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Everything posted by scottyg

  1. Just my 2 cents. I think some people, like this Davies guy, try too hard to explain certain mysteries in the hopes that they will be seen as more intelligent. You cannot give a rock information to give it is just a rock. Same with agency...a rock has none. We have a lot of these people in the LDS church, and I think they just need to cool their jets a bit and focus on the important things...the small and simple things. God doesn't care about whether or not you figure out how to create intelligence, but he does care about what you do with your own, and how you use it for the betterment of others.
  2. I don't think it has anything to do with being "worthy". I am an Elder, and currently hold all of the necessary Priesthood I need. Perhaps those men you referenced were given leadership positions not for the benefit of others, or because of good things they had done, but rather, to help them along the path of life and hopefully prevent future tragedies that have since befallen them. I'm not a fan of getting rid of entire office in the priesthood. If we do that, let's just make all Aaronic priesthood holders Priests right off the bat as well.My 11 year old is worthy, so shouldn't he get to bless the Sacrament? The Priesthood is not about holding titles or positions, it is about service. I see no reason for me to become a High Priest, or any other man for that matter, unless a certain calling requires the ordination to preside. If one never comes, that is just fine with me. If one does, that is just fine with me as well. I actually wouldn't want the ordination to just take place if a calling didn't come with me it seemed unnecessary when that happened in the past.
  3. Very true. Many Bishops need to accept the fact that some types of spiritual counsel need to come from the EQP, as he holds keys too, as well as the Bishop's counselors. In fact, in some cases the keys held by the EQP would actually take priority over the Bishop's for the spiritual welfare of his quorum. I think this would be harder to fully implement with the general members though...unless an Apostle came out and specifically said "see EQP for a, b, c and Bishop for x, y, z". They don't do that for obvious reasons, but the change does need to be made...our poor Bishop is wearing himself out worrying about the adults, when really his focus should be on the rising generation.
  4. I agree this would be nice. Our Bishop's load is heavy as he has over 50 youth to look after, not to mention the great increase in mental health problems, marital issues, finances, drugs, etc... The youth take priority...they need those interviews frequently, from him, his counselors, and their parents. I wouldn't mind seeing several callings eliminated as well as many things we do in the church should already be done in the home. We wouldn't have the need for so many if the Priesthood was exercised they way the Lord intends.
  5. I agree, rubbed me wrong too. My father served in Argentina during that 18 month time-frame. I can actually see more mothers than missionaries wanting a call each week.
  6. I'm personally not a big fan of the change. I think there are some missionaries that it will help, and it may keep them on their mission rather than coming home early. However, I also think there will be missionaries that will come home early that would have otherwise stayed on their mission. This will make it harder for them to leave home at home and focus on the Lord. During the first 100 years of the church, missionaries were lucky to get 1 letter a month due to slower transportation...and they did just fine. We are too worried about catering to the rising generation...and they are becoming soft because of it. That being said, the brethren never update or implement a policy unless they are all united on the matter. All 15 men have agreed to this change in policy, and knowing that any one of them has more insight and experience than I do is what enables me to accept the change. I know my comment may sound harsh towards the young people of the church...but I'm just old school I guess.
  7. Correct, Primary still follows the usual pattern. The classes for older youth and adults do not. With regards to the flip side of the question, there are very few meetings in the church that are required to start out with a prayer. Most of them still have one, but many of those meetings are not actually required to do so. My guess is that the brethren want us to spend ample time discussing the gospel since there is 1 less hour of block time on Sundays. It is nothing I would get anxious about. I know in my ward there are a few brethren who will pray for over 5 minutes if they are asked. Better, I believe, to dive right into the discussion and let the spirit start working than have folks get frustrated because brother so and so feels the need to preach a sermon and show how mature he is through his "prayer". We all know who these people are, and it's even worse when they are asked to pray at the end of the meeting...especially when you have little children.
  8. This my friend, along with what Jane_Doe said above, proves you are not ready to go to the temple. Despite what everyone on here has told you, you still just don't get it.
  9. The shortest way for me to explain it is that we are here to learn. Whether we live in other parts of the world and never hear about the gospel, live now or thousands of years ago, wade through few or many trials, live long lives, or live short lives, we need to trust that God wants the best for us, and to learn the lessons he desires us to learn from our experience here on earth.
  10. My friend, true repentance means turning away from sin. It is inappropriate to live with someone of the opposite sex that you aren't married to, and the fact that you moved in with her, despite the fact that you had good intentions, is not the proper course of action. Perhaps no continuing sexual relationship exists between the two of you, but the Bishop cannot know that for certain. It is a great thing that you came to him, and have a desire to go to the temple...but the covenants we make inside are not something to be taken lightly. The Bishop holds Priesthood keys, and if you were to go to the temple unworthily he would be at fault as well. He does care about you, but also has an entire ward to look after. The load he carries is heavy. He is looking out for you, and it sounds like you aren't ready to go just yet. Fornication is a big deal, but once a child is born out of wedlock to unmarried parents there are even more obligations you would have to meet as a father before being found worthy. You have made several mistakes and bad choices, and that is not the Bishop's fault. Being able to take the sacrament again doesn't mean you are done repenting and forgiven...true repentance is not just a change in behavior for a set period of time, but a true change of character. It lasts a lifetime. Best of luck to you moving forward, and don't give up. The effort it takes is worth it.
  11. True. Most disorders are not accurately understood by the public at large. With regards to phobias, a "phobia" is defined as a fear or aversion to something, and yet homophobia is used all the time as a term for those who simply dislike or are prejudiced against those who are gay. I wish people would use proper terms and not skew words/definitions to fit their narrative. The word gay is a prime example...used to mean happy and carefree - now means homosexual. I am not saying actual homophobia doesn't exist, but by proper definition I have never met anyone who is actually afraid of a gay person. As far as narcissists go, I think we all tend to be one at different points in our lives.
  12. Agree 100%, but that is best left to those who are called as Prophets, Seers, and Revelators. Rather than trying to read between the lines for something that may or may not be there, we should just focus on the plain and simple truths of the gospel.
  13. After reading the thread and the direction it went, this is my view. 1st, let us avoid contention...we all know where that comes from. 2nd, scripture came from past prophets, so it only follows that what prophets say today is scripture as well. However, I also believe that the brethren can have their own feelings and opinions on matters...not everything they say should be taken as gospel doctrine. I agree with what you said about the past theories of church leaders - whether they were right or wrong, the church leaders want us to follow the current prophet, and to not focus on "vain mysteries" that are not pertinent to our salvation. Those who do will undoubtedly be left behind as the kingdom of God moves forward. As Elder Uchdorf said, "We should not sleep through the restoration...the restoration continues."
  14. We have that same joke in our ward between 4 or so young families. I personally enjoy it because it shows couples are having children and bringing them to the place that they should be on Sunday, which is pleasing to the Lord.
  15. Just come back to church. Almost all wards are used to having loud kids in the really bothers no one. Families are what the church is all about. Plus nursery will be coming up for your child soon for the 2nd hour. We have 4 kids and a set of twins that are 13 months old and sit near the front in the chapel every week. If they get too fussy, we just take them big deal.
  16. What unixknight said is correct - there is no set "time limit". I know one couple who waited around 3 years for one of them to be given approval for cancellation of sealing and clearance for a new just wasn't right at the time. But, I also know another couple who heard back in about a month or two with approval after their request. The First Presidency prays about each request, and the time can differ from member to member for various reasons, both temporal and spiritual. They also take into consideration remarks from local leaders and the reason for the cancellation...these are decisions not to be taken lightly.
  17. No, that is not fair at all. My kids want to eat cookies for dinner, but I want them to eat their vegetables. I am not tolerant to what they want to do during dinnertime every am I a bigot? Love is not always acceptance. God knows what is best for us, and his views are what is right - there is no argument on the matter. One may choose to believe differently, and they certainly can, but we should not be forced to accept their choices as "right", and be called intolerant if we do not follow them. In truth they do not just want tolerance, but want everyone to accept and then adopt their view. People who throw around the word bigot left and right nowadays know they are wrong, but create arguments to try and justify feeling better about themselves. Rules are set, clean is clean, and filth is filth. Sooner or later all will see that God's way is the only way.
  18. I agree with you in principle, and the antivax groups are some of the most foolish out there. My field is healthcare, and there is not 1 study anywhere by anyone that actually links vaccinations to Autism. Not one. Some may say that they "think" there is a connection, or a connection is "plausible", but I can also say that people don't gain weight from eating too's from the kind of toothpaste that they use. To me antivax is way more phony than global warming...but not near as phony as multiple genders. We can think whatever we want, but the fact remains that there is no evidence that Autism can be caused by vaccinations. And, even if it was proven in the future, the benefits of getting rid of debilitating diseases far outweigh the risks. Far left groups just want everyone to be "Au Naturale". If vaccines did cause autism then why don't more kids have it? Vaccination rates are decreasing, yet Autism is me that actually bolsters the pro-vaccination argument. "wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil..."
  19. Handbook 2 states 18.6.6 Burial or Cremation Where possible, deceased members who were endowed should be buried in temple clothing. Where cultural traditions or burial practices make this inappropriate or difficult, the clothing may be folded and placed next to the body in the casket. Additional instructions on temple burial clothing and dressing the dead are provided in 7.10.2, 9.10.3...
  20. I surely hope so...but the Nephites and Lamanites were unable to do it. After awhile the "ites" creep back in, and everyone separates. I love that that book was written for our day.
  21. When it comes to missionary work some of us are sowers, while others are reapers. Many missionaries spend their entire missions planting seeds that they never get to see sprout, only to have another missionary come along and baptize those individuals later on. Since Samuel was never heard from again in the land it is possible that he never knew of the impact he had in the lives of others. A similar story is that of Abinadi. He may have died not knowing the true outcome of his words. Yes Alma was a great man and did many great things, but his seed was sown by Abinadi. We never know how far the ripples of our actions go.
  22. Exhalation will only be the reward for the faithful who enter into all of the necessary covenants. Latter-day revelation confirms that the new and everlasting covenant of marriage is required to enter into the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom. The marriage covenant and sealing is necessary, and if a woman has lived her entire life in a manner that is consistent with the commandments and other temple covenants, I believe provision will be made for her to be sealed to a husband in the life to come. Men can be sealed to more than one woman, and I see no reason why our Father in heaven would deny one of his daughters exhalation simply because no man asked her to marry him in this life.
  23. We have this exact scenario in our ward. One boy turns 15 this week, and another turns 15 in 3 weeks. The first will be eligible to become a Priest in January, but the other will not turn 16 until 2020, so he has to wait out the rest of the year. Even though they are only 1 month apart in age, 1 boy will get an extra 11 months of being a Priest than the other (assuming they both receive the Melchizedek Priesthood at the same time). It may seem unfair to some, but there are different lessons that can be taught to all boys and girls that will end up in different classes and have different responsibilities. Obtaining the Priesthood is not a race. Those who are eligible with early birthdays will not necessarily be given the priesthood or limited-use recommends early...that will still depend on personal worthiness and preparation. Rather than thinking that some of our youth are being shortchanged, we should see that some are being given a great opportunity for growth, and everyone now has an additional opportunity to pray and receive a confirmation from the spirit that they are being placed in situations meant for their personal progression.
  24. Still. buying multiple expensive cars is unnecessary. Even if you have the money, it would be better served elsewhere. A car's purpose is to take you from point A to point B. I recommend you follow the Lord's counsel in Luke 16:9. Money should be used to help others, not to buy worldly possessions. "And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations."
  25. There may be a doctrinal or scriptural reason. Or, perhaps he simply wanted to share his first physical embrace as a resurrected being with his Father.