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Everything posted by pushka

  1. Aha..I thought I denoted a British sense of humour there :)
  2. Thanks for all that info. Iggy! :) I'll check out those sites then have a dig into my family tree again.
  3. I don't really like to get too stuck into these 'state' vs 'privatisation' kinds of debates on here anymore, so I'm just saying that that is the reason that I've thanked a few people in this thread...they are saying what I believe in. Yes, I'm in the UK. Yes, when I was working I was paying a % of my wage as National Insurance. Now that I am unable to work, due to various disabilities, I am still entitled to the same level of health care that I enjoyed whilst working. I am/have been a 'high maintenance' patient on the resources of the NHS, have undergone major heart surgery twice (am likely to undergo this twice more if I live into my 90's), have had a blood clot removed from behind my eye socket, have had various other illnesses for which more minor surgery was required, and have regular outpatient appts. for various departments of my local hospitals now and since I was born... The UK National Health Service isn't perfect by any means, my sister and my brother work in the service and have 1st hand knowledge of it's problems, however overall it guarantees a good level of care, and is trying to improve the way it works, focussing more on Preventative care in the future, etc. so I still have hope in it... The National Health Premium of anyone's wage over here is only little compared to the wages paid, I don't see too many people complaining..and yes, those who wish to get the very best service immediately are able to pay extra for Private care in NHS hospitals.
  4. When you visit the Temple, before having had your endowments, just going to do Proxy Baptisms, do you have to purchase one of the Temple dresses, or can they be hired for the day? I assume that you can attend the temple, just to visit, wearing normal skirts/dresses?
  5. I would, if I lived nearer to it..perhaps there are enough places in the UK that have Church History attached to them, so that a UK Church History Tour would be something worth considering sometime?
  6. Before going to the Family History Centre to check if work has been done for particular people, is it enough to gather information from your Family Tree and the Family Trees of others who are related to you? I have been a member of the UK website GenesReunited, and I have started to compile my family tree and have access to others' trees, some of which have shared relatives with me...
  7. Interesting theory..I'd like to see more in depth information to back up the claim of the article tho. :)
  8. Wow! Those are interesting facts..I do enjoy historical sites :)
  9. Fantastic post Loudmouth!! I hope that the OP reads it and gets help as a result of doing so. :)
  10. I've been following this year's programme more closely than in other years. The 2 singers above are very good, as are quite a few others :)
  11. Hi Jennie, welcome to the site, hope you have lots of fun here :)
  12. Hi Buton! Welcome to the site, hope you have lots of fun here :)
  13. I once saw part 1 of a 3 part series regarding the Abrahamic religions, ie. Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In it, it said that this split between Abraham and Hagar and the inheritance situation was the beginning of the troubles between the Jews and Arabs/Islamic people...such a pity that this ancient argument is still causing troubles out there
  14. Hi Fly!! (Just had to say that, lol) Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy yourself here. :) Skalen, I'm happy to see you're settling in well too, welcome :)
  15. I have friends with Schizo-Affective Disorder or severe Bi-Polar Disorder who sometimes hear voices. I appreciate the advice to pray and seek help from the Bishop, but I agree with others that it is crucial that anyone in this position also seeks the advice of their GP and in this case, your parents. Good Luck, I hope you feel better soon :)
  16. Awww...nice stories Gabelma and Blondedancer :)
  17. When I considered coming back to the LDS church, one of the things that I, strangely, looked forward to, was being what I referred to as a Stepford Wife!! I guess this was because, when I used to attend the church 30 years ago, the impression I got of RS was that it was all to do with cooking, sewing, knitting, craftwork etc. and that the main duty of an LDS wife was to produce and bring up children. Maybe I thought that I had failed somewhat in the homemaking skills, given that I don't often cook from fresh and I don't knit or sew!! I think that it is very easy to think that the requirement to aim for perfection is a God Given Commandment of the church, and therefore if you do any less than perfect, you automatically judge yourself and believe that others are judging you? I have heard gossip since returning to my local Ward, so I suppose the idea of striving not to be judgemental is a very difficult one to follow. Hope this covers your subject matter somewhat. :)
  18. Eeek..some of these facts are yucky!!! (The problem was solved when I replied in the thread...not wanting to derail this tho, sorry!)
  19. Did you know that this thread keeps telling me there's a new post by Dr. T at 8.59pm, even tho I've already read that 'new' post!!!
  20. Hi Blaine, welcome to the site, I hope you stick around and feel better soon :)