life?  I understand the Lord is merciful and grace makes up the difference for what we fall short of, but I also understand the Law of Chasity is held to a much stricter and less lenient standard than most commandments.
    That said, I firmly believe the Law of Chasity is the main defining test the Lord will use in sifting the wheat from the tares, i.e, those who will receive Celestial glory versus those who don’t.  I have conceded that it is very unlikely, to the point of hopeless despair, that I will ever make it to the Celestial Kingdom.  Two years ago was the first time in my life I had ever conceded to anything less than the aspirations of wanting to return to live in the presence of God. 
    The final conclusion I made was, if I can’t make it to the Celestial Kingdom based on my inability to quit looking at porn, why should I even go to church?  What’s the point?  If I’ve already pegged myself as ending up in the Terrestrial Kingdom (see post on Few Will Find Celestial Glory), everyone who ends up there isn’t required to do all tasks expected of a Mormon, so why should I?  And there it is.  Despair ultimately destroyed my optimism of obtaining Eternal Life, and has left me with my sad, pathetic acceptance of mediocrity.
    So here I am, two years later, and although I still know the Church and the gospel to be true, I’m at a loss feeling I’m just not good enough to make the cut.  I know the gospel works, but I’ve proven to myself I’m not determined enough to allow the gospel to work for me.  I’m left with admitting I’m not good enough for the Celestial Kingdom because I lack character and resolve.  I know it’s not impossible to obey the Law of Chasity.  I personally know maybe 10 to 15 men who strictly follow the Law of Chasity.  I look up to and respect these men in the highest regard.  One was a former stake president of mine.  Counseling me one time, he said when he was called to his position as stake president, the general authority looked at him right in the eyes and said, “brother, do you have any involvement in any shape or form with the viewing of pornography?”, to which he confidently responded, “No, I am clean.”  What I would give to be able to say that. 
    I’ve been so down about this that I’ve had zero interaction with the church the past two years.  But now, for the first time in a long time, I’ve started to feel bits of hope come back to me just from joining this website a week or so ago.  I’ve received some really great feedback to questions I’ve had a very long time, questions I’ve never fully vetted with anyone before.  I think the members on here who are truly trying to help those in need are really great missionaries and friends to this community, and just great people in general.  So thanks to the creators of this website and its contributors.
    I’m someone who knows that "the Church is true” (I’m using this phrase sincerely and also in honor of @Vort and @Carborendum).  This is based on me receiving the witness I did of the power of the Priesthood, and also other experiences I had within the Church from 2009 – 2015.  I have a long ways to go if I can ever dig myself out of the hole I’m in, and I also have a few kinks in my testimony, but it was nice the other day to feel a bit of hope again.
    I wanted to write all this to clear the air on who I really am and where I come from for the benefit of people like @Grunt.  I know I have a lot of questions that are phrased differently than what a typical member might ask, but they’re not intended to come across as negative, and they especially aren’t meant to come across as attacking the church. The only thing I’ve attacked is a small piece of the culture that has grown around the church.  For the most part (like 95 percent) the church has a great culture.  And also understand that I know a lot of my posts might not have answers others can provide.  I’m mostly seeking perspective in a lot of cases.  And I don’t need to find answers to every single question in order for me to have a testimony of the church.  I already do have a testimony of the church regardless.  Your answers and perspective only help strengthen my testimony of the church (at least from most of you, okay maybe half haha).
  25. Like
    my two cents got a reaction from zil in General Authority excommunicated   
    I think it's so people don't question what he had said in Conference talks, etc since they're still online.