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    scottyg reacted to Still_Small_Voice in New Zealand Prime Minister   
    Forgive the following of my writings if it seems aggressive.
    The New Zealand Prime Minister is a tyrant in my opinion.  (There are many of them in this world.)  She said citizens should arrange to turn in the firearms banned under the new law.  Did the citizens not pay money for their property?  It is rightfully theirs and others have no right to take it.  If a government is willing to strip away your firearms they can take anything else they want. They have already proven it in taking away property they had no right to take.
    She is stealing the New Zealand citizen’s property with the lies and empty promises of more security.  I know the New Zealand Prime Minister is not going to give up her body guards armed with semi automatics equipped with standard capacity twelve to thirty round magazines.   After all she and all the political leaders in the world are so much more important than the common citizen.
  2. Like
    scottyg reacted to anatess2 in New Zealand Prime Minister   
    Did you know?  Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand, was raised Mormon?  She allegedly left the Church due to “gay rights”.
    I wonder if she knows Islam’s stance on gay rights when she donned that hijab.
    Anyway, just wanted to share this meme.

  3. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Midwest LDS in Does God Manipulate His Children?   
    "I had such a test decades ago when one of my medical faculty colleagues chastised me for failing to separate my professional knowledge from my religious convictions. He demanded that I not combine the two. How could I do that? Truth is truth! It is not divisible, and any part of it cannot be set aside.
    Whether truth emerges from a scientific laboratory or through revelation, all truth emanates from God. All truth is part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet I was being asked to hide my faith. I did not comply with my colleague’s request. I let my faith show!
    In all professional endeavors, rigorous standards of accuracy are required. Scholars cherish their freedom of expression. But full freedom cannot be experienced if part of one’s knowledge is ruled “out-of-bounds” by edicts of men.
    ...Spiritual truth cannot be ignored—especially divine commandments. Keeping divine commandments brings blessings, every time! Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings, every time!"
    Russell M. Nelson, April 2014 General Conference
  4. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Anddenex in Does God Manipulate His Children?   
    "I had such a test decades ago when one of my medical faculty colleagues chastised me for failing to separate my professional knowledge from my religious convictions. He demanded that I not combine the two. How could I do that? Truth is truth! It is not divisible, and any part of it cannot be set aside.
    Whether truth emerges from a scientific laboratory or through revelation, all truth emanates from God. All truth is part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet I was being asked to hide my faith. I did not comply with my colleague’s request. I let my faith show!
    In all professional endeavors, rigorous standards of accuracy are required. Scholars cherish their freedom of expression. But full freedom cannot be experienced if part of one’s knowledge is ruled “out-of-bounds” by edicts of men.
    ...Spiritual truth cannot be ignored—especially divine commandments. Keeping divine commandments brings blessings, every time! Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings, every time!"
    Russell M. Nelson, April 2014 General Conference
  5. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Vort in Does God Manipulate His Children?   
    "I had such a test decades ago when one of my medical faculty colleagues chastised me for failing to separate my professional knowledge from my religious convictions. He demanded that I not combine the two. How could I do that? Truth is truth! It is not divisible, and any part of it cannot be set aside.
    Whether truth emerges from a scientific laboratory or through revelation, all truth emanates from God. All truth is part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet I was being asked to hide my faith. I did not comply with my colleague’s request. I let my faith show!
    In all professional endeavors, rigorous standards of accuracy are required. Scholars cherish their freedom of expression. But full freedom cannot be experienced if part of one’s knowledge is ruled “out-of-bounds” by edicts of men.
    ...Spiritual truth cannot be ignored—especially divine commandments. Keeping divine commandments brings blessings, every time! Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings, every time!"
    Russell M. Nelson, April 2014 General Conference
  6. Like
    scottyg reacted to Vort in Does God Manipulate His Children?   
    I actually care a great deal about being respectful and kind, even if I have not always demonstrated that on this forum. But when it comes to the gospel truths of the word of God, I do indeed care far more about being honest than about being respectful. That does not justify wanton disrespect, of course. But we should care more about the opinions of God than we do about those of our fellow men and women. Much of what is couched as "respectful" or even "kind" is nothing more than moral cowardice and a pronounced refusal to stand for truth. I wish never to be among that crowd.
  7. Like
    scottyg reacted to anatess2 in Does God Manipulate His Children?   
    Why do 3H writers think that opening an article like this
    I remember that when I began to seriously read the scriptures I found God to be really manipulative, among other things.
    is a good way to talk about our Heavenly Father?  Where do they get the idea that reverence for the Divine is only reserved for Sacrament Meeting?
  8. Love
    scottyg reacted to dprh in What do you think President Nelson meant?   
    Pres. Nelson's words hit very close to home for me.  In March, I went through a Stake Disciplinary Council and was subsequently excommunicated for conduct unbecoming a member.  I have a long history of leading a double life in and out of the church.  I confessed to my wife, my bishop, my Stake President, and God in January and I've been working on changing, repenting, since.  For so long, I felt that I couldn't change.  I was too weak, too cowardly, too deep into my sinful life to ever be able to get better.  And I was right.  I am not strong enough, on my own, to change.  What I'm in the process of learning is that I am not alone.  I am doing what I can and Christ is making up the difference.  I have felt my heart change.  I still have a long road ahead, but I have the Savior walking beside me.  
    That is my long way of saying, I feel that time is short for me specifically.  Not in that my life will end soon or that the Second Coming is next year, but that my need to repent, to change, to become who I need to be, is now.  I cannot procrastinate any more.  
  9. Thanks
    scottyg reacted to mirkwood in What do you think President Nelson meant?   
    We have been repeatedly warned we are living in the last days.  The terminology has morphed over time.  I remember hearing "we are in the last two minutes of the last hour," as I was a youth.  That changed over time to we are living in the last days.  A few years back that changed to "we live in perilous times."  The Family: A Proclamation To The World contains this warning, "we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets."  Those warnings are contained in the scriptures and the writings of apostles and prophets.  We have received warnings about the calamities and catastrophic events of the last days in conference and fireside addresses.  All things are spiritual to the Lord, including temporal things.
    The current prophet just warned us again.
  10. Like
    scottyg reacted to wenglund in Church policy change on same sex marriage   
    I strongly encourage this as well.
    However, since you, Scott,  and perhaps 3 others, including Mormongator,  seem vulnerable to false equivalencies,  let me kindly offer two critical suggestions so that you don't end up make egregious rookie analytical mistakes.
    First, compare apples to apples rather than apples to an orange (deprecating pun intended). In other words, as @The Folk Prophet intimated a logical comparative  analysis should be sexual behavior to sexual behavior, and not sexual behavior to the full gamete of behaviors. And, it should be group to group rather than group to individual. In other words, tally all the positive and negative comments about the immoral behaviors (as the Church views it) of both homosexuals and heterosexuals, as made by the Right and the Left respectively pm this board.Then maybe create a subsection on Trump alone compared with one homosexual, to merely provide perspective Since the immoral behaviors of heterosexuals tends not to generate as much discussion as the immoral behavior of homosexuals (likely because of the stark difference in controversy), the analysis needs to be proportional. I would caution you, though, because these kinds of rational comparative analysis tend to work heavily against Leftist and pop-culture thinking, particularly as it relates to homosexuality. But, you may find the experience beneficial nevertheless.
    Thanks, -Wade Enlgund-. 
  11. Like
    scottyg reacted to Vort in Church policy change on same sex marriage   
    I honestly do not recall anyone on this forum, conservative or otherwise, "condemn[ing] those with same gender attraction". As far as I have seen, the condemnation has always been toward (1) the sin of homosexual activity and (2) the possibly greater sin of justifying the sin of homosexual activity.
    Can you provide some examples of this condemnation you mention?
  12. Like
    scottyg reacted to The Folk Prophet in Church policy change on same sex marriage   
    Are you capable of seeing the difference between criticism of ideology and criticism of individual motive?
    "The philosophy you're espousing is evil and of the devil." vs. "You hate people and want them to die."
    Do you understand the difference? Or are you too blinded by your narrative to step back and see what is and is not actually a personal attack on character?
    With a few rare exceptions, the conservatives on this board understand that the a progressive's embrace of socialist ideas is based on that progressive's good intent -- that their underlying motivation is compassion and a desire to see good.
    The same should be obvious in these homosexuality discussions. I know full well that @LiterateParakeet, for example, has goodness, compassion, love, and mercy underlying her views.
    But you're so blinded by your views that you aren't even willing to admit that just maybe the views conservatives have are also based in goodness, compassion, love, and mercy -- and that our implications that change is necessary is based in our concern and love for God's children, and our firm understanding that mankind cannot be saved in his sins. No though -- according to you we're just condemning people out of hatred, meanwhile sustaining adultery and evil where it suits our political agenda.
    Do you believe that we are going to be convinced that our love and concern for people who are engaged in serious transgression which drives us to sue for humility and change is actually nothing but hate by posting a bunch of our quotes? Do you think that by posting what was written we'll decide our concern with leftist ideologies is based in hate? Do you think we don't know what we actually believe, and aren't fully aware of what we said and why we said it?
  13. Thanks
    scottyg reacted to The Folk Prophet in Church policy change on same sex marriage   
    Which is fine when there is evidence, as is sometimes the case, that a conservative is being hypocritical. There is no evidence of that being the case on this board. There is, in some cases, compromise because of the world we live in. But to claim that the conservatives on this board, who are also morally conservative Latter-day Saints, are okay-dokey with adultery and abusing women is pathetic.
    Why is it that we conservatives allow that progressives on the board have good intentions but are simply misguided on the solutions, but the progressives paint conservatives as willfully evil? We're being called willful hypocrites who don't really care about immorality, only about political power and bashing gays.
    Which proves what? That homosexuality is good?
    Give me a break, Mr. Non-sequitur.
    You find me a post by anyone, any time, on this forum saying that Trump's adultery was a-okay and we can talk. Until then your point has no merit whatsoever. Trump's indiscretions have nothing to do with homosexuality and the theoretical discussions we have about how individuals struggling with that desire should approach dealing with it.
    If you don't want your ideas referred to as ignorant or stupid then maybe you shouldn't blanket accuse faithful Latter-day Saints of being pro-adultery. How do you expect us to respond to that? Did you expect hugs in response to your post?
  14. Like
    scottyg reacted to wenglund in Church policy change on same sex marriage   
    It is because we are more in agreement about the heterosexual immorality, which is why it is less controversial.
    Ironically, that is the rub. Logically, there shouldn't be as much disagreement about homosexual immorality as there is about heterosexual immorality. But, pop culture has granted special status to homosexuals, and members, like yourself,  cater to that unwarranted favoritism. If you and other left-leaning members were consistent, there wouldn't be the greater degree of disagreement and controversy.
    [Edit: I just noticed that others have iterated and reiterated this point earlier in the thread. But, evidently it bears repeating since it seems to be lost on some]
    Thanks, -Wade  Englund-
  15. Like
    scottyg reacted to Just_A_Guy in BYU Honor Code. Students all afire...again!!   
    I’ve had my beefs with HCO’s methods ever since I was a student there, and I understand some of the most obnoxious players are still employed by BYU twenty years later.  I’m not inclined to defend their actions.  
    But what gets me is, these student maggots are getting a $40K education for $5K, with the Church making up the difference; and they have the gall to say the honor code shouldn’t apply at all?
    I almost want to call their bluff:  “Fine, you can go to BYU and not have the honor code apply to you, IF you are willing to pay market rate for your tuition.  Otherwise, Honor Code still applies.”  Let’s see how many of these entitled, narcissistic, oversexed brats take that deal.  
  16. Like
    scottyg reacted to NeedleinA in BYU Honor Code. Students all afire...again!!   
    I have 4 boys wanting to attend BYU who are more than willing and happy to adhere to the existing Honor Code. Please pluck 4 ungrateful 'actual*' BYU student protestors from the crowd and send them packing, my boys will take their spot instead.
    Private University, their rules.
    *how many of the supposed 'protestors' are actually BYU students anyways, seriously.
  17. Like
    scottyg reacted to carlimac in BYU Honor Code. Students all afire...again!!
    I roll my eyes at the demands of these youngsters. I hope the Honor Code stands firm. Perhaps the tattlers need some talking to. But these protesters seem ignorant of the fact that if BYU were to implement a "No Kissing on Campus" rule, they would have every right because they are a private university and can make their own rules. The ones that don't like it should go elsewhere and let the ones who will happily comply take their place. 
    And why was there a need for a moment of silence to honor LGBTs???
  18. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Midwest LDS in Sealed unworthily...   
    I am an exec sec, and this is just how it goes. He truly has seen this before, and there is zero judgement passed on anyone. The main responsibility of his calling is to be the father of the ward, and he does this by assisting in the repentance process. The Temple is where you need to be. Trust me, you will feel better after you speak to him...he may actually feel bad knowing that you have carried this burden on your own for so long. 
  19. Thanks
    scottyg reacted to Jane_Doe in Sealed unworthily...   
    Answering the "how does this go" question-- 
    You give your executive secretary a ring/text/email/whatever and say "I would like an appointment with the Bishop". He says something like "ok, does Wednesday at 7 work?"
    You and hubby go meet with the Bishop and talk about things.  There's no pitchforks or shaming or anything like that.  The Bishop has heard this type of thing a million times before.  He is there to HELP you-- to help guide you to the Savior and be washed clean.  The Bishop is a coach to help you be the best disciples of Christ you can be (there was a excellent sports talk on this in the Priesthood session yesterday).  The fact that you and hubby both acknowledge that you messed up and have such remorse about it is already a huge step in the direction of repellence and becoming clean.  The bishop will help you become fully clean, and for you to know that you are clean-- shedding away this burden.  
    You and your hubby are individuals and will have an individual path to repentance, so no one here can tell you the exact specifics of it.  But there's no calling your parents telling them you messed up (you guys aren't kids).  There's no huge red letter written on you.  This is between you and the Lord, with the Bishop coaching you on that journey.  
  20. Thanks
    scottyg reacted to Manners Matter in Sealed unworthily...   
    Call your exec sec now and set up an appt with the bishop. There's no point in delaying and continuing to feel the way you do. It'll be ok!
  21. Like
    scottyg reacted to anatess2 in Principle vs Expediency   
    Dude, sorry to break it to ya.  But philosophers aren't the ones that made "progress".  Christianity is.  The greatest of such progress is the secession of the USA from Britain that declares that Man has Rights inalienable by virtue of them being created by God.
  22. Thanks
    scottyg reacted to Vort in Principle vs Expediency   
    Seriously, why does anyone listen to this guy's blather?
  23. Like
    scottyg reacted to anatess2 in Principle vs Expediency   
    The bolded is BIG FAT LIE.
    And I'm calling out @JohnsonJones for liking this post with that big fat lie in it.
  24. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in Coffee Makers?   
    Hopefully this comment doesn't sound like a rant. I would not be drinking it. All I think about when I see coffee is the liquid that is drained out of cans of beans before you cook them. I would rather drink something that actually tastes good on it's own rather than having to add creamers and sugar/flavorings to it. Maybe this is a stereotype, but I don't like "coffee people"...they are always cranky, and have a one track mind until they get their fix in the mornings. They can't function without their good ol cup of joe. I don't even like the smell. I just don't understand how it became such a cultural norm almost everywhere.
  25. Haha
    scottyg reacted to NeuroTypical in Coffee Makers?   
    "coffee people"?  Outside of Utah, that's sort of like "people who breathe oxygen"...
    That said,