Gratitude: Count Your Blessings

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"Count your blessings; name them one by one.

Count your blessings; see what God hath done.

Count your blessings; name them one by one.

Count your many blessings; see what God hath done.''

What are you grateful for at this moment? List at least 5 things you're feeling most grateful for (I'm sure we could count thousands of things though)

I'm grateful for:

1. Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ's love & mercy!

2.My children: I love them!

3. My job: It helps support myself & my children, and help others in need

4. Our health!

5. That nothing has happened! :)

Let's count our blessings and see what God hath done!

Wishing you all a blessed and safe week!


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Giggles from my little girls.

My puppy

Enough money for swimming, dance, football, and date night :)


My personal trainer who is helping me get in shape.

People who can think outside the box.

Music: john mayer, john denver, michael buble, corrine bailey rae, stevie wonder - i could go on and on.


Beauties of the earth. Trees and mountains and views and wildlife and mountain lakes and streams and all the colors!!!!

And finally to God who answered my prayers and who is getting me thru the answers!!! :)

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Good topic. I am very thankful for my testimony. It seems in a world of doubt and darkness, that such a thing might not be possible. But it is and the tangible witnesses that I have received are undeniable. I am thankful for the scriptures. I truly look forward to some day carrying on discussions with the likes of Noah, Isaiah, Peter, Nephi, Alma, Moroni, etc.

Trials are double edged swords. I have been through so much in my life, I know what it's like to have my face in the mud. I am reminded of Dave Pelzer's books and personal story (A Child Called It). They can make you or break you depending on what you're made of and when you fully realize what you're truly made of, there is nothing you cannot overcome. I have survived abuse, dysfunction, an accident that left my car in a crumpled piece of metal that could easily have taken my life, but left me somewhat disabled for almost a year with no medical insurance. I had to do my own physical therapy if I was ever going to have a functional leg again. My wife and I went through miscarriages, tubal pregnancies and all the sorrows that go with trying to have children for years. We became foster and adoptive parents to boys that we thought we would never survive. Sometimes I think we didn't. ^_^

I've endured greater struggles far too personal to share, but I am thankful for each and every heart wrenching trial that I hated to endure, because afterwards, I came away much stronger and closer to the Lord. I realize that my trials are exactly to bring me closer to the Lord and the weaknesses that he gave me were to prompt me to look to Him. I know that I would be dead right now and a memory had it not been for the Lord in my life. When I meet my Savior I will not know any more then than I do now that He is the true and living Christ.

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I am thankful, every day, to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.

I am thankful for the freedom to worship how I choose.

I am thankful for the lessons I have learned from my trials.

I am thankful for my family and friends; the comfort and love they give me.

I am thankful that at this time in my life, I am in a position to be of help/service to my family.

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I am thankful for the gospel.

I am thankful to live in the country I live in.

I am thankful for my kids. (Some days I question this though)

I am thankful that I have a job. (Some days I question this as well)

I am thankful for family and extended family. Also for friends..those I've met in person and those that I haven't. (many from this site)

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Bubble Gum - endless fun trying to blow the biggest bubble

Popcorn - beautiful white deliciously tasting polystyrene-like snack

Shower Gel - it smells good and cleans too!

Starfish - who wouldn't want to be a star by name and by nature!

Cheese - can't have pizza without it

Bubble wrap - hours of popping fun!

Butterflies - fluttery butterflies are so pretty

Strawberries - sweet and pretty, the perfect fruit

Cuddles from my kids - most precious of all

A random sample of the many many things that I am so extremely grateful for! :)

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I am thankful for:

1. My baptism 10 years ago, and everything that came with it and everything that I have learned about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost since then!!!

2. My eternal marriage.

3. My children.

4. My job.

5. The opportunity to attend college this late in life!!!! LOL LOL

6. My home.

7. My pets.

8. The food that we have to eat.

9. My family and friends.

10. All the trials and blessings that have made me the person that I am.


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Guest GhostRider

Let me start off by saying excellent topic!

and....Red...I Love yours!

What am I thankful for?

That you can stil talk to our Father. Want proof that prayer works? Ask my Dad!

That every day I wake up and still breathing

For the beutiful sights that I get to see when I take a break from life and look.


The deer feeding in the yard of a morning

The magnificent sunrises and sunsets.

For the storms that we may hate but have a beuty of thier own.

For the smell of the woods after a rain. Very tranquil

Other things I am thankful for?

As Pam put it...All of my cyber buddies

For the Armed Forces that serve our country to keep the country free so great sites like this can be up and running

For all of the great music that I het to hear

this is just a short list of things that I am thankful for

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Hi All....having read these few posts....I am beginning to believe that few fully understand what being really Grateful and thankful in the eyes of the Lord really means.

Ephesians 5:20 - Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

It is human to give thanks and be grateful for the things we perceive as being good to us...and ignore, hate or even curse what we believe that is evil to us.

But we must all rise higher than this....and understand that all things even those life experiences that are really unpleasant are for our good. We must gain that faith...that things are given to us so that we may learn to overcome. And by Gratitude and being thankful....and learning the lessons that the "uncomfortable life experiences bring we can transform them into great blessings.

I can easily name five good things that happened to me....

I can also easily name five "uncomfortable life experiences" that have happened to me.

They are both blessings. The latter I find carry more blessings and the chief brings me closer to GOD because the more uncomfortable it is the more my heart, mind and eyes are on the Lord.

I am often reminded of these verses from the they too were tested in all things...

Only they who are tested shall come to understand and gain faith to this level ....

Romans 8:35 - Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Romans 8:36 - As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

Romans 8:37 - Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

Romans 8:38 - For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

Romans 8:39 - Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Who can be persuaded to the levels that the Apostles were that they cannot be separated from the Love of Christ if they do not suffer and consider their sufferings as great blessings?

It does not matter if our suffering is caused by our sins or come from is how we handle them and learn from them that counts. By handling them correctly we learn meekness, humbleness and learning from them if for example they came to us because is repentance completed. For we have learned and profited from them.

Peace be unto you


"Count your blessings; name them one by one.

Count your blessings; see what God hath done.

Count your blessings; name them one by one.

Count your many blessings; see what God hath done.''

What are you grateful for at this moment? List at least 5 things you're feeling most grateful for (I'm sure we could count thousands of things though)

I'm grateful for:

1. Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ's love & mercy!

2.My children: I love them!

3. My job: It helps support myself & my children, and help others in need

4. Our health!

5. That nothing has happened! :)

Let's count our blessings and see what God hath done!

Wishing you all a blessed and safe week!


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Hi All....having read these few posts....I am beginning to believe that few fully understand what being really Grateful and thankful in the eyes of the Lord really means.

Ephesians 5:20 - Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

It is human to give thanks and be grateful for the things we perceive as being good to us...and ignore, hate or even curse what we believe that is evil to us.

But we must all rise higher than this....and understand that all things even those life experiences that are really unpleasant are for our good. We must gain that faith...that things are given to us so that we may learn to overcome. And by Gratitude and being thankful....and learning the lessons that the "uncomfortable life experiences bring we can transform them into great blessings.

I can easily name five good things that happened to me....

I can also easily name five "uncomfortable life experiences" that have happened to me.

They are both blessings. The latter I find carry more blessings and the chief brings me closer to GOD because the more uncomfortable it is the more my heart, mind and eyes are on the Lord.

I am often reminded of these verses from the they too were tested in all things...

Only they who are tested shall come to understand and gain faith to this level ....

Romans 8:35 - Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Romans 8:36 - As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

Romans 8:37 - Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

Romans 8:38 - For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

Romans 8:39 - Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Who can be persuaded to the levels that the Apostles were that they cannot be separated from the Love of Christ if they do not suffer and consider their sufferings as great blessings?

It does not matter if our suffering is caused by our sins or come from is how we handle them and learn from them that counts. By handling them correctly we learn meekness, humbleness and learning from them if for example they came to us because is repentance completed. For we have learned and profited from them.

Peace be unto you


You made a wonderful point... and yes... I am too thankfull in ALL things... especially my trials/challenges... One of my greatest challenges/trials a few years ago was my greatest blessing!!! And I'm so thankful for that!!!

Thank you so much for stressing this point!!! It reminded me of a conference address given (I can't remember now who spoke aside that it was a woman who made that point), and that's when I understood that point!!! :)

I created this thread so that we all can remember the Lord blessings, the little, simple things... that in truth, nothing is little and simple... we are the ones that overlook His hand in all things!

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This is not a complete list. :)

Waking up each day.

Having a comfortable place to sleep.

Family and Friends whom I share Love with.

Music and Books.

The Gospel and the strength of my testimony.

The wonders of Nature and the healing properties we get from it.

Memory Foam Pillows

Clean water and good food.

A Great and Healthy Family.

The thought of grandchildren one day.

Swimming and my ability to float without much effort.

The softness of my dog and her patience with my coddling

The ability I have to see, taste, smell, hear and touch.

The many blessing I have received in my life.

The lessons I have learned from my trials.

Gift of the Holy Ghost.

The Saviors Atonement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Count your blessings; name them one by one.

Count your blessings; see what God hath done.

Count your blessings; name them one by one.

Count your many blessings; see what God hath done.''

What are you grateful for at this moment? List at least 5 things you're feeling most grateful for (I'm sure we could count thousands of things though)

I'm grateful for:

1. Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ's love & mercy!

2.My children: I love them!

3. My job: It helps support myself & my children, and help others in need

4. Our health!

5. That nothing has happened! :)

Let's count our blessings and see what God hath done!

Wishing you all a blessed and safe week!


This is a very good topic! I think it's important for people to notice how much they have to be thankful for and to see how much God is working in their lives.

- I'm thankful for the personal relationship I have with Jesus.

- I'm thankful for Jesus and his selfless sacrafice of himself for my sins

- I'm thankful that through him my sins are nailed to the cross and I face them no more

- I'm thankful that through Him I can be counted as righteous in the sight of God

- I'm thankful for the blessings He pours out on my family and I'm thankful for the tribulations as well. Life is hard at times and hurtful but I know that through our tribulations God matures us in Jesus. So even in the storms of life I try and remain thankful and look for God's hand working through it.

- I'm thankful for my family and my girls and I'm thankful for their love of the Lord

- I'm thankful that I can turn my problems over to the Lord and can be confident that He will handle them. I'm thankful that the veil was ripped in two and that we have a direct connection with the Lord.

- I'm thankful for the healing He has given me, when the doctors could not figure out what was wrong.

Honestly, I guess what it all comes down to is that I'm thankful for the Lord. He's my Savior, Redeemer, Counselor, Comforter, Healer, He's my all and all.

God Bless!

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Gratitude is a divine principle:

"'Thou shalt thank the

Lord thy God in all things.' (D&C 59:7.)

"This scripture means

that we express thankfulness for what happens, not only for the good things

in life but also for the opposition and challenges of life that add to our

experience and faith. We put our lives in His hands, realizing that all

that transpires will be for our experience.

"When in prayer we say,

'Thy will be done,' we are really expressing faith and gratitude

and acknowledging that we will accept whatever happens in our


"That we may feel true gratitude for the goodness of God for

all the blessings that have been given to us and express those feelings of

thankfulness in prayer to our Heavenly Father, is my


Topic: gratitude

(Robert D. Hales, "Gratitude for the Goodness of God," Ensign, May 1992, 65)

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Learning to praise God in the storms of our life is hard. But it's when we can learn to do that we are showing and displaying such a great degree of faith. Every trial and tribulation we face is for our maturity in the Lord. I've always loved this song since it's come out. Not sure if many of you listen to christian contemporary music.

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Hmm. Back to the OP, I think it's good that I list 5 things. Today has been a good day so far.

1. I'm thankful I've been provided with a caring room mate that helps me out with more than just rent right now, but with getting me to the places I need to go to get things "set up."

2. I'm thankful that yesterday I was able to get some important things done. I managed to get my Utah license to replace my lost Iowa license.

3. I'm thankful that I am a physically able individual, and that I live close to certain places. I have been able to walk to Church, to Sonic's, my bank, and just this morning I walked 2 miles to go to a job interview (that, thankfully, went well.)

4. I'm incredibly grateful for the Ward I've been provided with. Two Wards just merged due to the Stake reorganizations. Now mine is large, with plenty of people, and I'm already on the track to making friends. I love the atmosphere there, and that we have strong Ward Prayer and Family Home Evening. I went to both, Sunday and Monday, and was just overwhelmed with comfort, joy, and the knowledge that I truly am with Brothers and Sisters.

5. I'm thankful, most definitely, for the Holy Ghost, which witnessed to me the existence of God, then the Priesthood and Christ. Recognizing that Truth has led me to know more Truth, and has led me to Utah, to a new home. It has guided me to safety and comfort, and has worked Its power on me to help me realize what I have to be thankful for. I love my Savior, and I'm so grateful that the Holy Ghost let me know about Him.

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