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    jewels8 reacted to zil in Blessed are the Peacemakers   
    Yes.  (Seriously, yes.  It will depend on the person and on the Lord's will for that person.)
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    jewels8 got a reaction from NeuroTypical in The Case for Modesty in All Things   
    I see what you are saying.  I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.  I do feel that in standing up for something in a particular way, there will always be someone who has a different idea.  Forums are designed to be able to express differing opinions and views, as well as those that are the same.  Even when trying to be careful, there will inevitably be differences in how it is taken, and of course, sometimes things can be worded in different and perhaps better ways.  I think, especially in this mortal existence, it is not possible for us to not be somewhat ignorant,or uninformed on certain things.  But I feel the prophets have counseled us to not "partake" of certain things, and that we will be better off for abiding by their counsel.  It may sometimes be easy and sometimes not, but I guess we have to each choose what will be beneficial for us and what will not.  Everyone is different in what that may be, but I also think there are some common important things we can all become one in.  I am not stating any specific things, and I am not thinking of specific things, just FYI.
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    jewels8 got a reaction from JohnsonJones in The Case for Modesty in All Things   
    Also, there are other areas of modesty we could think about more.  Like in our speech.  Not speaking ill of others, either in front of them or behind there back.  Not gossiping.  And the definition of gossip can be interpreted in so many ways.  If it can hurt someone, if the info is inaccurate, I believe that can be categorized as gossip.  But even sharing personal things about someone could be considered gossip.  I also think it is good not to swear, not to take the Lord's name in vain.   And not to yell at others and demean them.  Unless its an emergency, or for certain reasons, yelling just doesn't seem to bring in a  spirit I want to feel.  Sometimes people are hard of hearing, and we need to speak up, but that is different.  It may be hard when people get upset, but the word modesty makes me think of being refined in how I behave.  I think it gives a person a reason to aim higher for something better in their character.  I think it fosters respect, love, hope, and faith in God.
  4. Thanks
    jewels8 got a reaction from mordorbund in The Case for Modesty in All Things   
    Thank you,  I will work on that
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    jewels8 got a reaction from JohnsonJones in The Case for Modesty in All Things   
    So, I have always had a very strong testimony of modesty.  In thought, speech, dress and action.  I do not like off color jokes, etc.  I avoid any movies, tv programs, magazines that feature any degree of immodesty.   Once a church member gave us a video with nudity, but it wasn't one you would think would have it in it.  It was a kid  movie remake.  I'm glad I checked it before hand.  Even though it was not necessarily meant in a sexual way, it could have been seen that way and was totally inappropriate.  I threw it out and my family did not view it.  I wished I had not seen that, it took me by surprise and I threw it out and didn't see the rest.  I don't even like reading up on movies because the stuff you read is so bad, that I just don't generally have anything to do with the movies of today. There are some things I will never have to get out of my head, because they never went in there either by hearing or seeing, but other things that others impose, on you, whether realizing it or not, I  have to deal with.  And of course sometimes I make mistakes , and see something that I didn't think would be there.   I want the spirit with me all the time. And I want the same for my family and everyone.   I value and cherish ourselves as spirit children of our Father in Heaven and that our bodies are sacred, and are temples.  It bothers me when I see people, especially in the church, say things that I consider offensive and inappropriate in regard to the sanctity of the body.  Even if they may not be realizing that they are being irreverent or that the comment or what they wear or how they act is unnecesarry or inappropriate, it does detract from the spirit of the Lord.  Aren't we counseled to always have His spirit to be with us?  How then, can they justify such behavior and continue it?  I also am concerned about the debate that nudity is art.  It disgusts and bothers me that anyone would choose to use the human body uncovered or almost uncovered as art or as a statue.  I don't think Heavenly Father would think that is the best thing to do, and there are some scriptures that seem to show he wants people to be dressed.  I imagine that includes replicas of people.  If our bodies are sacred and holy, why in the world would anyone want to display them that way?  Even if it wasn't meant to be sexual?  I think people can be deceived into thinking it is ok, but I feel that the Spirit whispers something else about the importance of being covered.  It is unnecessary and inappropriate in any setting to display spirit children in this way.  Even for medical reasons, it shouldn't just be all out there for everyone to see.  I also think that people should be considerate of each gender and not display or talk about things that may make others feel uncomfortable and not help maintain the spirit of the Lord.  Our 13th Article of Faith says that if there is anything virtuous, lovely or of good report, we seek after these things.
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    jewels8 got a reaction from JohnsonJones in The Case for Modesty in All Things   
    I think other ways of being modest are in speech and thought.  If we fill our minds with good books, the Ensign, the scriptures, and tasteful books, then it elevates our mood, our thoughts.  If we find ways of serving others and work on improving ourselves, it gives us a sense of accomplishment and well-being.  If we look for the good in others, we will find it.  If we pray for a purer heart, He will help us to feel more pure.  If we watch ourselves to control ourselves, not becoming angry and saying the wrong thing, not demeaning others and ourselves, being respectful of others, then I think we are becoming more modest.
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    jewels8 reacted to Still_Small_Voice in Music & the Spoken Word -- The Myth of Fairness   
    This needs to be shouted from the rooftops and shown over and over.  Gratitude is the antidote for covetousness.
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    jewels8 got a reaction from Sunday21 in training for Bishops   
    I would just like to clarify, in case the court thing gets misconstrued, that I have always been a member in good standing, no problems and a member of society in good standing, always too.
  9. Thanks
    jewels8 got a reaction from prisonchaplain in training for Bishops   
    That is terrible, prisonchaplain.  Its too bad that that kind of thing happens.
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    jewels8 got a reaction from Sunday21 in training for Bishops   
    Even if you are honest and it seems the counselor is sometimes not seeming to be.  I think it would be harder to judge appropriately with all the information going against each other.  I guess it will all work out, and of course prayer, scripture study, etc help people to have a more hopeful reason for a fair outcome.  I guess I've seen or heard and experienced too many earthly judges, in and out of the church (not that I have ever needed court for anything, but others have)  to wonder how its going to be so different.   And how everyone communicates is so vital.  I think everyone involved to judge especially, needs to have skills that don't cause an unnecessary  problem for the  person being judged, where they may have to end up in a  lower kingdom because they feel they can't speak up for themselve, that it won't do any good, and that they are being mistreated and or misunderstood.  Of course our memory will be better there, and we will be able to remember all things that we may forget at times now.  I guess it will be fair in the Lord's eyes.  
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    jewels8 got a reaction from Anddenex in training for Bishops   
    I would just like to clarify, in case the court thing gets misconstrued, that I have always been a member in good standing, no problems and a member of society in good standing, always too.
  12. Thanks
    jewels8 got a reaction from Anddenex in training for Bishops   
    Interesting.  Thank you for sharing.  I think Pres. Eyring is such a humble man.
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    jewels8 got a reaction from Anddenex in training for Bishops   
    I have had wonderful bishops, mission president, state presidents and other leaders too.  I don't think if a  bishop or a member makes a "mistake" that that makes them a "bad" bishop or a "bad" member.  I just want to clarify here.  It seems that if a person says something on one side of a spectrum (ex.  a bad experience with a bishop) than it is assumed , perhaps, that they would label their bishop as "bad".  I don't think that is a good thing to do.  And that's not what I meant.  But I do think we should have sympathy for anyone, be he or she a bishop, a RS Pres, a regular member who has had an unpleasant encounter that he or she didn't see coming.  I think a counseling session can often have some good moments of respect both ways, even if there is a "glitch" in part of it.  We are all human.  It s just that leaders have a sacred obligation, even more noticeable to others, than others do.  (even though members also have an obligation too)  I just think it is good when the church upholds that standard for leaders to assist them in leading in righteousness.  I am not trying to take away or lessen any responsibility a member has.  Its just that a member may be feeling vulnerable and is going in for help, whereas hopefully, the leader is feeling ready to help at that moment.  I do appreciate my bishop and current and past leaders.  They have helped me & my family in many ways.  Sometimes we just have to forgive, forget, pray, and move on.
  14. Like
    jewels8 reacted to Just_A_Guy in unequal relationships   
    Most females in my family circle (both blood and in-laws) are very uncomfortable with polygamy.  I think @jewels8, on some level, probably reflects a lot of women's thinking:  speaking in generalities, women crave a sort of exclusive emotional intimacy with their spouses; whereas (again, speaking generally) I think most guys take it for granted that their wives are going to have deeply intimate emotional connections with a relatively large number of people.
    I know that my wife talks about certain marriage/child-rearing topics with her mother/sister/best friend in my absence.  But, she would feel deeply betrayed if I were to discuss those same topics with those same people in her absence--and heaven help me if I were to bring those topics up with my own parents/siblings/friends.  
  15. Like
    jewels8 got a reaction from Sunday21 in Hey Texas people   
    So sad to see all the flooding, and the temple too.  But good to see people helping each other.  Prayers for those in need.
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    jewels8 got a reaction from Sunday21 in unequal relationships   
    How funny!  I mean everyone is entitled to feel what they want.  I mean we should be sensitive to others feelings.
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    jewels8 got a reaction from Sunday21 in unequal relationships   
    everyone's feelings are valid.  They are real to them.
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    jewels8 reacted to clbent04 in Vegan Celestial, Omnivore Telestial   
    @jewels8 Jewels, all in italics? Really?  So would you say meat is non-replaceable in our diets in order to be healthy and balanced?
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    jewels8 reacted to estradling75 in Vegan Celestial, Omnivore Telestial   
    By this logic  Joseph Smith is a Telestial being. 
    We are given Dominion over the earth, which includes using the Plants and Animals for food and raiment   See D&C 49
    19 For, behold, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and that which cometh of the earth, is ordained for the use of man for food and for raiment, and that he might have in abundance.
    And D&C 59
    17 Yea, and the herb, and the good things which come of the earth, whether for food or for raiment, or for houses, or for barns, or for orchards, or for gardens, or for vineyards;
    18 Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart;
    19 Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul.
    So the idea that we are not suppose to use animals as food is directly contradicted in scripture.
    The council is to be wise and not wasteful stewards of the Dominion we have been given, and we could potentially have a lot of room for improvement there.  But how we can best be a wise steward falls into the category of personal revelation to take into account our individual needs and resources.
    So while being a vegan/vegetarian is a totally valid personal choice, it is not valid to try to impose it on others.
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    jewels8 got a reaction from zil in Vegan Celestial, Omnivore Telestial   
    I don't know why it did italics, but I just didin't think of changing it, but there is meat & meat substitutes, and people can put non meat proteins together to have  a complete protein, the key is to have the right amount, which varies for each person
  21. Like
    jewels8 got a reaction from my two cents in Special Needs Children   
    What a wonderful tribute.  I have some special needs children, and I agree, that although there are challenges, they bring such a wonderful spirit and our a blessing in our home.  I too have a nonverbal child.  I believe these children , verbal and nonverbal, are so special and have been so vailiant and our protected from the adversary.  I believe they have  a special mission on this earth. I believe the parents & family that have a child(ren) like that to grace their home, have  a special mission to do that and will be blessed.  This life is about serving others and seeing beauty and joy in the simple things.  I believe children like this our so in tune spiritually and help us focus on what is really important.
  22. Like
    jewels8 got a reaction from Jane_Doe in Special Needs Children   
    What a wonderful tribute.  I have some special needs children, and I agree, that although there are challenges, they bring such a wonderful spirit and our a blessing in our home.  I too have a nonverbal child.  I believe these children , verbal and nonverbal, are so special and have been so vailiant and our protected from the adversary.  I believe they have  a special mission on this earth. I believe the parents & family that have a child(ren) like that to grace their home, have  a special mission to do that and will be blessed.  This life is about serving others and seeing beauty and joy in the simple things.  I believe children like this our so in tune spiritually and help us focus on what is really important.
  23. Like
    jewels8 got a reaction from Sunday21 in Special Needs Children   
    What a wonderful tribute.  I have some special needs children, and I agree, that although there are challenges, they bring such a wonderful spirit and our a blessing in our home.  I too have a nonverbal child.  I believe these children , verbal and nonverbal, are so special and have been so vailiant and our protected from the adversary.  I believe they have  a special mission on this earth. I believe the parents & family that have a child(ren) like that to grace their home, have  a special mission to do that and will be blessed.  This life is about serving others and seeing beauty and joy in the simple things.  I believe children like this our so in tune spiritually and help us focus on what is really important.
  24. Like
    jewels8 got a reaction from seashmore in talked to Bishop   
    Bless your heart!  I am sorry that that happened to you.  I hope you have peace.  And thank you for your advice.  Its nice to know I am not alone, but I wish things had been handled better for you. Thank you again.
  25. Like
    jewels8 got a reaction from Sunday21 in talked to Bishop   
    Bless your heart!  I am sorry that that happened to you.  I hope you have peace.  And thank you for your advice.  Its nice to know I am not alone, but I wish things had been handled better for you. Thank you again.