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    Traveler reacted to Namaskar in What is compassion and how does one obtain it?   
    @Traveler that’s an interesting perspective to think of it as money. I’d think it be that way without learning proper boundaries. I think I’m learning to have compassion for humanity and strangers, but I’m constantly learning how to have compassion for my closest friends and family. Sometimes it’s easier for one or the other!
    Brene Brown has a few books and your comment reminded me of Rising Strong. Having compassion means you know your limits, you know when to ask for help and you know when to create the boundaries. 
    I think compassion is something we can learn and it grows with those proper boundaries maybe? Compassion can definitely shrink if we don’t practice it? 
  2. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to eVa in What is compassion and how does one obtain it?   
    Similar to the parable of the talents?
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    Traveler got a reaction from Namaskar in What is compassion and how does one obtain it?   
    Every time I think I know what compassion is or that I am compassionate – I prove to myself that I don’t and aren’t.  Never-the-less, I am inclined to think along the lines that compassion is a journey or pathway to travel more than a place to arrive or something to be achieved (once and done).  For me it seems that there are times such a path seems obvious but then there are others in which I am definingly lost and without a clue where I am going or what I am doing.    It seems that when I think I have lost my temper; my beloved wife assures me that it is not lost but very much in my possession.
    I think of compassion somewhat like money.  If you earn it – you will still only have it as long as you don’t spend it all (use it all up).  Plus you can be wise with it for a thousand times and blow it once and you will have ruined all the times you were smart.
    The Traveler
  4. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Vort in Common misconceptions: lds version   
    There is such a thing called Mormon Doctrine.
    Sustaining someone means that you agree with them.
    Good Mormons are Republicans – the more devoted someone is to Mormonism the more they are staunch Republicans.
    Peter Priesthood and Molly Mormon are derogatory terms.
    Utah Mormons are not as good as non-Utah Mormons or visa versa.
    Devout Mormons do not believe in evolution.
    The Book of Mormon is more important than the Bible
    Important, knowing and righteous Mormons receive “higher” church callings of greater authority and prestige.
    Mormons are required to have as many children as they can.
    Church callings are more important than families.
    If a Mormon invites a non-Mormon friend to church and the friend does not go – it will end the friendship.
    The Traveler
  5. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Sunday21 in Common misconceptions: lds version   
    There is such a thing called Mormon Doctrine.
    Sustaining someone means that you agree with them.
    Good Mormons are Republicans – the more devoted someone is to Mormonism the more they are staunch Republicans.
    Peter Priesthood and Molly Mormon are derogatory terms.
    Utah Mormons are not as good as non-Utah Mormons or visa versa.
    Devout Mormons do not believe in evolution.
    The Book of Mormon is more important than the Bible
    Important, knowing and righteous Mormons receive “higher” church callings of greater authority and prestige.
    Mormons are required to have as many children as they can.
    Church callings are more important than families.
    If a Mormon invites a non-Mormon friend to church and the friend does not go – it will end the friendship.
    The Traveler
  6. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from anatess2 in Utah school requires girls to say "Yes" to all boys who ask them to dance.   
    This thread has been one of the most significant and important “things” I have read or been exposed to – in I do not know how long.  I want to thank @MormonGator for starting it.  There have been so many posts that have caused me to stop, wonder and ponder.  As I have read posts I have wondered how far reaching and complicated changes in our society are having on individuals as well as society.  I can only speak for myself and my family in which I was raised.  So here is my statement - I have long believed that I was raised up in the best possible circumstances.  I say this because the lessons of my youth have been critical and valuable throughout my entire life.  As flawed as my parents were – there were amazingly good and wonderful – and made astonishingly good decisions in raising me and my siblings.  My siblings have all been among the best people I have ever known – and my friends of my youth have all been and remain good steadfast examples of what is good and noble in individuals, families and societies (despite the fact that there is not one general authority - woops - one exception).
    Paramount to my upbringing was what I would call emotional honesty and consistency.   But I am also a very literal person – and as much as I have emphasized symbolism – I most enjoy literal straight forward communication.  Yet I do understand that sending mixed singles when we communicate with others are what I believe to be the root of all misunderstanding – not just of the sexes (genders) but every other relationship, friendship and efforts to understand and communicate with others – and this includes G-d.
    There is another dimension – Shakespeare said it this way – “To thin own self be true and it shall follow as the night the day, thou cannot be false with any man.”  I must admit that my greatest problems with others have been when I have tried to give the impression that I am something I am not.   I have also had problems trying to understand or make someone in to something I want or intend to understand rather than what they really are.
    In short I find myself agreeing with Jordan B. Peterson in @anatess2 ‘s recent post.  We need gender boundaries and definitions – I am concerned in our efforts to “clean things up” – we are throwing the baby out with the bath water.
    The Traveler
  7. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in The Meaning of Atonement   
    @wenglundand @Rob Osborn
    Before you guys get too far off into left field – may I make a few observations.
    #1.  The Fall is one of the 3 great pillars of the Plan of Salvation.  It is not something that just happened on accident void of a specific and detailed plan to happen.  (Note the phrase “Plan of Salvation”)
    #2. The Fall – according to the very plan of G-d – happened by partaking (tasting) of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. 
    #3. The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is not to be mistaken for knowledge of something or anything good and as well as or opposed to something or anything evil.  For example – Adam and Eve had knowledge of good in Eden because they spoke directly to G-d.  Since G-d is good, Adam and Eve had knowledge of something good.  Also, Adam and Eve had knowledge in Eden of something evil because they spoke directly to Satan.  Since Satan is evil, they had knowledge of something that was evil.   Thus, by the very witness of sacred scripture – Adam and Eve had knowledge of good and evil before they partook of the furit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Why then and what then, was the difference of the fruit of Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as opposed to just plain and direct knowledge of good and evil?
    The Traveler
  8. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to anatess2 in Revelation?   
    That is correct.  I saw him for the first time across the room and I said to myself - this is the guy I'm going to marry.  But things didn't just fall into place.  We were friends for 2 years - not dating, just friends.  He was constantly out of town for his job, I had a full-time job and spent my free time working to place Bosnian refugees.  He was inactive Mormon, I was devout Catholic.  Marriage was far from a possibility.  We lived our own lives and we got to know each other better just by being friends - when he's in town he helped me with the Bosnians and we did things we do in common - watch movies and play video games with all our common friends.  This was before cellphones were in vogue.  Anyway, this was 2 years worth of me doing things that improved myself and getting to know him better, not expecting we're actually gonna get married.  Then, out of the blue, he asked me to go with him somewhere - just him and me, I'm not supposed to invite anybody else.  That was when he took me to his church.  It was the very first time he stepped into a ward building since he left the church when he was only 17.  That night he asked me to marry him.  He felt he needed to go back to church before he is "qualified" for marriage.  I was reminded of that revelation I received a couple years before and even after 2 years of getting to know the guy, it was still there, so... I said yes that same night and we got married 2 weeks later.  That was 20 years and 2 kids ago.
  9. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to anatess2 in Border Guards & Temple   
    If you're talking about the US border patrol, then no, the border guards (ICE) are not a law unto themselves.  They enforce Federal Law (not State Law) which has clear regulations on what they can do.  Border Patrol works the same way as Customs (in airports).  They have the authority to make sure you are who you say you are and your intent in entry is what you say they are.  If you've seen the movie 100 Foot Journey (with Hellen Mirren) you see the EU doing the same thing at the beginning of the movie - giving the family an interview on why they are entering the EU border asking them questions such as "are you looking for a husband?" etc.  When my family enters the US with a tourist visa, they usually give them the 3rd degree with different ways of asking the same question - how long do you plan on staying - until they are satisfied that they are telling the truth that they have no intention of holing up with their relatives and overstay their visa.  Visa overstays is the most common problem with people flying into the US from the Philippines.  So it makes things easier if you have clear proof you have a stake in returning to the Philippines instead of overstaying in the US - such as an appointment letter for some government activity (such as an appointment for renewal of SS benefits, etc.) or proof of business dealings, etc.
  10. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to Anddenex in Another horrific school shooting   
    I would be curious to read this article about these elephants.
    The disintegration of the family, and Godly mores, are at the head of these unfortunate events.
    EDIT: Seems I found it.
  11. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to ldsguy422 in Hallway Mormons   
    Whenever I teach a combined Priesthood class with Elders and High Priests (30-50 present in the Chapel), I like to encourage those to sit closer. I'm not going to ask more than once, of course. No need to be petty. I just think it's easier to have a discussion this way. It's easier for those present to hear me if there's close proximity; it's also easier for those who make comments to be heard clearly. I know that when I'm not teaching, I feel more comfortable participating if the space between me and the teacher is reasonably close. I think it helps facilitate an active, vibrant discussion. Certainly there are more important issues going on in Church, but if I can create a better learning atmosphere for a class, then I will gladly do so. 
  12. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from askandanswer in Utah school requires girls to say "Yes" to all boys who ask them to dance.   
    This reminds me of Winston Churchill who was once told that by the year 2000 women would rule the world.  His response was – still?
    The Traveler
  13. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from anatess2 in Utah school requires girls to say "Yes" to all boys who ask them to dance.   
    This reminds me of Winston Churchill who was once told that by the year 2000 women would rule the world.  His response was – still?
    The Traveler
  14. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Jane_Doe in Where is heavenly father when I need him? Antidepressants and the spirit.   
    I am sorry that I do not have much in my life that I can relate to you.  I know some individuals with similar problems (some are relatives).  I have never been good in such circumstances to say the right thing.  It is easy to dismiss people like me because we seem heartless and uncaring. 
    I do not try or intend to be distant.  There are likely a lot individuals like me in your ward.  Please do not hate us or be disappointed because we cannot relate and say things that are not that helpful.   If I could suggest anything – I would suggest getting outside yourself and involved some kind of service for others.  Service and sacrifice and being outside myself is what helps me the most to connect spiritually.
    Again I apologize for not being more in touch with your needs and hope things will improve.
    The Traveler
  15. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to anatess2 in Eternal Marriage and the Slow Dance   
    @zil, this was supposed to go to that thread you started about... what was it, Writing Day or Fountain Pen Day or something.  Anyway I can’t find it so I went ahead and started a new thread.

  16. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Jane_Doe in Utah school requires girls to say "Yes" to all boys who ask them to dance.   
    This reminds me of Winston Churchill who was once told that by the year 2000 women would rule the world.  His response was – still?
    The Traveler
  17. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from The Folk Prophet in Hallway Mormons   
    When I was the SS president I asked that an instructor be called for a hall Sunday School class as well as a 3rd hour class.  Have this individual walk the halls, take roll and give short spiritual encouragements to those wandering the halls – perhaps even having an opening and closing prayer.  The bishop vetoed my suggestion.
    The Traveler
  18. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in The Meaning of Atonement   
    My friend.  I would not think very highly of a parent that placed a button pushing happy little child before two buttons – one of which would cause pain and death to the little child.  Then telling them not to push the one of the buttons that would cause death – Don’t even touch it.  And then think that the innocent child would be less to blame than the parent – especially if the child was knowingly left alone with a malcontent that had displayed complete hatred of both the parent and child – to tempt and “beguile” the child into pushing the wrong button. 
    It is my opinion that what little we are given in the Eden Epoch is mostly symbolic and if interpreted literally will give false understanding – especially to something as critical as “agency”.  I am of the notion that agency is not an ignorant unknowing choice between opposing possibilities.
    The Traveler
  19. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from ldsguy422 in Hallway Mormons   
    Wisdom from my father.
    Regardless of how simple the task there will always be some that will struggle and fail.  It would also seem that regardless of the difficulty of a task some will find means to keep at it until a solution is found.  My father’s advice to me was to avoid failing at trivial and simple tasks and to remember that great and noble character is forged in greatness of failure (especially at tasks others fear to try) and the humility of great and unusual success.
    For the record – I support all my brothers and sisters in whatever calling they are given – If someone were to ask me to move – I would likely do it without making a scene or complaint – unless they asked me to do something evil and contrary to what Christ would do.
    I understand that many do not want to cooperate with other Saints for many reasons – and some may even be valid.  But that is not my concern.  I personally owe so much to so many others I could not live with myself and be genuine in my personal prayers and my quite but desperate midnight pleas if I felt contrary to supporting those who I have sustained, who are trying to fulfill a calling given them of G-d through the keys of his priesthood.
    The Traveler
  20. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from person0 in Automation and the Second Coming?   
    For over 30 years I have made my living as an engineer specializing in automation, robotics and artificial intelligence.  I recall early in my career that a couple of JW’s showed up at my door with a warning that computers would “learn” how to talk to each other and take over the world.  That was over 35 years ago – I should have saved their little pamphlet as a demonstration how uneducated minds screw up things they do not understand yet cause panic in other minds similar to theirs. 
    One of the differences between humans and brut beasts are our sophisticated use of tools.  The use of tools is also considered evidence of intelligence.  Can I explain this any better – using tools is an expected result of intelligence.  Automation and robotics is nothing more than more tools for those intelligent enough to use them.
    Want to know were automation and robotics is currently headed and what jobs are next to be affected next???  The medical field!!!  Most of you will see robots performing surgery and reading x-rays and sonograms in your lifetime – perhaps mine even though I am an old useless guy according to Social Security and Medicare.  Why?  Because robots can perform surgery at the cellular level – no human hand can do that.  Robots can read x-rays 10,000 times better detail than any human eye.  Dentistry will also change – and many procedures will not require deading – even for the super sensitive.   Robots can control the temperature of a tooth hundreds of times better than any human and it is the heating of the tooth that causes the most pain when drilling.  Not only will medical and dental procedures be more accurate and lest painful – but recovery will be faster and the whole process will be less stressful.
    For all those that are scared of automation – Why?  If automation brings the second coming it will be because it will be part of the good that endures not the evil that will be destroyed.
    The Traveler
  21. Like
    Traveler reacted to person0 in Automation and the Second Coming?   
    This is a false premise.  In a society where people buy less stuff, the supply and demand curves adjust for all products, and capitalism shifts production toward things that are important to the consumers.  There could be negative inflation, but ultimately the free market will still prevail.
  22. Like
    Traveler reacted to Jane_Doe in The Lord ever tell you to do something strange?   
    This Sunday School the lesson was on Noah’s ark. Lesson we’ve literally had a million times.  But, the teacher did ask a slightly different question: “What times has a the Lord asked you do something odd that you didn’t find out why until later?”
    For me, I thought of my last trip to San Francisco.  It was business trip wherein I arrive much earlier than my colleagues and the hotel wouldn’t be ready for hours yet.   I had nothing to do but wander around town.  So I plotted myself a tentative route, and wandered around town for miles.  Visited a bunch of churches, stores, ate lunch on the patio, etc. 
    Finally it was super dark, and time to head back to the hotel.  I was already to start walking, when I felt the Spirit say “you should take the bus”.  I shook it off at first—no no, that’s just my inner natural man wanting to be lazy and not walk up all those awful hills-- I should toughen up and actually get some exercise.  “No, you should take the bus”, the voice came again. 
    “Fine!” I finally concluded after some more inner arguing, “I’ll be lazy and take the bus”.  Well, in a city where there’s a bus stop every block, it took me 5 blocks to find the bus stop (cause I’m just that talented).   And then the bus doesn’t accept cash so I physically can’t ride the bus!    What the!?!  Spirit tells me to take the bus, and then I can’t.   Ok, that’s really weird, whatever. 
    So I got back on the sidewalk and walked the 5 miles back, up and down those ridiculous hills.   Got back to the hotel, finally was able to check in, and nothing particularly happened.    It was completely uneventful besides some sore muscles.
    Several days later, while studying the history of San Francisco (and not paying attention to my work meeting), I realized why the Spirit told me what it did: because in looking for the bus stop, I took a different way back to the hotel than what I originally planned.  I hadn’t wandered through that area of town you should NEVER go through a single lady after dark.   I didn’t go there- I was safe, and nothing happened.
    The Lord works in mysterious ways J   Some times we are indeed asked to do things which seem strange to us, but He is in charge. 
    How about you?  Have you ever had the Lord tell you to do something strange?
  23. Like
    Traveler reacted to mirkwood in The Lord ever tell you to do something strange?   
    I was sitting in my patrol car one evening, early in my shift, about 8 years ago.  I was in a parking lot I frequently used to write reports.  I was on the phone with on of our canyon patrol officers talking with him.  I had the sudden thought that I needed to drive out of the parking lot immediately.  I shrugged it off, I always sit there, no big deal.  A few seconds later the powerful thought came, "leave now or you are going to be seriously hurt."  I dropped the car into drive and pulled out of the lot and drove away.  I was thinking how odd, but I did it as I kept talking to my partner.  I finished the conversation and turned down another road to go back to my parking spot.  I was thinking how paranoid I was being, I sit in that lot all the time.  The closer I got back to where I needed to turn right and go to the lot, the worse I felt.  Like something bad was going to happen.  As I approached the intersection I said in my head, "Ok, I got the message, I will turn left and go sit in this other spot I use too.  I will stay away from that lot tonight unless I get dispatched that way."  The bad feeling immediately left.  I have no idea why I felt that way.  I was back in that parking lot the next night, and many nights after without ever feeling that way again or having any problems there.
  24. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Anddenex in Hallway Mormons   
    When I was the SS president I asked that an instructor be called for a hall Sunday School class as well as a 3rd hour class.  Have this individual walk the halls, take roll and give short spiritual encouragements to those wandering the halls – perhaps even having an opening and closing prayer.  The bishop vetoed my suggestion.
    The Traveler
  25. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from e-eye in Hallway Mormons   
    When I was the SS president I asked that an instructor be called for a hall Sunday School class as well as a 3rd hour class.  Have this individual walk the halls, take roll and give short spiritual encouragements to those wandering the halls – perhaps even having an opening and closing prayer.  The bishop vetoed my suggestion.
    The Traveler