Russian expert predicts decline and breakup of United States.


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MOSCOW, November 24 (RIA Novosti) - A leading Russian political analyst has said the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the country is heading for collapse, and will divide into separate parts. Professor Igor Panarin said in an interview with the respected daily Izvestia published on Monday: "The dollar is not secured by anything. The country's foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse."

The paper said Panarin's dire predictions for the U.S. economy, initially made at an international conference in Australia 10 years ago at a time when the economy appeared strong, have been given more credence by this year's events.


He predicted that the U.S. will break up into six parts - the Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong.

He even suggested that "we could claim Alaska - it was only granted on lease, after all."

RIA Novosti - World - Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

While some may dismiss what he has to say LDS people may want to see what their church leaders have said about the future -- it sounds pretty much like what the Russian predicts, except the LDS version makes it sound more like a Mad Max world with the righteous of all faiths winding up as refugees -- heading to the Rocky Mountains as the LDS Church will be the only stability left in what used to be the USA.

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RIA Novosti - World - Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

While some may dismiss what he has to say LDS people may want to see what their church leaders have said about the future -- it sounds pretty much like what the Russian predicts, except the LDS version makes it sound more like a Mad Max world with the righteous of all faiths winding up as refugees -- heading to the Rocky Mountains as the LDS Church will be the only stability left in what used to be the USA.

People can head to the Rockies all they want I'll be going to the Central States where the Natives are...

"1 But if they will repent, and hearken unto my words, and harden not their hearts, I will establish my church among them, and they shall come in unto the covenant, and be numbered among this the remnant of Jacob, unto whom I have given this land for their inheritance, and they shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob;

2 And also, as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem;

3 And then shall they assist my people that they may be gathered in, which are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem.

4 And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in the midst, and then shall the work of the Father commence, at that day even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people.

5 Verily, I say unto you, At that day shall the work of the Father commence among all the dispersed of my people; yea, even the tribes which have been lost, which the Father hath led away out of Jerusalem.

6 Yea, the work shall commence among all the dispersed of my people, with the Father, to prepare the way whereby they may come unto me, that they may call on the Father in my name;

7 Yea, and then shall the work commence, with the Father, among all nations, in preparing the way whereby his people may be gathered home to the land of their inheritance.

8 And they shall go out from all nations; and they shall not go out in haste, nor go by flight; for I will go before them, saith the Father, and I will be their rearward. And then shall that which is written come to pass."

[3 Nephi 10]

"1 A arevelation of Jesus Christ unto his servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and six elders, as they bunited their hearts and clifted their voices on high.

2 Yea, the word of the Lord concerning his church, established in the last days for the arestoration of his people, as he has spoken by the mouth of his bprophets, and for the cgathering of his dsaints to stand upon eMount Zion, which shall be the city of fNew Jerusalem.

3 Which city shall be abuilt, beginning at the btemple lot, which is appointed by the finger of the Lord, in the western boundaries of the State of Missouri, and cdedicated by the hand of Joseph Smith, Jun., and others with whom the Lord was well pleased.

4 Verily this is the word of the Lord, that the city aNew Jerusalem shall be built by the gathering of the saints, beginning at this place, even the place of the temple,..."

[D&C 84]

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RIA Novosti - World - Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

While some may dismiss what he has to say LDS people may want to see what their church leaders have said about the future -- it sounds pretty much like what the Russian predicts, except the LDS version makes it sound more like a Mad Max world with the righteous of all faiths winding up as refugees -- heading to the Rocky Mountains as the LDS Church will be the only stability left in what used to be the USA.

In the end, there will only stand two nations, one will be saved by its people, the other by the Savior and His Army. Which two am I referring too? All other nations will fall.

However, the Russian editor had me rolling on the floor in laughter. :lol:

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Correct me if I am wrong but I have heard this in institute classes and in sunday school lessons -- di Joseph Smith predict that someday China and the USA might go to war with each other? Just curious since the Chinese may someday ask us to pay back all that money they have invested in our debt. If we are broke they might not appreciate that in the least.

The USA is in no way immune to the wrath of God -- in fact we as a Christian nation are more inclined to have to pay the debt (so to speak) to God since we have had more exposure to the truth.

The one thing that the Russian observes that Americans are taught to ignore is tribalism. When the USSR broke up you had ethnic groups immediately stake their claim to land and your liniage made all the difference in who you identified with. The same thing is evident in the Balkins, Iraq, all throughout Africa, etc.

In the US election you also saw voting patterns break down on ethnic lines to a dramatic degree. The Book of Mormon seems to indicate that this will hold true in the future as the "gentiles" forsake morality and need to be replaced by people with Lamanite heritage.

So maybe people should take our Russian quite seriously.

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Correct me if I am wrong but I have heard this in institute classes and in sunday school lessons -- di Joseph Smith predict that someday China and the USA might go to war with each other? Just curious since the Chinese may someday ask us to pay back all that money they have invested in our debt. If we are broke they might not appreciate that in the least.

I've never heard of a Joseph Smith China/USA prophecy.

I think it's kind of ironic that since China is now technically investing in the USA, it is in their best interests for our economy to do well so they can get their money back. I wonder what kind of pressure that kind of thing might place on disagreements between the two countries. The US has not had any other country dictate terms to us for the past 100+ years.

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Joseph Smith predict that someday China and the USA might go to war with each other?

I've never heard this either. Do you have a source or reference for this? I'm just curious about it.

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No...there is nothing at this time that present that argument as it is already stated by the prophet the last two countries. [based on my 400 plus pages of research into "Armageddon; GOG & MAGOG". Though, not complete at this time but it contains every single written article that has been recorded. :)

My advice, steer clear of someone who holds no weight on the earth's future.

However, just found this old article:

Prophetically we have been told that the restored gospel must go to those of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people (Revelation 14:6-7). A revelation to Joseph Smith adds that the message of the Restoration must go to all nations in their own language (D&C 90:11). Alma's declaration suggests that not only must it go to all nations in their own language, but that it must also be declared by their own people. That is, the gospel must yet be taught in Russia by Russian elders, in China by Chinese elders, and so forth throughout the nations of the earth. Such a view is in harmony with Nephi's vision of the last days in which he saw congregations of the Saints "upon all the face of the earth" before the return of Christ (see 1 Nephi 14:12-14).

Edited by Hemidakota
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...-- heading to the Rocky Mountains as the LDS Church will be the only stability left in what used to be the USA.

Having the United States breaking up into smaller clusters may be an alternative future. Certainly worth doing our supposin' about. As you mentioned, the Jell-O Belt of the Rocky Mountains may well once again become the Kingdom of Deseret.

To the west we could have Cascadia. Arizona could be the Phoenix Protectorate. New Mexico, Colorado and Eastern Wyoming could be the new Duchy of Denver. Northern Idaho and Montana could become the Aryan Nation.The plains states could be Bible Belt, Inc. Of course there would be the New Confederacy. New England and the Northern industrial states, would probably change their title to the Northern States of America.

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Guest DeborahC

I'm pretty sure Ft. Knox is still full of gold...??? At least I'm hoping that's true...

I could see us going back on the gold standard, and gold will go up to maybe $5000 so we can pay off our debt... since nobody's going to want paper money after this...

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I'm pretty sure Ft. Knox is still full of gold...??? At least I'm hoping that's true...

I could see us going back on the gold standard, and gold will go up to maybe $5000 so we can pay off our debt... since nobody's going to want paper money after this...

I thought it was just soup?

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Guest SisterofJared

Gold has been gone from Ft Knox for years...

We no longer have a gold standard. We have paper money backed by a private bank, The Federal Reserve, which loans us money and we pay them interest. I don't understand why, because the constitution gives us the right to print our own money.

Russian guy is probably right on. It may not be long is coming.


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Guest DeborahC

Gold has been gone from Ft Knox for years...


And your source is....???

I think there's question as to just how much is there, but not that it is "gone"??

I'm aware we're on a paper standard... and that you may as well put it all in the outhouse.

All I'm saying is that we MIGHT go onto a gold standard in order to pay off our debt.

It would be to our advantage and the ONLY way I see of every paying it.

If you've been following gold, someone (the fed) has been manipulating it for months...

It's been like a pressure cooker trying to keep the lid on it... it has to fly off soon.

And, getting actual gold is like pulling teeth.. there is none, which makes me wonder, "Where is it? Who has it?"

Two years ago, when I was telling my friends to get out of the stock market and buy gold, they all laughed.

They're not laughing any more...

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And your source is....???

I think there's question as to just how much is there, but not that it is "gone"??

I'm aware we're on a paper standard... and that you may as well put it all in the outhouse.

All I'm saying is that we MIGHT go onto a gold standard in order to pay off our debt.

It would be to our advantage and the ONLY way I see of every paying it.

If you've been following gold, someone (the fed) has been manipulating it for months...

It's been like a pressure cooker trying to keep the lid on it... it has to fly off soon.

And, getting actual gold is like pulling teeth.. there is none, which makes me wonder, "Where is it? Who has it?"

Two years ago, when I was telling my friends to get out of the stock market and buy gold, they all laughed.

They're not laughing any more...

You really need to watch, "America: Freedom to Fascism" by Aaron Russo, if you think we are ever going to get on the gold or any other standard again.

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Tabloid newspapers publish outrageous stories, full of lies, innuendos, half truths, and off-the-cuff analsyses. Every once in a while they get a story right. Because of their non-standards, they scoop the mainstream press on these rare occasions, and suddenly gain undeserved respectability. What this might have to do with the Russian professor or that respected newspaper in the OP I'll leave for readers to determine. :-)

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While this is a rumor that is spread all over the place, the US Mint claims there is still 147.3million ounces of gold in Ft. Knox. IMO, I never know who to believe, the government or theorists. They can both seem wacky at times.

You are a patient boy. You'll wait. You'll wait. You'll wait. You'll wait. Your time is water down a drain.


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Ok as far as the economy and gold, oh well. In zimbabwe (I know spelled wrong) I have a good friend from there and he told me that the people (not govt) have given up on money and have reverted to a barter system. Money there is so worthless that they are now mostly bartering among themselves. It gave me the thought what if money became worthless here? Then I thought about the law of concecration (I know spelling) and the united order. I think we would take a while to adjust, but we would be fine. Can you imagine how close we would become as a neighborhood if we planned our garden spaces together each year, one grew carrots, one squash etc. Can you imagine how close we would become if we worked side by side and helped each other to see all suceed. I wonder how it would bless the lives of the single moms we know, how it would give new life to the elderly to be so involved in a community effort. Young men and women would probably have some activities that would be weeding gardens, chopping wood, helping pick trees etc. But as this is just speculation, I am off in my suburban to take care of me and mine, to run the kids here and there, to go buy stuff I probably don't need and I will top the day off with a quarter pounder with cheese and a mountain dew when time spent working with someone would bring more happiness. (:huh:) Yeah I am not really worried. Hacuna Matada

Also I think that it is interesting that my original last name was lahman. I am part lamanite and part gentile. Does that mean that I am ok no matter what comes?:cool:

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