All for a sale at Walmart?


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Mobs are interesting things to study. Each individual willingly gives up a part of their agency to "the whole". It's so comforting when you're in a mob - because you've convinced yourself that anything that happens isn't your fault. Plus, they can't sue or blame 'the whole', because it isn't a person/entity/being, and you figure you won't get in trouble, because you were just swept along for the ride.

"None of us are as dumb as all of us"


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Irresponsible of a father to invest funds to care for a lifetime of care for an infant child in anything that could lose its value or a value of 75% during the recent market decline. Market is only down 45% in the worst case of S&P 500.

What was he thinking.

Ben Raines

Unfortunately, this young father has little experience in that sort of thing. He invested the entire amount with Washington Mutual. I don't know the exact arrangement of it, but he said that his current account value is under $600,000. I know a lot of it is in life insurance. Beyond that, he told me little.


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Unfortunately, this young father has little experience in that sort of thing. He invested the entire amount with Washington Mutual. I don't know the exact arrangement of it, but he said that his current account value is under $600,000. I know a lot of it is in life insurance. Beyond that, he told me little.


That's a sad story. Let that be a lesson to all of us, to diversify our holdings. That way if one stock goes belly up, the others can help offset that loss. Spread your money, even if it's a little bit, among a number of funds in different economic sectors. You may not achieve the top returns on all your money, but when losses come, it evens out the big drops in certain sectors. I'm just glad I have 25 years to recoup my losses of this past 6 months. I feel bad for those who are nearing retirement now and lost so much recently. They may never recover from it.

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I totally hold Walmart responsible. My sisters told me that they have gone to other stores like Shopko and they are very organized. No mobs there. They make you line up and they basically have control of their store. The sad thing is that Walmart never has control of their store, even on regular shopping days. If I had to work on Black Friday the first person that shoved me would have an imprint of my fist in their face. I would probably be arrested, but at least I would be alive.

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Every single person that either pushed someone in front of them, or rushed into that store that day is responsible. Sure it might not have been their specific push, shove, or feet that killed that man, but then again it may have; regardless, each of those people whose hearts were set on greed did this. I do not blame the store - sure they could have been more organized, but we could always say things "could" have been different - in the end, greed did this.

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Yeah, all those people broke down the door and killed him! It has to be Walmart's fault. Doesn't it?

bad management contributed to it, use of barriers and quotas would help - were they responsible no actually sad as it is it was an accident, however action is taken here to prevent that kind of thing


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Irresponsible of a father to invest funds to care for a lifetime of care for an infant child in anything that could lose its value or a value of 75% during the recent market decline. Market is only down 45% in the worst case of S&P 500.

What was he thinking.

Ben Raines

Irresponsible would be if the father invested the money in:cars, boats, jewelry, get-rich-quick/pyramid schemes, etc.
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I totally hold Walmart responsible. My sisters told me that they have gone to other stores like Shopko and they are very organized. No mobs there. They make you line up and they basically have control of their store. The sad thing is that Walmart never has control of their store, even on regular shopping days. If I had to work on Black Friday the first person that shoved me would have an imprint of my fist in their face. I would probably be arrested, but at least I would be alive.

I am surprised that you posted this. I pictured you as big into personal responsibility.

One of the problems with our society is we are always looking for someone else to blame. Like Interlia (sp?) said peoples greed caused this, nothing else.

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Actually, Walmart is to blame because they are responsible for anything that happens on their property. Much like you having a house party and the same incident occurred, Though you personally were not involved with it, the fact that the death occurred on your property, you as a homeowner are responsible for all things that happen.

Apartments have such clauses in their lease - you are responsible for the actions of your guests.

Thus, Walmart is responsible because this occurred on their property and the person was employeed somehow and in some way with Walmart.

With that said, those in the crowd are also responsible for their actions and behavior. As a whole, those people did not care about the man, they cared about racing in to get the best deals. Society has become so desensitized about certain things that Greed is seen in the most poverty stricken areas as well as in corporate giants like that of Walmart.

Also, did you know Bill Gates gives more money to charities than the Family who own's Walmart?

Walmart can't even pay a decent wage to its workers. Their business ethics is not for the employee to "live a better life" as their slogan says, but for the executives to live a better life.

Walmart violates varies state and federal laws and find loopholes to get out of it.

Walmart needs to change their ways or close up their shop period.

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Oh Boy.

First those of us who work or have worked as independent contractors might want to consider this story and the times and places we put ourselves in. When I was working as an independent contractor we had a window of time in which we could complete our project. Most of the time that window was 2-3 days or more. I do not like crowds and with the madness that I have witnessed on the only two years I have participated in this has changed my mind about going back. I wonder why he was there at that time... what product was he taking care of?

About the infant who was dropped by the Walmart employee... it is very clear from her injury as subsequent seizures that she has a brain injury. The injury occurred when she was dropped. People don't heal from brain injuries; they never rejuvenate those brain cells that were damaged. It seems pretty clear to me that this young father didn't get good advice from doctors or financial advisors. I am quite sure his intentions were very, very, good. I have a son who has a brain injury and is lucky to be alive. He was an employee of a large company and doing his job when he was injured.

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I am surprised that you posted this. I pictured you as big into personal responsibility.

One of the problems with our society is we are always looking for someone else to blame. Like Interlia (sp?) said peoples greed caused this, nothing else.

it was an accident but did not Walmart's greed also contribute to this? Apparently the manager was worried why where the police or at very least store security not used instead of a man on a tempoary contract.


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the reason they have 2 open is this......there are 4 others open but they are the self check out lines....myself I refuse to use those...

You have no idea how many times I've gone to Walmart and have seen two checkouts open with 15 people in each line. But do they open another? Nope. Then at the SuperWalmart by me..they close the main entrance at 11:00 p.m. and have you go through the food entrance. But the only register they have open is clear down by the main entrance. Nothing they do is logical to me.

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at my walmart, a 24 hr superwalmart, they had everything on pallets in the aisles. everything was wrapped in black plastic making it difficult to judge where things were. people crammed the rows in the store and waited until 5 when the wrappings were torn off. it became an immeiate madhouse, but i got all 5 toys on my list for my kids. did't get the $8 wranglers, tho...gone before i got there.

i got to the store at 445 and was home by 6, including 5 minute stop at sears grand for one item. i barely spent $100 altogether.

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I am surprised that you posted this. I pictured you as big into personal responsibility.

One of the problems with our society is we are always looking for someone else to blame. Like Interlia (sp?) said peoples greed caused this, nothing else.

Oh I am very big on personal responsibility, but at this point there is no one that you can hold personally responsible. I realize it was the people that did this but I think that the company didn't prepare for what they had to expect might happen. I have never been a huge fan of giant corporate greed either.

I guess I am more of a moderate then I appear to be. :confused:

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Apparently everything that goes wrong these days is either George Bush's fault or Wal-Mart's fault. I'm sure some nutter out there has already found a way to blame GWB for this death too.

Not so, Bush's job aptitude test scores only indicated that he was most suited to work as a security attendant at Wal-Mart. He chose another career path, although it was one which he displayed little aptitude for, instead.

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I think Wal-Mart does bear a lot of the responsibility because this has happened in the past and they didn't have enough security to deal with it. They could choose to have people "stand in line" online instead, giving them some kind of code giving them access to items they want to buy at the sale price. Something like that. It's impossible to stampede over someone via the Internet.

Anyone who did any shoving at all, they have the majority of the responsibility.

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Oh I am very big on personal responsibility, but at this point there is no one that you can hold personally responsible. I realize it was the people that did this but I think that the company didn't prepare for what they had to expect might happen. I have never been a huge fan of giant corporate greed either.

I guess I am more of a moderate then I appear to be. :confused:

LOL I guess on this one this lefty is meeting you in the middle.


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It's society that is responsible. The media tells people how they need these products, children pressure parents on how much they need these products, companies advertise how much they need these products, it's just a matter of keeping up with the Jones' and making sure they have everything that they think they need. It's a culture of entitlements. The people think they are entitled to everything and anything and they will do anything to get it.

It's stories like these that show just how far we have gotten off track from the real meaning of Christmas.

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