We Have a Girl!


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We had our baby on Friday night a little before 10pm. I went for my regular doctor appt. and it was determined that the placenta was probably wearing out and she might be in danger. So right on the spot, they said I needed to be induced. Thank goodness I didn't ignore the prompting to bring everything with us and have my husband come with me. Also, his truck broke down, so he couldn't go to work anyway, so that made it easier to justify going with me. If I had been alone when they gave me the news, it would've been very hard and my husband would've been at least an hour away.

After 6 hours of back labor (no drugs) and 3 pushes, our little girl was born. 7 pounds 1 ounce, 20 inches, and almost 3 weeks early.

Thank you everyone who prayed for me. She is healthy and we got to take her home less than 24 hours later. She is absolutely beautiful if I do say so myself! :D

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I will post some pictures soon. I got some rest last night, thank goodness. The night before I nursed her non-stop from 11pm until 11am because she was trying to get my milk to come in. Then I thought she was going to keep doing it all day and I was going to feed her one more time then go to sleep, but I spent a lot of time trying to wake her up in vain and missed a great opportunity to sleep. I tried again later to sleep, but I'm having some intestinal pain from my medication or something, then I thought I was going to be up all night, but she was suddenly less hungry, so I guess I'm making a little more than I was before. I'm bracing myself for the official milk coming in, which I'm sure will happen today.

In other good news, my nephew was born early this morning! :lol: What a weekend! My sister-in-law was due a week before me, so it was kind of surprising having our baby first. I'm glad she didn't have to go the full 40 weeks either. Their pregnancy was crazy. She thought she had a miscarriage in December - all the signs were there and they were very sad. Months later she finds out she's 18 weeks pregnant! :lol: I was especially happy because I felt like crud telling them two weeks after their "miscarriage" that I was pregnant.

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OH my dear!!! What happy news! Feel like I have been waiting impatiently for this little person to arrive. So glad all is well with you, MS, and that you have good people Dr.'s who are watching out for you. Can't wait for the pictures. And doesn't it just feel so glad NOT to be preggers anymore!!! :)

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